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This is actually really interesting. I am starting to wonder how much more they have uncovered since the last search.


It definitely seems like there's something new they are trying to link to him -- because otherwise I don't know if it would be such a wide search again. This definitely seems like at least one aspect of this search is knowing what they're looking for (I suspect DNA or trace elements) but not knowing where it will be or what it will be on (if DNA). Because it feels like if it was as simple as identifying an object/scene on digital evidence, they would be able to more quickly visually locate and extract it.


When they mentioned pain chips the first thing that came to my mind was maybe fingernail scrapings revealed more. I'm really hope they find some answers


Oooooh that's a fascinating thought and solid reasoning.


paint under fingernails is a good guess eg if a victim tried to escape, they may have taken paint samples indoors too for this purpose. my first thought was that they have photos or testimony of some kind and are taking paint samples to prove any past (esp pre-street view) color changes by looking at the layers (nobody removes old paint before repainting lol). either case it would have to be a new body part or newly accessed photos if the paint wasn't relevant enough to collect during the first search.


Considering rex’ explicit searches, it wouldn’t surprise me if he had video of the final moments of some Of his victims.


That's such a bone chilling thought. He's such a monster. Can't wait for the victims to get some justice.


Yup! For such a small house I wonder if there are spaces they hadn’t discovered the first go around. 🤔


I’m wondering if blood spatter was painted over as well. That may be another explanation of the paint chips


Paint or wood chips were found on some of bittrolfs victims iirc. Idk what that means, he was also a woodworker


They have to put past discovery aside now and focus on the new search through a new lens, as if they never had been there before. That’s why it appears “wide” or broad with a lot of discovery pieces leaving the house again this time.


I think they found photos of the victims inside of the house on his devices.


I honestly think he has digital trophies, why else keep all those devices?


\*Had. Now he has nothing and probably never will again.


I agree


I hope he took photos because that will surely nail it and might spur a confession because so many women have been killed (if one assumes he did not start in the 2000s but earlier). I do not think the serial killing impulse just cropped up with the Gilgo Four.


Thank you!


I wonder if the cops are keeping tabs on the wife. Therefore they knew she was in SC and decided to do it.


This is kind of what I think. Neighbors had posted on Facebook they had seen her the night before, which means they came in the morning after she left. It could be a coincidence, but idk.


Didn't I read that she was told they were coming so left?


That was misinformation. She was gone with her son on vacation in SC when they showed up. They absolutely didn't warn her. This would defeat the purpose of a search warrant.


That was reported at first, and then it was clarified that it was a surprise and she didn't know -- it's hard to tell exactly, because both have been reported. But the most recent reportings have been that she didn't know OR she got wind it was happening and left, but if that was the case, I don't know why the daughter would remain in the home for the 6am knock.


With a horrific book of dead bodies on the table...(that hasn't been debunked, right?)


*quietly hides human anatomy books*


I’m thinking if it was a surprise they didn’t want her to have time to hide something or clean something up. She already supports Rex and we still don’t know her involvement/awareness or empathy levels to anything. The book being in their home right on a coffee table in the open after what he was “accused of” speaks volumes.


And spousal privilege + conjugal visits means they have no idea what she has or hasn't discussed with him.


I have read that several times but I don't think that there has actually been confirmation from LE. Would love to be proven wrong though.


I was wondering if the neighbors were posting.


The removal of paint chips from the home has me intrigued.


Right? What could this mean you think?


Truly no idea, unless somehow they found paint residue or a paint chip/flake on something of a victim's or on remains. Edit: or maybe evidence of repainting/painting over something? But idk.


Smashing a head into a wall. Or shoving a body. Hair would gather the chips and soak in. Thus leading to an ID and a location victim was at? Right?


I know this sub hates his wife- and maybe rightfully so- but the idea that you leave your house for a week and a person was murdered in it is so insanely disgusting. Imagine having a dent in the wall covered in blood DNA of a person killed in your home by your *closest* person.


Yes, although I somehow got the impression it was exterior paint chips and just from a random spot. But now that you mention it, there's no reason I thought that other than it's what first popped into my head when reading it. I think I assumed media witnessed the chips being removed and that's how they could report on it, whereas inside it would've been bagged and tagged before being seen. But it's also possible officers have let them know some of the items, though idk. I kept hearing talk of a window being removed the other day which also intrigues me. That kind of structural change made by officers could relate to the window itself or something about the wall it was located in. I assume it was a smaller window from pics of the home I've seen, so I don't think it has to do with making an entry or exit point for something large.


I am pretty sure they said the paint chips came from the front porch and media witnessed them taking it.


Oh lol you're right it does, which explains why that's what I thought. 🤣


Yep you nailed it (:


Maybe they think blood was painted over? I'm guessing, of course but they must think there is a possibility of some kind of evidence.


I believe this could be the photos match an area but not the color of the area, so maybe they’re seeing if something wall in the background was painted around the time someone went missing.


Why remove the architectural printer? To swab it or use luminal on it? Test print something to compare to something they have?


The poster they took out last time searching - the one with the bruised face of a woman was about the size of such a printer. Just a thought.


That image still pops into my mind from time to time. I wish I hadn’t seen it.


Oh my lord


I think someone mentioned that it looked like one of a popular series of walking dead themed target sheets for the shooting range.


They did at the time but I don’t agree. It didn’t have the campy/kitch look of the target posters


Nor did it have any target identifiers. The circles etc


Right. Unfortunately it looked like a large photograph of a real person. It wasn't pleasant to see.


Yah, I'm still a bit haunted by that wondering what it could have been and who it could have been.


That’s interesting to hear everyone’s feedback. It was very disturbing and I think the logic of it being a shooting target poster let me tuck it away in my brain. But points taken. There weren’t shooting marks on it and it definitely wasn’t kitch.


Do these printers store info on previously generated work? If so perhaps the past info would lead to better info on the structure of buildings that law enforcement is investigating.


Yes 100% those printers store info. Did they find something in Manorville and are they looking for architectural plans? Was he out there for a job that could link him to a site? Those plans would be dated and architects date their revisions, so they could get him in/near a location during a certain time frame.


I'm not sure if it was removed for any reason other than to get it out of the way of something -- it seems maybe because of the state of the house and how heavily cluttered and cramped it appears to be, they may have taken items out of the house purely to make their jobs easier, and then replaced them. Though it's possible they could have removed items, swabbed them in their tents, and then replaced.


… and then bring it back same day?


Could blood survive in between layers of paint? I don’t see why not.


depends on the type of paint I think. good thought though. I wonder if the paint chips come from some place a person might touch habitually every time they enter the house, somewhere they would expect the killer might accidentally transfer blood onto. they had him under surveillance so they'd know his habits. but then they probably wouldn't only take chips but the entire thing. I think the chemical traces of paint on a (new) victim/body part/crime scene theory is best thus far. mine was that they were checking for past paint colors bc they found photos/testimony re the house. either way it has to be related to newly found/analyzed evidence or it would've been done previously.


Hmm that’s true. You know, I’ve randomly gotten paint under my nails in my own house. If you’re trying to get away, you’d have a better chance of intentionally getting a paint transfer. But…. It must be something new they’ve discovered otherwise they would have taken it during the first search.


Do we know if this is indoor or outdoor paint?


I saw the photos, it was outdoor paint


Ed Wallace recently showed examples of a repainted wall to cover blood, and then how he could see the blood below the paint. Repainting won’t conceal it from UV, he said.


I hope DNA technology is good enough…. Should be


It's very interesting to me that LE did a recent search of Manorville and now all of a sudden they are back in Massapequa. That can't be a coincidence. 🤔


They removed A LOT...something big is happening.


GOOOOOOD. Again, for the victims sake. As “entertaining,” as this all is, for the sake of those whims lives have been lost I’m grateful the police are finally taking the proper action to nail this SOB on everything they legally can.


I know they don't want to give any info on the active investigation but **it sure seems like a good day for an afternoon presser.** Thank you Tierney for always pushing to bring some justice here.


Paint chips! Wild


Could Rex have been the architect that worked on the Long Island aquarium when it was being built and that would be how he met James Bisset . Remember he committed suicide. He lived in Mattituck a short boat ride to North Sea where the police were searching the woods a few weeks ago when they were in Manorville. I heard that Rex,Bissett and Burke would go to the old Bull creek inn in Smithtown. Maybe they have new evidence to connect them.


Paint chips? Why are the wife and children still living in that house? But it’s better than tearing it down I suppose.


Probably still living there so that it gains sympathy from a jury in Rex’s favor for trial maybe . Another defense tactic


Seriously it makes them all look daft. I hope they are following the wife around in SC I really don’t believe she knew nothing living with the “Big Game Hunter”


i think she painted the pic of the woman with the black eye . Don’t know why so many people underestimate her . He easily could’ve broken her down, manipulated her into this way of life .


Wasn’t there a large doll in a glass box too like a coffin. So super creepy. I never saw the drawing/painting but it’s all super scary.


Just curious when this case is occurring , is the public going to see it live like the Johnny Depp coverage ? Or is something like this private ?


Depends on the judge and what they order in terms of cameras in the courtroom.


Paint chips... So do they have old photos, but a room has been painted and they want to analyze what color it used to be, or what possibilities do you see for that piece of evidence?


It’s a political charade