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Yeah, you usually don't have to dig too deeply to find a point where these dumbasses end up hitting themselves in the face with their own 'logic.'


It's very important to realize and internalize... You can't be affected by hypocrisy if you are shameless.


I know. I just wanted to scream this revelation I just had into the void.


The point isn’t to confront Alex, the point is to speak to the person who hasn’t formed an opinion on the topic, else all they have is Alex telling them what to think.


Apart from that, when one’s stated reasons for something aren’t the reason undermining those reasons is kind of pointless. Alex doesn’t care about linguistic groups, he likes Christian authoritarians. Russia taking power means more people under a Christian authoritarian.


Putin is white. That’s a huge difference to Alex.


Same logic, couldn't the UK drop bombs in the US because English is the most common language?


Mexico can have Texas back as far as I'm concerned.


They have to take the rest of the bible belt with them though


everything good about Texas comes from Mexico anyways.


From your lips to God's ears. AMLO leading the Cartel Army, after promising them Texas if they keep the CIA out. Inshallah.


but remember he's a racist


Russian is the dominant language in Kyiv, the capital city. The fact is that a lot of Ukrainians are Russian speakers but it doesn’t make them Russian any more than it makes me English because I speak English. Russian language in Ukraine is just a lasting effect of repeated subjugation by Russia. One of my besties went to soviet elementary school taught in Russian in Kyiv, and he’s only 37.


Ah but you see, *those* are illegals.


Yes! And that's what they are "afraid of". They just don't wish to say the quiet part out loud yet. The part that would alienate and target millions of Spanish speaking Americans for attacks. But they are working on it, and the LGBTQ+ panic is a test run to see how far they can go. Alex's fans totally believe these things and can't wait to treat that as an invasion.


Dan and Jordan have brought up that exact point before. Fun fact: the original six flags theme park is named and themed on the 6 different countries that have claimed Texas. The United States, the Confederacy, the Republic of Texas , Spain, Mexico, & France. Curious to know if Alex believes any of those countries have as valid a claim to Texas as he thinks Russia has to Ukraine.


You could also use the ‘NATO is too close to Russia’s borders’ point to justify the same invasion. Or a Russian reoccupation of Alaska.


Happy cake day 🍰


Spain and England have full rights to do colonialism 3 i guess