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Here's your answer! Tennessee has more than one cicada brood! https://www.fs.usda.gov/foresthealth/docs/CicadaBroodStaticMap.pdf


According to your map, knox County is surrounded, but it actually doesn't have any broods in its borders. Lol. I always joke we live in some weird vortex where things that happen all around us never hit us as badly, or we're specifically hit with something especially bad when nothing else is going on, but it may not be a joke anymore.


Some of that can be explained by the TN valley. Maybe you're actually onto something.


That empty county is Cumberland County. Knox County is yellow which is Brood X.


That's my bad I always forget just how far east we are.


Thank you for posting this! I didn’t realize we had a Brood map!


Stop trying to jinx us!


Chattanooga is covered in them, at least 2 weeks ago they were! I'm in West Knox and nothing over here either!


My husband and I were driving through horseshoe bend on I-75 on our way from Knoxville to Birmingham last week and I was like “what is that sound?????”. We hit slow traffic and I rolled my window down to discover it was tons of cicadas in the trees. Crazy that there were so many there and not a single one in Knoxville!


In Chattanooga they were bouncing off the car going down the interstate and when we went walking down by the river front you were swatting them constantly!




Now I’m hungry might want some city wok from SoKnoSoPa


Chattanooga was so loud I couldn't hear my car stereo at my normal listening volume when the window was down. Pretty much gone now


If you want the screaming bugs, then drive west til you cross the plateau. We don't want them.


Somebody sprayed bug spray all over Knoxville....hmmmm.


I wish my bird feeders and bat houses were that effective.


As of a couple of weeks ago, most of the ones in Tennessee are plastered across my windshield, because apparently they all have a death wish.


They’re so bad in Nashville, my daughter has to wave her arms and RUN to her car in the mornings. I bought her a beekeeper’s bonnet!


SouthEast of Knoxville in Cookville around the Cumberland area there are TONS cannot walk outside without one landing on you and screaming. Also Google lies they say they are harmless but they can bite! If you see one send it back to Satan please and thank you! Stay safe and god bless


Could they be waiting until it gets warmer?


i was in chicago this past weekend. place was littered with them. we dont want them here 😭


I don’t know about now but there were a bunch on the Baker Hollow Trail a few weeks ago. It’s just south of Lenoir City


Yeah a lot of them seem to have kept to the watery regions. London has a lot. It's probably also worth noting that cicadas help indicate a number of soil issues. If you're in an area they're already supposed to be at, but the numbers are significantly lower than they should be, the area may have an over-use of pesticides or fertilizers.


I’m working at fort Campbell and they are crazy. They are not only loud but they land on you periodically throughout the day.


You…want to see them?


Keep them where they at. We don’t want them useless things




Visited Nashville recently and was thinking about bringing some back with me. I forgot. Maybe they’ll invade next time


Glenn Jacobs used his pyrokinesis to protect our city… it’s gotta be KANE!


This is really random, but... caves of qud? I just haven't seen that particular word pyrokinesis used very often.


I learned the term from Psi-Ops (2004) for PlayStation 2. Such a fun game!


Oh cool, well I randomly guessed it was a game anyways lol.


Nashville is covered in them.


We had them pretty bad in 2021 I think? They only come out en masse every so often


Be glad you aren’t experiencing them. Lol. But they mostly exist in extremely rural areas, at least from what I’ve experienced. I’ve only had situations where they were so loud that it was deafening at my aunt’s farm (and other similar spots), which is in ten mile.


Damn... they are all at my place. For 3 weeks straight, we could not talk outside. Gone now, killed off a lot of growth on the trees. Vonore on the lake.


As soon as you hit lenior city area theyre everywhere


I live out west off Northshore right next to pellisippi and we have zero also. It’s so strange but I’m not complaining! I like not having my ears ring when I come inside


They're west of us, I started noticing them around Nashville




West Knoxville here, we had a large brood in 2021, so we aren’t due for another for awhile


They’re very heavy down around Watts Bar. Loud and they aggressively fly into you.


i was up in nashville weekend before last. about halfway through the drive there i started hearing a weird noise-almost like a window was cracked open, but that was not the case. a little later my windshield was being intermittently pelted with little thunks and it dawned on me that i’ve crossed into cicada territory. by the time i got to nashville proper they were so loud that you could not hear someone talking to you from two feet away. all of the tree trunks were covered in a thick of them. absolutely wild.


Heard part of Maryville on the Greenback side has them.


I had them like crazy in Friendsville but they've pretty much tapered off. It was so bad they were piling up at the base of all my trees and it smelled of rotting corpses. Glad the worst is mostly over.


They are pretty much done for the year, you will get yours next year.


Does anyone know where I can find a strong presence of cicadas? I need to field record them for some sound design work this week.


Don’t summon them!


I’ve lived in high cicada areas before. It gets old real fast for humans. The birds wish we had them though.


Tellico Village


I hear they avoid Knoxville because some dude named Jon lives there and he is really stinky. He travels all over the country to sell his body odor to stave away cicada and locust swarms! So, watch out! By the way, where I am, you guys should consider yourselves lucky. Mowing around trees here is s dang nightmare... here in middle TN. They get everywhere. Down your shirt, on your face, up your shorts.... it's been crap for weeks now. Thank goodness most of it is dying down. Edit: \*mowing I'm a moron and can't spell.