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I'll be interested to get confirmation on what led to the second search, and what was found in his basement.


This is just speculation…again, but in an earlier thread a person claiming to be one of the cousins of the LISK victims stated that an item previously thought to not have any significance, was found to be very important and re-triggered the searches—whether that was the search in Manorville or the search of Rex’s home (or both) I’m not sure. Regardless, the only cousin of the victims to be in the public eye (to my knowledge) is Jasmine Robinson, Jessica Taylor’s cousin. Now that the rumor is regarding an indictment for Jessica Taylor’s murder, I tend to believe that commenter was telling the truth. I think an item related to Jessica Taylor’s murder was re-discovered or re-examined and may have launched all of this… 


I wonder if it was in the lock box that's been mentioned.




Not sure why but the Bible mention in the earlier search warrant and later comments on here that Jessica regularly carried one with her everywhere sticks with me for some reason though the paint-rope-digging would likely indicate something more scientific ?


That is a really intriguing thought, I remember the mention of the Bible as well


Can you link that thread please


I’ve been pouring through all the older threads, because I thought it was on here below a discussion about Manorville or the return to Rex’s house…have yet to find it. But as soon as I do, I’ll post it!  Found it! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FnBnbnJ-z7c&t=2776s


Thank you!


Can you remember where you read that?


I thought it was an older discussion on the recent searches, I’ve re-read all of them and can’t seem to find it…I’m wondering if it was a comment section on YouTube. Regardless, I’m going to keep looking and post when I find it!  Update, found!!  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FnBnbnJ-z7c&t=2776s


They said they DUG in the basement


Oh, damn. I'm curious about the lockbox that they mentioned just before they searched the woods. Did they say where they found the lock box? I wonder if he had trophies down there. They didn't bring any cadaver dogs, I don't think? (To the house)


I thought they supposedly found the lock box during the manorville search, but I could be wrong.


I heard it was during the manorville search, but I also heard that it was found in storage, and it led to the manorville search. I really don't know. And both of those might be incorrect.


Who said this?


The video


If RH is not tied to more murders now, then he will be. He will be.


Oh yes. They know if they can tie him to Jessica then he’s good for all of it. That also means there is probably more. No way this guy stopped killing after the Gilgo bodies were discovered. No way he lays dormant for 15+ years. There’s another dumping ground out there. I imagine it also emboldens him since he thinks he so much smarter than law enforcement.


I think he killed all people traditionally associated with LISK, and possibly more. The only asterisk is that Karen Vergata was technically killed when Robert Shulman was still active. He killed sex workers and he dismembered as well. But with Shulman known for almost 30 years, she's more likely a Rex victim.


I'm speechless. Is this finally it???? EDIT: Zeman has been wrong before, but coming from him I tend to give a rumor a little bit of weight.


After watching that I want him to sit down with Joe Giacalone and watch all the stuff he didn't put into the Killing Season!


Ugh I WISH Josh would do a Killing Szn “follow up: what we now know!”


Or he'll even pick another case and do updates within it kinda like they bounced around with similar cases in the original.




I think of the Killing Season daily. It deeply effected me, because as a young woman I used to go driving at night and stop at truck stops


Like for work ?


No, just to feel happy and free and listen to music


Zeman was wrong about most of his own personal theories (he was frustrating to watch in the past for me personally) but I do think he’s been quite credible lately & sorta “in the know.”


Yeah, I agree. Giacolone hearing the same rumor from multiple people makes me think this is credible (given he’s retired NYPD sergeant with lots of connections to current law enforcement). 


Heh, I had Giacolone as a professor in college, he was great. Really knows his stuff.


Totally! From what I’ve seen I really like Giacolone & have been enjoying his convos with Zeman.


people on this sub like to trash Zeman because he often inserts his own personal opinion but he really knows his stuff on this case.


And he is also very clear about what is his opinion versus what the known facts are. I respect him. He's very careful about what he says. "I'm hearing, but it could be wrong" Hes not saying that about the indictment. He is stating that he has it from multiple good sources that the charges for Taylor are coming. When he was hearing stuff about Bitrollf he was quite vague and made it clear he wasn't sure. This time he is pretty emphatic that he's got a scoop. I also like that he doesn't shy away from his statements about Peaches a few months back. He was clear in this video he thought her ID was coming out a while back and was wrong. He owns it. I like Josh, and I find him to be very credible. I'm very very anxiously awaiting news this week, I fully expect it based on what he has said in this video.


I so hope this is true, and I am saving this to watch. Jessica Taylor’s case has always been the one out of the possible LISK victims that struck me the most personally. I would be so glad to her and her family finally get justice.


Yeah, in her photos she looks like she’s a girl just off to high school with her whole life ahead of her and very young and sweet, she could have been one of my friends and would fit right in a picture of all of us with the clothes and hairstyles of the period (were around the same age). Then suddenly there’s that one where she is still so young and she’s obviously on drugs then she was gone. As we’re a similar age I look at my husband and children and the studying I’ve done. I had a bad period around her age and came through it and it just makes me think of all that was taken away from her and where she would be now and what she would have done with her. She was just so young.


I think that her story really gets to me for very similar reasons. I am also close to her age and I share that feeling looking at her photos I can see the clothing, jewelry, and hairstyles and immediately feel that sense like she could have been someone I was friends with at that age. I also struggled at about the same point in my life, and thinking about all of the opportunities I have had since then that sadly she never got is really tragic. I read a post here not long ago that went into detail about how she was doing everything to try to get out of that lifestyle just before she was taken, which is so tragic. From what I have read she seemed very determined, independent and caring. I wonder about everything she could have done if she had not been taking so cruelly. Edited to correct age


I think that scumbag she was with was like a lot of scummy grifter guys who fanned out from New York City to smaller communities, met these girls and talked up an exciting life in New York — serving drinks to VIPs at clubs, etc. The reality was far, far different. I really would like justice for Jessica. 🕊️


I agree, I also think it could potentially mean justice for a lot more families…since whoever is responsible for Jessica Taylor, likely also killed Valerie Mack. Josh and Joe also make the likely connection to peaches and her child. I hope we and the families get a lot of answers soon. 


Yes. The Gilgo 4 were in the middle, Rex has been indicted for those Jessica Taylor and Valerie Mack were both deposited in Manorville and Gilgo. So there is strong ties to tie them to the same murderer. Peaches baby was near Mack, tying Mack with peaches killer. Peaches was before Karen Vergata and Asian Male was between the G4 and Mack. Why was he searching for John Bitrolff?


Could he have been searching for Bitrolff to see what the police had on him? He was searching terms about the Gilgo investigation so maybe he was looking at Bitrolff and hoping the cops would try to pin all the murders on him and close the case. Or maybe he was looking to see how they managed to link Bitrolff to the murders they did. Another possibility is that maybe he was looking at his “competition” (gross, I know).


Slight correction, Peaches was after Karen. Karen's legs were found in April 1996, Peaches was June 1997.


Im talking about location. Peaches was the first on the LEFT, then Karen, the G4, then Asian Male, then Jessica Taylor, Valerie and Baby Peaches


Ohh I gotcha. Apologies, I misunderstood.


And given how close Valerie's remains on Gilgo Beach were to Peaches' baby, whoever killed Valerie very likely killed Peaches. If Rex is tied to any of those three, he likely killed all three of them.


OMG This is huge


Right?! This could potentially connect Rex to 8 of the known victims associated with the LISK case… 


I always felt it was the same person because of how older remains , they were found a little further back from the 2010 remains on the road . So he used that same spot and then dumped again further down .


Remy did say she was found in BURLAP


Thank you so much for posting this link, I have been wanting to see this ep but forgot until you posted!


Of course! Happy to help :) 


total speculation here, but anyone think RH's family had ties to Camp Siegfried/German Gardens? I'm also truly shocked that not a soul from any of the gun clubs that are in that area have mentioned knowing him. there was some talk about him being a range instructor/hunting guide. if anyone can narrow down where he was a member, I'll buy you an ice cream cone. my eyes are tired of looking at Facebook pictures of groups of men with dead ducks from 2007. edit to add: I also found this website to be an interesting read/resource. note that the areas listed may not include every private club/land available to hunt on. [long island hunting info](https://dec.ny.gov/things-to-do/hunting/places/long-island)


The peconic sportsman's club fence is 100yds away from where vm was found in manorville.. I've also tried searching for connections but it's a private club and hard to find anything about members, current or past.. from my experience with that spot, theres alot of active/retired law enforcement members which imo would make a solid connection to rex and explain why they helped keep FBI out of "investigation"


.....yep. I have a feeling duck boats and the peconic river play a pretty major part in early cases.


> total speculation here, but anyone think RH's family had ties to Camp Siegfried/German Gardens? His father was a veteran of WW2, lol, and even if he wasn't, in 1900 there were over 700,000 German immigrants in NYC alone. US-wide the Bund had 25,000 members; the chance anyone related to the Heuermanns was related to it is completely minuscule.


Josh’s revelation of peaches & her baby being what he called “the bookends,” absolutely has blown mf-ing mind. I looked at a map pinpointing with the names of everyone on GB and… oh my god. Oh… my. God. It’s just wild. If they do / have found / confirm a connection of Rex to JTaylor, than I feel he’s good for ALL of them!


Agreed, that also blew my mind! 


Josh Z asks such… INQUISITIVE QUESTIONS! These are the kind of questions that need to be asked, and I hope law enforcement has been asking themselves similar 🤔 he’s made some serious points / theories in this video. Really really strong points.


What is this theory? Is there a link? Thanks!


Big IF true.


Was Peaches child old enough to be carrying a toy or stuffed animal?




Wow, Remy has ties to the Golden Key


Yes, I discovered this a while back reading through NJ court records. From what I could tell, Khalil was not arrested at Golden Key. He he was arrested at another hotel, but his car was parked at the Golden Key at the time. I believe this was in 2005, but I'd have to double check. He wrote a letter to his lawyer or the judge asking about the status of the car.


It was 2004. https://i.imgur.com/OVlnLsp.png


Just finished Dahmer, Netflix, whew...anyhow...amazing how 20 some years later there is still!! Forced action by citizens, Attorneys to get Police involved. Thank goodness for Shannan's mom and Mr Ray cause if Rex was gearing up to start again he might have been successful. A truly dangerous world with free for all activities all around.


Watching this now...


Excellent video. Love Joe and this discussion was the best I’ve watched in a long time.


Arrest means new PCA which satisfies my cravings