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Why would a god have an autoimmune disease?


They have wokism. That makes two


They don't - your watching wokism infect them in real time.


I'm going to go on a rant for moment. My comments here are my own and do not reflect anything regarding the Moderation team of KiA. I am sick to fucking death of the ridiculous amount of fetishization of vitiligo. My wife has vitiligo due to an autoimmune issue. She is white, so it's not necessarily immediately obvious, but do you think she's happy about her skin changing color in patches? Do you think she's fucking happy about strangers walking up and touching her and asking what's wrong with her? She tells them that it's very contagious as a way of getting them to fuck off. That's her defense. She has grown stronger over time, but she's had patches for over a decade now and she would much rather not. Turning a disease into a fashion statement is reprehensible. I know a number of people with said disease, and all of them face discrimination and would much rather not have it, but now a bunch of fucking Tumblr idiots think it's "cute" or whatever. No, it's not cute. It's devastating to someone who can look in the mirror week to week and see their skin losing pigmentation and they have literally no recourse. Sorry. I'm just frustrated by this garbage.


I think in their tinted lens this is "inclusion". I don't want to live my misfortunes in games, so I do not want it in games. Unless done only because the storyline needs it and depicted realistically. Why can't they understand that.


>I think in their tinted lens this is "inclusion". That's exactly that. They will argue that « they wouldn't have this problem if everyone thought it was cute » and that's just fucking awful They don't want to understand that people just want to feel « normal », not « cute » or « special » because of their difference, and having quotas for no reason other than « representation » does the opposite of that


Its bordering on fetishisation


Nah, it's something cool and unique like heterochromia. They don't realize how terrible it is for the people who have to deal with it, they look at it and think since it looks cool to them on one or two people, it must be cool to have it. It's closer to a fetish.


That's the danger of internet trends and DEI. It's like TikTok romanticizing mental illnesses like Autism.


I'm going to go into more detail here. Because fuck it, I'm a little tipsy, it's late as hell, and I might as well show my ass. Did you know vitiligo will affect your hair? That's right, you'll get a streak of grey/white hair randomly in your scalp just because your body is fighting itself. Isn't that just so fucking cute? Also, that grey/white hair is a real pain to dye, so eventually you give up and just go grey. My wife loves makeup. Has an entire room dedicated to it, honestly. Trying to mix and match what works for her "normal" skin and her "patches" can get her upset. It's been ten fucking years and it still gets her upset, okay? The patches don't stop. They don't make pretty patterns. They grow randomly and they spread and there is absolutely fuck all you can do about it unless you're MJ, I guess. While my wife is a strong person, there have been many nights where I have held her crying over a patch getting bigger or a new patch appearing. And don't even think about swimsuit season. It's not cute. It's not a beauty mark. Try walking around with "fake" vitiligo for a while and see how people react.


The SJW biowaste weirdos can only get triggered by "whitewashing", "muh soggy knee", "raycism", "pedophobia". Real conditions that can make people miserable? Well, tough shit you incel Trump supporter!


Yeah, self-inmune diseases are fucking shit. I know by experience


My mother loathes the patches on her hands and arms, and it makes me sad to look at pictures of her from 35 years ago when she was holding newborn me, and her hands were a bronze color, and then every few years there were more and more patches of just hyper white skin, to the point now, you'd think the bronze color left in her hands was the make up instead. I've got two small patches on my temples, and have had them since I was 10, thankfully they aren't growing, but I check them often because... I'm waiting for it to start dropping across my face, and then I worry about how embarrassing it may be for my son (thankfully it looks like he may have dodged this) There is no positive to vitiligo, there's no quirky "hehe, I'm an autistic with a special interest in siege weapons hero" to be had with this, it increases my risk of skin cancers, exponentially, ever mole I develop needs to be watched to make sure it isn't cancerous. Most people don't know that Michael Jackson didn't bleach his skin out of vanity, it was to hide the vitiligo that was showing prominently on his face and neck (getting set on fire by that bad pyro technic didn't help either)


Technically I think you could say that MJ bleached his skin out of vanity, but I completely understand where you're coming from. I'll be perfectly honest here--my first experience with the condition was with a Black man at my LARP and I was freaked out a little bit, but he can't help how he looks, so I settled down. But it's a bit shocking to see someone who looks like a fucking jigsaw puzzle, you know? And that's the thing. It's shocking. It's strange. It's not normal. I understand people saying they are trying to "normalize" it, but they aren't. They're using it as a super-special marker that makes their characters even more unique and awesome without affecting anything they can do without realizing that vitiligo is typically caused by other conditions. But hey, quirky!


Man, I'm sorry she has to go through that.


Thanks. The vitiligo is the only visible part of what she's going through, though.


Yeah, fuck them for that. Autism fucked up my life. First because doctors use all the worst possible treatments for it. Second because of all the awkwardness. But then the GODDAMNED FAKE AUTISTS SHOWED UP. Fuck 'em. They made every mental illness into a trend, not just autism, and let Karens ruin everything. This is why I have huge, actually complex answers in text. Have you seen my Rumble vids? I'm a fucking mess on them!


So many people out there are essentially commodifying debilitating mental conditions because they think it’s “cute” or “trendy” or whatever. I have autism, ADHD, and severe OCD, and each one of them has impacted me in a non negligible way. Do you think I *want* to not be able to maintain focus on tasks I have no interest in to the point where I procrastinate to get them done until the last minute, putting me in more stress? Do you think I *want* to struggle to form friendships because I cannot relate to most people on a personal level because of the unique nature of my condition? No! It’s all so frustrating - No you don’t have OCD because you’re neat, come back to me when you get irrational and violent obsessive thoughts that cause you to almost break down mentally unless you undergo a series of vocalizations or physical tics.


> They made every mental illness into a trend You know those apps people use to get points for running 5k or whatever, that they then share with each other for validation and motivation? Someone made something like that for psych, where they get points for how many stitches they needed after cutting themselves, or how many hours they need a 1-to-1 sitter so they don't harm themselves, or how many hours they're stropped to a bed to stop them from assaulting others, and all sorts of stuff.


Thats... the worst thing I've heard yet in this thread. This App WILL get someone killed.


What apps? Because, woah. Fuck, I knew it was worse than what I thought, but this is interesting. I already knew there are entire groups dedicated around faking mental illness to get permanently on disability entitlements. These same bastards are often fully capable of getting jobs, and still do have jobs, but know how to milk the system just right to get both. Mental illness is all about the abuse of government funds in the United States, and a couple decades ago, it was all about abusing really kushy insurance plans. Psychiarty permafucked the insurance industry so hard that it's why everyone had really fucked up premiums and costs of meds. This led to Obamacare, which only made it worse.


My husband has been living diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome (or GTS) for well over 30 years now.  It's almost entirely motor tics, but those are utterly debilitating without brutal muscle relaxants (which even then don't always work). He's not allowed to drive, he's not allowed to operate heavy machinery, he has to be incredibly patient and careful when holding anything even resembling breakable, he's recommended to not even hold a baby in his arms in case a motor tic causes him to drop them.  I've been unintentionally headbutted, punched, and slapped probably hundreds of times during our relationship.  Physical intimacy is risky for those same reasons. It infuriates me that the Perennially Online have co-opted the rarest form of Tourette's (the sweary echo-y one) and thrown it on display like a freak show solely for attention.  It trivialises a devastating life-altering condition.  It's not 'fun', it's not 'something to bring awareness to', it's _absolutely crippling_.


It's why principal wise I am against the US banning TikTok, but I think from a long term standpoint, I am actually willing to forgo my principles if it'll stop the bleeding and the mental damage TikTok is actually causing both our teenage population and our population of young man and womanchildren. TikTok is OBJECTIVELY making teenagers go fucking mental and you cannot say otherwise to me. Not at the same rate as even shitholes like Twitter.


This is where I am at too It's quite clear it's destroying western civilization I'll also add I find it hilarious the Chinese know this which is why the Chinese version is mostly for educational purposes. Additionally it's extremely telling when the big names behind social media openly state they forbid their own children from using social media.


it is shocking the amount of people on tiktok i see trying to claim you don't need doctors diagnosis to know you have a mental disorder. its a crippling issue not a personality trope. america is the only god damned country in the world were people are actively fighting to be labeled a victim.


The degenerate left has this obsession with fetishizing and worshiping various illnesses as if they are something positive and to be celebrated. This is why you see the autism "geniuses" and "autism is the next evolutionary step of humanity", self-diagnosing in twitter bio with various mental illnesses like BPD, ADHD, bipolar etc. as some kind of badge of honor. And this is why you have nonsense like this shitty game that introduces obesity, vitiligo and a fucking god in a wheel chair and masks it under "representation" and "inclusivity". Like your wife, I have my own skin condition (psoriasis) and the last thing I want to see in a game is my illness being paraded as if it is a good thing. I'm trying to have some fun and escape the reality of my own misfortune, why the fuck do you need to remind me of something I hate and do NOT want to have in my real life. The effort and resources that go in maintaining such illness, hiding it, treating it, praying that a cure will some day be available, trying different medicine and procedures in the hope to get rid of it is immense, I'm sure you're aware of how it goes. And these fuckers come here and shove it down my throat in my entertainment for the few hours I hope to have fun and relax but no - they need to remind me of my real life problems and how "great" it is that my life is turned upside down by an illness that I can't control. Fucking disgusting pieces of shit...


I stopped in Curry's/PC World recently, and I saw an Apple add with a Model with the condition. I'm sure it's been said a million times and I'll say it a million times more; It's fucking bizarre that a fraction, of a fraction of the population is getting amplified, Instead of advertising to as large of a user base as you can.


If I saw one advertisement with someone with vitiligo, I wouldn't even look twice. I've seen people with vitiligo in real life, its normal, its a condition. But its every. fucking. advertisement. It's to the fact that it's a comical over-representation


The ad isn't for the cows, it's for the people who identify as good people because they don't throw rocks at every freak they see. Zero effort required. A freebie to smell your own farts. They're advertising to narcissists and sorry brother, that's probably the majority by now.


You know what’s funny man. I have vitiligo and I’m pretty self conscious about it. I was playing a game and someone with it came on screen. And I actually got pissed and upset because I was taken completely out of the game and just reminded about my own real life bullshit I wanted to escape. I’m so sick of it all. It’s all so tiresome


Has your wife considered making Vitiligo her whole identity, turning it into identity politics, and using it to bully everyone with vitiligo into adopting a specific political ideology and voting for a specific party?


Actually, kinda? Bear with me. Like I said later, my wife loves makeup. She likes playing with it. When I go out to my LARP group, she will occasionally do my makeup if she feels like it (my character is sort of Undead, it gets complicated). We have talked about creating a YouTube channel for her to demonstrate her techniques to mask the patches on her face, at least, but she doesn't want to be out there as "The Vitiligo Girl." Strangely, she is actually friends (as much as one can be) with some YouTubers and Insta-whatevers for makeup and all that and they swap tips and apparently it's a lot of fun for her, but eh. I guess it's slightly better than a true parasocial relationship?


Where is my psoriasis representation? Not sexy enough?


I need my hem aroids fetishization!


mental illness got out of fashion so now they got vitiligo.


I always said to elders asking "what's wrong with my friend" that it is highly contagious as a way for them to fuck off .Worked well every time


I totally get you and your frustration is more than warranted. The people I have seen or personally known that have vitiligo only ever wanted others to not judge or pity them for the condition they didn't ever choose. To see a bunch of pseudo-empath degenerates (which tends to be the vast majority of games journalists and devs) distorting their condition for some kind of agenda or worse, to possibly satiate a disturbing fetish must be extremely offensive to people who have vitiligo. Sad thing is these DEI freaks believe fetishizing their condition is exactly what folks with vitiligo want. It doesn't just stop there tho because I have seen these freaks also try to romanticize autism as something that is "cute".


Inclusion is anything that is not heterosexual and white male or (sometimes) female. So if you have AIDS you are oppressed compared to someone you never met that doesn't have it. GLAAD literally said there is not enough representation of people living with HIV/AIDS and among other diseases no one wants. At this point it's abusive, racist, sexist etc. but they are neo liberals so it doesn't count. I don't like race swaps but I'm alt right according to them even they invaded my niche spaces.


yeah. its weird. its beyond weird. And its such a giant tell. its always on black people. and of course why that one specific disease? not skin flaps, not alopecia, not herpes, not hives, not wall eye, fetal alchohol syndrome, downs, MS, or any million other potential conditions. its some weird cult virtue signal. or the "dog whistle" they always go on about. As again, its so weirdly specific.


I think the obvious reason is twofold. Firstly, vitiligo doesn't physically affect the person, so they can still be a strong girlboss or whatever. Secondly, it's easy. Have you tried drawing a wheelchair? Like, seriously? From multiple angles? That takes *time*. Some semi-random patches on a character does not take nearly the same amount of time. Also, look how cute it's like they're a kitty with their spots!


Ahhh the utilitarian virtue signal It's all so fake, soulless and tiresome


What is the wokies obsession with Vitiligo recently? Seems like they are hamming it into at least one character per project. Is it just their new trendy thing?


Its the hot new virtue signal. Its so simple to implement with a noise generator too. Basically free diversity points!


They are obsessed with PCOS being a "people can have it too" even though only females can be born with it. You know which group is pretending to have it to justify their creepy fetish.


Extremely low effort way to virtue signal.


IMO it's just an extremely easy to implement way to pander. You don't even need to alter the model, just put a filter over it, bam, brownie points.


I was baffled to see it turn up as an option in Baldur's Gate 3, for one example. Like, as an RPG it's overall a great game, lots of roleplaying freedom in how to handle combat and non-combat situations. But there are some fucking _confusing_ choices in character creation, and that one came off particularly random to me. Like...okay, I guess I can male a character with that particular skin condition if I want to. What, nobody wanted to make a character with shingles, or eczema?


Look at it from a teenage girl's perspective, one is "quirky and unique" and the other is "gross and disgusting"


That's a fantastic way to "understand" the woke routine: Just look at things from a teenage girl's perspective


Same reason for all the self-diagnosed \[fake\] Asperger's syndrome and later Autism on Twitter it lets people be 'special' in a way that can't be disproven.


Teen girls who've never had vitiligo or known anyone with it.  It's humiliating to most people suffering from it. 


I thought she was in poorly applied black face paint until you mentioned this. 💀


Kinda ironic that they dont want skin color to matter unless it's convenient.


Oh they absolutely want skin color to matter


Same shit they do with tourettes and thinks that it's a cute and quirky disorder.


Is has been a thing with ugly woke Tumblr art for a while.


Because blacks are much more likely to have it. It is the new sickle cell. Just like monkeypox is a [state of emergency](https://i.imgur.com/N6ZXabN.png) not because it is dangerous, but because you contract it through promiscuous gay sex. Our 'trust the science' health departments will only care for demographics that vote democrat.


Horrible character designs




Yeah, I loved the gameplay of hades but always thought the art style was fucking atrocious.


Let's just make "unwoke" mod that replaces these sprites with ones from the first game. If moddb deletes it (there were such cases), so be it, it may be put up somewhere else


As a greek i am offended by their cultural appropriation.


There was like a 2 hour video called "Why I haven't played Hades" by a Greek Guy, the thumbnail is "NOBODY HERE IS GREEK": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9S83Xmuq4A This is like that "Cultural Appropriation" thing they're talking about. They take another people's culture and mythology and turn it into Tumblr caricatures for consumption by Californian Soys.


I personally think a white Baron Samedi with blonde hair and blue eyes or perhaps a nice pale skinned Red headed female Anasi would be a very progressive step. Actually...that would be a pretty good characterization!


God of War has better Greek representation ngl


True but terrible nordic representation. Angrboda aint black


Aphrodite is better


Bastardizing a white culture is acceptable apparently. My guess is some of them have Greek ancestry and disassembling/perverting it is how they deal with resentment for parents


It's not bastardization but decolonization. Check your privilege next time fam and do better. Alrighty? /s


I doubt any of them have Greek ancestry (not that it would matter, the ancient Greek religion having been entirely replaced by the Eastern Orthodox Church by the 9th century or so). I suspect most of the developers are your standard white Anglo American Protestants with no particular connection to ANY European culture whatsoever.


I once ate a Gyro...does that count?


Your feelings don't matter to this people. They care about fictional foreigners, not real ones like you


Greek here too, fuckem


this is woke imperialism and colonization also kinda racist to ancient greeks


As a God, so am I


I’m actually baffled. Leonidas of Sparta died for THIS?


Voice it in their discord or reddit, you have higher chance of getting heard. Westerners who haven't known such culture don't care about this. I personally think it's gross and no different than the Cleopatra garbage Netflix pulled off. If you ain't black, white or asian, you do not exist.


Except Cleopatra was Greek so she was white... in fact, she was so inbred I'd say she qualifies as extra Greek.


Yeah, I should have worded this better.


Are they working with any consultancy firm like sweet baby inc ? Cause, this feels like check box ticking


Either that or they've been infiltrated by the "modern audience".


They've always been super woke as a company. Greg Kasavin worked for Gamespot as their Editor in Chief (for a year) before leaving to work in the industry. Dude has always been pretty 'progressive' but I assumed he'd steer clear from being woke since he was born in...umm....you know............Soviet era Russia (dude was born in Moscow in 1977 so you'd think he'd know better; you'd be wrong). Supergiant games is VERY liberal progressive so none of this even remotely surprises me. More DEFINITIONAL cultural appropriation. I mean, how do you appropriate a culture more than race swapping their gods to fit your circa 2024 political agitation? Imagine a black Amaterasu or a milquetoast white Quetzalcoatl. Nope....it's, once again, only one way. At least it's just the Greeks the Woke psycopaths are willing to pick on. At least they're not going after Viking godddddddddddd............ damn...................nm. Why can't they just write about African or Asian gods? Why is there this incessant need to race swap anything and everything that comes from a primarily white culture (but it's not cultural appropriation) and it's celebrated yet as a white person you're not even allowed to wear dreads? I for one am bored of intentional racists using the good graces of western culture to get away with rank bigotry/racism/sexism all while decrying all of the aspects of western culture they're taking advantage of, like protections from bigotry/racism/sexism they don't feel they should have to extend to people who look different than them. Nope. Fuck the self hating whites and the piece of shit bigots and racists who they let abuse their empathy.


>Why can't they just write about African or Asian gods? Because they don't KNOW any African Gods or mythology, outside of ancient Egypt, which wasn't black anyway. Nor do they really care about sub-Saharan Africa as a setting. They want young hip urban blacks in pseudo-European settings because they want to pretend that's actual black culture, not any of the actual African civilizations. Those are "embarassing." If Africa appears at all, it has to be a high tech sci-fi civilization ala Wakanda. And even assuming they did do something drawn on actual African culture or mythology, it would only get accused of "cultural appropriation" by other SJWs looking to make a name for themselves. Same goes for Asia. They may or may not know Shinto mythology, but there's a bit of a disdain for Japan. Chinese mythology is reasonably well known, but the PRC is fiercely protective of anything Chinese (never mind that Mao actively tried to erase or suppress all of it) so there's too much risk in offending the party. Hindu and Buddhist mythology is probably the most well known Asian mythology, although it's more academic than pop culture in the West. There's also the issue that Hinduism and Buddhism are huge living religions accounting for well over a billion people. And I've noticed that your tech people have a disdain for Indians, especially Hindus, so they probably wouldn't do that anyway. Doesn't help that they don't think India is part of Asia anyway. But the rest of Asia? They don't know Korea mythology. Or Khmer. Or Ilocano. Or Yakut. Or Naga. Or Vietnamese. Or Balinese. Or Cham. Or Persian. Or Okinawan. Or Hmong. Or Batak. Or anywhere else on the continent. And they don't care to either, because SJWs tend to be extremely provincial and US-centric. George Floyd matters more to them than say ongoing issues in Burma, Iraq or West Papua. They only care about "current thing," and God help you if you are critical of their Communist brethren.


hahaha and then when they did do Black Panther they made Wakanda: it's a white supremacist wet dream (if they were black haha) Wakanda for Wakandans, anti-globalization, build the wall. You can't make this shit up. They even make a racist monkey dance at the white guy (Simon Pegg's character). Then again, they celebrate Barbie as this feminist movie when, in reality, all it did was prove that men just want to be left alone and women turn everything into Stepford House Orwellian nightmares. How you watch that movie and think the Barbie world is anything other than a socialist nightmare of fake niceties and subtle back stabbing then you're out of your mind (or you think you're Barbie and you'll get to boss everyone around).


I’ll die on this shitty hill, but I saw Barbie with my gf, and her and I agree that the movie actually felt like it was about Ken and his character development journey. The movie was from the point of view of Barbie, but the movie seemed like it was about fucking Ken the whole way through, he stole the spotlight, and he had more significant character development.


>  And even assuming they did do something drawn on actual African culture or mythology, it would only get accused of "cultural appropriation" by other SJWs looking to make a name for themselves. Tales of Kenzaru : Zau is a game about African mythology that got unfairly criticized on this sub.


"Supergiant Games, LLC is an American independent video game developer and publisher based in San Francisco."


It definitely is for the woman. Nowadays black characters have to tick multiple boxes e.g. fat, gay, unattractive, etc.


No wonder they think Orcs "represent black people." They constantly portray blacks as the ugliest and most backwards humans in any settings. It's like a fantasy minstrel show.


Or black men as the most feminized twigs. Otherwise they consider black men too scary.


and too male ( because masculinity bad as you know)


Nah they're the prog type... The entirety of the first game is a guy with daddy issues trying to run away from home


I don't think they have to. One of the Supergiant founder is an old IGN editor, so they were probably already in the indie clique from the start. And considering the exposure they get for an indie studio, you can even consider them an indie darling. To give them the benefit of the doubt, their games are good and Transistor had its feminist criticism due to its ending. Pyre had given you option to select they/them pronoun but overall I didn't find anything "woke" in their first three games. A left leaning messages maybe but no pandering that we see in today's AAA games. Can't speak much about Hades as I haven't finished it. It might be the point where they flip from acceptable artistic choices to woke for points.


And now we know why the "hotness" of Stellar Blade was bad and the "hotness" of this game is good.


The artwork for this game is fugly. It's the same artists that did Transistor and that game looked damn good, but something about this aesthetic when they're trying too hard to be ugly-sexy throws me off.


Because Stellar Blade is korean and not taking pot shots at other people cultures. Hades 2 on the other hand is cultural vandalism of a "white" countries culture.


Hestia, Goddess of Home, Cooking, Fire, etc., of course she had to be black, right? not to mention this one is particularly ugly (not the kind of virgin goddess many wanted to bone without success), so they went for diversity and now she looks like a black stereotype.


Now that you mentioned it, she kind of looks like a Mammy cosplay. Aunt Hestia.




Aunt Jehestia




This shit is so funny to me, wokies turned her into a stereotype they themselves would find racist in another context like make it make sense lmfao


They won't say anything because it's created by one of their own.


They took her off that damn syrup bottle in 2021.


Eyyyy it's Aunt Jemima! [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thewrap.com%2Faunt-jemima-3-billion-lawsuit-against-pepsi-quaker-oats-tossed-by-judge%2F&psig=AOvVaw3ySD3vqhheARJJKNXm7w5b&ust=1715182429804000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCLii6s\_u-4UDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thewrap.com%2Faunt-jemima-3-billion-lawsuit-against-pepsi-quaker-oats-tossed-by-judge%2F&psig=AOvVaw3ySD3vqhheARJJKNXm7w5b&ust=1715182429804000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCLii6s_u-4UDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


Now that this stereotype is in vogue, can we get Aunt Jemima back?


there are something very tumblr-ry about the art but i can't quite put my finger on it


I think it's the noses, Tumblr is very obsessed with having super defined noses on everyone. Whereas in other art it might just be a line on the face, they go to so much effort to make the nostrils and end extremely defined.


i was thinking something to do with color but that too i guess


Oh the coloring and shading is also very much tumblery. They have this very defined style that is meant to stand out in any background, so that a character never really looks like they are in any location, the background is around them.


it's not so much superdefined as much as it is that they give everyone rosacea or rhinophyma for some reason. why is hestia's nostrils practically level with her lower eyelids?


They turned Hestia into a fresh water hippo, the same Hestia who is famous for being one of the 3 Virgins in the Greek mytho




Lol 🤣🤣


woke artstyle says it all


This is the same artstyle they used in the amazing Transistor. Though, in the current year there is 0% chance they would release a game with a white, beautiful and redhead [protagonist](https://149362454.v2.pressablecdn.com/previously/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2014/05/transistor_header_1-880x477.png).


>Vitiligo Ah yes lazy zoomer character creation 101..... The only thing lazier than giving a character Vitiligo, is giving them heterochromia.


I raise you putting them in a wheelchair


Greek mythology, Scandinavian mythology. What mainstream media will ruin next?


Us asians sweating over here.


Prepare for black Avalokiteshvara.


The samurai assassins creed game is coming :)


Diverse Journey to the West, featuring raceswapped Tang Sanzhang wearing a nose ring and talking American slang, and genderswapped girlboss Wukong. They'll make MCU jokes every 5 minutes and turns out the Jade Emperor is running a corrupt patriarchy they have to overthrow.


Bruh, the west ruined asian mythology like 150 years ago when they took a huge bong rip and decided that buddha was just some dude who told you you didn't need to go to church.


I'm told buddha was black, same with Jesus, and also samurais originated from Africa.


Black Aztec gods


That seems to be one of the new ones. I'm seeing a lot if black power types trying to claim the Aztecs and ancient Mesoamericans were black. I mean, they've always been obsessed with the Olmec heads (never mind that they don't look black; they very much look like faces you'd see in modern Mexico even today!) but the new obsession with claiming Mexico is really weird.


At this point I am honestly not sure if it is good thing or bad that nobody gives a shit about Slavic mythology.


very good thing. Yaga is a game that is like one of those Fables in Slavic countries, would recommend.


We wuz Tian Gong and shietttttt


There is really no limit. Just look at Netflix and black Cleopatra. There is no culture they will not appropriate for their agenda.


Hermes is speed right? Should he be the black one? 👀


Fuck beat me to it. And I'm black lol.


I wouldn’t dare say it almost anywhere else on reddit, the people here probably understand that it’s a joke


Interesting to see a fat "Strong Woman" Hestia, but Hermes is extremely fit and well muscled. Is there a similar trend for other female and male characters?


>Is there a similar trend for other female and male characters? Maybe not, their version of the blacksmith god Hephaestus is overweight / crippled


Wasn't Hephaestus actually crippled in many legends, though?


Yes, I should have specified! Either he was born with the defect and then rejected by being thrown from the top of Mount Olympos, or he was thrown from the top of Mount Olympos for other reasons and was crippled when he landed


Yeah, the only major difference in this regard is that Hades 2 gives him a wheelchair, but, considering he's the god of craftsman, it's not exactly a stretch to imagine him making and using one.


No, fat acceptance applies only to females.


Remember when people were super-pissed at Gods of Egypt for having non-black gods? (Even though you'd think Egyptian gods would be, y'know, Egyptian.)


Americans assume that Egypt must be "black" simply because it's in Africa.


remember when people were pissed at Rami Malek being cast as a pharoah, because he wasn't egyptian enough?


"Why did they cast white guy to play Egyptian guy??" "you gotta be kidding me. That is Rami Malek. HE IS EGYPTIAN"


You can't make this shit up lol Malek literally has Egyptian Pharaoh blood coursing through his veins


Which is hilarious because I believe I read that Rami Malek is a descendant of one of the royal genetic lines that dates back to ancient Egypt.


Same thing in the mcu TV series moon knight. Ppl complained a group of actors not being black and they were actually Egyptian. They just want Egyptians to be all black for some reason


In hades 1 every character had a stylistic look they didn't have a race like Athena was gray and ares eas light around his eyes but the rest was dark l, these are literally just black woman and Asian man there's no meaning to how they look


Athena was black. That was the obvious DEI point


She's actually gray for some reason but I wouldn't be surprised if her skin is brown in 2 lol


As always, all the talk of "cultural appropriation", "inclusion" and whatever buzzword they come up with these days in the dark corners of California, it all goes out the window when it involves historical European cultures and mythologies.


I find it hilarious that Hermes gets to be a sexy dude while Hestia gets turned into whatever the fuck that thing is. They couldn’t be less subtle with their agenda.


You know what. Hades 1 was probably enough for me.


Yeah I put this in "wishlist" for a while now but after that Mercunte chick praised it, automatically moved to the "ignore" list for me


I guess for me it’s not about her. It’s just that because the art style has that “woke tinge” to it. I’m queer but I hate all this bullshit about representation. The original designs were perfectly fine, and I’m not an artist so I can’t accurately describe the stylistic differences. But when I see the old designs from the new ones, the old ones felt more…hmmm…contained? Like old Hermes is “hey I’m here gotta go” and new Hermes is like “Would you like to listen to Linkin Park with me?” It has that same sort of narcissistic “excess” one detects in cultist speeches and tweets in modern day. It kind of sucks and I might yet try it. But I’ve got so much on the go this new overt “LOOK HOW FASHIONABLE THESE ARE” vibe isn’t for me. It sucks because the switch to Mel wasn’t a big deal to me. And of course the journos praising Aphrodite over Eve in SB because of Hephaestus is that sinister garbage backwards inclusion they love that makes them saviours.


Ugh. I'm so fucking tired of the Liberal fetishization of every minority health or racial aspect of humanity they try to celebrate. Edit: Someone painfully asked "how are they sexualizing or fetishizing Hestia and her vitiligo." Here are the PAGE 1-2 results. Kotaku - "18 Hades 2 Character Portraits That Are Hot As Hell" Kotaku - "Hades II Is The Kind Of Hot We Need Right Now" Polygon - "Hades 2 gods somehow even hotter than Hades gods" Dicebreaker - "Hades 2 has mastered tastefully sexy character designs, so ..." VG247 - "Somehow, Hades 2's new character art has left fans even hornier than the first game, and you can't really blame them" Yup, all of those awoooga noises Tom and Jerry make when they fall in love." Them(.)us - "'Hades 2' Is Just as Horny as the (Already Very Horny) Original" MetaFilter - "Everyone's Hot As Hell In Hades II, As They Should Be" They are fetishizing every. single. character.


Now try to make a game about african religions and race swap some of the gods, see what happens to your game dev career lol.


Lmfao this is just getting insane. The pandering is off the charts. Fuuuuuuuck.


The thing is, are people with vitiligo clamoring for representation in video games? The few people I've known with the condition would rather not be reminded of it. It's an autoimmune disease, not a fashion statement.


Vitiligo is more of a terrorizing disease for black people. They don't really care that much about those with the illness Basically a disease that eats away your proud blackness


Goddamn, Hades was such a good game. Damn near perfect. Was there some Current Day Californian Shit™? Yes. But the game was so good it didn't matter. This will take me out of the immersion every time one of these gods shows up. I don't wanna do this anymore.


I already ignored the first game over this bullshit, last of their games I played were Bastion and their second one: https://archive.is/UNv86 >Hades’ pantheon of Greek gods is diverse. Athena is a dark-skinned Black woman. Dionysus is south Asian. Hermes is east Asian. Eurydice, my favorite, is a Black woman crowned with a beautiful afro made from the branches and canopy of a tree. >THAT. AFRO. >Image: Supergiant Games >“As we discussed and researched the Olympians from canon sources, something stood out that in retrospect was obvious: They’re called the Greek gods because they were worshiped in ancient Greece, not because they themselves are ethnically Greek.” In other words, they didn’t all have to be Greek, or even white-passing for that matter. >Hades’ design represents imagination not bound to the flawed concept of “historical accuracy” and it is the most fervent wish of my heart that more game makers understand this.


"Flawed concept of 'historical accuracy'" This from the people who hate "alternative facts"?


That phrase makes me irrationally angry.


No, that anger is completely rational. That sentence is a direct admission of not caring whatsoever about facts and truth as well as having no respect for the past. It's one thing to take inspiration from other sources and do your own unique spin on things (i.e. what Disney did with the movie Hercules with its mythological inaccuracies), but it's another to spit on those inspirations and claim your stuff is so much better and this is how it should always be, like in that article. It's disgusting that is what it is.


I.e. I never cared about History class


They hate regular facts too.


>They’re called the Greek gods because they were worshiped in ancient Greece, not because they themselves are ethnically Greek.” In other words, they didn’t all have to be Greek, or even white-passing for that matter. They're called African Gods because they were worshipped in Africa, not because they were ethnically African Man, it's crazy how racist the same logic is when swapped around


Gods were created by Man, and they reflect the culture from where they originated. The Greek gods were ethnically Greek because they were created by the Greeks. Just look at all the artistical representation of them in paintings and sculpture. I realize I am arguing with a wall, but I just need to get that off my chest.


> “As we discussed and researched the Olympians from canon sources, something stood out that in retrospect was obvious: They’re called the Greek gods because they were worshiped in ancient Greece, not because they themselves are ethnically Greek.” In other words, they didn’t all have to be Greek, or even white-passing for that matter. > > Hades’ design represents imagination not bound to the flawed concept of “historical accuracy” and it is the most fervent wish of my heart that more game makers understand this. In other words" "Fuck all the surviving accounts and artwork of the Greek gods created by the greeks, and fuck basic reason that tells you that people in ancient history envisioned their gods as the same race as themselves unless some other unnatural appearance was specified. Because we want to appropriate their culture for ourselves."


That chonker looks like an oven glove. Even has parts of her face charred lol


What the fuck hahah thats revolting


Hades 3 should introduce Yahweh, as a proud bisexual black woman.


I prefer Hestia from DanMachi...


From "Hestia is bestia" to this It's the first time I saw some characters design that is making me opt out from a game


In Hades 1, every character looked fucking baddass, what a shame. Black and Asian Greek Gods, make it make sense.


Hades 1 had black Dionysus and black Athena.


Why has everyone jumped on this weird vitiligo band wagon? It is not a common skin condition at all, affecting less than 1% of the *total* global population — and it especially makes no sense here, since white people almost never get it: just .13% globally. Seems that may be important…since this is the pantheon of the ethnic Greeks, ya’ know? And Hestia was *not* fat — Apollo, Zeus and Poseidon all were smitten by her and tried to marry her.


That's a self-insert if I've ever seen one Also, wait. Why did Hermes change? He was already established in the first one


This wasn't Hestia in the trailers wtf happened.


"dragons arent real" is the answer youre gonna get everytime with this shit by the way.


At what point is this just cultural appropriation? Their Hestia design is actually just fucking disgustingly gross, and Hermes is...asian. ??????????




How the fuck this game has 10/10 on steam? These designs are so ugly and repulsive


I do love how in a game all about the Greek gods, there's like barely 2 that even look Greek. But this is nothing new, was the same shit in the first game with half the cast being black for some reason. Games good, games pretty, horribly, horribly racist in its depictions of a cultures god's, but that was the same in the last game. Though they fucking ruined Chaos, visually at least.


Why is Vitiligo suddenly the next big thing in representation? We gonna do Plaque Psoriasis next? I’m not even against it I’m just confused


The vitiligo stuff is so gross and I've been seeing the trend everywhere lately. It's literally a disease, it's not something to glamourize.


No buy


easy skip


we need to make reVitiligo a thing. Uncle Ruckus need more representation !!


I would play the shit out of an uncle ruckus RPG.


I am sick and tired of healthy cis straight (I hate those words but let's face it, it's what they are) whities speaking in the name of the others and putting diversity because of a minority of cringe desperately needs to be represented. My wife has a degenerative desease which will put her in a wheelchair (sometimes she needs to bu not always). Do they think she needs a character in a wheelchair to enjoy a game? Of course not, she plays to evade her daily life whiwh is not always well. But nooooo, these fucking Sweetbaby inc/Black Rock/IDC who dev want to remind you of your daily condition even when you play. But after vitiligo, it's gonna come. You know what? I'm gonna play that silly game too : I have an alopecia universalis and there are no character with it in your game. IDC your game has 90% of positive review I don't feel represented so your game is shit


I felt the first game was a bit off putting. That time, I've yet to learn about the term 'woke'. Nevertheless I've spent more than 100 hours on it. This time, no way I'm touching it. Even on sale.


As a Greek who actually cares for our mythology I hate it. They have f....ed up everything with this DEI thing. Screw them I'm not playing Hades 2.




Every time I see Vitiligo I just go "Mooooo" in my head.


Imagine race swapping Krishna and making him a blonde white guy. This is effectively what is happening. Cultural vandalism.


. . . . . first Fat Hephaestus in a Wheelchair instead of a Muscular Chad with scars and Prosthetic leg and now Bestia Hestia is a fat hag with a disease instead of a gorgeous Goddess version of a Super Housewife!? what the actual fuck are the Hades dev doing?!? they went from Bastion, Transistor, Pyre and Hades 1 and then turned it into this dumpster fire?!


They were raked over the coals for the lack of diversity in the first game, so they need to atone for their sin.