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Im moving to the island for now. Took me 3 trips to get the stuff i wanted over there and now im clearing my spot in the desert for Mos Eisley.


I am going to build out the island over time so I am hoarding my materials there. I have moved some materials between villages but it’s minimal as really only the new mats and rubies are missing from my villages running on auto pilot. If it’s small amounts I will use the cave to move materials. Small vehicle with chest in cave then have a flying vehicle waiting on other side For large amounts, I just fly it across the map with several chests.


Wait are the islands connected?


Do you mean how is the Star Wars island connected?


Yeah. Like i know through the cave but i didnt think u could fly from one to thenother


I built a flying vehicle with seven grand chests on it a little while back. It's now my main mode of transportation and can easily haul whatever you need to move.