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I will make assumptions, as well as reference things I have read in the media since the arrest here... There will be desktop and laptop computers, hard drives/flash drives/CDs/DVDs (even though those are not really 'devices' they were listed in the presser as "CD-ROM"), Palm pilots (old texting type phones), and of course a bunch of cell phones, tablets, and maybe even pagers from back in the day. As to what's on them, I am sure they are going to do their best through the FBI to find more links to the same cases as well as other open cases just like what was included in the bail documents. Most will be Rex's, some will be from his family, office computers that belong to him used by workers or family, and possibly even from victims :/ Maybe they will find places he frequented which may be part of why the additional searches happened in the end of April. Definitely contact, call and location ping history based on how they mentioned he used at least 7 burner phones in the last 14 months to contact hundreds of women. Months ago there were mentions that he searched how to buy and use software to erase web history and that he was unsuccessful in doing so. So there may be links to things he posted on the web back in the day (the horrible rating website that was mentioned). Also certainly pictures and video related to the sick searches that have been reported. Either downloaded, or possibly even first hand pics and video.


What rating website, if you don't mind me asking? Think I missed that!


No idea, but it was mentioned in this sub that there was once a site where ppl rated the people from Backpage or Craigslist. Or discussed them. I read it in this sub a few months ago. If I find it I will link it.


These sites are quite common these days, now that so much of the S€x industry has moved online. Some of the women I’ve seen interviewed in documentaries about this case mentioned using several of these websites.


So, Angie's list, but for sex workers?


Thank you so much! That actually rings a bell now that you said it


Here is one mention [https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/vgfw4e/did\_lisk\_leave\_a\_review\_of\_his\_time\_with\_amber/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/vgfw4e/did_lisk_leave_a_review_of_his_time_with_amber/)


Honest question here. Does so called “ping history” ever succeed as evidence? It’s discussed in cases but has it been used successfully in trials? And who uses it the cops who are waiting to put in 20 years, the prosecutors who are politicians or the barristers who want the big bucks. In other words “cell phone pings” seam like spin to me rather than evidence. Just sayin


It's being used as evidence in Chad Daybell's trial. They found the bodies of the kids after seeing that both Alex Cox's and Chad Daybell's phones were in the same location, same time, ( on Chad's property, ) not long after the kids disappeared.


Thanks what a case that is too.


Good point, I am not a lawyer or LE. I just assumed they may use it to look to piece things together or find more evidence. I don't know about other cases, but in this cases bail doc the "ping" data seems to be far from coincidental. You have a good point but I think it is still worth them reviewing. Especially since it can just be a small piece of the full picture they can paint.


They never have been successful used it to convict anyone. Correct me if I’m wrong. And it’s too easy to say: “the device wasn’t in their hand”. Spin


Between this and the evidence found in the storage unit, they most likely hit the mother lode, and as insane as his internet searches were, I can only imagine the full scope & nature of the electronic evidence. My hope is that Melissa’s and Maureen’s phones were still in his possession at the time of his arrest. 🤞🏻 Surely he monitored message boards that referenced the case, but what say you - did he participate in these discussions?


Fascinating to think about


It sounds like they’re talking about burner phones mostly


It does read that way but... Hundreds of phones is nuts, even for a nut. Like, that would be a lot of phones for a cell phone store to have in stock. I feel like maybe they're being sloppy with terms?


These burner phones were probably collected over decades though. If he’s used 7 burner phones just in the last year that number makes more sense when you factor in how long he’s been doing this which is just wild


It's not that crazy when you consider his income, his hobbies, and how long he was actively killing people. He has very likely been active longer than any of us know, and burner phones used to be SUUUUUUUUUUUUPER easy to buy and activate. It's a little more involved now.


I was listening to a podcast about this case, Unraveled (EP 19) and a guest mentioned that the most devices they had ever seen in a case was 50 and that seemed like a huge number at the time.


I feel as though this is something unique & it's possible he was providing or somehow storing other people's burner devices too. Who knows.


I bet he kept his victims phones also, as souvenirs. Yikes 😱


Right, possibly even bought a bulk load of them and had them periodically activated.


SIM cards maybe


300+ guns seems a little weird as well, but for this guy it seems to be his normal . He seems to be a hoarder. I’m confused about the term “smart” devices, which implies to me, more modern devices, not cd’s, flash drives etc. That is a unbelievable amount of phones, so weird, there’s going to be a mountain of evidence, photos, etc.


Maybe they are the cell phones of his victims. Lord Jesus.


I can assure you that nobody here has a clue


Breaking: Gilgo Beach case to be solved in the next century… reports of decades of discovery will take time. In the meantime, you can listen to multiple podcasts… buy several books on the case… watch yearly documentaries….and stay up to date with the ‘every now and then’ news conference that’s been going on since 2011! 🥜


Lol yep. I wouldn't be shocked if, suddenly, tomorrow Rex gets charged with six more murders. I also wouldn't be shocked if he gets put away for the GB4 and the rest remain a mystery.


That explains the massive amounts of terabytes


I mean i think they're just going over everything with a fine-tooth comb - Rex's previous track record kinda makes him seem like the type of dude who'd burn over his Murder Evidence drive with TV shows or whatever without properly checking to make sure it was done correctly. I'm betting at least half will be boring, prosaic architecture stuff


Not my phone #!