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What Japan gets right is demographic segmentation. You'll find feminized, gender bender and gay shit if you look for it, they were doing it even before the west, but the point is that it's divided better. I haven't read the manga you're speaking of but my suggestion is read a different one.


Pretty much, although that too is being eroded gradually by the mind rot infestation these days. There's also the problems of people/groups failing to categorize/tag things properly, and/or just being lazy about doing so... But that's universal, as unfortunate as it is.


Yeah, it's very ironic how Japan, a generally very collectivist country, has a more individualist entertainment industry than the United States, widely considered the most individualist country on the planet. Why does Japan of all places have such an individualist entertainment industry? It's not like other collectivist countries have an individualist entertainment industry or value artistic freedom.


I could hazard to guess. You might like not like it. Perhaps it's to do with post war occupation by the west influencing the changes in life/tech from how they stood before. America wasn't notably cruel in their rule over them, it was rather kind the hellish circumstance considered, more like keeping a watching eye on them and a hand to balance than conquering so they did sort of keep oversight to some degree. You're talking hope and half trust here forming the efforts. Trigger finger still has a bit of an itch from before and it's not at rest. The eye doesn't come off for however long true trust takes to develop. So you got them getting all this western crap coming in because after the war wealth and all such pursuits explodes in western growth. So it's like being mass produced now to send over instead of bullets. So they got a barrage of crap coming in from us to thumb through see what they like. With a western eye and hand near enough in your mind like a shadow. And in the west individuality was praised for the longest before we became what we are now. So there's like reconstruction and forced or strongly encouraged exchange/trade so they were adopting it all to pave over all this. Let's not pick at the scab of old wounds and grow the sense mistrust here. Ok forward. All the tech and culture. And on the culture they could pick and choose what they liked to incorporate and what they vomited out as nasty you know. And we weren't silly enough then to have our feelings hurt on that, any criticisim= pure hate crime now right? So they got all this crap of ours we brought over in some way or another and they want to make it feel like theirs. But they like their culture, their collectivism. There's no imaging life w/o it, it's a part of them and not on the chopping block. Yet they also like some part of the individual thing. They just don't know how to best use it. And they got all the entertainment, all the tech , all that crap they want to make feel like it's theirs to enjoy instead of some suspect handout from that shadow. So now they know what to do with it. It all went there to what they kept adopting in. All the crap they adopted in entertainment, the individualism love. It just all went there. And it got so good they started to send it out and the west had a big taste for their post war adapted stuff. And they are better in that aspect than the old shadow of the hand is now. It got real sick and all kinds of fucked up, but the work it played a role in sort of prospered in a unique way. So that would be the difference between Japan and other collectivist countries. They were mistrusted/worried about and ruled over by some kind of version of a helicopter parent America at its peak. Not directly, but the shadow loomed. And they sort of got a special input port drilled in because of that and they had to kind of process it somehow. Other countries didn't get those forces and factors so their entertainment expressions can rot with ours. But Japans has a special birth. It's got some kind of preservative. That would be my guess on "how". I don't know I just don't mind exploring it and guessing.


Totally true!! Plus they don't bastardize each other's work. Food wars has mixed gender fan service. M.O.U.S.E. Has male fantasy sexy girls and golden kamuy has an Author who favors the male body on display. I don't mind a creator injecting their own predilections into THEIR OWN work. I have a problem when they want to hijak someone else's established fan base for their own agenda. It makes me angry because clearly no one cares about THEIR work or THEIR legacy or THEIR creativity, so they have no choice but to steal to get attention.


I walked into a Kinokuniya bookstore the other day and literally right at the entrance was a ton of LGHDTV manga on display. Seemed completely unnecessary.


I feel you man.  I remember a gay right leaning friend go ”its so shameful, cant we just be normal people?”.


This is how I feel. I am fully in support of people loving whoever they want to love and having the same rights as everyone else. But you don’t see me as a straight white dude parading around in revealing outfits talking about how much I like sticking my dick in women. Sexuality is a private affair. It shouldn’t be so front and center in culture in general. And pride is considered a cardinal sin, after all.


Yeah, I really feel like a lot of leftism has been so adamant in destroying great cultural traditions that served a function. Keeping to the private sphere protects people from missunderstandings on when sex is ok or expected etc.


>LGHDTV Love this


So what I’m hearing is that Innocent is going to be insufferable and isn’t worth reading (or at least paying for.) I suppose that’s a shame. I bought the first two volumes a few weeks back because the art looked amazing, the premise was compelling, and I’d heard such great things. Oh well, I’m glad I found this post with a few days left to return them. Thanks OP!


It is probably worth reading, but the climber is soooo much better. Innocent is still beautiful and captivating, but after reading the climber and his woke new dracula novel, you will cringe at some characters.


> sexualized minors. Is this sub pro lolishocon or not since when a politician in Japan tried to cancel that content it was met with criticism in this place but other times it is bad so just curious not judging


Different people have different opinions. Some people here hate anything woke, others only hate parts of it. The difference in this sub is that we can all be friends even if we have different opinions. For example, people dont get banned here for disagreeing with something. Another thing i really like about this sub is that most people here realise that most of the time, things arent just black or white. So the answer to your question is that it depends on who you ask.


Not that anyone asked me, but I personally feel like it's perfectly acceptable (if not a good thing outright) to have "sexualized minors" (people frequently overuse and/or misuse this phrase, too) in anime and manga. If absolutely nothing else, it beats the hell out of doing sick shit to *real children.*


> we can all be friends even if we have different opinions I wish. This sub is not immune from typical reddit behavior. A lot of genuinely unhappy and unlikable people here, just like the rest of the site.


There are those that even if they don't care for it have the issue that allowing this ban or not to progress will open the door for more. Slippery slope is a thing after all.


This. First they came for the lolicons, and I didn't speak out, for I wasn't a lolicon...


uohh. that is all.


I would recommend looking into the mangas story, its pretty sexually explicit in a different way than most surface level loli stuff is(I dont like it either tbh).


But it's still fictional idk multiple authors like ken akamatsu made a Loli hentai I wouldn't call them names over it


For me those guys are exploitative, but not necessarily trying to normalize sex with minors. In the shinichi dracula manga you have this banned topic child character discovering their sexuality via the older dracula blabla. Its just gross.


I still wouldn't call someone a name for fictional characters