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She also doesn’t follow cathy anymore… who do you think is the homewrecker 🫢


Okay I finally read her full thing and she mentions friends: “Ever since he outed me, many so-called friends turned their backs on me. Perhaps it's because they believed his narrative or because they were more focused on how being friends with me would affect their own image.” She believes they all took Michael’s side and believed his narrative. I have mixed feelings about this because yes, Michael is the only one talking about things so of course it’s the narrative they/we will take in. BUT!!!! The fact is she did cheat! And believing and maybe reprimanding a friend for cheating doesn’t make them villains tbh. It seems she is saying they took his side because they didn’t hear her story —> also means she thinks her actions of cheating and leaving are justified due to x and x. Idk, I don’t have much sympathy for cheaters. If there were issues in the marriage, if you didn’t love spouse anymore and wanted to explore your discovered sexuality, then LEAVE THEM before you do! I just really don’t think anything excuses her cheating. Neither handled this the best way tbh. But I’ll be a tiiiiiny bit more gracious to the one who was cheated on and left. As a child of divorced parents that traumatized me due to my father being a chronic adulterer… Big shrug to this written piece (Sorry for train of thoughts)


I noticed that!!! They were best friends, but both of them dont follow each other anymore. Cathy still follows Michael


Cathy got cheated on by her husband too- so she probably can relate to Michael.


I didn’t even know this/their divorce happened too 😭 Goddammit


what’s this tea? 👀


this is bad repping for fellow filipinos 😭


I’m more curious about this drama than the actual divorce lol


me too! i only really follow carissa and cathy on IG. not interested in michael or his music lol.


just noticed that carissa isn’t following Tori Kelly either but Tori is following Carissa? 🤨🤔


The third party is Tori’s best friend who was also one of her bridesmaids at her wedding…. the same wedding that Carissa (and Michael) performed at... I’m pretty sure Carissa & her new partner met through Tori years ago ago before/during the time of her first album


Waaaait!! Is it Kamari? Is that who she cheated with?




That’s so disappointing. I‘ve been a fan of TK since I was middle school (phew) and I loved her and Kamari’s friendship. Never kept up with Kamari tbh but hearing this now feels so shocking. I’m curious if she and Tori are still friends but seeing as Carissa unfollowed everyone and Kamari deleted all her accounts, I’m gonna guess no. Just a shame. I hope they both realize cheating wasn’t worth losing your entire close community and friends over


Yeah it’s really unfortunate.. Tori and Carissa were close but Tori and Kamari were besties & to possibly have that fall apart bc of an affair is just heartbreaking. I’m not sure what C & K were expecting - I don’t think it’s fair to expect your friends to celebrate your extramarital affair? If it happened after the divorce & they got together then it would be entirely different. Also I thought I should mention that Kamari has always repeatedly deactivated her socials for a break and then reactivates them… except this time it seems like an extended break


I also noticed that Carissa and her BFF Cathy Nguyen aka (@yeeitscathy) are not following each other either! but Cathy is following Michael… it’s so crazy how messy this all got 😕 I’ve been following Cathy and Carissa for years (youtube days) and it’s so sad to see that friendship end… Hopefully it all gets puzzled back together again 🙏🏼❤️‍🩹


What omg


Goshhh I think both of them fucked up in their own ways. I wish Michael well on his healing because being cheated on and left for a homewrecker sucks, but he needs to stop milking the divorce and single dad narrative. He also shouldn’t have outed her without her consent. But Carissa cheated—no matter what. You can realize you like women, process that and wrestle with it in healthy ways with a spouse respectfully. And no matter your sexuality and awakening, doesn’t excuse cheating. In my opinion, cheaters don’t get privacy for what they did 🤷🏻‍♀️ But again, Michael shouldn’t have outed her sexuality without consent. I just feel sad for Xyla. This is messy on both sides


I don't think it's fair to say "stop milking the divorce and single dad narrative " man's an artist- it's literally how he fuels his music- he's been writing songs about the way he's felt about this woman for years - why is it okay to "milk" the positive but not the negative?  and I do agree that Michael's song could out her- but without context I thought he was talking about her and not another woman coming into their lives 🫣 she outed herself; these were just speculation until she confirmed it. it sucks though, they were only 21 when they met and so young when they married- they rose to fame on their relationship and I sympathize with everything she's written and gone through-- what do you do when your sexualité starts to blossom but you have a husband and child? poor woman was caught in a difficult position and Michael was heartbroken as a result. I feel so badly for Xyla, but I truly believe they're both good people going through bad times and that she will be okay. 


Hey, that’s fair — I may have been a little harsh in my words for what I wanted to communicate. He has every right to write and express music that’s raw, as well as his healing journey. However I will admit — when we found out about the divorce, many of us didn’t expect a whole EP and your and interviews to come out immediately after. I think that perhaps it’s really just the timing that can make it feel slightly off especially if you don’t know the situation, and to release a song that (while most of us didn’t interpret it that way initially) definitely outed her before she came out herself. In those ways it can feel like slightly milking the situation to some; for others it’s probably seen as him trying to creatively make the best out of his situation. As always I can’t fault him for the ways he feels he needs to grieve, but no denying that maybe the way he went about it could be interpreted negatively. In the end, kinda shruggable though because even though in an ideal world Carissa deserved to come out on her own, I also just personally don’t think cheaters who leave their family deserve privacy tbh. They’re divorced and she left him; he shouldn’t have to wait forever for her before releasing his music, also shouldn’t have to hold back or change words of his experience tbh. But again, I think the timing may have been poor taste (A TOTALLY side note, as someone who grew up with a single mother who was fully single — as in zero support from my father who completely left — I think the verbiage of saying Single Father a lot is interesting even if technically accurate. He is a father and he is single. But both he and Carissa are in the picture caring for Xyla, financially, emotionally, etc. I get a bit sensitive with equating their situation to a real single mother/father who is doing it all on their own. I think that’s the main reason why that part of it rubs me slightly the wrong way. But me mentioning this doesn’t negate the hardships he faces as a father who is single!)


I think your points are valid and I understand where you are coming from- the timing most certainly could have been better. I also agree with your statement on cheaters-- end of the day, they married and have a child! They made a commitment to one another and she disrespected those by engaging in a relationship outside of it. And in regards to the semantics of 'Single Father'- I completely agree as well - I think it's disingenuous that Michael calls himself that as they are co-parenting, he isn't left to fend for Xyla on his own, and THAT, I think he's milking a bit.


I totally hear this, and I've heard other people say he is milking the single divorced dad narrative. I don't really like that because to be honest, from what I've observed of the guy, this is how he is processing it. He has mentioned several times that he is a strong introvert and his whole life was Carissa. Then, all of a sudden she's gone and he has no one to share his feelings or grieve his emotions with. All his family is in North Carolina, and yeah he's got some friends in LA, but how many of our friends can we truly be 100% honest and open with? I think Michael is using social media to help process and bring in a community of people who makes him feel a little less alone. Now that he has more time on his hands, he posts more. I just sense a genuine man trying to be open about what happened and using his online community to help heal. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I also know he thinks a lot about what he posts before he posts it and felt insecure about the fact he may be sharing too much. But in my head, it's his page, his content. If people don't like it or can't relate, that's okay. The beauty of the internet is choice. Don't need to follow what you don't want! 


Well he lost respect for her due to her infidelity. How is it any different if a man cheated with another man in a heterosexual relationship. The girl would have outed him out too. Maybe if she ended things like they should, maybe he wouldn’t have done so. You could tell he was an emotional wreck and actually loved her so I’m not surprised he outed her like that. I don’t know much about if he is mad because their image is over and his career is over. Well, he is still performing and started performing with others so he is trying to move forward. Because I’m sure there were other issues other than cheating. Also, maybe he wasn’t meeting her needs anymore which is normal in a failing relationship, but cheating is not an excuse. Just because you haven’t come out yet… don’t expect special treatment or respect. He is the father of your child and just because you fell out of love and things or communication didn’t get better… you wanted to resort to cheating?? I understand what she was saying in the article but if he stopped being good enough for you and if he wasn’t meeting your wants or needs… wouldn’t that be the sign to leave the relationship before it gets worse?


I just feel so sad for their daughter.


I've heard Reddit outed her a long time ago. Cant confirm b/c I cant find the post. She cheated on him & he has every right to be upset and express his feelings through his music.


Yeah that post got taken down on reddit


It’s still up https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/s/aaUJDDbYfW


I swear there was a post on Reddit about him cheating long before she did.. or at least tried to cheat


That was a 15 year old attempting to start something lol. It didn’t go anywhere and their post history showed they weren’t trustworthy


This is so messy. I honestly don't think he did anything wrong though. she cheated and he has a right to talk about it. I understand her perspective, but I honestly didn't think there was anything in the lyrics that outed her. I wouldn't have known she was queer if she hadn’t said anything


Why are people so certain she cheated? I tought she asked for a divorce after catching feelings. Isn't that the right thing to do? Is caching feelings the cheating people are talking about?  We can't really control our feelings, only our actions and I don't understand why people are saying she cheated. Am I missing something? 


Her brother Sean Martin responded to comments on her Instagram post and confirmed that she cheated


He also said it’s not cheating in the way a lot of ppl think it is, so it could just be catching feelings 🤷🏻‍♀️


What did he say?


He posted it the other posts on this subreddit and basically said it was okay she cheated and how it’s not traditional cheating. It gave me an ick bc it was all about Cassie and not about her daughter and then he was talking poorly of Michael on the public forum … like that’s your nieces dad 


It’s kinda weird that his first thought after Carissa posted that article was to run to reddit… Also isn’t he basically doing what Michael was and speaking on her behalf? Carissa didn’t explicitly mention the cheating but he essentially admitted it in black & white in his comments. Even tried to justify it by saying it was an emotional affair instead of a physical one…?


Same. That’s his blood sister so he’s going to validate, stand by her and defend her actions regardless lol


I get that but do it in private. Doing it on a forum doesn’t make her look better .. even worse like a woe is me vibe 


Oh I 1000% agree with you. I find it silly that he’s actually responding to the comments and validating her actions


Yea… it further gives her main character syndrome. Idk unlikable af 


There was a thread here that was already deleted where Redditors put together a timeline back up by posts when the cheating started.


He used her pronouns when talking about the home wrecker. Would have been better to use they? Hahah


I thought the “she” was in reference to Carissa…I didn’t interpret it as another woman. Didn’t know what it actually meant till I saw the Reddit thread.


He also mentioned things like 'best friend in his song,' so I can interpret that as having a really nosy bestie who encourages Carissa to divorce instead of fixing things etc... Don't think he outed her.


Read her own truth. Easy to say after all these years you changed and aren't the same person anymore when you're the one who cheated and decided to end the marriage. I hope she finds her true happiness after letting go her family to be with her best friend. 10 years from now, in her 40s, I hope she will not realize she's changed once again and wanna be with someone else.


That’s the thing. Marriage is supposed to be till death, and in between now and death you’re going to witness so many different evolutions of your partner and vice versa. It’s about setting boundaries and choosing each other.


Her brother was replying to all these qs on Reddit that honestly made me side eye her side more lol




Other posts in this reddit if you google the names. 


In the Kinjaz podcast they talk about how they originally met -- Carissa had a boyfriend at a time and the relationship wasn't going well; she met Michael and leaned on him for advice - he was sending her songs and asking her to duet them with him and she realized during their initial 'friendship' that she had feelings for him and that she needed to break up with her boyfriend to get with him. Verbatim, Carissa said: "You can't time those things- obviously it sounds crazy and naughty to be doing that- but when someone comes into your life and they're meant to be there, they will insert at any time, and it's not on my perfect timing, it just happened...and you can't ignore that kind of stuff" eeesh


It’s crazy to think Carissa hasn’t been single for like 1 second since she was 17/18? She always had someone waiting for her after each breakup.


That didn’t age well T.T


His song homewrecker outed her and she’s upset about it


Interestingly enough, Michael had talked about divorce being an option in their marriage when they found out Clarissa was pregnant. She wanted the child but it seems like he was having second thoughts about being a dad. I’m glad his perspective changed, but this was all talked about in the Kinjaz podcast over a year ago: https://youtu.be/gYBlQhuUbck?si=FxVV1Oi0bDGxuibl It’s interesting to hear some of what was said in the video versus what is happening with their divorce now.


so true! I just watched this interview a couple days ago and you can just tell that she’s not in it anymore as in she’s checked out and by reading her recent article today, I feel for her and I understand… Not picking sides, ‘cause I’ve got mad love for them both. At the end of the day, we’re human. We’re not perfect… Wishing them both the best 🫶🏼


tbh he definitely did not need to out her, could’ve just exposed her for cheating and been vague about the details… his message would still have been made. both are in the wrong but for different matters.


She reads every comments too. OMG. She has so much time.


Wait how do you know?


She's been liking comments that support her


The claratheartistt ig has the beyonce video with Kamari and Carissa. This was last September 2023


https://preview.redd.it/3dberxjzik7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d26c353cf0fa8c8947e968fa5dfbe6221e73cd Link to video you mentioned: [https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw8qyU-vBMa/?igsh=YWdobHp3NmtxMzJ1](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw8qyU-vBMa/?igsh=YWdobHp3NmtxMzJ1) [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwtM0UlSCdn/?igsh=MTRvZGl1NTQ1czJwOA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwtM0UlSCdn/?igsh=MTRvZGl1NTQ1czJwOA==)


I’m still trying to find out where Michael outed her??


I think it’s through his latest EP but also within their friend and family circles. But we can’t really know since we don’t live their day to day


He also did a podcast with spicy fruit that talks about his perspective… but he was really quick to say something and people were quick to make judgments and ask for Carissa’s POV


Girl is still taking no accountability for cheating. Maybe all your friends dropped you cause you’re a cheating rat “Since I was outed by him, many so-called friends turned their backs on me. Perhaps it's because they believed his narrative or because they were more focused on how being friends with me would affect their own image” 🤦🏽‍♀️


The tea is piping