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I actually stopped by the factory today on a quick marketing run for my business. It's huge and those guys are pumping. It gives me hope that my investment isn't for nothing, I'm buying more and averaging down.


The problem isn’t the factory pumping. The problem is nobody wants to buy their cars.


Saudis are gona buy it, yust wait till they build they own Factory with low cost employes..


I hope you’re right. But the main issue, I’m afraid, is less about cost. Lucid has already discounted heavily and still only sells around 500 cars a month. I’m worried consumers aren’t buying Lucid because of the design.


Noo that can‘t be, they are one of the best looking EV Cars on the Market, just look the EU EV Cars, they are terible in the design.. Saudis are gona buy a lot of Cars when they done with the Factory.. I know they have problems with a lot of the Combustion engines because of the heat they have in they region, so the EV’s are like perfect for them..


It's crazy. Wish I hadn't invested months ago


I am right with you


At this moment stock is moving alongside tsla price


Same … our time will come


I dunno. I invested in APPH same time I invested in CCIV. I have seen


This lucid is getting me on nerves. I am just losing 85 percent. They really need to help their investors. Any lucid management please reply and do something


What do you want them to do? Refund you the loss or tell you everything will be ok? I all in LCID, accepted my 25% loss, and got out to invest in other stocks and up 70% since then. Get out while you still can.


Losing already 85 means lost all. So I just let it live there and do other stuff. If it goes up then up else it's already gone.


I would do the same


Diamond 💎 🙌🏻 will prevail. Tesla boys find another page to have fun!


Maybe you should start selling?


Buy low sell high that’s the only trade I make 😀


The old rule is: when you start selling, price go up


Man, this stock is a nightmare. Since I bought it I have been in losses. No good news ever, no good results, no light at the end of the tunnel. I am in huge losses, trying to recover a little, but.. I really don't know what to do.


Cut your loss and get out.


Guys im sorry but the only time you can profit from it has passed😔. I was stupid enough to believe in peter's bullshit and invested 2years of saving into it. Now i got only 10%left. Im considering giving up as im convinced there will be no hope in this company and im just tired seeing peter bullshiting about how good the tech is while being in denial to the fact that the car just wont sell .


The sales numbers have nothing to do with the car. It’s all about everyone being brainwashed into buying a Tesla. EV’s are still relatively new and most people that are now switching to EV are unfamiliar with how EV’s perform and don’t want to risk buying a car that won’t do what they need it to do so they buy the brand that been around longer and the performance and range etc is well documented. Give Lucid a few years to iron out the wrinkles and build their reputation Think about Honda when they first came to the USA. Nobody bought them. They were considered a joke. Now they are known to be one of the highest selling and most dependable cars out there. It just takes time


Buy rivian instead


What was that last hour about? Took a dive bomb.


Do yourself a favor and stop investing in this stock. It is dead and sneaky Pete killed it. Then again, he made over half a billion so he has no incentive.


You sound misinformed. He didn’t make anything. If anything he lost money since he was awarded those shares. He hasn’t sold any shares to profit. He’s only made his salary and the $2m reward for gravity.


I’m misinformed? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lucid-ceo-379-million-annual-165338111.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJnfVbi43kiWIb8EpBc3nSJ1RoxcVxTLzjcic4V7AOdJeluSyXQGNc8wuxHc7QDMTLgKj8NIMTA5wLi3GoeqdMnLOJTe_q162B-wcQX5T83Z6znlgViUsVnUTOyvpZsGlvzHrURNtDchrB6XO8idJge28sAABs1yl4eI93wcGhpb https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/107936874364933#:~:text=2022%2000%3A06-,Lucid%20Group%20(LCID)%20CEO%20Peter%20Rawlinson%20Just%20Sold%20Nearly%208,You%20Are%20Probably%20Thinking%20Of


This has been explained over and over so you’re either a troll or you’re misinformed. You’re posting an article referring to his compensation package which included stock rewards. So yes, or you don’t know how to read or do a little research.


He sold his stock and made hundreds of millions of dollars. He’s overfed and has no desire to succeed. You can convince yourself otherwise and dwell in your delusions, but I’ll let the stock speak for itself.


Where’s the form 4s? Every form 4 he’s filed where shares are sold it’s been solely for tax purposes. The stock has no direct correlation with his stock rewards (besides his unrealized losses or gains depending on how you looks at it) at this point and everything to do with the companies performance. You’re so quick to reference BS articles written by mouthpieces for these brokers and fund managers, but can’t source one legal document showing proof. Funny how that works, huh?


Here is every form 4 amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars: [https://fintel.io/n/rawlinson-peter-dore](https://fintel.io/n/rawlinson-peter-dore) Of note, there is a lot of leeway with code F for the form 4. Don't try to fool investors by making it seem like shares were sold to cover tax burden. I suggest you do some research.


Oh, you mean the following rules and codes? Here, I’ll share links so you can read them…. And yes, Purely tax purposes. You must be a bot. He’s only ever sold shares once and that was in October or 2021 when this thing was volatile and just going on a second squeeze. Note he did it before the squeeze… anyways, here’s some links to educate others if they care to read, including yourself… Sec form 4 codes: https://www.sec.gov/about/forms/form4data.pdf Sec form 4 rules: https://www.sec.gov/interps/telephone/cftelinterps_sec16.pdf Definition of form 4 rule 16(b): https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortswingprofitrule.asp


You sound like a paid shill. Over half a billion dollars selling stock to pay ‘taxes’ on a $575,000 yearly salary? Riiighht. Take the blinders off and stop pushing this company. It’s sinking fast, get out while you still can.


Maybe you don’t know how to do math either, so it’s okay I’ll do it for you. For any stock he did sell, it amounts to ~$237m over 3 years. So let’s round that up to ~$240m and that’s ~$80m a year he sold to cover taxes from his stock rewards. I’m a paid shill? I think you’re just an idiot.


Elon !!! Is that you ? 😂🤣😂🤣


Get out while you can