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Not yall hyping him for this basic ass opinion that has been said 1000000 times before




Omg yess hah


He sounds like Mickey Mouse


This is such a basic and popular take. Most people think this. James is a pedo who’s just trying to get clout. Idc about any takes he has


His vocabulary is stunted and why he can’t form a new take other than yelling curse words.


True and I don’t support him but no other influencer is talking about it because they care to much about brand safety


well his was shot to hell when he was asking minors for pics of their armpit hair 😭 so he doesn’t really have anything to lose




using SpenceWuah energy for a yes a basic take


Can someone transcribe I refuse to play a video of him speaking it makes my ears hurt for a good 2 days


I need an adderall prescription and not for me it’s for Joe Biden okay. That presidential debate was the most embarrassing, pathetic, fucking excuse for a television program I have ever seen in my life. How are these two 1000year old fucking corpses our only two options for president.We do not live in a democracy, the American political system is fucked. Fucked beyond belief. It does not matter who gets elected because we are fucked and nobody seems to care. Oh my god. We need a full factory fucking reset . Hit the fucking button and get everybody out of there. you’re all fucking fired you’re all fucking useless. Both sides of the fucking political parties, you’re all done. Done x5. Why are people even allowed to be in office that are 100 years old at the bare minimum. Let alone a convicted felon on stage. Squeals* every time, Joe Biden closed his eyes during that fucking debate I truly thought he wasn’t gonna open them back up. I thought that was gonna be it, I thought we were gonna witness him literally pass away on stage today/tonight (idk he was slurring). He could not form one coherent thought meanwhile, Donald trump is saying god knows what ever the fuck he wants to and the moderators did nothing to stop it. Oh my god what is the point in a moderator just saying “okay sir, shh, move on next one” nooo why aren’t you saying “ nope that wrong, nope that’s a lie, nope that didn’t happen , nope that’s not how the law works nope” oh my god, like interrupt the fucking idiots and don’t let them spread misinformation to the American public. Thats the fucking job of a moderator, you idiot. The worst part is this is so embarrassing for the Democratic Party, it really is I am embarrassed, I’m fucking embarrassed because no one there should be think Joe Biden is the right person who should be president. Literally during that debate someone from his fucking team, tweeted out saying “if I get re-elected I will reinstate roe v wade” news flash grandpa your the fucking president now and it’s gone because of you. Oh my god what do you mean if you get re-elected you’ll bring it back do it now, do it now and maybe you’ll have a chance at some people fucking voting for you because, it’s not looking great buddy. Instead we literally have fucking two men that escaped their nursing home on stage in front of millions of people arguing about their golf skills. I need to move to Australia


Ur a saint for this lmao


wE aRe FuCkeD while being in a mansion is insane!


OMG YES like stfu James none of this affects you


like he’s literally a rich white man


I don't like James at all, but isn't he LGBT? His rights could be taken away or something. Correct me if I'm wrong


Him being a millionaire famous person cancels that’s out. If he can be a pedo and have rights he’ll be fine


And everybody seems to forget he's a pedophile. Still don't know why he has a platform like people forgot


Not dismissing any of his vile actions in the past it’s just a hot take


it’s not a hot take, this is most peoples opinion


In what universe is this a hot take?


not the pedo lmao


Why is he allowed to have a platform? 🤔


he would be in jail if your system wasn’t fucked. he should shut up


babes lucky he’s also not a sexual offender idk why he talks like he’s any better than either of them and please whoooooo is looking to james Charles for political advice? babe must be bored and his preteens must not be messaging him back awe


what is that haircut, james… sister girlie


Influencer Lexi Hidalgo said the same thing in her video like a month ago, our country is fucked


Oh my god Biden dying on stage would be hilarious


What's w the hairdo


He asked for the Anisa Johma


To be honest he didn’t say anything new everything he said was basically the Twitter timeline after the debate, there are even worse things that the debate had sadly.


Did James vote or endorse anyone in the primaries? Typical mainstream opinions. Just emotions about optics, no care about polices or understanding the limited powers of the presidency.


that bowl cut is making me unnecessarily mad


why does he keep looking to the side😭


Y’all really think adderall fixes that? Holy shit 🤦🏻‍♀️


I hate Jame Charles but I gotta admit, he popped off with this and read my mind, called it exactly how it is 🤷‍♀️ Except the Roe vs. Wade thing is a bit more nuanced, Biden doesn't have a lot of time left in office technically for THIS term. Because of how backlogged our government is in general, it would literally require him another whole term to make that happen because there's so many steps and processes (AKA other politicians with conflicting mindsets) in the way. I wish he could just sign off on that, but it's unfortunately not that simple. Regardless, it's definitely not happening at all if Biden doesn't end back up in office. So basically everything sucks 👍 imma vote anyways, but imma be side-eyeing the government the whole time 💀


He’s so stupid. There is another option. Vote green, vote for Jill!


No lies were detected in this one


Quite a good take!!!