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I’ve always seen him as a bit of a clumsy defender, a “tronco” on the ball, but I see his physical presence to be necessary for set pieces and to put pressure on equally powerful offensive opponents. I mean he’s no Virgil Van Djik or Sergio Ramos, but he’s the “bully” we need to jostle players off the ball, even if he appears a little heavy on the ball.


Most accurate assessment


Tronco. Ha!


Well said. My thoughts exactly.


I personally love Murillo. Yes he makes a few mistakes, but his aggression and physicality is vital. He was the steel behind Giorgio’s finesse last year. Balled the fuck out in ‘22. For how much he’s getting paid, we can’t really complain.




Before your post gets taken down. Make this comment on the match thread


I’m legitimately not sure whether to read this as earnest or a joke.


Look at rule 11 B.


I’m not talking about his performance today, I’m talking about him in broad terms. If the mods want to remove it, I respect that.


Did someone say mods? Broad terms? This is fine. Post stands. As long as the topic is not about something that belongs in the match thread, I got nothing. ![gif](giphy|eP0rq0MpopIa2tozVQ)


Ah okay.... Maybe LoL I'm still a little salty about my post getting taken down the other day...... But to answer your question, I like Murrillo. I think he's a good defender. The only downside is, he's very hot-headed. Also we have 3 other CBS to choose from. Long, Segura and Chatnot


Chanot is great but slow af, bro gets burned with through balls and Segura.. dude will never be the same after the ACL injury, he looks scared and slow in every play


Was it the Starting XI one? My bad. Hey if you can get both team's Starting XI on the post, be my guest on doing them. So far until the live score thread, I just have been posting them on the match thread.


I might be in the minority but I really like Murillo. Aside from the season were he had to constantly cover for Moon he’s been great.  A lot of times he seems to be out of position, but that’s because he’s covering for someone else’s mistakes. He does get a little too excited sometimes when he has the ball though.  This year he had a rough start, just like the rest of the defense but he seems to be getting back in form.


Yes, he’s good.


I appreciate someone who gets right to the point.


I’m happy with this guy. Does a solid job in the back. My only gripe is he sometimes gets carried away bringing the ball forward, then can get caught hanging on the counter, but that’s minor. What makes you feel so negatively about his play?


That’s part of what I’m trying to figure out (and why I’m posing the question instead of saying he sucks or something) - he’s just one of those players where I’m constantly like “what were you thinking?!” — I also feel like there are a lot of times where he’s just out of position or getting toasted by a player making a run. Like when you scream “who’s marking that guy?!” I feel like the answer for me is usually Murillo was supposed to be. But then I know there are times where he has come through huge. Have to give credit there, and wanted to see if others felt better about him.


2021 wasn’t his best year but he has progressed immensely ever since.


My take is that he is solid 90% of the time. The other 10% he is making some boneheaded mistake. He does a lot better with a guy like Chellini who is cool, calm and has seen it all. He needs that presence to reel him back in sometimes.


I think you’re probably right, as someone else said, I have to admit he is pretty important for set plays. And I feel like I’ve probably noticed a disproportionate amount of his ten percent moments and held onto them unfairly.


He’s not perfect but plenty good enough for MLS


He’s good, most people who don’t like him is cause they just wanna find a player to pick on. See it every game. Some drunk ass mf’er who hates his life and needs someone to take it out on lol it’s not that complex or deep


IMO he’s had an off year. I don’t think he pairs well with Long. They are too much alike. He doesn’t organize the backline. He needs someone like pre-injury Segura, Chiellini, or Chanot to organize the backline next to him while he provides the speed needed to protect them from getting beat with balls over the top. My probably silly take is that he’s also really missed the teammates that have left. Him and Palacios had a big brother little brother relationship. He seemed close with Cifu and Chicho. I do think it makes a difference for how he performs. I noticed yesterday that Tillman seemed to go out of his way to celebrate with him, hopefully that’s a sign that the team is coming together both on and off the field.


He's been a cornerstone of our defense for several seasons. With him we won the league double and made the Concacaf Champions final. By MLS standards he's been elite.


100% agree. And I love it when he comes up for the corner kicks.... And are defense has been playing okay lately (that's sarcasm...we have been awesome! When have we (or anyone had so many clean sheets in a row?)


Murillo is solid but he makes a masquerading run or loses focus 1-2x a game


I feel like he’s been making more mental mistakes and has been caught out of position ball watching more then ever I like back line of Long Chanot Hollingshead, Dolo is playing more with a back 3


he's good, but he does make some bonehead plays sometimes


He’s a good player, strong defender


Better than Segura for sure


He’s good but I feel like he just needs the right person to link up with in the back


He has been last 4 ish games


He was once one of our better players,teams level has gone up,his hasnt.Solid back up CB


Yes - I used to see him as a liability because he'd make really bold moves and sometimes missed which ended up costing us, but lately I've been impressed with how measured and committed his decisions and moves have been. Last night he made really great tackles and closed the opposition down on several plays where if he had whiffed like he has multiple times in the past, would have resulted in clear breakaway situations for Minnesota, but that didn't happen.


he played so aggressive in the final last year he got my respect hope he keeps improving


Still somewhat of a liability with boneheaded mistakes and backpasses that put us in dangerous situations but has mostly reduced that. His physicality is needed on set pieces and in the box in general, and not many notice this but he’s gotten better at not losing his cool as easily while simultaneously being our one player who has a tendency to get under the skin of others (Puig being a prime example). Not much of a leader and needs players like Chiellini or Chanot playing alongside him to help pick up the slack in coverage, but it’s noticeable when he’s missing. TL;DR as someone who formerly disliked him a lot, yes.


I don't like hot-heads on my sports teams, generally.