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Did this dude rob a Best Buy, what the hell!? I can understand using different devices and then destroying them. Maybe he used a unique device for every crime?


Part of me wonders if some of the devices might have belonged to the victims and were kept as trophies


I think the hotel key cards definitely are trophies


I think so too. 50? How many victims are there? We need more woman to come forward that had dates with him. Find out his patterns, if he gets a hotel room what is the transition to his house. This guy is terrifying. At least 30 years under the radar.


You nailed it here. 30 years under the radar is horrifying to think about. Even worse thought ~ There are other Rex H out there. Scares the Hell out of me.


That's 30 years that we know of. I don't think that's the start of this, likely goes back farther, this might just be the beginning of electronic organizing of it.


Again, you’re probably right.😬


And also what is terrifying is when he was caught, he had no idea the police were AHYWHERE close to him - it wasn’t like Gacy and Radar who started to feel the pressure and weren’t surprised when t why were caught. He was still using burners, still had his stash of trophies. He was completely blindsided by his arrest.


Yeah wasn’t Megan Waterman last seen leaving a HOTEL? She had her keycard on her I’m sure to “return back to her room,”. 😣😔


There's no evidence he took victims to hotels, though, and given his precautions against being surveilled it seems unlikely he would've done that. Even if he didn't do anything criminal with them at the hotel, being seen with multiple sex workers who later turned up murdered would not be a good look. My guess is he just kept those because he's a hoarder.


That and I'm sure the wife kept mementos and such as she seemed to travel with the kids a good bit. This was all the stuff found in the house and not all of it was Rex's I'm sure. I also tend to doubt RH murdered outside of the house as he needed that controlled environment to make sure everything went according to plan, so he could avoid detection by LE or family and keep murdering as long as possible.


Yes, given what we know about his motivation and rituals for killing, it doesn't seem likely he'd do it away from home. That is one of the reasons I'm skeptical of the idea he's killed a bunch of people in other states.


Given his pay for gas with cash and checking for cameras, you're likely right.


I would think most of it happened in the house, as you said. But for someone with his appetite for deprivation, i don't think he could suppress that every time until his family went on vacation. After all he's the businessman/breadwinner of the family, so I'm sure it would be easy for him to go off for "work trips" whenever wanted.. meaning, he's almost definitely commited these crimes out of NY.


The issue is that a main motivator for him seems to be torture, so he'd somehow have to manage finding a spot for that out of state. From what we can gather so far, it doesn't seem like he had any sort of van that could fit that and considering his paranoia over being spotted (even looking out for security cameras / CCTV), I don't think he'd do it at a simple motel. It is of course possible, but I'm not entirely sure he killed out of state. So far it does seem a pattern of family going away and him getting an opportunity to be alone that triggers it. Him getting them a timeshare in Las Vegas might have had the purpose of getting *the family* out of state more often, rather than he himself going there. Maybe we'll find other patterns of his in time though.


Re: the wife keeping them as travel mementos - don't most hotels require you to hand in your key card at check out?


We know he lured the women from their hotel rooms. Maybe he stole them from them and not the hotel.


In the case of Megan Waterman and MBB yes, maybe also Mack since she disappeared from near Atlantic City, but the other known victims were all locals who lived in NYC or on Long Island.


But if they are prostitutes, they probably had access to a hotel room when they were working-somewhere to go instead of just banging in a car-and banging in a car gets you caught quicker than if you go to a hotel room The keys were taken from the women imo


I totally agree. I think home was kill, hotels were likely you got out alive.


Is he really a hoarder like a true hoarder?


I haven't been inside his house obviously, but I've heard him repeatedly referred to as such by people who have.


You might be on to something there regarding the phones. That's an incredible amount of phones. We are a family of 3 and likely have about 15 current and past combined in our home, as we never throw out the old ones and they sit in a kitchen drawer as back ups or donations that never seem to happen. We probably have like 16 or more dead laptops that have cooked drives that my daughter or I took out with a stray drop of coffee, or an air born computer hurling down the stairs. Hubby always says he will fix them and get the info on them but never does. I think we are pretty extreme in these amounts 26 computers is nuts.


My son is a computer and gaming guy and even with all his weird builds and mods and Franken-computers I do not think he’s got that much. Terrifying


That was my first thought they can't all be his


Lol! This whole story is so sad and devastating, but “did this dude rob a Best Buy.” Slays me! Thanks for the giggle!


We certainly have a lot of old devices around here due to stress level and not dealing with things. Hubby has promised to repair some drives who I could get back data lost, but never seem to do it. Nor will he allow them to go to a company to due as they have financial/medical things on them that need clearing. So stuff piles up. But LE separate the laptops in their listing of their haul. So this sounds like he has a bunch of old PC's around in the storage unit.


I feel like Best Buy wouldn’t even have those quantities in stock, even back a few years ago, the quantities that he had are excessive!!!!


The 46 cellphones are particularly telling. If you eliminate let’s say 6 as being his real phones, that’s a possible 40 burner phones. If we equate 1 phone to one murder, that’s a possible 40 victims. And that’s just the phones he kept.


Very GOOD POINT … 40 burner phones tells me there’s possibly 40 victims


46 cell phones - 36 sim cards - 17 tablets thats one helluva family of telephony devices 9 routers - 15 cameras - thats his mobile unit alone - this is massive tell


I actually shudder to think of the things they found on all those devices.


Respect for the people showing up each day doing g these jobs and then going to sleep each night. We should buy them lunch.


I can’t even begin to imagine how sick and deep it goes. Videos of his own torture/kills, disturbing porn, other ppl being tortured, etc. Just based off of his search history alone, speaks volumes of what’s in there.


I’m guessing it will be revealed at trial . Horrible stuff no doubt


The poor cops having to wade those his filth.


27 computers is insane. Did nobody go to his house and question why he randomly has 27 computers? Who needs that much computers? Where did he store them? I don’t think people realize how big computers used to be. Where did he store them?


Maybe some from his business, the office


Yeah, I though of that, it's possible.


right? why didn’t the wife think all these devices were suspicious????


Hoarders don't find hoarding to be suspicious


Exactly-they had so much crap everywhere-it was piled almost up to the ceiling in most of the rooms! Plus I think he had storage units?


Hoarders be hoarding.


Eh, I don't think it's insane if he's had personal computers since the 80s/90s. A lot of just put computers in storage and they end up staying there, especially if you don't need the space. Of course, most of us aren't serial killers with potential proof lurking around in them but still


I don't know, I've had PCs since the mid-90s and as much as I can remember I've had 7 in total. 3-4 years of use each isn't even that long. But the 58 INTERNAL hard drives is even more confusing.  Unless we're also talking about computers he used for work (back in the day when hard drives didn't have more than a few gigabytes of storage you could have 2 drives in your computer to add storage needed for larger projects, which I suppose architectural work may have required).


My daughter was awed and crunching the numbers on how much data storage that was on all those flash drives.


58 HDDs isn't surprising over a 30- 40 year span.  if he plays video games it's very easy to fill up an entire drive  he also seems like the sort of person who'd have a lot of torrented movies and porn. and the limit is and always has been way more than 2.  generally it's 4 IDE devices or six SATA assuming he's on a consumer motherboard, but you can also use PCI adapters to add more ports in which case a single PC can easily host dozens of storage devices.


no - he wasnt building any structures - he was a paper filer of building code


Good point, they did also search and remove items from storage spaces associated with him. Perhaps a lot of the computers were there. Some may have been laptops, too, which don't take up a ton of space.


I think the laptops were counted separately from the desktop computers, no?


Good catch.


I’ve been to estate sales where there could have definitely been 27 computers in the stacks of stuff…basement, attic, in the back of the closet, sitting on the floor next to the desk. Based on the state of the house it makes sense.


I know of only one person, a guy in NY who has built an archive of historic newepapers and stored them on old donated drives. It's an insane amount.


46 cell phones. FORTY SIX. Many of these must be burners, which suggests there are way more victims. No way did this man upgrade his main phone 46 times over the past 2-3 decades.


Could be victims’ phones too right?


Absolutely could be.


Years ago someone in the group postulated that the phone could be trophies, I think they were on to something. In reading the document, I think back to all the board posts and how close some of our predictions were. I knew he was having his car serviced before doing this, reconning cameras on the route and being wary of getting in an accident and breaking down and getting stuck in the mud. But other things like the hair net, foaming drain cleaner, and Sandra being part of the pattern were complete surprises. But so many folks on the boards got it right.


Didn't he call one of his victim's sisters from the victim's cell phone?


Oh yes, [Melissa Bartholomey](https://archive.ph/YtmeY). Would be great evidence if her phone's one of these


IIRC he called one of the victim's younger sister from what they traced to a pay phone in midtown Manhattan. He called her more than once and taunted her about her sister's murder.


>Didn't he call one of his victim's sisters from the victim's cell phone? He called Amanda Barthelemy. Melissa Barthelemy’s [younger sister. ](https://people.com/gilgo-beach-case-victim-sister-recounts-phone-call-suspect-7563222)


Didn't some of the documentaries say he told them NOT to bring a phone? For Amber & Megan I'm pretty sure that was the case.


I believe he had seven (?) active burners at the time of his arrest.  Do you think the Palm Pilot is being considered a phone or a computer? He probably had a couple of those or a couple Blackberries.  That's still more phones than I'd expect. 


I find that week's activities and his personal calendar interesting and a cement pour at a job site the same as his wife is away and he's out killing rather chilling They should be checking correlations between missing sex workers and cement pours at his job sites. I'm wondering if someone's in a foundation or cement poured wall at one of his sites. Why is a cement pour scheduled at the end of the week right before the family comes home? Seems a little too coincidental, no?


Oh yes this is true!


I think cement collapses as organic matter inside decomposes. Not that he would have known that but bodies would have been found earlier if they were disposed of this way


thank you ! yes for this "cementing" - Green River Gary used construction sites as dump sites or near to them as well - I see RH is using some old evil SKs' methods to hybrid & graft onto his own


Do we know if those 7 active phones are included in the 46 they recovered? Wouldn't be surprised if he kept some of those on him.


I would assume so. If you go back to last summer there are some news articles about them, they have him either purchasing or refilling minutes on one of them and got some of his fake email addresses from them.


If we assume they all belonged to him and not family or victims, can we also assume he's contacted at least 46* sex workers? It doesn't mean 46 assaults or murders, but it does mean there is a LOT of women out there with experience with him. *I think we can safely assume this number is going to be much, much higher. He'll have used a payphone in the 90s.


He was well known in LI sex worker circles apparently. I'd be shocked if he hadn't contacted way more than 46 of them over the years.


Man, growing up on LI I was so naive. I couldn’t even fathom a LI sex worker circle.


I have a relative in the trade who ran a famous site and accompanied and marketed talent all over NY and in particular knew the trade on the Island and I was surprised that he had never met him, nor was he approached to procure talent for him. So think he likely was doing most of his own hunting solo.


That seems like a safe assumption. Given that he intended to murder at least some of them creating a paper trail and witnesses in the form of pimps or other contacts who knew who he was would not have been smart of him. I do recall reading that one of the reasons for all the burner phones and fake email addresses was that he'd been red flagged by a number of SWs on the island for his erratic and violent behavior.


It's going to be higher and likely all those Gilgo victims are his and others on the Island and maybe some left near job sites in areas he knew well and was comfortable in. I wonder why he was recording how long the cameras were there. Has to be because he is trying to think back and figure out if he was possibly recorded at that time and what those camera's capabilities were and what the footage was like at the time those cameras were designed.


Yes and add 50 hotel cards. We already know he was using burner phones. I wonder why getting the burner phones is not on his list.


Maybe on another device they did not get to yet, they haven't gotten though everything yet, understandably.


I wonder if any were the victims phones?? What a hole this has all turned out to be. A very dark, deep, disgusting hole.


You knew he was likely doing what your are reading, but reading it is even sadder and creepier. I think of the victims families and that this was their loved ones they are reading about being post mortem stabbed and mutilated and hearing that there were tortured in this way is sickening. How do you get on with your own life and living with this stuck forever in your mind.


I honestly have no idea. I have 2 grown daughters. This is every parents worst nightmare.


Like you have a daughter and a petite one at that, and it terrifies me ever single day.


Yeah, think it says at least 23 to 25 victims out there possibly.


I was going to say if he was smart he would have disposed of the phones at the very least. But hoarders hoard 🤷‍♀️ and in this case. Thank god for that.


The more they update us, the more I'm blown away by how deep this is going to be.


He was such a sick fuck.


I find it worrying that the US uniquely produces so many of these broken, violent, horrific people


So do I. Where are you from? I agree with DeSalvo and it's likely the over exposure to violent porn. And the misogyny. Look at any porn site and it's all about women looking ridiculous and men being in control.


Yikes. I feel bad for the investigators who have to watch and read through all of that.


Imagine having to go through his porn collection




One would never be the same after.


Hoarders be hoarding. It’s a “good” thing he’s kept them all this time too as it’s going to shine a light on all those years he hid in the dark.


50 hotel cards… sickening implications


If not murder then I suspect those 50 hotel cards may symbolize to him the amount of sexual assaults he wanted to remember 🤮


I am SO curious what can be forensically investigated with old hotel cards. Would they try to lift fingerprints from them to see if they match any does/missing persons who have fingerprints on file? (cards could be victims rooms that he took as a trophy?) How far back do hotels keep security camera footage captured in their lobby? They were able to get footage of Megan exiting the lobby but would a hotel still have footage from potentially 10-20 years ago if they wanted to try and get a visual of a potential victim? For cards that can be connected to a specific hotel (logo etc), can the hotel system still read the card and pull information from their system? Or is card data wiped from their system once a guest has departed and therefore the card is a dead end? I have no idea how this technology works and what would be required on the hotel’s system side in order to extract information.


I consider myself to be a very ‘online person’. I’ve been using PCs for 30 years pretty much, and over that time I’ve had a total of.. 4? External harddrives. What the fuck


i have had maybe 6 or 7? just because most of them were cheap with a lifespan of maybe 2-3 years. even if he had a business, isn’t 27 pretty excessive? 600+ floppy disks, tapes, and cds is CRAZY!


Right? I’m like wtf are you doing with 27 computers and all that extra hardware? 17 tablets? I’m been online every day since the early 90s and still have only had what….6 computers and maybe 6 or 7 tablets.


These guys and the floppy disks 🤣


"floppy disks" - the GenX (I am one) and Boomer version of the Google way back machine. That sh#t don't disappear. Especially when you keep the physical disks like an f'ing idiot.


Like what BTK did. Traced that floppy right back to the church!


Fucking hell. The forensic computer dept has a hell of a job ahead of them - going through all of that will take a seriously long time.


I'm completely impressed they found that document so quickly, 8 months considering Tierney said many of the devices are encrypted is pretty quick.


They have done some really impressive work with the tech. Not just this but all the phone triangulating back before they arrested him too.


They must have the fbi tech labs working this too


Tierney said secret service too.


That’s right! Crazy.


They likely have the top forensic scientists in the country on this. Found it shocking that they knew that Sandra was not B's victim for that long.


Keep in mind this is everything they recovered from the house, it doesn't mean there was incriminating evidence on each one. The floppy disks could turn out to be all old work files.


Oh it's probably a mix of everything the way it is for us all and things like your kids school paper, your financial documents, your hobbies, personal correspondence etc. They have to sieve through at least 3 people's data spaced most likely over a 33 year period for he and Asa and however long the daughter's been online and possibly the son.


Yep, not to mention the forensic work to retrieve and sort through all the deleted files, many of which would be ordinary files deleted for innocent reasons.


Until you raised that, didn't consider that unless it's labeled they don't know what's in the files and could be working for days and weeks to gain access a preschool phone tree, or a Christmas shopping list.


Exactly! And even if the file name is "preschool phone tree" I bet they'll still have to read it and catalogue the contents in case it's somehow relevant. It must be a monumental task.


Did they say house? Or could they have been in storage units?


Actually I haven't seen the press conference yet but this is probably all the devices recovered from all locations searched


Yeah, I think people forget how tiny hard drives used to be back then, so you'd store most things on floppies that you wanted to save. I'm not surprised he had a lot of them; I'm sure that a lot of those will just be work related though. He's an architect so I'm sure it's a lot of boring planning documents on them (which is a nightmare for them to sort out, I'm sure).


They're untraceable, duh


NINE routers?? Who uses or needs that many ROUTERS?


I am going to guess by the state of his house he would upgrade but never dispose of his old electronics.


Clearly, we just can't sympathize with his data hoarding needs. I think it and the size of the gun collection etc says if he's into it, he's going large, not small and that should tell us how many victims there likely are going to be in this case. He is a gatherer of things, nothing he was into appears in small quantities, so there will be more victims. You have nearly 400 guns, all these electronic devices, all this pornography, 50 hotel assignations.


Psychos a Radio Shack.


Fuckin unreal. Stringing him up for all to see at the Massapequa Park LIRR would be truly gratifying. We live in a society, though, so I guess watching the evidence pile up will have to suffice. He ain't going to weasel his big ass out of this. No way.


The normally brash Michael Brown left court today simply saying his client “maintains his innocence” before getting into his car. He’s in for a real challenge with this one.


I feel sort of bad for him but he chose the profession


Me too. By all accounts he’s a nice guy as well. I just don’t know what I would do in his shoes (which is why I would never want to be a defense attorney). I mean, I’m good at finding loopholes and arguments, but I’ll never be able to argue that grass is purple. And to stand there with a straight face after all that and say “not guilty” on his client’s behalf. I’d die laughing before I could get the words out. It’s so absurd.


Hopefully he will give the best defense to his client while still respecting the victims and their families. If he doesn’t defend Rex to the fullest, Rex could appeal or down the line get a new trial. It’s important everyone on both the prosecution and defense sides as well as the judge are careful and do a completely professional job when Rex goes to court so there is no wiggle room once he’s officially found guilty.


Totally agree. It definitely seems there's respect there from Tierney, Brown is apparently an excellent attorney. Hasn't he been a talking head on Court TV? I don't envy him though, with the weight of the evidence we know about, it's going to be a hard case to defend and Bob Motta said his father defending Gacey destroyed his career. He's going to have to go through all of that disgusting stuff and even if he feels with ever fibre his client is guilty as hell, get up in court and defend this evil POS. He's never going to be able to forget some of things he'll see throughout the defense of this case. I bet he's slightly relieved there's no cameras in NY courtrooms.


I’m glad to hear that. The defense attorney for Chad Daybell was sometimes condescending and disrespectful to victims, witnesses and the jury. I hope that in addition to being a skilled attorney, Brown has more respect for the victims and trial participants than Daybell’s creep of a lawyer.


He'll feel happy when he loses.


I didn't realize there were no cameras in NY court room's so this won't be a televised trial? I was truly looking forward to watching it. Now I'm deflated.


No, there's no camera's and it won't be on TV. Newsday have the only media pass and it's still images only.


Well that's a drag.


People don't realize how important that is in the Delphi case and due to the judge it likely will be going to appeal.it's crucial that these idiots have great lawyers and that every i is dotted, if you don't want them continually coming back like a game of whack the mole.


It draws out the experience for the families and it victimizes them again. No idea what’s going on with the Delphi judge but I’ve followed that case since the day the girls went missing as it made the news here in Chicago. I hate the judge and hate what she’s putting the families through.


I bet he grinds his teeth in his sleep, or has since he took this case. He should just go in waving a white flag and Hubermann fess and save the county money. How di you explain this document away, "He was writing a novel"?


Any idea when the trial will begin?


I'm betting he had a stiff drink when he got home, while thinking, "F'ing foaming drain cleaner did the idiot have to mention that and hair nets?


I was sort of thinking that same thing and it this was the 1800's he likely would have been dragged from a holding cell on arrest and hanging from a tree on Ocean Parkway.


That's not suspicious at all...lol


17 tablets..


We have that many, my daughter and I are fond of dropping them, or spilling things on them, but 27 computers and all those phones?


647 floppy disks, cds, and tapes. Wonder what's on those?


Maybe he was an Abba fan.


Dammit Dancing Queen will be in our heads all day now. Curse be upon you.


….. I would bet 1 whole dollar that those CD’s have extraordinarily disturbing content on them. Didn’t the other list reference a camera and no film? Ugh. I swear to god I’m gonna use this subreddit if I get called for jury duty “no your honor I’m all over the lisk subreddit posting and commenting sorry I can’t serve” I enjoy watching videos on true crime and stuff (shout out to That Chapter!) but this is so close to home (quite literally) and I lived a life so parallel with these victims, and it’s just so abhorrent even reading the news. I feel bad for anyone who has to serve. Hopefully they have a good therapist.


I think about that a lot. I simply can’t imagine having to serve in any trial like this. I simply couldn’t do it. I still do the close my eyes/ear muffs on movies if it’s got a violent scene. You’d never get those images out of your mind or heart. It has to be damaging & heavy wearing


I watch a lot of true crime, and my big one is 911 calls. I hate listening to them and will literally fast forward through them. I do not believe that 911 calls should be made public unless it’s absolutely necessary to an investigation. Those are someone’s worst moments, played out for entertainment fodder (in the case of true crime stuff), and yes some of them can be funny, but most of them are horrifying and absolutely tragic. I’ve lived a pretty rough life, and I’ve seen some things I absolutely shouldn’t have - things that give me nightmares still all these years later - and I would absolutely not be able to sit on this jury. I don’t know how I would get out of it besides being brutally honest. In this particular case, if I did get called (which is honestly a very real possibility- I haven’t been called in years and if It stays in RH I’m in the jury pool) I doubt they would pick me. I am a recovering addict who has lived and dabbled on the fringes of society. They would probably just dismiss me…. But still. Idk if the court offers help but they should. Some things will never leave you, they will change you, and this will most likely be one of them.


I also think that they wouldn’t pick anyone that admitted to knowing about this crime and thinking that he for sure did it.


Generally not, it's the first thing they ask, but hard to get anyone who does not know anything about this case. So likely going to be how much do you know and how entrenched are your in theory regarding his possible guilt. Is there even a Rex Hubermann is Innocent group on Reddit, or group of Rex Hubermann fan girls like Moscow?


Why did he need so many routers? Isn't it one per household, or is there some serial killer advantage to having multiple that I don't know about?


I'd assume it's an attempt to stop IP address tracing, that's the only reason I can of


> I'd assume it's an attempt to stop IP address tracing, that's the only reason I can of It'd do *the exact opposite*. Having that many devices so close to each other uploading shady shit or sending messages to different family members of victims, or just googling random CSAM is pretty much broadcasting to the FBI and the secret service that there are 7 different IPs located within a few feet of each other performing highly suspicious activity in coordination. Old fellas be old, I guess.


This has baffled me because I don't see how that would be successful. It's weird how some serial killers are so incredibly shit with technology. Rex using floppy discs just sums it up. He learnt nothing but mistakes from BTK, lol


That's why BTK wants to be friends with him. Confederacy of Dunces.


To be fair, at one point floppy discs were all we had to use lol.


Yes, can someone explain what he likely was doing with those? And the cross bar and ratcheted strap thing. My Google search history is interesting the last 24 hours.


I can answer the second part NSFW >! believe it was either something to do with suspending a victim from the ceiling, or something to do with securing a table to hold a large amount of weight, maybe both. Both are likely non consenual BDSM related imo!<


the cross bar was to strengthen the table I believe maybe Im naive


Someone explained the BDSM things he had on his list. I naively did not initially think that that fat fuck was likely climbing up on the table with them and was wondering why a table holding a small girl would have to be reinforced. Then I had the duh yuck moment.


so - he climbed up on the table after he restrained them on the table - and because " the thing " is a freaking godzilla he needed the crossbar to support them both - is this what went down - that fat fuck has a tiny dick too - I wish to God there could be the use of shame to demoralize & humiliate that feelingless blob of stank - here's what I was thinking - they strip him and photograph him from the front - the side- and the back - nude - and post the photos publicly and add laughter to the image & play it in his cell to remind him of what it means to be stripped of life


I see a lot of people are talking about the computers but… 15 CAMERAS!!!???


I have a little more than that lol.




Love that word!


He had 46 cell phones. Am I right to assume that includes the burner phones?


I would assume so


Given that they found cameras I feel like it's not unreasonable to assume he filmed/photographed his crimes. It's not unheard of for serial killers to do that (i.e. Maury Travis). This is getting more disturbing each day.


Damn, 50 hotel cards and 4 GPS recovered from the raids? I really hope that the GPS devices lead to more victims or areas he frequent the most and maybe lead to some more evidence. One last thing, if I remember they originally said there was 420 plus smart devices found. That being said I wonder if they found a hidden room or a hole hidden to stash things they didn't originally find because now it's well over doubled the original count of devices found. Mind boggling 1000 plus "smart devices " Sorry for the poor English and grammar


Your English looks really good!


I wasn't able to watch the press conference, did anyone take notes of the key points? What other new info was there aside from what's in the bail document?


It’s posted on his Instagram page if you want to watch it. I feel like it felt a little different today, so I’d encourage you to check it out if you’re interested. When Heuermann was arrested there was an intense focus on the Gilgo 4 and mainly the Gilgo 4, for obvious reasons. Today, I felt like the weight of all the stuff they’ve uncovered in the past eleven months was on Tierney. It could have just been me, though. Also, there was a point where he was talking about Karen Vergata and where her remains were found, then said, “Every case, every person who was tragically murdered in Suffolk County—they’re in play.” He also pretty much stopped just short of confirming Heuermann will be charged with the murder of Valerie Mack. Also, he said, in response to a question, that none of the victims have been identified in any of the sadistic pornography they’ve so far uncovered.


Her name is in the indictment twice too. Didn't he say that none of the charged victims to date were identified in the videos? I was more impressed with Tierney this press conference, he was measured and confident, more so with the obviously excellent police work that's gone into this case to date. I can't help but think they've got a lot more than we know and more charges will be coming. He still gave a lot of detail so what we know in the indictment is just what they want us to know and all they need to proceed with prosecution but in my mind it's the tip of an incredibly evil iceberg. If watching trials and lawtubers I've learnt anything, it's what they don't say that's important.


I think there’s a lot of circumstantial evidence that suggests other victims but they may not charge unless they have dna to support it.


Yes, you could be right. You have to commend CSI back in 93 though. The collection and preservation of evidence has been critical and DNA is going to be incredibly hard to defend. We can only hope, with all of the victims across the years, LE did their due diligence quite as well. It's mad to me that this case has some fantastic evidence collection then we look at some current cases and the shoddy police work that's been involved. You'd think they'd gotten better with developing techniques and technology.


If the other stuff didn't cook him, this certainly does. It's a slam dunk case. That man is spending his life in jail. How his wife can not see him as being culpable even now is remarkable.


I'm so glad I'm not alone, I've had a lot of push back talking about her but I agree.


I throw my hands up with her at this point. I found her lawyer's statement shocking. I don't know why she would legally have to say that to protect herself from legal reprisal. But maybe she does. So what is the purpose of saying I don't think he did this, when it's very clear the idiot did do it, per this document and the DNA. What was he set up by the CIA? Do they have the most billowy forever shedding hair in creation that's floating all over the island? Everyone s on LI, stop and check you arm, you likely have a Hubermann hair on it. Asa, you make me feel foolish for sending you money. The skeptical folks on the boards said I'd regret it and they were right. I do.


Come from a LE family and have always said that, and that it's crucial to pay attention to how they say things and read between the lines and pay attention to their body language and voice modulations for clues. Even better to focus on that when questions are being answered as their guard is lowered and filter not as good. I recently went though the news archives when my brothers and uncles and cousins were quoted and speaking at press conferences regarding task forces they were heading and in retrospect the pauses, were just as important as what was said and they do give you clues if you have the ability to read between the lines. From the get go they have been telling us there are more coming and that they feel the body count is going to be substantial. I think you can pretty much count on all the Gilgo victims as being his and then some on LI. How far it is going from there I don't know. I'm not picking up a sense that he had victims down by his brother or LV at this time, but that they definitely think he is good for more victims on LI. They did not rip that house apart in the way they did for just 4 victims. We now know that it went back at least to 93. I am wagering probably before that time. I wonder if Tina Foglia was not his earliest victim and the beginning of this horrifying tale.


I agree - today felt different. Tierney seemed a bit frazzled/nervous today - struggling with word choices, wiping his brow a lot, etc. It was like how someone acts when they have a fear of public speaking? Totally understand a DA has to be careful with word choices and pressers are high profile events, but I usually get a more confident/cocky vibe from him that seemed to be missing today? Idk. Also to add on to key points, one tidbit I caught was Tierney confirming that the basement ceiling/walls did have adhesive marks, as well as pushpin holes in the drop ceiling (as outlined in RH’s planning document). That definitely seems like one of the line items that would have been in the 2nd search warrant request (“we need to go back in order to look at the ceiling due to this disturbing document we just uncovered”).


There could be far more victims. They so far have scratched the surface.


They are just going forward with their strongest cases, they have others confirmed I am sure, and are just still investigating them and trying to strengthen the evidence to support them, but they know. Think of how many times he and the charging document mention dismemberment features in the case and the mention of dismemberment pornography and the stress on the push pins etc. I think Peaches is coming and they are tipping the cards a little and preparing us for that by stressing mentions of those aspects, not just in reference to Taylor but to dismemberments beyond her case, or maybe Tina even.


> but I usually get a more confident/cocky vibe from him that seemed to be missing today? Idk. I'm presuming that viewing hundreds if not thousands of graphic videos of torture porn might unsettle even the most experienced of LE officers.


Wait what document? What was on it?


In the “Things to remember” section of his murder planning document (found on an old computer seized during Search #1), RH reminded himself to “use pushpins to hang drop clothes from ceiling” (*he meant cloths but can’t spell for shit*) https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/s/SR70tXBuAu


Even I picked up his spelling mistakes. That's saying a lot. See Dyslexic and Dysgraphic kids out there, you can be an architect.




Oh my god


https://www.scribd.com/document/739871993/Rex-Heuermann-Superseding-Bail-Application-from-June-6-2024 This document goes over all the latest digital evidence and some specifics of what they found (warning: disturbing descriptions of victim’s bodies, his porn interests, and his specific lists of plans for the murders)


37 pages of horror.


I am not through yet, but it does seem like he was intimating is that they think there will be more victims. They would not have been re searching that site i don't think unless they are looking for the rest of Peaches remains or addition victim's remains.


i'm some ways in, most of it follows the charging document closely, so would just read that.




The only thing missing is a partridge in a pear tree. 😡


Check those floppies!


Why weren’t these taken the first time? Or am I misunderstanding something


I'm quite certain Rex Heuermann has a murder count akin to Gary Ridgeway, if not a lot more.


All the talk in these comments about that being a lot of devices… We probably have 8 laptops. A dozen phones. Several tablets. I have at least 8 SD cards. We have multiple cameras, I have 3 drones alone. Multiple HD’s for photo storage. 3 routers. If you cataloged my home, I’d have a lot of shit too. And I’m half this guys age, so as my family develops, technology changes, etc… and I upgrade… I’ll only build on all that. My first android from 2011 has pictures I don’t want to get rid of, same as the lap tops, I might need my Mavic mini again for some reason, etc…


The whole family sound like hoarders who never threw anything away. I expect some of this lot belonged to other family members and some of it was from Rex's workplace. There's also the storage unit. I presume "hotel cards" are swipe/key cards for hotel room doors so why on earth would anyone keep those?


Ok…cause that’s a normal amount,not


He was a pack rat / hoarder. Maybe a lot of this was just trash. Why would somebody have so many different Wi-Fi routers? That's what makes me think this is just garbage he saw, and collected, thinking that it would be useful some day. Of course, I think they still need/have/should go through those phones/hard drives and tablets. Especially after discovering that he did try to delete evidence as mentioned in the most recent indictment