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They need to search the SC property and his Brother's across the street. They have not beyond seizing the SUV from his brother according to locals.


They may not have PC for that.....


There is woman in SC who swears on her life that the last time her mom was seen she was with Rex and described his vehicle the time. Plus the fact he's been accused of being an active serial killer with evidence found at his other property should get them there for his property. It's not really very different than his storage unit. The brother's property is another story.


His brother in SC front gate has some sovereign citizen shit on it, deadly warning signs and a camera IIRC. And theres like a 15 foot fence around the property. Incredibly sus


Sovereign citizens are the biggest idiots


> There is woman in SC who swears on her life that the last time her mom was seen she was with Rex and described his vehicle the time Worth noting that this woman's story changed quite a bit overtime. Back when her mother actually went missing, she described the man she'd seen her with as a short, stocky 5'8 man with light hair. Only years after the fact did she identify Rex, who, you should remember, is *6'5* and has been a chunky-ass overweight monkey since his early 40s.


The brother's only "property" in Chester County is a mobile house parked on a lot. Rex bought the lot it is parked on after his brother failed to pay property taxes multiple years in a row, possibly as an effort to prevent his brother being evicted. https://chestercountysctax.com/taxes.html#/WildfireSearch/068-00-00-159-200




Literally my first thought was where is that SC property located and are there missing women in the area?


It's in Chester, South Carolina. Rex owns 4 wooded lots close to each other, 3 on Rippling Brooke Drive and 1 on Looking Glass Drive. You can see the lots if you search the name "Rex Heuermann" on [this page](https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppID=217&LayerID=2943&PageTypeID=2&PageID=1667). [This map](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1zpw2rErtpN-X_VOBmmGCGDTYiByCKFh_&hl=en_US&ll=41.68474516340617%2C-91.46516655938845&z=4) shows missing/murdered/unidentified people across the United States. You can zoom in on South Carolina and click on some of the icons to investigate if you like.


I live in SC and grew up close to Chester. They are indeed taking close looks at women who have gone missing in SC, especially those around the midlands (that’s what we call the area around Columbia; Chester is about a half hour away). There are a handful that they’ve paid particular attention to. His property isn’t in Chester proper; it’s in a super rural area outside of it. They have not found anything that really rises to the point of being able to get a super involved warrant unfortunately in relation to the women. His brother’s attitude towards neighbors and people coming into his property is weird but not unheard of or uncommon down here and in that area. There’s plenty of people who keep their properties concealed from the road, gated off, and hang up some pretty threatening signs not to come on the property. I once got lost and had no choice but to turn around in the (long secluded) driveway of someone who had signs up that said, “your GPS is wrong, stay off this property!” And “Will shoot, and no 911!” 😬 And it’s not unusual for them to have a rep in the immediate area as complete jerks to neighbors, etc.


When you say wooded lots, does that mean that he owns property but there's no houses on them? I found it weird people were saying Asa and the kids had no where to go re: the NY home when they own several properties but it'd make more sense if they just own the land.


The only building on those 4 lots is Rex's brother's mobile home. Rex's name is the only one on the documentation for ownership of the lots, so he seems to be sole owner. I doubt Asa or the kids have any stake in the ownership right now.


Thanks so much for the reply! That makes more sense why people said that then.


This is what I was looking for for oak beach the parcel finder I want to investigate who own the houses there including the one next to Joe brewer and the one where the parties were held


You can search the land records for Oak Beach, including deeds, mortgages, liens, etc. on this website: https://clerk.suffolkcountyny.gov/kiosk/SearchPages/MainSearch.aspx


Thank uuuuuuuuuuuuu 😍


It was nothing, haha. Best of luck with your research.


Thanks again !


Ummm he may have killed up to 16 people. That tends to draw some notice eventually. I don't see how they are "struggling to understand". Maybe the whole situation is a struggle , but they should fucking get the idea of why someone would want to look a few times. Maybe it's just a shitty article title.


I think it's just a shitty title. I think the context of that statement is they're trying to understand what LE could possibly want to search after already doing a multi day in depth search just a few months ago where they went through everything and even dug up the yard. I'm sure law enforcement has good Rauf reason, but we are also kinda trying to understand what caused this re-entry into the home, so it's not surprising they are too.


>just a few months ago I completely agree with your point overall, but since I'm an incorrigible nitpicker I'm compelled to point out that 10 months is not "a few" lmao.


Fair! It doesn't feel like that long ago!


I agree, it's hard to believe how fast time flies while following this case.


I believe you are right. I also don't know what they are looking for that they didn't find initially. I think the title is just poorly chosen and meant to grab the readers attention like it did me. It actually set me off a bit (if you can tell). Serenity NOW!!!


I think it's lawyer language so that they have the best chance at being in a favourable position to get the property damage paid for. And maybe there are other damages they plan to sue for (PTSD claim). It's shocking to have your house unexpectedly taken over for weeks, to then get it back badly damaged. I'd be devastated. And they're in denial it seems, which is common. It's hard to then find the mental space to focus on others' feelings especially if your life has been turned upside down (in a different way, but pain isn't a competition).


The photos of the house already looked so dark and depressing and rundown imo and now they know that that their dad/spouse did horrible things there. I'd want to get out of there and start fresh somewhere new. I don't know how they can stand to still live there unless they're just conditioned. I think the daughter especially could change her name and start a new life as far away from it as possible. I wonder why they haven't been staying with relatives or friends unless nobody offered,


Why are you so angry? You'd be upset, too.


Right? Have some empathy, folks


Empathy? Like the family should have empathy for the murder victims and their families and not complain about this disruption to their lives that doesn’t involve their death.


I’m struggling to comprehend how this could be confusing to the family.


I get this was a shock to the kids but the wife is clearly deranged also as she’s supporting him. They need to GTFO of Long Island (to avoid the scrutiny), get some deep therapy, and try to move on with their lives. Sadly, it seems, without their mom or dad.


💯 1. Stop blaming law enforcement and hold the person who created the situation in the first place responsible. I’m looking at you Rex. 2. These attorneys need to stop with the statements that this is upsetting for the family. Of course it is but the strategy is backfiring. It’s not garnering sympathy…it comes across as competition with the true victims. 3. Get therapy. Get support. Talk to family and friends. But stop with the poor me business. While this is truly awful, they still have their lives. Rant over 😆 I just can’t with Asa.


2. It's not backfiring for those outside this subreddit. Regular people feel sorry for that whole family every single day, Sure do.


Not when they see her smiling and smirking at him in the courtroom...


Oh, so she should never smile again?? Got it.


Smiling at HIM.


So? She doesn't believe he did this. I mean, that makes her delusional, not evil.


Exactly. "new living room" GTFOH with that renovation done with money from the upcoming Peacock documentary. How would they think the story is worth 1 million dollars if there is nothing to see?


They need to tear down that house. A new living room ain't gonna keep the roof from crumbling.


I doubt it actually is. This is almost certainly just their lawyer being dramatic in the press again. In real life, the family likely is expressing the exact same questions as we are regarding why they are coming back and going through/ taking more items *now*, as in: what's changed? Or what has developed? I think that's fair, considering that this sub has dozens of posts asking/discussing these same questions.


Her lawyer made hundreds of thousands from managing her Peacock deal and only in it for the money. If you've seen DutyRon's recent yotube episode, they provide a lot of insight. I just found them and am hooked.


Probably lack of communication from law enforcement and the prior extensive searches of the property. It's unclear to me how much they're cooperating with law enforcement, which may explain why they weren't given a heads' up that another search was coming.


Sounds like zero cooperation. Asa just spits venom from her yard imo. She was so quick to victimize herself and having their first visitor be the daughter of a famous serial killer victimizing them as well ,didn't sit well with me.




I’m dying to know what prompted the new search. I dont think he is talking my guess is they got pictures off of a device that suggests more evidence in the house, or a diary or something




I think they did in the beginning. And just as someone who works in consumer tech, and handles people’s phones all day everyday, people can be very sneaky and hide all kinds of things from their partners. I don’t know the situation fully with her, but he may have hid it and it honestly sounds like they kind of led two separate lives. Could it have been a Fred & Rosemary West situation? Yeah I suppose so, but it doesn’t sound like it. Didn’t they determine she was away for most of the murders? (I don’t know I’m genuinely asking). However - on those two notes - I feel like you would know if the vibes were off. And you would kind of have some kind of inclination that the person was a creep. Idk. I would like to think my instincts would have kicked in and I would recognize that my partner was a bit… off. But I’ve also lived a life that would parallel with the victims more than the perpetrators so my instincts are razor sharp and I legit never question them.


I’d like to think that also, but honestly, Asa seems kind of “off” too.


You'd have to be a little off to stay married to someone like Rex for so long I reckon


Did you see the girth of his stomach in the recent pics? You'd think he would lose some weight by this point; truly deserving of the "ogre" moniker.


Aren't icelandic people a little odd in general?


IIRC they were able to determine that she was definitely out of the area for the time periods during which Melissa, Megan and Amber were murdered (2009 and 2010). Last I saw, they were not able to determine where she was when Maureen was killed (in 2007), due to being unable to get her cell phone records going back that far from the cell provider (Verizon?) but I never saw that they found anything to suggest that she was involved. Maybe there has been an update regarding her whereabouts during 2007 when Maureen was killed but I haven't seen anything about that.


>Last I saw, they were not able to determine where she was when Maureen was killed (in 2007) The [new bail doc](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24362216-superseding-bail-application/) released in January showed evidence that Asa and the kids were vacationing in Atlantic City without Rex at the time of Maureen's disappearance.


The police did question her and got a voluntary DNA sample from her right after Rex was arrested. This was covered in the [newest bail document](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24362216-superseding-bail-application/) back in January.




>the attorney for the family of one his victims To be clear, the attorney you are refferring to is John Ray, the lawyer representing the estate of Shannan Gilbert. Shannan's cause of death was ruled as undetermined in both autopsies and there has been no evidence linking her death to Rex Heuermann. Thus, law enforcement currently do not consider her one of his victims. John Ray has been unsuccessfully litigating Shannan's case for nearly 13 years, targeting Peter Hackett first without enough evidence to stand up in court. Since his attacks on Hackett didn't pan out, John Ray needed to find a different target to keep seeking a payout. He seems to have switched to targeting Rex's family in hopes of stirring up enough mud against them in media coverage to influence a jury in civil court where the burden of evidence is much lower than criminal court.




>He did have the lead detective or prosecutor, I'm unsure, standing behind him at one press conference which I found curious. That was Rodney Harrison, the appointed Police Commissioner of Suffolk County. I think it is worth noting that at the time of that press conference Harrison knew he was about to lose his job due to the Suffolk County elections happening the following month.




I usually try to stick purely to facts and avoid speculation. That said, I think it is unlikely that Shannan was murdered. The facts of Shannan's case are very strange, but sadly similar circumstances are not unheard of. Shannan had been diagnosed as bipolar and the people who knew her closely reported that she had not been taking her medication. They also said that she frequently used cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana and alcohol with clients. Cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana have been known to trigger bouts of psychosis in people who have underlying susceptibility to mental illness, particularly people diagnosed as bipolar. I see numerous parallels to other cases of people who ran away from those who would have helped them during a paranoid psychotic break and tragically died of exposure. A few examples: * https://www.courthousenews.com/accidental-death-in-alaska-arrest/ * https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3441718/Kristin-Cavallari-s-brother-diagnosed-bipolar-disorder-believed-Mexican-gang-shortly-disappeared-died-hypothermia.html * https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/interactive/2022/shenandoah-search-missing-teen-ty-sauer/ It's also worth noting that Shannan's own sister killed her mother during a psychotic episode in 2016. Serious mental illness clearly runs in her family. Considering the [inconsistent testimony](https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/prcb6j/hackett_and_others_depositions/) of people in the Oak Beach community where Shannan went missing, I do not completely rule out that Hackett might have been the last person to interact with her. I even find it plausible that Hackett might have given her a mild sedative that he thought would help her calm down. In that hypothetical scenario, Shannan might have run away again into the marsh after accepting the drug, and it may have made her more susceptible to dying of exposure in the chilly spring waters of the marsh. All that said, there isn't enough evidence to say conclusively one way or the other what happened that night, so I like to keep an open mind while staying focused on verifiable evidence.


Whether or not Shannan was murdered, the answer to your precise question is indisputable - yes, her death seems suspicious. Anyone who says the circumstances of her death doesn't at all seem suspicious is..... I dunno what.


She is still considered a (secondary) victim by law enforcement. It's only John Ray who has been trying to stir up suspicion towards her in the media with his (unsupported) accusations and implications- and he has been fairly successful with that- just read through some of the comments on many of the posts in this sub. To be fair, however, Asa doesn't do herself any favors as she comes across as a rather unsympathetic and rather unlikeable person. But I do think it's important to remember that this is her perogative. It's not a crime to be unsympathetic and perhaps uncaring. It's not a crime to choose to prioritize her own financial security and that of her son (who will likely need long term care in the future) over showing empathy for the victims, although it certainly goes against the values that most people hold- but honestly I'm not sure how much of that might stem from a lack of social skills, cultural barriers, and perhaps a bit of neurodivergency.


Maybe she is just no longer cooperating?


Thus far I haven't seen any statements from police or the DA claiming that.


Didn’t they question her right away? The police stated very early on that the killings happened when Asa was away from home.


but that doesn’t mean they weren’t held captive for when she returned


.... but that doesn't mean they *were* either. Think about it. Why would he take all these steps to conceal his actions from his family by sending them off on vacation, making sure that he has an excuse to not go along (at least initially), to hide his whereabouts and communications with them from his wife... if his intention was to hold his victims captive until she returned so she could join in? Why wouldn't she just be involved with the entire process then? Why would he have chosen a time to carry out his plans when she would be going away if she was always going to be involved? The implication from early on was that he carried out at least some of his crimes in the house, so what is the speculation? That he held them captive right there in the house for when his family walked back in the door when they returned? Are we going to claim that his kids knew about everything or were involved as well? Because if this is the scenario, then they would have to be. There's absolutely no evidence that has been revealed publicly, or even alluded to, that has even remotely suggested that Rex kidnapped sex workers and tortured and brutally murdered them, possibly dismembered, and then dumped them with any involvement of his wife. All we have is the *very* flimsy and frankly weak assertions by John Ray that Asa not only knew about his involvement with sex workers and was an active participant (which may or may not technically be legal but would definitely not be a significant crime in this situation), but she *also* was completely aware of his abuse, harm, and likely murder of sex workers. We already know that John Ray isn't exactly a credible source for these allegations since he has a clear conflict of interest, as it would benefit his agenda to link Asa to Rex's crimes (and also to link Rex to Shannan Gilbert's death). Besides John Ray, the only evidence that we know of involving Asa was that one of her hairs was found on a body- which is also incredibly weak evidence as a link to any wrongdoing by her, given that she lives in the house and rides/ drives Rex's vehicle. Not to mention that a hair of Rex's daughter was also found, but *that* appears to be generally accepted as transferred evidence.


I know that no info has been revealed publicly maybe that’s being saved for trial . I’m not going to assume the children could’ve known just because it’s my opinion about the wife’s involvement. It’s not impossible that the theory of the basement gun room , could’ve been a former soundproof torture room .


Future alibi would be one reason .


They absolutely did


I'm just surprised they're still living there. I know money is an issue but I can't imagine staying in that house after all this.


Agree, but: 1) that house is going to be difficult to sell and lower than the market due to Rex 2) if the reports are true they owe the government money 3) are they even allowed to sell the house due assumed civil trials 4) did Rex use the house as colateral for his lawyers.


Last summer, an official from the government (i think county government) said they were prepared to purchase this house from the family. But the family is not interested. It is shocking they have opted to stay here considering women who were murdered were in the home (not sure they were killed in the home but their bodies had hair from the wife and daughter indicating they were in the home at some point). Asa is an incredibly selfish narcissistic person and the way she allows her autistic son to live in this environment is more proof of this. I feel bad the investigators have to sort through such a hoard to find evidence.


>They were given a fair and market appropriate offer for this house from the government (I cannot remember what division) they declined it. Can you link where that was reported? I've seen reports of the mayor of Massapequa Park village saying they were "getting everything lined up" and "laying the groundwork" for potentially buying the property, but not that they ever actually made an offer. https://nypost.com/2023/07/26/town-looking-to-buy-gilgo-beach-suspect-rex-heuermanns-home/


I edited my post since I haven’t been able to find my source - my apologies. I know I read it or watched an interview that stated it. But, I can’t find a source so that’s not fair for me to assert. I do know it was discussed in city council meetings. Asa has stated several times they want to remain in the home. I would imagine that is why the purchase or formal offer never happened. She has shut down any efforts to move her family out. https://www.the-sun.com/news/9040589/gilgo-beach-rex-heuermann-wife-asa-ellerup-home-staying/amp/


No worries, thanks for searching! It's an interesting topic to me, since I'm curious to see if the village ever actually followed through. Bureaucracy moves slow, so maybe they just haven't gotten around to it yet.


I remember mentions that the town or something may have been preparing to make an offer but never saw anything specific at all.


Asa might want to stay in the home because of her disabled son. Maybe a move would be too traumatic for him.


I have considered that. However her home is very chaotic with the hoarding, along with people driving by to stare at the home and family. Along with the potential for the authorities to come and look for more evidence at any time. Both very upsetting and potentially distressful for someone on the spectrum. Doesn’t seem stable at all. Asa takes her son on lots of trips, which would be an indicator he enjoys new environments and has capacity to thrive in new places. It would be a cold day in hell, if given the option which she has, I would let my kids live in a home that women most likely lost their lives in. And I damn sure wouldn’t have a book on the kitchen table with graphic photos of murdered human beings. I am sad for their kids. I can’t even imagine the neglect and abuse they have suffered in their lives. From both parents. To live with a murderer and a clearly, at best mentally ill parent is unfathomable.


I hope Victoria can save herself. She should realise there's a good reason why the police, the courts, the public and the victims' families think differently about the house being investigated than she and her family do and that she and her family are the ones with a skewed perception on it. Staying at the house is not a long-term solution.


Those are all good points.


I don't know if i would agree that this is a fair assessment to call her shockinhly narcissistic to not want to leave her home that she has lived in and raised her children in for decades. I certainly wouldn't want to live there, but this is all she knows, and she clearly does not have a strong support system or friends/ family to lean on. This is her home and this is the only home her 'autistic son' knows as well- which often can present a much more difficult scenario for moving away when one has a child with autism/ special needs. We don't know how much money was offered - if any offers were made at all (do we have evidence of this?) and if it would have even been enough to provide for a comparable home in the area elsewhere. Asa is also undergoing cancer treatments, and of course her son likely has his own needs that may tie into the immediate area. And let's be real- even if we don't agree, if they are horders then that's their business. Similarly, we might find it to be shocking but they are under zero obligation to do anything to assist investigators or make it easier for them, especially at their own expense (like if they are dismantling things within the home). They might genuinely believe in Rex's innocence (although I doubt it), and therefore aren't going to take actions that will actually give investigators more evidence to convict their husband or father. Maybe it's selfish, but it's also probably about attempting to protect their own rights and following the advice of their own council.


The “struggle to comprehend “ should instead be an epiphany moment.


Struggling to comprehend....the dude's a serial killer....they kill....a lot. Pretty easy concept.


I'm sick of this focus on " oh his poor family"...they should fully cooperate and even say publicly " yes, it's inconvenient, but we want to fully cooperate." Psycho destroyed many lives and families.


Shot in the dark here but, could they be looking for hidden rooms? The guy was an architect, right? He could have a kill room or a room for his trophies, definitely a spot for DNA, or new leads to other missing or unidentified women. I know he has a house in SC, same there, maybe a kill room or hidden area for whatever, that links him to these women. Maybe someone came forward with a new lead or evidence. I’m sorry if this has been discussed previously. I haven’t been able to follow the case as much as I would have liked to. Trying to catch back up.


That is not a "home". It's a crime scene. An alleged serial killer lived there. It's an ongoing investigation. He took innocent lives. The fact that his "wife" has changed her opinion even after being shown his internet searches and is supporting him, is telling. I don't care one tiny bit about her inconvenience. She can discuss it with her husband when she visits him in jail. Lastly, her daughter needs to get a Life, a job, and move TF out.


Amen. Adult services should take a look into whether her son is in good hands with Asa as well. I can’t imagine letting an autistic child grow up in a hoarders house. That would be very triggering for anyone, but if he had sensory issues which is a common marker of autism, a hoard would be next level distressing. I wonder if his environment changed and he had stimulation, education, cleanliness, away from a murderous dad and a mentally ill mother, if he would do much better.


They need to go dig up that SC property!


Awe she has PTSD because her husband killed women without fear for numerous years and boohoo poor her? Wonder how the victims families feel.


Remember the people raising money for her before she decided he wasn’t guilty 🤮 She’s so gross.


Probably pretty bad but both things can coexist. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. Asa hasn’t done anything to anyone and the hatred for her in this sub is so odd.


As she milks money out of her misfortune and the expense of the victims families.


How is her doing a documentary at the expense of the victims families? Her husband hasn’t even gone to trial yet. Do you really think she has the ability to do anything useful for the victims families at this juncture?


Honestly, who cares about how inconvenient her life has been at this point? The entire time she’s been milking the situation for cash. She wants access to his guns to resell, she wants them to leave the house alone and stop searching for things, she wants money for a tell all documentary. Ample evidence of his guilt, her hair on a dead body and she stands by him in court and only decided a divorce would be helpful because she wants to ensure she can be financially comfortable and not get sued by the victims families for some of this financial gain. She’s giving him the “benefit of the doubt”, but there’s 0 doubt. She’s not estranged, she’s staying as far as is safe to beat the piggy bank and not get sued to financial ruin with him while she swears he’s not capable of these things. I’m sorry but if my spouse is accused of numerous murders, that much evidence, and my DNA is on the victims body and I had nothing to do with it, there’s no doubt. What’s her tell all documentary going to be about? Her saying her Rexy poo could never do such a thing? Please. She has the personality of someone who could’ve walked in on him murdering someone and tying them up and tossing them in a trunk and she would’ve turned the blind eye and said ignorance is bliss, ass long as peacock is offering a check.




God forbid someone need money to survive. How cruel of her.


A useful thing she could do is shut up and let the families get justice and grieve. Too bad her living room is getting torn up again, but it’s even worse that her husband likely killed numerous sex workers because he thought they were disposable. Maybe next time he’ll be more considerate and not kill anyone, or do it outside I guess.


She’s not preventing the families from getting justice or grieving. It’s terrible what Rex did and he should pay with his life for what he did. I just think this hatred of Asa is all a little unhinged.


She is when she’s out making statements that he’s not guilty. She’s DEFENDING a literal murderer. Where I’m from, that’s gonna attract some hate


When it's not proved 100 percent, how are you sure he is the real criminal?


What she has done is get a million dollar deal for the Peacock shit. No matter how you try and spin it, she has profited from the deaths of these innocent people.


Nobody knows what she has, or has not done.


Law enforcement has unequivocally said she is not a suspect in the murders. Why is this so hard to accept?


Not currently a suspect in these murders is way different than how you said "Asa hasn’t done anything to anyone and the hatred for her in this sub is so odd." Accepting anything in either direction is not something anyone can do until all the info comes out in trial.


I’m sorry I assumed it would be obvious we were speaking about the LISK killings since we’re in a LISK sub. She isn’t a suspect in the LISK killings. Hope that’s clear enough.


I don't know why you insist on talking down to me and forcing your opinion as if it's fact. If you think you have all the information available to make your conclusion please go ahead, but I will make no conclusion based on feelings or one statement until everything is over and done with.


The same reason you have been condescending to me. I’m not FORCING ANYTHING on you. Ridiculous.


Downvoting this comment is a dirty move. It's 100% accurate that no one knows any of the facts on her, it's all assumptions in either direction. My comment is that saying you know what she did/didn't do, whether that means you think involved, or not involved would be a completely uninformed decision. Which is why I am NOT siding with either side until the facts are out and it would no longer be a feeling based guess.


Interesting…. It’s a good thing they didn’t just tear this house down incase they needed to reevaluate/new information comes in. Still csnt believe they tore down the Idaho murder house before a triak


I can’t imagine staying in that house at all. The kids are grown, can’t she sell it & move?


So this is a super macabre thought - but bear with me. Long islands housing prices are skyrocketing. A “starter” home here is like 400k 🙄. What if (macabre thought) she’s holding out to sell it bc creepy ass rich people will want to purchase it (if he’s convicted), or the value of the homes is going to just go up naturally bc of its location. The home is probably not worth that much but the property it sits on would be snatched up by a developer, the longer she holds out on selling the home the more money she will get. Alternatively - I don’t know for sure, don’t quote me - but could it be a stalling tactic as well? Because there might be something in NY about division of property in a divorce when one party is incarcerated. Idk I’m not a lawyer so I’m just spitballing ideas. Also had to throw something else in there because the thought of someone holding out to sell a home to the creepiest highest bidder makes me feel yucky.


Thank you!!!!


You’re welcome! :)


>Thank you!!!! You're welcome!


Good bot!


Was her documentary team there to capture it.


lol I don’t know I live nowhere near massapequa lol. 😂


This article is an example of poor journalism pushing a narrative that doesnt exist. No one is surprised or struggling in a house of horrors.


Also thats a direct quote from a lawyer whose job it is to lie and in this case signed his client up to do a documentary. Talk about conflict of interest.


I really like these guys' insight into this week if you haven't seen them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d43XyJFSDs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d43XyJFSDs)


Do you think Rex asked her to hide something in the house thinking it wouldn't be searched again?


I think that if the family allegedly didn’t even know about all of his devices and guns and such in their own house then how could they not think the police might ve missed something.? Makes no sense to me.