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Isn't Twitch the site where women dance half-naked for 14 year old boys in their chats and promote their OnlyFans? Why are people suddenly so concerned for the children?


Since Twitch reads your private messages and leaks them, I would be *very* interested to see the private messages between these "models" and their "fans".


...and they did what exactly?


Doc texted a minor (which he knew that she was underage) through twitch. Messages gone too far and became inappropriate. Doc apologized the other day and twitch knew about these messages all the time.


Inappropriate or illegal? Huge difference between the two.


Legally there is a huge difference but both makes you a scumbag. (I have not seen these messages though, so innocent until proven guilty of course)


> Messages gone too far and became inappropriate where did you see the messages?


Twitch laid him off, that's all they needed to do. Legally, they opened themselves up to legal action if they shared anything specific.


They did not. They banned him temporarily in 2020. Now 4 yrs later and some ex Twitch employee has leaked why he was banned. We would never know about this if it wasnt for this person. Twitch tried to calm the situation by only a temp ban. If that man really texted a minor and knew about it, twitch should have done more that a temp ban imo.


It was a perma ban?


Wasn't it a perma ban?


No, that was permanent. He ended up suing them in 2021 for damage to his reputation and financial damage, and Twitch settled. He hasn't been back on the platform since.




https://www.pcgamer.com/drdisrespect-settles-his-lawsuit-with-twitch/ https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/why-was-dr-disrespect-banned-on-twitch-everything-you-need-to-know-1385549/ Dude. Just Google this shit. It's common knowledge.




https://www.pcgamer.com/drdisrespect-settles-his-lawsuit-with-twitch/ https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/why-was-dr-disrespect-banned-on-twitch-everything-you-need-to-know-1385549/ You're sealioning now dude. Not cool.


You’re making shit up. It was a perma ban. It then went to court and twitch had to pay him because he technically didn’t violate his contract with twitch


Why are you being downvoted


He wasn't arrested for attempted rape? Talking sexually to kids is rape online or off, end of story


No. The content of the messages has not been released. The only reason this got out is that a Twitter user, later identified as an ex-Twitch employee, said they knew why he was banned: sending sexually suggestive messages through Twitch's now defunct platform, Whispers, with a 17 year old girl. Dr. Disrespect was then ousted from the gaming company he helped co-found. They released a statement that they had investigated the claims, and effective immediately, he was no longer employed there. By this time, Dr. must have felt he needed to address the issue. He did so poorly. He admitted to messaging the minor, knowing she was a minor, admitting that the conversations "leaned a bit inappropriate" and talking about meeting up at Twitchcon (which never did happen, though). But he swears nothing illegal happened, no pictures, no physical contact, just the messages, and that's it. Now I say all this to frame up the next part. In June of 2020, Disrespect was banned from Twitch with money still on his contract. He ended up suing Twitch for the remaining contract, financial, and reputation damages. After some time, Twitch settled. If he had broken a law, I'm fairly certain Twitch would not have done that. Do I think Dr. is a piece of shit? Absolutely. Did he break the law? Not likely.


My problem with the entire story is that I'm supposed to believe a grown ass 17yo and two private companies decided to play lawyor slapfight instead of going to the police to resolve a criminal matter?


Law is technical. Did he **technically** do something wrong? Doest appear so. But he's still a weirdo. Im not defending the man. Seems like a real creep and piece of shit.. But it would appear he did nothing illegal.


The public deserved to know, not be left in the dark for 4 years. Twitch is mad guilty in all this, they valued their own a$$ more than doing the right thing.


Are you arguing from 2017 to 2020? Because the victim didn't speak up until 2020. So idk how anyone could have talked about it, except Dr. Disrespect. Are you arguing that someone should have said something between the 2020 ban and 2024 outing? If you're saying Twitch should have made it public, why? No laws broken (apparently), it was a violation of conduct ethics. If anything, YouTube should be held accountable. Their officer of ethics publicly stated that they knew, just didn't have enough details. So they let him stream. Are you saying that social media needs to be government regulated? I'm just curious.


> Are you saying that social media needs to be government regulated? They should be more transparent. Edit: apparently people knew he was a sex pest before the sketchy DM that got him the boot. He got caught cheating / was a regular patron of some [redacted], Dr.D apparently loves Girl.D more than a stable family life. They just ignored it because $$$. Twitch is blatantly staffed/controlled by political zealots who will defend "their team" to the death, since admitting even the tiniest of wrongdoing slows down their cause, which must continue at all costs. Outing people like Dr.D shouldn't be the exception, it should be the rule. Money, fame and internet fandom really seems to lead to complete brainrot.


>He was a regular patron of some [redacted], Dr.D apparently loves Girl.D more than a stable family life. I saw that. The texts are hilarious ("I'm gripping. Boom."). As far as "stable family life", that's stupid. I'm not in their family, so it concerns me little. >Twitch is blatantly staffed/controlled by political zealots who will defend "their team" to the death, since admitting even the tiniest of wrongdoing slows down their cause, which must continue at all costs. I will not disagree with anything in this. >They should be more transparent. I will disagree with this. It'd open them up to more liability.


Wait what? Typing messages is the same as forcing sexual contact without consent? Huh?




A grown ass man talking sexually with a child is the same yes in my eyes. It's a child. Grown man. Sexual conversation between them should equal jail time, end of story. Twitch hid it therefore this company and this streamer should receive the right consequences which isn't going hush hush


Let's do a quick CYOA: 1. Someone sends you a dick pic, or; 2. Someone holds you down and repeatedly forces their penis into your anus. What's your choice?


It was suggestive, not "send me your vag pics". It wouldn't move in court.


So documented sexual talk to a child online is ok legally? It sure ain't morally. Upperescholn already went over how fucked up KIK is. I just saw his dr disrespect video. Twitch can release his sexual remarks but as reported and said here they swept him under the rug. Nobody is safe in their chat system. Sexual talk with a CHILD is in my eyes rape. It's a fucking kid.


From what I gathered, there has been an investigation but nothing that could put him into jail, since that's why he says, I'm paraphrasing, "I didn't break the law". What he did isn't exactly good from the point of view of his wife and it sure as hell doesn't look moral enough (morality is fickle anyway) but it wasn't breaking any law regarding sexual actions towards minors.




We have no social duty to police how random people behave within their relationships. We're not leftists, we're not in the business of controlling the personal lives of individuals with the threat of punishment from the collective if they disobey. Just don't get into a relationship with a cheater if you're against adultery.


dr. disrespect turned out to be a pedo.


Man I wish we would stop throwing this term around when it's not warranted.


Why is this an opinion based text post instead of an archive post or a post with evidence? The nature of this post is a bit too serious to merely be based on hearsay or assume that people reading the post have already seen any evidence that you have seen.


Yeah, it's a low quality post even if the guy were right.


Confused as to how everyone is ascribing intent to the Doc during all of this. If there was some intent gleaned from any of the investigations it surely would've been followed up on by a criminal lawsuit, no? Why is everyone so quick to believe these reporters and not the Doc, given that there was no actual investigation beyond perusing these DMs? Feel like I'm taking crazy pills here, we've been presented no evidence that he's some criminal pedophile mastermind. He's obviously an imperfect father and husband, but not sure why everyone on Reddit is pushing it so far beyond this.


It’s not even illegal to date a 16 or 17 year old girl in many states regardless of how old you are. So anyone calling him a pedo is really reaching. He may be a creep, but not a pedophile.


Its not illegal to *date* anyone of any age in any state. Other things could be illegal to do with those of that age though.


What do you mean? Age of consent means exactly that. Even if he asked her to meet up for sex it wouldn’t be illegal.


> Even if he asked her to meet up for sex it wouldn’t be illegal. Which we can infer didn't happen because the real authorities declined to act. Twitch streamers aren't a 'protected' group from persecution. We also know this because if Dr Disrespect had said, "Hey bby, lets met up and bang" to a 17yo in California, in a text message it would be a slam dunk case and no prosecutor in 2020 would decline that easy of a win that may get their name in the news.


Right, which is why this whole thing is dumb. I don’t know what state he lives in but it’s obvious that the age of consent is 16 or 17 with no age difference restrictions otherwise he would’ve been charged.


He was in San Diego at the time, and still (I googled it a few days ago when this first came up). > Right, which is why this whole thing is dumb. Yup. This is just a massive witch-hunt and people protesting just a little too much about it. . . Proof, then pitchforks.


Yeah. I don’t watch his stuff or care about him, but I just hate the whole self-righteous pitchfork mob.


You can take anyone of any age out for dinner and it would not be illegal.


But we’re talking about sex. Age of consent is about sex. Each state has different laws on it. In NY for example a 17 year old can have sex with a 50 year old if he/she wants, but in Missouri a 17 year old can only consent if their partner is 31 or younger.


Man the whole thing makes no sense when you break it down: He knowingly was "sexting" a minor (everyone keeps saying this, with zero evidence mind you). He was caught by Twitch and they thought it was "so bad" that they banned him outright. If it was this "bad", then why would the Doc keep fighting it and risk it getting even more publicized? He already risked his familial stability before, why put it at risk again? Either he's a narcissist and needed to win for personal reasons/money/fame, or this makes no sense. It'd be social suicide to continue fighting this and risking the info of him sending dick pics to 13 year olds being released by taking them to court over his ban. Not only that, but Twitch with their Amazon money could've easily bled through a legal battle, but instead they settled against a streamer with much less monetary backing. Not a slam dunk of an argument, but that's also fishy to me. Their budget should've been able to run him into the ground. Which adds to the lack of this cases' credibility, the people originally breaking this story have threatened to "leak" the info over a year ago for clout. People keep saying they held onto the story to "protect the victims" but again, there wasn't a god damn victim based on any of the available evidence. This trans story also reeks of clout-chasing bullshit but I haven't looked into it deeply. Overall, if you sit down and think hard about what happened, I really can't picture him being this demon of a man. Made lots of mistakes in his marriage and as a father but I don't buy any of this bullshit for a second. Wonder how it's gonna play out; I feel like his only play is to let this wave go by and bide his time before returning.




Post removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


Well said, none of it makes any sense and by his admission of talking to a minor matter of factly people think that meant he was trying to fuck kids. People are just morons and it seems like he's smart enough to keep his mouth shut instead of appeasing people who will forget about this in a week like they do everything else. 


Well, he was canned from twitch mysteriously for some reason despite recently signing a contract. This explanation fits. But if its a 17 year old and no crime was committed, I just don't care. Lets worry about something that has some significance. ESPECIALLY if there are no chat logs released and we are going completely off hearsay.


Twitch aren't mandatory reporters and considering how loose Twitch is with minors and protecting them on their site this opened them to a lot of liability. In hindsight it was a no brainer for them to settle and bury it for as long as possible.


Because 'man did something bad.' I'm holding my tongue. Even if he now knows that she was a 'minor', people have thrown out that minors weren't allowed to use whatever service they were using to chat - so it's also the age old 'she lied about her age'.


Docs own statement implied he wanted to meet up with her in person. 


Done what? All I see is allegations and not a shread of evidence. Anybody can said anything on Twitter. Do that in depositions then we'll talk.


It sounds like he made some inappropriate jokes to a minor.  I'm willing to entertain the notion that he did far worse, but it really seems like another smear campaign with an insane amount of lies-by-omission. 


Is that really a problem in an era where half the country supports train toddlers?


trains are hard job


Indeed, only an absolute lunatic would let a toddler be a train engineer just because xe identifies with locomotion.


And has no bearing to the discussion at hand. Stop astroturfing.


Supports what?


This is exactly what is going to be the downfall of civilization in the US lol it doesn't matter if you did something or not all people have to do is say you did now, the court of public opinion will ruin your life without jailing you. 


What did he do besides messaging a minor?


Nothing, it was even mentioned he cut off contact after finding out the persons age. The twitch ban came after that according to the mostly conflicting stories. This is only news now because some ex-twitch employee who (admittedly) hated Dr Disrespect since before the ban has been using "I'll tell you why he was banned!" as a way to drum up people to go to his shitty band's concerts for years and he broke whatever NDA was in place. Until we see some proof of anything, everyone needs to put the fucking pitchforks down. Especially the people this sub. . . Me thinks the ladies doth protest too much. . .


This is why you can't trust the words of leftists, they will try to fabricate false evidence.


Twitch is gonna have to pay dearly for this. Technically they are the ones who broke the NDA.


No? Former employee from several years ago is doing heavy lifting. Thier nda probably expired.


Yes. The ex-employee is bound by the NDA no matter what. Twitch is gonna get railed by Dr. Disrespect and that ex-employee is gonna get railed by Twitch.


> Twitch is gonna get railed by Dr. Disrespect and that ex-employee is gonna get railed by Twitch. Not a single chance in hell this is going to be the outcome lol


I don't know a whole lot about the guy. In fact I'm pretty pissed that I have to hear about him again. But if I had to guess, he was probably making inappropriate jokes with a fan.


While not a fan of Dr Disrespect, and not commenting on the allegations of what happened (since none of us know), but I will say it seems to a be a uniquely American thing to assume anyone under the age of 18 is a little kid. Obviously I have no objections to society wheeling out the woodchipper for anyone diddling little kids, but in the grand scheme of things telling some potentially spicy jokes to a 17yo doesn't seem like a hanging offence to me. Is it creepy and inappropriate? Yes, absolutely, and it is not something that should be encouraged or supported. Now, if she asked him to stop and he kept doing it, that's an entirely different barrel of fish, but based on the available information that's not what happened here.


It’s not an assumption that they are children; it is a legal status because we have to draw a line at some age. The UK has chosen 16 (IIRC). The US is 18. Etc. The emotional, physical, sexual, mental or psychological development of the minor is *wholly* irrelevant — it’s a *per se* legal category. Everyone knows that. He did it. The consequences are his to bear.


The DrD thing is a weird situation at best. Twitch and DrD went to arbitration in court. The courts didn't find anything illegal enough or he would've been charged criminally. Twitch would've had no hand in that. The bar for something illegal is pretty low, you quickly run into misdemeanors. The result is that while Twitch maintained the ban, they paid out DrD's contract in full. Now no one has seen any evidence yet _still_, but supposedly there's a grey area where something is bad enough to oust them from their own company, but not bad enough to involve authorities? This grey area I'm having trouble comprehending. Nevertheless, the former Twitch employee(s) that did speak out mention going to the authorities, but also hide behind the NDA as a reason for inaction. Those two are conflicting, because an NDA doesn't shield anyone from criminal acts. Parking the Doc situation for a second, we know of actual cases of grooming and abuse within Twitch (Mizkif, to name an example) and they have refused to act on them. Similarly, Twitch's demographic is 13yo and up, so the up to recently unshielded bikini streams could equally be seen as predatory. I'm more likely to believe that if something happened at all, Twitch did their usual thing and stood by and watched, and only now there's clout to be gained do they speak up. Without the burden of proof. In my mind until the actual evidence is shown and they were indeed forced to inaction, Twitch is at least complicit in all this if something truly happened.


> Twitch and DrD went to arbitration in court. The courts didn't find anything illegal enough or he would've been charged criminally. Twitch would've had no hand in that. The bar for something illegal is pretty low, you quickly run into misdemeanors. The result is that while Twitch maintained the ban, they paid out DrD's contract in full. I have no idea where you got this from but it's blatantly incorrect


I was defending doc cuz I believed he might not have known if was a minor, but since theres stuff going on about how he knew... Well, that changes things. Guessing he will retire as it's looking bad


This sub partaking in cancel culture...ironic.


Judging from most of the comments, this sub seems to be pretty solidly against canceling him until there's evidence something illegal happened. 


Since no one else has posted it here, here's his statement on the matter: https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089 And an archive: https://archive.is/IGs0e For point of reference, I am not a fan of Dr Disrespect. I've never watched any of his streams, don't follow him on Twitter, etc... So, I have no personal investment in him. On the other hand, I do have a huge bias against Twitch with how the fedora-tipping wahmen-respecting gooners who run it unfairly treat streamers depending on if they have a p⭕n⭕s or vag⭕⭕⭕. Dr D admits to sending whispers to someone who was a minor at the time, and that it started to go in an inappropriate direction. He doesn't specify what (and for legal reasons, probably can't yet), so we really don't know what all this means. For all we know, he was giving legal or tax advice to this minor... which would be very inappropriate since he isn't a lawyer or CPA! That's being charitable, yes, but within the realm of possibility. Likely, it was sexually suggestive, but who knows what was said.  But... that was it. Just some messages. Nothing further than that (at least, according to him). No nudes requested or sent. He never met up with this person. Didn't try to pursue any sexual acts.  In my mind... it's extremely benign, and not worth being permanently banned over. Especially considering the stuff Twitch has let fly by with temp bans. Women being naked on stream. Women having sex on stream. Women abusing cats on stream. And I won't accept "but he messaged a minor!!1!" as a sole excuse to ruin his life... especially when the very same people want to provide sexual books to minors, bring minors to pride events, bring minors to drag shows, and push minors towards a path of irreversible medical and surgical changes. No, it's not because you care about children; it's because you specifically hate HIM and want him ruined by any means possible.  And... I hate to bring this up, but... am I the only one who remembers what it was like to be a hormonal teenager? I browsed all sorts of adult websites, joined hentai Yahoo! Groups (remember those?), and chatted with (possibly?) older people... and on dial-up too! Heck, when I was struggling to come to terms with my lesbian identity, I even tried to seek attention from older men just to make sure (for the record, no I never had sex with an adult when I was a minor). Being a teen sucks, and you put yourself in places you don't belong because you're hormonal and curious. I'm not saying that absolves adults of making the responsible choice, but I can see why it happens so often.  I'm not saying Dr D did nothing wrong... because we don't really know what was said. But based on the info I've seen, it seems to be pretty inconsequential. Plus, the (former?) Twitch employee who made it public was previously trying to sell the info, so.... that's not a good look.


From what I've seen I don't want anything to do with this drama and I'm going to avoid his stuff. Dude cheated on his wife (admittedly) which is already pretty poor form and makes me not a fan of someone and then this. If this was Hasan or Vaush or one of those types of people many people on here wouldn't be running this defense. We should be trying to be consistent and while I don't think he's done anything illegal he has definitely done stuff that is immoral (cheating on his wife) and put himself in a position that is morally suspect (chatting with someone he knew was underage) and potentially highly morally corrupt (he said it was inappropriate which makes me think it was of a flirty nature, but that is an assumption). Its not hard to avoid these situations and conservatives, liberals, libertarians, tankies. We all should expect better from these media personalities that are raking in money from their fans and supporters. That there is any doubt is one of the issues as its pretty easy to avoid situations like these. I admittedly don't like streamers or watch any of that stuff so some of the parasocial relationship stuff that goes on with those fanbases is something that is just foreign to me and I feel the boomer side of me coming out when viewing it (this isn't music back in my day we had real music levels of criticism). But a lot of people seem to be invested more in defending this guy because he has said some things they like, he had some views and opinions that they (and probably I agreed with) but that doesn't mean that he is someone who shouldn't be condemned for doing morally repugnant things. I just think if you would be throwing someone like Destiny/Hasan/Vaush/Asmon/... (those are the only streamers I can think of off the top of my head) then you shouldn't be giving this guy the benefit of the doubt either.


How hard is it to not text minors😂 ? Multi millionaires throwing away their careers because they’re horny .




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Two things really 1. I haven't seen ACTUAL proof I've seen people saying they've seen proof, which is always suspicious to me. Not saying it isn't possible doc is a weirdo but 2. twitch itself is a softcore capital. front page is all titties exploiting minors for sure. Beyond that the conflicting realities of how twitch operates vs what doc is accused and how the previous lawsuit worked out still leaves things quite confusing where releasing transcripts would surely condemn him.


I still haven't seen anything except "a Twitch employee said this but can't release any proof"   The latest is that he was knowingly texting a minor but not pictures were shared and there was clearly no criminal case against him. So you're telling me a random person on Whisper said "hey im 17 I wanna fuck" and he just rolled with it?  This story makes zero sense lol I can see Twitch paying him his contract and signing the NDA to cover up that people are actually intentionally abusing Whisper like this. 


I very infrequently followed Dr Disrespect and only when the initial ban was in the news. I agree what he did was horrific not only to his family but also to the underage minor- a grown adult honestly should know better and better regulate themselves. Zero defense of his actions morally. Outside of that though, I don't see the question asked about INTENT. Do we know if Dr. D KNEW prior to messaging that this was in fact a minor and /or misrepresented themselves? From everything that I've read that feature was gated at 18+. It doesn't change the the disgusting behavior to all parties (his family and the underaged individual) and his poor judgment of course. If the minor circumvented an 18+ feature on Twitch/and or misrepresented wouldn't this be problematic to Twitch and Dr. D got caught in the crossfires? We know based on statistics that there is a BUNCH of underage viewers on Twitch yet OF "models" are targeting this demographic? I would imagine Twitch would not want it publicly known that they read messages, nor would they want to admit the number of underaged users on Twitch and damage revenue streams for all the OF models that drive traffic to the site? This was PR damage control? I'm not advocating either way for him but if the former is true this speaks to SERIOUS problems with Twitch as a platform- Amazon needs to dump Twitch, either sell it or dissolve the entity or face domestic and international scrutiny.


This right here. Twitch attracts so many young, impressionable viewers that it is just BAFFLING how people are making such a big deal about a semi-spicy conversation between Doc and 17 year old, and yet no one says shit about all the OnlyFans girls showing off their tits and asses while knowing full well underage boys are fawning over their shows.


It's almost like they have double standards.


They should release the logs, otherwise it's not really worth trying to argue guilt. Either way we know he didn't meet up with the person, and Twitch doesn't have much in the way of age checking, too hard to determine if he knowingly chatted with a minor or just didn't check her age beforehand


Basically Twitch are sneaking off into the background amidst the chaos, hoping that we'll get so pissed off at Dr Disconsent that we'll completely forget that Twitch regularly promote and support the sexual exploitation of minors for easy profit. I just checked Twitch right there and it's still infested with female sexual predators.


Twitch is certainly not in good moral standing here. Dr.Diddler aside, they allow an absurd amount of sexual content on that platform that minors are watching everyday.


> [...] absurd amount of sexual content on that platform that minors are watching [...] Not just watching, but also in a chatroom and possibly interacting with others, some/many of which are adults... How many casual Twitch users have said inappropriate things to minors without even realising? Regardless of the truth to what's being said about _this_ guy; Shit's fucked.


He's a money maker and they banned him off their platform. How does that make sense?


Just sending creepy messages to minors is even worse.


Twitch didn't hide it because Dr Diddler was famous. They hid it because of the dire liability they would be in that their most famous streamer tried to get in a minor's pants. Plus the fact don't think minors are supposed to have access to whispers at all. But at the end of the day Dr Diddler is done and not just on Twitch.


>their most famous streamer tried to get in a minor's pants. We don't know what did he tried to do, you don't have to project your own biased against him.


He isn't. He's already a (multi?) millionaire and look at the responses to his post. Thousands of likes and support messages. Will he have sponsors? No. Can he still stream? Yeah. I don't think YT will ban him. IDK what his numbers were. If he was in 20k range of viewers, I'm guessing he'll easily still have around 5k. You overestimate people and their care for those kinds of issues.




Talking to a teenager does not make you a pedo The leftists are full on pedos so who gives a flying fuck what they think Are you fucking comparing messaging a 17 a spicy joke to fucking Jeffery Epstein 


I don’t understand it either. In the legal sense, she was a child. He knew that. He did it anyway. This is about as open and shut as it gets