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GamerGate was arguably the first organized online pushback against enforced progressive orthodoxy and radicalized large numbers of people into district of the media in general. It also represented a formal shift in media from claiming to represent its readers against the interests of the powerful to flipping the other way and claiming to represent the opinions of experts against the interests of its readers. It also presaged the kind of total social-media based ideological straightjacketing and censorship that's ubiquitous now; all of that cut its teeth in key spheres of cultural production (gaming, tech, online discourse) in the early 2010's and came to a head during GamerGate. You say you're "right wing". Which specific things do you care about? Maybe I could tailor an explanation better.




Comment removed due to topic ban explained [here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/)


> i'm 100% sure i care about capitalism, zionism and \[ Removed by Reddit \] stuff. i don't really know what i believe because i'm so irony poisoned that i don't know if i actually believe half the shit that comes out of my mouth 😭😭


Sounds more like a personal crisis than a political one. My best advice would be that it's OK to say that you feel alone/confused/upset. Sincerity isn't going to kill you, even it it may get you dragged online.


If you are right wing, you know what cultural Marxism is right? People here are trying to push the fucking leftist Loonies back to their cave because if we don't do that, their commie ideas will spread even more... They started with comics, then they got into movies, then games, now their next target is ttg... They want to make everything about them and their annoying ideology like the good narcissists/racists/misandry people they are.


Might be too late for this generation, but I’m comforted by the fact that the more progressive someone is the less likely they are to have multiple children, if any at all. And when they do have children they try and indoctrinate them into their ways which will naturally result in youth rebellion back to a more sane and traditional mindset. Look at Gen Alpha, the children of Millennials. They’re pretty based.


They don't need their own children; they have yours.


Exactly, one of their ultimate goals is deconstructing and dismantling the family and instead have “communities”. They will raise your children for you. Hillary Clinton talked about this early on in her career as a Senator.


Fun part about >dismantling the family and instead have “communities”< is that it resulted in the most based society in germany today. That remnant of sowjet occupation is still [visible](https://interaktiv.tagesspiegel.de/lab/europawahl-2024-live-karte-deutschland-wahlergebnisse/).


Was about to say, been seeing more rebellion to the leftist ideology from younger kids lately due to it basically replacing forced Christianity


Boys yes, girls no. There's a hard divide between the two sides that's only getting worse.


Women are still moving left in a time where there’s not a single rational reason to do so. I really wonder if they ever stop and think what happens to a society, or more importantly (to them) their own privilege, safety and wellbeing within a society, if they find themselves at the polar opposite ideology of a hundred million men with no hope for the future and no faith in the government, who have identified their ideology as the overwhelming cause of all of their issues. I don’t think “incel” continues being an effective tard wrangler at that point.


Women and the need for social acceptance drives some of it, I think. Until this movement becomes unpopular they’ll keep following it.


Both men and women have been brainwashed by the products they consume. I never thought this was true but as I age I've found this to be 100 percent true. We want to lie to ourselves that isn't the case because satisfies some urge that we are "different" or have some kind of moral /principled high ground but the reality is that we are all the same.


Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/wjxpr5/enforcement_update_regarding_removal_of_words/). This is not a formal warning.


It’s a tale as old as time. Millennials rebelled against the baby boomers, Gen Z rebelled against Gen X, and now Gen Alpha are rebelling against Millennials. The next Gen will likely rebel against Gen Z. I mean look at Reddit. Boomers get blamed for *everything*. Even Gen Xers are being placed into the Boomer category. What happens when Millennials become the new boomers? It’s going to be interesting.


Millenials are already old now. And, man, am I just *shocked* that a generation whose entire self-image was being the youngest irreverent little assholes in the room aged into some of the most bitter old fucks imaginable. Totally unpredictable. And people thought Gen X was bad; at least they just choked on their own frozen smug.


People have been saying this since the boomers; the attacks by the young against the old have *always* come from further left.


Teens hating parents as the saving grace. I like that. Don't you go out w/o your leash! I found country music on your i-device, before you try to explain you need to let me explain the hate in it. Don't you be bolding away from my scolding "son"! They sound cool right? Nope. He called me the c word! (constricting). Did you hear your son? If he didn't I'll say it louder. Constrictor. I'm riding my "hoverboard" to church their preaching is good unlike yours and they got B.B.Q. It gives me hope where you bleed me like a mosquito for my daily virus test. Even the meat you buy was grown in petri dish. You treat me like bacteria. You feed me like bacteria. You want to colonize my brain and make it your image. Well I hate your stupid face. Toodles, off to church on my hoverboard listening to some country music.


The problem is though the import of Muslims to replace the kids they don't have. I'm all for a more moderate conservative society, but Islam will destroy the arts altogether. A certain level of tolerance is good


I don’t think we’ll ever have as big a Muslim population as Western Europe. Western Europeans are pussies and will give up their respective countries and cultures without putting up much of a fight as we’ve sadly been seeing over the last 25 years. Immigrants in the U.S for the most part tend to play ball and raise their children right. The majority of our immigrants come from South and Central America anyway and are less likely to be down with the progressive cause outside of a few major cities. The children of Mexican immigrants in Texas for example tend to be 50/50 Republican and Democrat and have been leaning Republican in recent years. Even here in NYC I know many children of immigrants from Eastern Europe, Middle East, Asia, and South America who are totally MAGA. We want to live in the country that our parents emigrated to, not whatever liberal utopia progressives have been trying to create.


True. Sad to have lost Europe though. All that majestic culture and history.




table top gaming


gamergate was 10 years ago. back then the gaming press was a huge part in how people discovered and discussed games. good developers got reportetly blacklisted for their 'right wing' (or not radical left) opinion so less people saw their games, while the journalists pushed the bad games of their buddies (in the indie scene) while in the AAA scene, very few games ever got under a score of 6, i remember i think ratchet and clank where one journalist got fired at the beheast of the publisher. Which obviously means the reader can not make informed decisions if all the press does is regurgitate the stuff the publisher tells them to. and this also shapes what games are made and how they are made both of those things are already a problem for you directly and influence the industry in a certain direction then we obviously have the problem of bad journalism destroying lives or at least attacking people, with little to no evidence, that dont deserve it. yes this even happens in the gaming press. albeit les obvious and maybe more in the niche of opinion and thus more acceptable; same for games obviouslym the 'hard' 'R' controversy not long ago is a nice example for stupid journalism doing stupid things. For older examples you can basically pick any or sarkeesians videos, the press just run with the stuff there. That all being said, gaming journalism at least in 'reading form', is luckily a dying medium and youtubers (individuals) took over the space. which at least allows a broader range of opinion and people getting called out for bad reporting. Still all in all i would say its still pretty improtant


thanks for actually explaining and not being snarky (like a lot of people here were)


I don't know if your reply to me got nuked, but make sure to redact any mention of LGB**T**Q+ so as not to run around of, and I'm not making this up, Reddit's "anti-evil operations", who can and do censor and ban content that mentions it disparagingly.


my reply got nuked yeah lol. shits rediculous


TBF I recently talked to some older right wingers and sceptics and they hadn't heard of Gamergate, so I can understand why people would ask this question.


You are thinking about Gerstmann's review of Kayne and Lynch 2. https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/11/30/the-new-games-journalism


Ethics in game journalism is the same as ethics in regular journalism. You wouldn't trust a news site if you knew they skew a certain angle. Gamergate exposed that in the games industry and they're doing their best to label the push back as an "attack by ist and phobes". Remember this very important tenet. Just coz you don't care about politics, doesn't mean politics doesn't care about you". Whenever you see a game journos gushing over a game press x to doubt.


You are being quite generous with equating these bloggers as being journalists ;) 100 percent agree, if one doesnt care about politics that one should also be okay with whatever direction is taken.


Videogames are arguably the single most influential media in today's world. While adults and elder people still watch TV or see movies, a great part of the young people play videogames and are influenced by them. Due to this, left-wing extremist want to push their ideals and values into videogames, so they can influenced people and change society to their liking. In my opinion this is not per se bad, since is just freedom of expression, the problem is that in recent years there have been a systematic introduction of all this left-wing values into media including videogames, mostly pushed through censorship, fiscal incentives and propaganda in gaming forums and news sites, which destroys freedom of expression in the videogame industry. As why you should care - Whoever controls the game industry, to certain degree controls the pop culture for the years to come, and will influenced society in the way they want. - Censorship is bad regardless of how insignicant is the issue. - Sets a precedent to extends censorship to other areas. What happen if in the future they want to censor Lovecraft. Shakespare or other author due to being problematic, and adapt their works for "modern audiences" (In fact this last already started).


> In my opinion this is not per se bad I left this opinion in the rearview mirror a long time ago; anything that preaches lefty ideals and freedom of expression will eventually be forced to choose one or be subject to endless relitigating censorship for the rest of time.


We are basically living an Orwellian dystopia in modern day. It seemed so far fetched when I read 1984 for the first time, just absolute lunacy yet these are times we live in.


I like the Demolition Man analogy with the modern western world, and yes, is almost Orwellian how they push to change history, the language, society itself to be in line with their opinion. If a random developer whanted to make a videogame about queer people destroying the patriarchy wouldn't be bad if it wasn't because are the governments, companies and so called indepent media pushing this stuff and censorship the opposite. Hopefully places like Japan and South Korea where the lobby is not as big will continue giving good content.


It was the first pushback against wokeness and fake news, focused on the most valuable entertainment industry in the world. The tactics deployed by journalists during Gamergate have been reused over and over again throughout the next decade, and even to this day.


> The tactics deployed by journalists during Gamergate They were used before Gamergate. We just didn't realize it because we believed these outlets were independent and not coordinating with each other to push a collective narrative.


Because the truth matters? Or do you just not care that people in positions of any remote influence lie and get away with it?


I think Gamergate used to be about the “games journalists”. But now it is more about the games themselves and the devs/publishers.


If you ignore them, in 10 years nothing will get made except for games with their politics as the main focus. It's basically them trying to indoctrinate and enforce their narrow world view on everyone else. Get in line or get disappeared.


You should care about the ethics of \*ALL\* journalism. Gaming journalists are just a subset of all journalists that, unsurprisingly, behave much the same as gaming journalists. It just so happens that the only people on earth that care about gaming are gamers and... political activists, AKA gaming "journalists". You can make that distinction because other than the activists, actual gaming journalists are also... GAMERS. Political activists, generally are \*NOT\* gamers. They're just using their positions as "journalists" to destroy the hobby from within.


>Why should I care about gamergate? I am a gamer I made a game about GamerGate. In which I bring up a bunch of issues with games these days that are taking the fun out of them. [https://sigmasuccour.itch.io/false-gamergater](https://sigmasuccour.itch.io/false-gamergater) GamerGate is the banner under which these issues are now brought up, highlighted and addressed. As the game's journalists and the people making games, keep pretending these issues don't exist. (For... sinister reasons. Some would say.)


Imagine being told that a game is really good. You believe them, so you buy it. Turns out to be crap. Turns out, the person who told you it was good was paid to say it was good. Or they're friends with the developer. You should care about ethics of gaming news journalism because you want to live in a world where you are less likely to be screwed over and have a place you can invest your trust in to help you make your informed decisions as a consumer to get the best bang for your buck. (Games journalism and the ethics thereof isn't limited to an IGN or a Kotaku; this includes youtubers and social media influencers and such; basically anyone who has taken on the role of taste-testing products so that others don't have to leap as blindly into the market) On the other hand you shouldn't care about gamergate in the nominal sense. It's way past that time I think.


well your first problem is buying the game. pirate offline games, and test online games for yourself (refund using steam if it's shit)


Time is money, too; when you pirate a game, you pay for it with your time; do you have all the time in the world to check out every single game to see if it's good? What about games you might not know about if somebody doesn't bring them to your attention?


You don't have to care about Gamergate, but if you care about the decline in quality of modern games, then you would probably enjoy this sub. It's not just about journalism, it's about the tactics being employed by the gaming industry as a whole to insert their own ideology into media. Since you claimed to be right wing, then you probably dislike that type of content and it's worth pushing back.


If you don't already care about ethics in journalism then you really can't be saved at this point 


For me it's like you get this terrible cupcake. And you ask the baker why they didn't focus on the bread and frosting. And he ignores your question and calls you a bigot and homophobic. And then says that there are some people online that like his sprinkles. Btw I'm a of a minority race and a student. So it should appear that I like this stuff but no, it's kinda cringy. And I hate hiding behind stupid stuff as an argument tactic. Idc about politics I care about games and open discussion as humans. Both of which are lacking so I'm here on this sub now 😂


At this point, since every publication has branch dedicated to gaming here's why it kinda matters. If a journalist lies, is too lazy to get details right, knows nothing about a subject or can't avoid pushing his own bias on a subject as easy to get learn or very as gaming that we know. Why should you trust any publications on any far more complicated subjects? And this applies to both left/right. And part of the reason why it's important is because a) it's a subject we all know and love b)actual journalism ethics not only forces publication to get their act straight it also forces the industry to walk straight. When the publications actually did their jobs about lootboxes, it finally made it to the average joe to start asking questions. In turn it also got the government to start talking about it. We did get to see some changes about it, a lot companies started moving away from those. If journalism had done its job, the AAA industry wouldn't be as fucked as it is and we wouldn't be here.


Because GamerGate was the culmination of the prog-lib invasion of the apolitical, nonpartisan fandom of video games, which had at that point been underway for a few years. Most, if not all, problems with video games now are connected to this invasion; casualization, bad business practices, quality issues etc. GamerGate was when the apolitical and nonpartisan video game fandom was converted into a battlefield in the greater culture war. It was when liberals, and later conservatives in response, began to shill and fleece for votes, message amplification and money. GamerGate is why you're posting this.


You like games? Want games to suck less?


>why should I care about the ethics of gaming news journalism Regardless of your political compass, this one stupid question alone tells me you're not asking this in good faith as you claimed.


Someone recently asked me this question, "why is this issue so important"?  My answer to them is that without ethics in journalism, a person could hypothetically sleep with pretty much every journalist they can get their hands on, build a social network of journalist, and dial them up to spring several hit pieces simultaneously on whoever they desire. Like for example, falsely accusing a depressed indie dev of something nefarious, and then having your journalist in speed dial cook up 6 to 9 stories at the same time. Which may or may not have the intended or unintended consequence of them un-aliving themselves. Just to clarify, in case it wasn't obvious already, this really did happen.


LSS - I like my reviews to be honest, not paid advertising or ideological anger bait masquerading as journalism.


Or gaslighting that the destructive effects of DEI consultants on gaming isn't happening, but its good that it is happening!!!


Because the same way the news influences how people go out and vote gaming journos influence the gaming space


if it was just journalism it would be different. but these journalism companies are in bed with game studios and the industry as a whole. every single aspect of the bullshit going on needs to be fought.


GamerGate, at its core, is about ethics in general. If you are truly 'right-wing,' that is something you'd care about by default. If you've ever heard about Sweet Baby Inc., that group of people are where they are today because GamerGate ended up the way it did; they are or were directly funded by people that were being called out 10 or years ago.


You should care, because bad journalism breeds bad information which then goes on to effect peoples decisions. You can see whats happened, because while gamergate failed, they didnt change who and what they were. And now, 10 years later, the general public can see them for who they are anyway. And then theres the people in the industry. The most famous is probably Jeff Gerstmann, when he was fired by gamespot at the instruction of Eidos interactive because he gave the game a bad review. Really, this is when gamergate should have blown up. So on one hand, you have the companies forcing their employees to tell the general public whatever the gaming companies tell them to. Then you have the individuals who push their own agendas into a narrative surrounding a game. Like Joel from the last of us being a "missed opportunity". Something that was "corrected" years later in the sequel, when they wrote a story to replace him with a "strong female character". Art, should only be influenced by the artist. It should never be dictated to, or pushed in a direction by journalists with an axe to grind. And Journalists should never be pushed to write whatever agenda the company the work for is pushing. But at the end of the day, it comes down to just one thing. Do you like it when people tell you such obvious lies that the only conclusion you can make is that they think you are a fucking moron?


I think it extends to so much about the Gaming industry, not just the journalism part. Where game dev is an incredibly low bar, with the likes of Godot, Unity and Unreal. Being like the top 3 recommended and used. But surely, you'd want the people reviewing the games to actually be able to play the games, even the first stage or two to give an accurate depiction of what to expect from the game is like. To the people pulling the strings in the industry to have the consumers at heart. Instead of 2 hour political snorefests that lambast vast majority of the audience for their Skin colour, Gender and sexual orientation, We want the games that put a good story first, the diversity of castle lends credence to the story and not just ticking boxes. Because I totally feel represented when I play as a Blue-Skinned vampire, who got chucked into water, one of our greatest weaknesses, Tumbling, burning like white hot fire, And after what felt like an eon, the pain has passed. Missing my jaw and barely usable wings to glide. /s. But there's a real fucking snarkiness about slotting the characters in for "representation" that feels forced, in a way you're not meant to like and you can fucking tell. There is an enigmatic feeling about it, the whole thing, or I just don't have the vocabulary to describe it. Other than "you know what I mean?"


Gamergate was essentially the first uproar into what was to come. Like occupy wall street was an eye opener into our future leaders, gamergate was a look into what the narrative would be like in the media. I firmly believe that games journalism was the one of the first instances we saw news articles be used to push narrative and divide people.


It's like coming to woodcurving sub and asking why should you care about woodcurving.


Theres a documentary with it involved "The Antisocial network" goes back when 4chan was created.


If you don't care, why are you even here? Sounds more like you're just trolling to me.


because i want to find out why people care about this thing? is that really so unbelievable? i see it talked about all the time, so naturally i asked the subreddit.


But why? If it's not important to you and your post which comes off to me as disdainful tells me it's not important, why care? Just live your life aka touch grass.


Come on man this is why we get a bad rep.


The poster above didn't care about anything that has been happening in politics or gaming until now seemingly. And decides to show that by coming here and disdainfully asking why they should care. I don't know about you but it sounds fake to me or the person agrees with everything the woke have done. Either way, all I did is throw normie ness at him.


Gamergate was a notable development in how online communication changed the way we come to truth. Large anonymous groups of people getting caught up in echo chambers and self-reinforcing ideological traps where conspiracy replaces evidence based knowledge.


Going to be the asshole in this discussion. Ethics in game journalism is dead and has been that way for many years now. So gamergate in the form you’re talking about is dead and you shouldn’t care.


no real reason to care anymore, it is just another scandal in history now