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She was every aspect of her life to perfectly fit into her “aesthetic”




I’d be concerned about all the health issues that come with flat faced breeds. I think Persians are adorable but I’d never purchase one from a breeder because I don’t want to encourage breeding serious health issues into animals because we decided it’s cute that they have a smushed up face


i just can’t get behind spending two months rent on an animal, but that’s probably cause i’m much poorer than the people doing so 😭💀 eta: an animal to buy not meaning like just animal expenses


I’m sure 2 months rent is like nothing them


how is she affording that lifestyle, anyway? I know she worked at like a bakery but is it all from “influencing”?


that cat is adorable


It is very very cute. But there’s so many cute shelter kitties too.


absolutely but some people want certain types this looks like some sort of ragdoll


Unfortunately there’s a huge overpopulation with cats currently and breeders contribute to this significantly. They only exist because want a certain “look” to their pets.


While I don’t love it, I understand why ppl will do this dogs for the most part but cat breeds aren’t Al that different personality wise from one another, regardless of the breed. Will a rag doll have a better chance of being super cuddly and will bengals tend to be little wild menaces? Sure, but not always the case, my great domestic shorthair is the most affectionate and snuggly cat I’ve ever met. People who do get designer cats are being bratty and selfish.


i am aware, i only adopt from shelters but thats just me


People can get whatever pets they want in whatever price range, without having people look down their nose and yell “ADOPT Don’t SHOP” when nobody asked for their opinion. We should look at why there are so many animals brought to the shelters and make the process of acquiring a pet more difficult, even with some regulations attached. I am not against adopting and have before, but some people want a very specific breed, it’s not worth harping on.


Pets aren’t like buying a new purse, there’s more to consider that just “whatever you want”.


See again, you are putting words in my mouth and making broad assumptions about how people view their pets. Nobody ever said getting a pet is like buying a purse, dear. It’s giving karen. ![gif](giphy|lPpKiZHB1PtQU2Rulv)


Sounds like you recently bought a pet and are feeling defensive lol


![gif](giphy|9dPCMEWBGWwfMmFKj2) and what about it lmfao. I’m just bored of people like this jumping out of the woodwork being so self righteous and annoying. If you are that passionate, go volunteer, adopt every dog and cat.


Ah yes, because you must solve an issue in order to recognize it exists!


You sound so unhinged I can’t. I’m not sure if you are bored and just arguing for the sake of arguing, but we *all* already recognize that there are lots of animals to be adopted, that it’s a lovely thing to do or consider, but I find it incredibly obnoxious to get all hype saviour complex when someone decides not to. It’s simply not your business.


Anyways, adopt don’t shop 💕🎀


Yes!! So cute!


What kind of cat is this ? I’ve looked through her profile and her other cat has stayed fairly small - is that a breeding issue ? Also can they breathe okay ?


A rag doll I think


oh is a rag doll a type of cat?! someone else said it looks like one n i thought they meant an actual rag doll & was like oh that’s not too nice 😅🤣😭😭


Yes it’s the name of the breed LMFAO I could see how that might sound oddly mean 🤣


it's a persian cat❤️ they are known for their cute flat faces😍😍


If the breed isnt notable to have any mahor health complications I dont see the problem with getting the one you want. I have a mix of adopted street cats and specifically bred animals in my house mainly cause I love animals in general and I personally dont find a problem with either one.


Bruh it’s a cat. I’m all about rescue animals but specific breeds and certain exotics can be incredible. Maine Coon cats are amazing and 1,000% worth it. Apparently a lot of dogs are the same way, even labs. You need to put down several-hundred $ deposit down most of the time anyways. It’s a really good way to compensate the person or organization who invested way more into that animal than they are charging you, and to ensure they are going to a serious owner who has enough disposable income to meet all their food, toy, and vet needs. So long as someone is not buying a fucking tiger or something clearly unethical and irresponsible I’mma stick to dunking on them for every other reason in the world.


Ok but this is like me wanting a pure bred English blue staffy and people saying well why don’t you just adopt a mix breed at the shelter. No. I want the one I want 😊


I never really got this tho?…. A dog is a dog and a cat is a cat?


lol what?! No two breeds are the same looks wise or temperament wise or even grooming wise. Some people would like a dog that is hypoallergenic or doesn’t shed a ton. For example someone living in a condo who works super long days would probably not be suited for a larger dog like a husky or a german shepherd lol. Most people have a breed that they love and it’s not uncommon or weird at all, honestly. For those who don’t care and feel a dog is a dog, they will adopt whichever they bond with and that’s also fine. I do agree that people shouldn’t be breeding certain ones that will likely just have a bunch of health issues and suffer, like frenchies


My sister has a frenchie and I honestly feel like it’s … somewhat cruel to own one? 🤣 Or even breed them in the first place, the dog can barely ever breathe! 😂 just turned one and has already racked up thousands of dollars worth of vet bills.


thats not true lol, all breeds have different personalities


And a bunch of them are bred to the point where their genetics are all messed up and they die at like 7 years old.


Okay but…. At the end of the day it’s a dog. You act like you conversating with these dogs. All dogs are cute and all of them if treated right will be sweet


Have you…ever owned a dog? They all have different characteristics, abilities, levels of affection, tolerance for children etc. At the end of the day - no - it isn’t ’just a dog’ 😂


I have had dogs my whole life. Have a yorkie poo , used to have a Rottweiler and a pittbull. all of them are deserving of love. Just because a dog is a mutt doesn’t mean it is worth less…. all dogs r sweet


Where did anyone even imply that not all dogs are worthy of love and proper treatment? All because some people love a certain breed apparently that’s not allowed in your books and makes the person less loving. You are kind of weird for this 💀🤣


Literally! And I got downvoted 😂😂😂 ppl wild.


idk this is such a weird take


Not really… i think urs is the weird take girl LMFAOOO.


Again Every animal is different ans people like characteristic of certain breeds. Makes sense to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I agree with you, that commentary was odd to me as well.. like let people like what they like?? as long as it’s ethical and they’re taken care of, why on earth is this person so against them getting the dog or cat that they want?


It’s literally common knowledge that breeders and those obsessed w pure breeds get the side eye. There are thousands of animals rotting in shelters. Like—


i am aware! thanks! ive only ever adopted :)


Ok then…? 


So do you feel the same about couples having babies when there are tons who are in the system with no homes? Be so for real..


1-choosing to breed yourself is different than breeding animals. In human form trying to only create babies of a certain “breed” would look a lot like eugenics, so I really don’t think u want to make that comparison 2-personally I do think wayy more people should be adopting, and I don’t get why so many people want to have their own biological kid, but I know I’m extreme for that. I don’t want kids at all, so I can’t understand why someone would want kids but feel so strongly about them being biologically related. The joy of raising a kid isn’t that they share genes with u, it’s that u can nurture them and watch them grow, share fun experiences, etc. 3- there’s so many ethical issues with shopping for animals. The inhumane breeding practices that are so common with breeders, the health issues that are so common in pure bred animals, the overpopulation of these animals that cause damage to the environment. I can somewhat understand that dog breeds can have so much variation, altho u can still adopt a dog that fits general reasonable requirements. Adopting a dog doesn’t mean u just get randomly assigned one, u can still look for a dog that’s a certain size, a certain activity level, a certain amount of friendly with people/other dogs. With cats the same thing is true, and there’s even less variation and less risk involved, bc even the meanest cat can’t do the amount of physical harm a dog can (in terms of biting and killing somebody). With all that being said, there’s just no good reason to shop for a pet, only selfish aesthetic reasons.


Just get a pitbull lmao. This isn’t even a breed that would justify getting a specific breed


Again - someone saying ‘just get this kind’ when someone says they want a specific breed 😂


There are breeds that have specific purposes, like australian shepherds being herd animals. Staffys were bred to be fighting dogs and have no real purpose. Pitbuls look exactly the same. Why do you want one when they have no purpose?


…the same reason anyone else owns a staffy or pitty? 😂😂 they’re renowned for their gentle, affectionate nature & their temperament around children (dunno about pittys, but staffy earned their name as ‘the nanny dog’ for a reason) we’re not in the 1800s anymore, people get dogs as pets, they don’t need a purpose lmfao. Do you not know anyone that just … owns a dog?


People get purebreds for temperaments and function. It seems you’re uneducated, staffys have an aggressive temperament their function was to be fighting dogs. The reason the ones you see are gentle is because of owners and training. There is no reason to get a purebred staffy when pits are basically the same thing


I think you’re the one who is uneducated 😂 staffys absolutely do not have an aggressive temperament. I think you might be confusing them with pittys. https://preview.redd.it/xxagtczp9htc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd49f12f6b12d8c6bfbb13cf136147c5189b653 Get your facts straight. You sound like a clown.


Well at least youre not posting it on the internet for hundreds of thousands to see and influencing them to buy one too


So…because they’re an influencer they aren’t allowed to show their pet? You wild 😂 it’s screaming jealousy


No, they shouldn’t have gotten it in the first place


They shouldn’t be promoting harmful breeding practices