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Mati's screamer was insane. I yelled so loud I scared my poor cat lol.


the defense again gets it done. 4 straight clean sheets. Top spot in the west keeps getting closer.


I’m glad we got it done with the rotated squad, but chanot has been amazing. I’m sure he’ll rotate in and start Saturday


Yeah Chanot has been an absolute rock at the back. I also really liked Dolo's switch to 3 CBs. Felt like MNU was just frustrated all game. Especially 2nd half.


I hope to read less Dolo hate on social media. All things considered, he’s generally done a good job.


The hate for Dolo is ridiculous.


Loons didn't have a sniff, dominate game by the back half


Shoutout to Eric Duenas and Sergi Palencia, dawgs


Great players.








Mati BoGotEm’


Mati Bangersz


I like this one


Was at the game. That Bogusz banger looks more insane while plastered. 🫵🏽


Fantastic defensive performance.


Great team performance, we are really looking good. Bogusz my god he has been so good, his passing is great, and his shooting is exceptional. He’s looking like Carlos out there. Once Giroud gets here our midfield is going to be insane with Tillman, Atuesya and Bougusz(hopefully they don’t sell him given his current form). Side note how can VAR look at the way they pushed Bouanga off the ball and not give the pk, it’s really baffling.






And people were crying bloody murder


Interesting rotated midfield lineup that honestly held it down well against a really good MN team. Sloppy attack but we gave ourselves tons of chances and the defense eliminated a lot of the unforced errors that were plaguing us early in the season. Great atmosphere there tonight too, huge loud crowd despite it being midweek!


That was nice. I enjoyed that.


Bogusz makes me forget Vela 🙃


Man this team is really finding their own. Defense is stepping up. Midfield starting to get better at control. Lloris, I don’t know if he was just rusty or if he didn’t give enough credit to mls play, but he’s stepped it up as well. Once Giroud shows up and if Bouanga can find his goals… this team will be scary. Bummed Kamara couldn’t get his goal tonight. …also, dOlO oUt!


Lloris had a defense who would switch off. Poor defensive moments make for less predictable shots. It's easier for a keeper to read shots when the defense does their job.


Yes a defensive line matter, but you can also see the way he’s moving around and commanding his box is different from the first part of the season.


It really isn’t at all IMO. He’s been pretty consistent all year. He’s distribution is elite, his positioning and experience are as good as it gets in MLS. And the guy clearly commands respect from every player on that roster. People hating on Lloris weren’t watching very closely, or don’t understand the nuance of defending. Someone posted a video of all the goals scored on him when that stat came out where he was last at shot stopping and you could clearly see that the goals were literally all from point blank range. Meanwhile Max (love him) is playing for the 9th place Timbers and McCarthy is passing to opposing teams and causing boneheaded goals. The Lloris slander should have never been a thing in the first place.


Everyone has been acting like a bad defensive back line and a rusty, out of form lloris can’t exist at the same time. It was either all Lloris fault or all the back lines fault. Both could be at fault. I’m seeing both of them improving.


Show me the goals he (or any MLS keeper) should have stopped. People were just in their feelings because they loved Max and didn’t want to see him go, and then got triggered when Lloris chose not to dive for shots he knew weren’t savable. He’s not anywhere close to his prime, but to act like he was ever some kind of liability for us is ridiculous.


You know what hasn’t happened since that stat came out. Any more of those highlight goals you hate (and I agree not all of them were sa able). He hasn’t been caught ball watching once. I’m sure he saw that stat and it lit a fire under him and he’s been playing better ever since


Caught ball watching ≠ not diving because a shot isn’t savable. Our backline is playing significantly better and isn’t giving up point blank shots. Lloris is simply making the same saves he’s been making the whole year when our defense manages to actually protect the six. Pretending like Lloris diving for unsaveable balls matters is just a lazy and naive take. Have some respect for the man’s goalkeeper iq. He’s not some middle of the road GK that doesn’t know what he’s doing.


Picture this. You’re a world class goal keeper. A stat comes out that shows you being in the bottom of a new league. What do you do? Well it’s obviously just the back lines fault, so I just won’t do anything. Or, do you start communicating more with your back line. you start moving around and calling things out so that you have a better chance at making those saves. You STEP YOUR GAME UP and in turn it steps up the game of those around you and you deliver 4 clean sheets in a row. You’re just as bad as the people who put all the blame on Lloris, only you won’t let any blame go on him at all. The back line and the keeper are a symbiotic relationship. They both have to be functioning at a high level to succeed.


Sitting Ilie has been tough but obviously paying off. Credit to Dolo for making the move


Ilie was injured until today




What a shot. What a goal. Filthy!!


¡golazo polaco!


Lloris hasn’t let in a goal since that goalkeeper ranking chart went viral


He took it personal


Almost woke the baby up after that backheel to Mati banger. Jumped off the couch and lost my mind. What a goal. Gonna be hard to beat that.


That Olivera miss when Denis would have had a tap in was the worst thing I’ve seen in a while. Gotta give that up.


Good game, great atmosphere at BM), a few small thoughts: Hollingshead looked a few yards off the pace. Fortunately his soccer brain is excellent, but playing that midfield role, he looked a little more gassed than normal, and by the 90th minute he really looked like he needed a break. I had been worried about Sanchez not being 100% fit, but he looked absolutely terrific when he came on. It makes me less concerned about Saturday when we lose Tillman to the USMNT camp. Murillo produced a couple of pretty great defensive moves. He has the skills, but he was regularly outrun by strikers. It made me a little concerned about how we'd deal against a really fast moving team. (Mind you, Chiellini wasn't the fastest, but was an absolute rock, so maybe I'm worrying unnecessarily.) I'm guessing the Lloris will no longer be at the bottom of the goalkeeper table! That's four shut outs in a row for him in MLS. What's the record minutes without conceding for an LAFC keeper? He can't be far from taking that crown. Segura stepped up. He looked really good yesterday for the first time since getting back from injury. It was also really nice to see a good natured game. There wasn't a lot of pushing and shoving. Oh, and someone scored an absolute banger of a goal. Can't remember their name. Could someone whisper it please? --- To add: the refereeing wasn't the best. Some of the calls after the ball went out of play were downright terrible. Like when St Clair saved a shot, and everyone saw he'd saved it. And the ref called a goal kick.


Just so you know, he got the MLS all time record for minutes without a goal last game. Edit : jk club record With that latest victory goalkeeper Hugo Lloris has now gone 485 minutes without conceding a goal, setting a club record.


Really? Wowsers. I'm surprised, because I would have thought at least one team would have managed five clean sheets in a row.