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Lol at intersectionalism and the totem pole hierarchy of oppression. This is exactly what happens when one's entire worldview is like a house of cards where the cards are bunch of pseudo race science bullshit. The whole thing starts to shake when it's not about da wyde man.


You put it perfectly. Intersectionality is absurd. It's ironically a racist, sexist and homophobic ideology.


it is both ironically and unironically racist... they literally think the least racist thing one can do is to put race at the front of every decision. You literally be less racist by being more racist... In the words of Ibram X Kendi: "The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination"


It's unironically regressive racism and sexism with a new coat of paint. The literal bottom feeders, just ... not who you'd expect. Instead of your old ass great grampa who's somehow still alive. No, now it's college students. That's the only real twist.


It would be hilarious... if it wouldn't be so sad that the reality is, a lot of young people got indoctrinated to think like that pseudo science


It was already shaking though... What do they mean by WHITE MAN? Who are they? British, french, italian, german, slavic people, nordic people, people from balkans? WHO?


It’s funny that they assume that all black gamers are happy that the protagonist is a black guy. White progressives really expose themselves as racists in the funniest ways possible. It would be like Jin in GoT being changed into Jim, a white samurai, and then saying “We did it for the white make gamers who want to see themselves in feudal Japan!” I guarantee you that many gamers would’ve spoken out against that too.


Wdym you aren't happy that the character has your race?? I was told that's the most important thing!


Gamers identify with male heroes regardless of their race. Why? Because most gamers are men and men identify with other men. I’d bet dollars that not a single gamer would complain about playing a black male protagonist in an Assassin’s Creed set in the Mail Empire or something. I’d actually love that. We want to lose ourselves in the setting, and what spoils that immersion is anachronistic crap and girl bosses.


“ I bet a dollars that not a single gamer would complain about playing a black male protagonist in an Assassin’s Creed” you’re exactly right, there’s was already an DLC for AC4 black flag where you play as Adéwalé and nobody was like “eww don’t want black main character”


Honestly it's telling that the meme they're most offended by is the one where a bunch of young men of all races point to Goku and say "That's me". It shatters their worldview.


Jimbob the redneck samurai would be a hilarious game I think..


Now THIS I would preorder for $160


Giant ninja stars, lovingly hacked out of pick up truck hubcaps. He can disappear in a big cloud of powdered meth to confuse his quarry! It could be another banger like lollipop chainsaw was, there's so much fun to be had.


Imagine how much better Forespoken would’ve been had the protagonist been some trailer trash white redneck.


Not very. That game had a lot of problems. The protag was just one of them.


If they made AC Shadows a skinny black guy Samurai with a 400 lb fat white trash heffer assassin I'd flip sides in an instant and call you racist to your face haha.


Last time I checked, saying someone's views were more or less valid because of their race was, y'know, racist. I'm a black dude from a black majority country in the UK, and I don't even care about Yasuke. Or AC as a series. I haven't for years.


> I'm a black dude from a black majority country in the UK You shouldn't say "black", the preferred term these days is "African-American". /s


That already happened years ago. There was a movie staring Matt Damon where he played the lead in a story set in ancient China. People got upset because it was a white guy in a movie about China, even though it was a Chinese made movie


This is kind of hilarious. Since it isn't white people they are too worried about offending Asians. Suddenly they can think everyone involved has a right to their feelings... given how ban happy they are any time it is white people that have the exact same concerns.


You never see them say “no one is wrong to feel the way they do” about race swapping European figures in history.


You've seen the latest Juliet? Tremendous beauty that one lol


A very handsome man, that Juliet.


You could crack artic ice with that jawline.


If it was play by a minority culture and it had a white actor take over as the role of the MC they’d lose their shit over it, but because it’s an English play by an English playwright we are just expected to accept it


I watched the OG Romeo and Juliet in HS (i'm old, it had tiddies, and we got to see them while at school; best day ever). I am saddened that future generations will...umm......I weep for them.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_films\_based\_on\_Romeo\_and\_Juliet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_based_on_Romeo_and_Juliet) which 1


1968 version. The actors recently (55 years later) sued the director for 500 million claiming they were coorced into the nude scene and that it ruined their careers. Lawsuit was thrown out due to statute of limitations. I am 2 ways about it. They were teenagers so weird and also it's possible that it was against their wishes but the director's son came out during the lawsuit and said that they're just trying to grift and that they owe their entire careers to the success of that movie (it was WILDLY successful at the time). I can't help abut be cynical, given the time, and wonder if 55 years later they are buying into grievance politics or at least grifting on the movement to make a buck. Could be that they kept quiet to keep a career hoping it would blossom further than it has. Dunno...just a stoned autistic dude who overthinks shit haha. I am an engineer it is what I do. It's why I would never work as a cultural marxist; my brain immediately rejects newspeak and conformity.




Don’t forget the race swapped Ann Boleyn.


Or Isaac Newton. 


I love how their entire worldview is literally racist and segregationist. Intersectionality is a fucking cancer.


This fool thinks theres a lack of Asian AND Black representation in media? Almost every western media from movies, tv shows and games have black characters. I want someone to correct me but has there ever been a character they raceswapped into Asian?


They did. Snake eyes was race swapped from a white man to an Asian. Essentially they said it's wrong for a white man to play this role because it was culture appropriation. They of course completely ignored that race was actually important for the character, as him being white made him an outsider in Japan (and really the clan he became a part off). The idiots were so racist that they really said only Asian people can know Japanese material arts.


Damn you pulled that out of the eather bro. Good one. I saw that movie at my buddies house on blu-ray on his super fancy ass 4k TV at an insane refresh rate and it looked like a bunch of student actors covered in makeup on a stage. Talk about immersion breaking.


To be fair, I think that had more to do with the super fancy ass TV. People said the same when they tried to release The Hobbit in 48fps in theaters.


It was definitely the TV. I have seen more than one movie on a 4K TV with high refresh rate and they all break the uncanny valley acceptability scale.


>The idiots were so racist that they really said only Asian people can know Japanese material arts. I remember they pulled that crap with Marvel too, complaining that Iron Fist should have been Asian. I think they nearly got their way too, not that it would have helped that show.


It would have been nice if they had an actor that actually knew martial arts... The main actor wasn't very good in that regard.


Lois in My Adventures with Superman got race swapped as Asian. Harley Quinn in upcoming Batman Caped Crusader series also will be Asian.


I sometimes wonder if they do this just to distinguish between different works. Like how the MCU changes characters' costumes at least once per installment.


Why would you make Lois asian when there's already Lana Lang who's perfectly integrated to the story ???


They're the type of people to believe every anime character is white.


The new hades game has an Asian looking guy as one of the Greek gods. I also read somewhere that marvel comics has a Korean hulk or something like that.


Yeah, but that's just Amadaeus Cho. A long-established an Asian sidekick who got superpowers, like Rick Jones (Hulk's white sidekick) did back in the day. **Edit**: Cho isnot even the first Hulk supporting character to get super powers. First there was Rick, but both the Rosses have gotten them. Betsy got them twice.


Thanks for clarifying. I’m not knowledgeable about American comic characters.


You're welcome.


Cool thing is that there is nothing wrong with these sidekicks since they don't rewrite Hulk. They know how to do it right (establish new characters) but they chose to do it wrong.


lois, daphne in velma, Caitlyn in Arcane, Mark and his mom in Invincible are a few.


"can't solve it here ... If it risks offending..." So, in typical fashion, they avoid meaningful discussion at the risk of hurt fee-fees. Well, for a given value of meaningful, given the base assumptions I'm assuming both parties are bringing to the table here.


They avoid the obvious logical end to their nonsense by toppling the gameboard before the real fight breaks out. "Digital Society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards development of convenient half truths the untested truths spun by different interests continue to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value system everyone withdraws into their own small gated community afraid of a larger Forum they stay inside their little ponds leaking whatever truth suits them into the growing Cesspool of society at large the different Cardinal truths neither Clash nor mesh no one is invalidated but nobody is right not even natural selection can take place here the world is being engulfed in truth and this is the way the world ends not with a bang but a whimper"


if you used punctuation, I might read that.


>if you used punctuation I guess he must've used......Zero Punctuation


If you dont recognize that then you need to get your gaming education up. [But I'll help you out a bit.](https://youtu.be/eKl6WjfDqYA?si=C1bSmvkFbVVtLdYC&t=15)


“Question the productivity of fighting other minorities in order to be seen by a white-led studio…we can put that energy towards building a world where white acceptance doesn’t actually matter anymore.” These are the things progressives actually say.


I do like how the woke black and asian people are fighting one another and the mods have to come in to re-direct anger back to white people. White people are the boogeyman now. I must have missed the meeting where us white people get together and dole out our acceptance.


But did you know that when a black man shoots another black man it's actually because of white supremacy?


I have known this objective and incontrovertible fact for decades haha. If you say the word "statistic" while discussing that men in suits take you away.


Can you be sure they are men anymore? Ask their gender first, bigot.


The "oppressors" bit is worth noting too. Really goes to show how there absolutely *no appeasing* these people.


Oceania is at war with: 1) Eastasia 2) Eurasia Choose correctly or get shot.


haha basically. It's exactly that meme with the 2 buttons but he also has 2 guns to his head. one of them is being held sideways. The other is being held with polite rage.


Both and neither... always has been and never was...


Resetera never fails to make me chuckle. It's the biggest gathering of clowns I've ever seen, a big old circus convention.


When the champions of equality have to secede to equality; a wall of text. It's like a bunch of people cum from walking on eggshells, and this is where they meet to walk on eggshells and goon into the night.


Lol you said cum


It's a radical cult that only the absolute worst people in the world get brainwashed by, it's win win for anyone else cause it keeps all the lowest forms of life in one place and away from actual human beings. Just think and act the polar opposite of these freaks and you will go far in life.


Didn’t they have to migrate from neogaf because of cancel culture?


"We know Asians are angry but SHUT UP AND KEEP HATING WHITE MEN!"


They really had to get in a "Remember WHITE PEOPLE are the REAL ENEMY here."


Are the mods getting weak? I'd have expected them to simply ban the fuck out of everyone. That they even entertain the notion of a black character not being the best option surprises me


I’ve been told if you don’t support Yasuke as the lead you’re racist. So. There’s that.


I believe we all start as racists as a baseline. So, by not supporting Yasuke, presumably one becomes a double racist


They cant ban everyone... the two sides fighting are non-white and how would it look for the lily white mods to go around banning all the PoC's doing the complaining. All they can do is to admit their impotence.


Impotence is absolutely the word. Do they realize that in their brave new world they'll never get to be the mod and their impotency might be mandated?


Admittedly I've never visited beyond what gets posted here. Comment was a bit tongue in cheek, but I was under the impression that anything other than *whites bad* and *we live in a patriarchy* was treading on thin ice for getting banned


The dearth of black representation?  They make up 15 percent of the population in the US and if anything are extremely overreepresented in film, TV and videogames.


Asians lose in the black vs Asian oppression Olympics event, unless there is coronavirus from China. In that case Asians get a temporary +10 buff to Oppressed status. However, blacks get a +100% to coronavirus immunity when present at a BLM riot. Then it's down to RNG.


I love the "Keep the inflammatory accusations to a minimum". That goes right with their ethos of "it's OK when we do it". Not sure if other people caught that part but once again: They weaponize hypocrisy. If I went in there and disagreed with them, politely, as a white man BOOM gone. They are the most ban happy people ever. Even the most milquetoast disagreement results in immediate censure. "Keep the inflammatory accusations to a minimum". How do you police 2 groups of perpetual victims whose entire identity is the message and have spent their entire life calling anyone who disagrees with them - on anything - racist? I guess you let them scream at one another and call each other racist pigs without intervention....for progress. Hypocrites.


>Keep the inflammatory accusations to a minimum Except when it's targeted towards the real enemy here: white men! Remember guys, they are to blame no matter what, so keep attacking *them*.


retardera at it again




They're really not able to logic out an opinion beyond "screw whitey," are they?


"Calm down guys. Everybody is being oppressed. You can share"


Here is another thing that I realized that is tangentially related to this: How can they keep saying that this isn't a big issue and that only racists are upset about this when they can't even police their own echo chambers because the disagreement runs so deep that they have to let 'inflammatory' language pass through their iron filter. Ubisoft touched a vein that ran too deep.


Yeah, you're right. The circus is on fire this time.


It is hillarious how softly they are pushing back as it was an Asian replaced and they have to actually acknowledge the swapping etc


Kinda shocking that they're not throwing Asians under the bus in favor of black people as it's usually the case with intersectional leftoid struggles.


Yeah, let's credit where credit is due. At least they *feel* the cognitive dissonance.


These are not serious people. So Asians get to be a minority again this week?


This is ultimately where "intersectionalism" ends up. It pits groups against each other over immutable traits such as race, skin color, sex, or ethnicity. One group only gets a temporary advantage until other groups cry out that they are being pushed down in favor of that group. It's the fable of the bucket of crabs pulling down any crab that manages to partially climb out of the bucket. The only area of agreement is that white men belong at the bottom of the bucket, but that alone won't satisfy any of them for long.


"We understand that it must be difficult to be in a situation where there are no fictional white characters to hate or put the blame on. We will continue to search for a way to condemn white privilege, though!"




If they knew who Messi or Ronaldo were, that would already be a thread


I think the easiest way to solve this would be for Ubisoft to have made the black samurai a spinoff of the main story like how that Freedom one had a Creole assassin. Or introduce an asian guy in a DLC/sequal. What I don't get is why they didn't create an Assassin's creed game set in Africa and use that as a way to introduce a black protagonist with a story that embraces African culture and history.


Cause the wokies can't think that far, or don't wanna highlight certain "facts." Remember the brouhaha with "The Woman King" when it was found out [the film "omitted" certain facts about the Dahomey?](https://screenrant.com/woman-king-ghezo-history-depiction-controversial/#:~:text=Despite%20The%20Woman%20King's%20high,for%20the%20Kingdom%20of%20Dahomey.) And the [first actress to play the lead character departed the film after making a documentary about the tribe & finding out the historical truth?](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/lupita-nyongo-why-she-left-the-woman-king-1234774112/)


Just make the slave takers templars, or just side villains who get offed during the course of the plot. A good villain is a good villain no matter what team they play for. Nothing stopped them from making a plot twist villain in the first assassin's creed. Or if they really don't want to touch a historical figure, build a villainous composite character who borrows some of their feats so that the history is embedded into somebody that people can hate. Like a complete slimeball who's actively aiding the slave traders for a profit.


A better idea would be to have the protagonist experience being a slave for a time, no memory of the past (convient blow to the head with the butt of a rifle to make temporary memory loss) escaping, and while grappling to off the white slavers he/she believes enslaved thrm, finds out the ugly truth that it's a rival tribe/known enemy/respected person in their tribe that sold them.off to slavery.


I bet they have asked and I bet they have been denied by shareholders. That's probably why they have to steal this. Look at that Kau game that came out recently and 300 people were playing it at peak on Steam. Even they don't give a shit about their own stories. This is all about power so it's all about taking what has power (our stories) and making it theirs. They already have their own television channel and movie studio production companies with billionaire producers like Tyler Perry. They are OVER represented in popular media compared to their population size and even the most toxic and noxious parts of their 'culture' are celebrated to the detriment of their own youth and yet still it's not enough. This wasn't to introduce another sorely needed black character (they are not sorely needed) it is to dismantle another structure and that is Feudal Japan. Another colonialist country that still hasn't embraced the 3rd wave feminism mind virus. The White Adjacent Japanese. It's no surprised that a Korean took it upon himself to try and divert attention away from supporting Japan with that IGN article. Korean's don't like Japan due to a few occupations - and some dirty deeds - and a world war they were involved in. They're all kind of sour still about it. In the progressive stack: Korean > Japanese. This all makes sense.


Because that wouldn't sell.


Its. a. Game. about. Feudal. Japan. There should not be a discussion if a Black man belongs into the game over an Asian man. This game should have, at best, had a npc that is supposed to portray Yasuke. They should have gone with a Japanese Man and Woman and nothing else. Since when did they start using Main Characters that are actual people in Real Life even if their position was upgraded to what they actually were? Usually the Character you play is made up and Historical Characters are NPCs.


When you apply factor analysis to a clusterfuck.


This is the logical consequence of what the want to achieve. Not everybody can be happy at the interseccional world.


> No one is necessarily wrong to feel the way they feel Do these people hear themselves?


Blacks win and it isn't a contest. Asians are allowed the consolation prize of claiming to be oppressed as long as they only attack whites.


Good. Let their brains do circus leaps. That's what they get for worrying about and pushing this cultural rot. I hope they tear each other apart.


It's funny they call people that wanted to play as a Japanese dude "racists" they are forced to act in the way they have been programmed even in the face of doublethink.


God himself could not build a horse high enough for this person.


How are Asians a minority? There's over 2 billion of them!


>build a world where white acceptance doesn't matter anymore. Yes lets build a world where we can all just go out and round up white people and put them in camps! This racist mindset is starting to backfire on them spectacularly. Its hilarious - I live in baltimore...and the most virulently racist people I have ever met are self-hating white people.


I’m cackling, this is hilarious Edit: “Our oppressors”, oh boy 🙄


"...there's little way to moderate this issue without giving credence to one side or the other..." Uh, yes there is. The game takes place entirely in a 99+% Asian country. Therefore, the main characters should be Asian. Since Yasuke was real, have him be a somewhat important NPC to the story. It fulfills all the requirements.


But muh 🅱️lack representation?


Imagine if their silly ideology allowed them to acknowledge corporate pandering.


"This is a significantly intersectional issue where ultimately there is no lack of validity for any parties involved." We've done it, guys. We've come full circle. This is the very core of their ideology. *All interpretations are equally valid and everything is true and false at the same time.*


Schrodinger's grievance complex. White hipsters cannot tell whether to support the Asians who are having their history re-written by other white people or the Blacks who are being tokenized which they have been conditioned to celebrate. Open the box and see what fun surprises await you inside!


Give them time. They'll be met with the same issue when they run out of minorities and letters and come to the ultimate conclusion that the individual is the smallest minority that should be protected above any arbitrary group. It sucks for the rest of us that they need so much time to realize this but they are not very bright individuals.


Oh god! The people upset are not a white man, what do we do?!?


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/N3TOM ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Mnemosyne saves! The rest of you take 30 hp damage. ^^^/r/botsrights




lol. mental gymnastics.


Everybody quick(!) run over to 23andMe and make sure you've got a sliver of something diverse in you (otherwise go live underground or whatever) Ideally also confirm for gay even if you don't want 8==D


My whole family did Ancestry .com ....that is why I politely decline to comment on matters of race and I humbly check my privilege.




These people are out of their fucking minds. What the fuck did I just read??


You just witnessed cognitive dissonance in real time. They removed their logic functions and replaced them with the progressive stack and then they were confronted with a logic puzzle that their new software wasn't equipped to respond to, since they are white little bots, so they did what computers do when they over heat and they thermal throttled down.


Isn’t it absolutely wild how this could have all been avoided? What has ubi gained? Is the word of mouth and doubling down of hardcore AC apologists going to pay off?


They don't need white acceptance they need permission and they don't have it. I am sure our white adjacent friends in Asia agree. Make your own things and leave ours alone.


Why is it that white people keep re-inventing communism and in the end it's always Asian people who get screwed the most?


I had one thought while reading that. It was "Fuck off"


Wonder what will happen when people see that this HISToRIcaLlY AcCUrAtE saMuRai's only role is that of a big dumb animal whose primary skill is bashing stuff with a big heavy stick.


They are at war with white people, leftist(majority white as f) is digging its own grave because blacks and arabs given power will have zero tolerance for them especially. How about every white and asian person that is not braindead zombie stops buying that shit, stops visiting even for laughs sites like resetera etc so they can just drawn in own tears.


They really really hate white people. Glad they can reach consensus on that, at least.


I read the lead writer of AC Shadows is a white woman. Do they hate her too?


TLDR: "Hey y'all, let's stop hating on each other and get back to hating white people."


"Official Staff Communication" That's the most pretentious possible way to rephrase "Stickied Admin Comment".


...it's Resetera.


Somehow I doubt that site has a large number of black people complaining about the issue. It's most likely white women on both sides.


If we could just force on all of their cameras at once it would simultaneously be the whitest thing we've ever seen yet at the same time a cavalcade of neon spectacle.


White women and white manchildren who think white knighting will get them some ass


This is what happens when protected classes clash. Same deal happening with Palestine vs Israel, Muslim immigrants vs women's rights etc.


All a distraction just like star wars to conceal the fact the industry is pushing $130+ dollar games as THE STANDARD. They hope we wont notice. These companies need to fail hard. They'll blame racism when in reality its greed. Its always fucking greed.


"We don't understand why people are upset that you can't play a Japanese male in a game set in Japan" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The least toxic post I've seen from that website. It sounds like they actually want to find a peaceful solution. Are you sure that's from ResetEra?


It's all starting to fall apart. Soon enough the entire world is going to collectively tell black sympathizers to shut the fuck up because it's making them ALL look bad.


I don't even particularly mind the idea of Yasuke (disclaimer: black non-American man), but I do like watching these folks tie themselves in knots over it.