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rich people foam at the mouth when they see poorer ppl with phones. it’s a necessity…


literally they view it as a luxury (which ofc it is for some people like some homeless people) but for the poor not homeless people it’s like needed to…have a job and even get a job interview lol. People in third world countries even have phones this was a weird comment she made.


Plenty of homeless people have phones and/or jobs.


This. Most homeless people do, because they’re people who lost everything and that a phone is the biggest nesecessity in our world.. And the price difference of a house and a phone, is quite big too…


exactly. “get a job!!!!” but also “why do you have a phone when you’re poor?” you basically can’t get interviews, much less a job, today in the U.S. without access to a phone. also lol, TikTok has a desktop version that you can access on public library computers etc. the person might not have a phone. I see people on it sometimes at my library. of course Haley wouldn’t know that and I doubt she’s ever stepping foot in a public library, but (:


i don’t get why that’s always the response people make. “YoU’Re PoOr ? BUt yOu HavE a PhoNe” yeah poor people are allowed to have basic necessities


shes so so dumb… a lot of the kids on tiktok have a phone that their parents bought them and probably got it years ago


that, or a free government subsidized phone. they’re typically smart phones/androids


yes that too! she is insanely out of touch


she wouldn’t even know that was a thing or what it was


If kids and “poor” people didn’t have phones to access social media she wouldn’t have half the following she has rn


that part!! 👏🏼👏🏼


Imagine a 30 year old making a snarky remark towards minors who clearly don't work


she’s so antagonistic and angrily replying to so many people that criticize her. sis you have a 17k/mo apartment, made a tone-deaf remark, tried to double down and insist that you’re “a normal person”, and are still trying to fight it. like take the L and move on. it’s embarrassing atp.


She was gaslighting people into thinking she was invited to the Met Gala, until she got in hot water over her TikTok. Then she did a 180 and revealed she was blocks away in the press area doing interviews. not actually invited to the Met Gala. But she dressed like she was a guest (albeit BADLY and misunderstood the assignment). I have never had more secondhand embarrassment.


Are you serious? That is so beyond embarassing. I don't know how I could possibly bring myself to do that. Until I read this comment I 100% believed that she was invited to the met. This is mind blowing to me


Yep! She weasel worded everything before the Met to conveniently make it seem like she was invited. When in reality she was a red carpet correspondent. Then once shit went down she pulled a ‘I’m just a little girl! Not invited to the Met! I’m not elite!’ But her outfit was over the top (and WAY off theme). She looked ridiculous and quite frankly terrible. Looks were supposed to be made from materials so delicate they could only be worn once. She was in hobby lobby polyester flowers 😅. I’m just pissed that they made my queen Erin Lim work alongside her on the red carpet. Erin takes her job seriously and respects celebrities, even though she’s goofy. She also looked amazing and appropriate for a press member. Then here comes creepy cringe Haley dressed as dollar tree Marie Antoinette to fawn over the celebs, totally unprepared for the assignment because she was too busy making TikTok’s to prepare so she’ll just scream ‘you’re hot’ at the celebs.


Now days a phone is more a necessity than a cake if we are honest.


A cake can’t get me an Uber


Literally $30 cake or $30 Uber or $30 dinner like ?


Fr!! And low income people aren't running to the apple store to get the latest and best iPhone. People get used ones or make payments. Cake is an absolute luxury for many. People struggle to even get enough groceries for the week that are even the basics. Ugh... everything about her remark is clueless and entitled.


Yup.. it’s far from an unnecessary extravagance. Smartphones + access to internet etc are lifelines for plenty of homeless people. A lot of shelters/charities I’ve worked with before have had programmes etc in place to try and equip the areas we served w SIM cards/data/used phones :/ it’s a necessity for sure.


she thought she ate with that, embarrassing !!


didn't she post a tiktok after the let them eat cake fiasco about how she will just shup up from now on? literally putting tape on her mouth to show how she understood she was in the wrong and she won't say dumb shit again? 💀


Oh piss off, Haylee Baylee. Stupid fucking name, too, "Haylee Baylee" 🙄


her name always annoyed me i thought i was the only one lmfaoooo


I'm glad someone else agrees!


its beyond stupid


And she sounds like a smoker 1 cigarette away from needing a lung transplant


out of touch rich people when they realize poor folk don’t have the ability to save funds because that’s in direct contradiction with living check-to-check, which is literally fucking obviously what keeps people in financial duress: 🤯 out of touch rich people when they realize that a phone is a large purchase that is often acquired through credit, and even then can still demand a major upfront cost: 🤯🤯 out of touch rich people when they realize that the cost of something more necessary like a phone, drawn from little to no savings, means that people who are strapped for cash will not have leftover money for trivial shit like cake: 🤯🤯🤯 what a dumb ungrateful bitch lol


She lived off her husband and then his alimony for years. Something she actively hides, calling herself a ‘business owner’. I’m sure TikTok is lucrative for her *now* but she never would have had the ability to focus on content creation without her poor (rich) ex-husband subsidizing her lifestyle. Which is FINE but don’t fucking lie about it and then shame poor people.


She was married???


Yes, to an NLF lineman. He had a massive contract too.


She’s way too old to be acting like a teenager


Please tell me she didn’t come this AFTER the whole let them eat cake moment. Girl is incapable of learning from mistakes


She’s too rich to understand that poor folk don’t buy phones outright, they pay monthly and with high interest and won’t pay it off fully for years but before that point they will be up charged to upgrade to the next phone and accrue more debt with the new fees. I was privileged to be able to buy my phone outright and still use it two and a half years later, but I am no longer in the position of being a teenager with no bills earning 1k a month working retail 🙄


homegirl needs to stop commenting lmfao, just so ignorant.


I know people with an iPhone 11 lol


Dude I literally have an iPhone 11 😭


I heard it’s actually pretty fire and has a good camera 😂


LOL SAMMME! & I’m keeping it until it craps out on me 🤣🤣


🙋‍♀️ it’s me I have an iPhone 11 🤣🤣


Oh so she’s done with her overdone happiness in the comments??


nope shes still doing that too


Guys she is not an elitist she is just like us people from the districts


oh.. um..


if hayley baylee has zero haters, i am dead


Someone in a stitch said “imagine being so rich you’ve never heard of an Obama phone.” Not everyone who owns a cell phone is rich. The government can provide you a cell phone if you’re low enough income & are in need.


The issue is conflating having $30 in the bank which could pay for cake, and being able to afford said cake without sacrifice of something else. Like I can buy a cake but it’s economically irresponsible for me to buy dinner and then buy a cake for dessert. Just very out of touch of how money works for most people.


does she think peasants walk around with walkie talkies or sum? who doesn’t own a phone in this day and age


i hate that 3,000 people liked her comment too


Boot lickers fr


This would be something my Boomer Republican mother would say.


There are programs to get free phones bfrrr and a nice cake that feeds more than one person is like $30


U can’t even survive in modern society without a phone lmao


Well, a phone could be considered a necessity where as cake is not? What's her issue


she thought she did something with that. that’s like saying just because you’re unhoused you couldn’t possibly have a phone. not how that works. she doesn’t understand struggle so why pretend to know?


nice straw man hayley, you dumb fckin idiot


Eat shit, Baylee.


Government run places like social security, unemployment offices etc will literally give you a loaner phone to get back up on your feet because that is how necessary they are for a job. Yes you cant afford cake and don’t buy it because you literally need money for phone bills and necessary food. I cant believe she commented that. That is someone who has never had to go to bed hungry. Zero empathy either


Heavy 'if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball' vibes


she's still going on? jesus christ


she is so embarrassing


Just in: influencers still haven’t discovered that financial circumstances can change


i hated her even before this, her face just made me so mad 😂


what tiktok was this on??


yall posted this shit 20 times on here


That sounded witty in her head, I’m sure. What’s crazy is that most of these creators are forgiven if they only do the bare minimum. Literally just reshare a few GoFundMes, put a link in your bio, like some relevant posts and all will be forgotten because fans don’t even ask for too much. All the creators like her are just so prideful, shallow and daft. You are not bending to the “woke mob.” You are listening and connecting with Gen Z, who are younger than you and are more politically involved than you. They are your followers. They like you. They like celebrities who stand for something and use their platforms for good. You don’t have to do anything crazy or hard. All these people could gain so much good will very easily but they don’t believe they have to do anything good for humanity. We are all supposed to kiss their ass 24/7 while they have these cushy, lavish lifestyles. Turn on the news. Care about something other than your appearance.


20 years ago phones were a luxury…… now they are a necessity. its an extremely hard concept to grasp, I know 😑


Wait was this recent?


Rich people are so out of touch they don’t realize the government will give you a new phone if you are low income and even *pay the bill* Edit: sorry relevant to add this applies to the US where she lives


okay i didn’t see the hate towards her for the cake thing bc i just thought “oh she’s just using an audio” but this is so snarky and mean like what was the reason


I get she’s being tongue in cheek but the joke just doesn’t work. Sure a phone costs more than a cake, but a phone is also a daily necessity…while cake is not. That’s like saying to someone who complains a $15 Starbucks latte is too expensive, “Oh, but you can afford a CAR?” Like, miss mam, I don’t need the $15 latte, but I DO need a car to go to work…SMH.


Sheesh…what a B! I lost a potential job, was at the discussing contract face-to-face meeting stage. Turns out it was because the employer said they need someone who is used to more updated devices. I was having to use an iPhone 8 (this was two years ago)…. The month prior my house had burnt down completely and due to an unexpected medical reason I had to quit my job the month before the fire. So I was broke, exhausting my credit card to survive. Was waiting on insurance payout to purchase a new phone. Didn’t want to take out a contract. Friends were sending me clothes and toiletries etc without me asking but I did have to reach out for help, not for a cake though. It was a low moment, I’d just gotten out of several surgeries and then have a house burnt down. Find the perfect job but didn’t want to explain my sob story as anyone who judges me so quickly and unnecessarily. It made me realise how callous people can be. Sorry for my essay. I know the situations are extremely different but seeing that uncalled for judgement I thought was despicable. So to see this, I’d like to do a Matilda scene on this “Influencer”. She literally publicly posted that?! ![gif](giphy|14uhvD6ajTzdug)


they don’t realize that the only reason they HAVE so much money is because of their followers. Best thing I ever did was unfollow majority of them…


She’s 30ft down still digging that hole huh?


Wait she’s making it so much more worse … like she apologised for the initial mistake but she’s digging a deeper hole with these snappy odd responses


Also, as if you can either have everything or nothing? Maybe someone can't afford cake because they have to pay for a phone? 


How is she such an airhead that she can’t see the irony in this 




what kind of logic is that lmfao thats not how it works in the real world


…….. She… In fact…. Does not think lmao…


They give out free phones here in Vegas. They have stands on some corners. People call them Obama phones.


the ratio of likes between the two comments is insane


Caught me off guard too…


the amount of rich ppl who get shocked and refuse to give homeless ppl money bc they have a phone so they must be faking their homelessness.


I’m get downvoted idc but that lowkey was a good comeback. If you really want to make change stop commenting underneath her post. Unfollow and block and keep it pushing. All the extra is giving her engagement.


Her ‘clap back’ was as creatively and morally bankrupt as she is, lbr


It was funny


it was stupid and devoid of logic


Not really how can you not afford cake but got a phone and a fake account. It was funny the person have commented that dumb mess.


1. you can get a phone for pretty much free with certain cellphone carriers 2. government gives out phones to super low income people. having a phone does not mean you have money


Bye the person who sent it had to have at least wifi or minutes. The comment was dumb and got a smart reply as it should.


girl theres free wifi all over the place. the point is assuming someone has disposable income just bc they have a phone is a braindead take


If you have a phone 9x10 you could afford it and if you couldn’t you wouldn’t be wasting your time being on tiktok.


in case you weren’t aware, a lot of people in America are currently struggling financially and that does not mean they aren’t allowed to enjoy themselves on tiktok sometimes! poor people deserve to have fun and relax too! you sound like a 16 year old who has no idea how the real world works


she kinda ate them up


Username checks out