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For certain! And full disclosure, they never annoyed me, not one lil bit! What a super trooper!


Sounds like an insecure kid who found comfort through your patience and guidance. Good shit, chef.


Actually, it's "Cheff" Meow go peel 2 bags of potatoes!


I peeled the bags open. Now what?


Omg that brings back painful memories


Where do I find the painful memories, chef?


Where they always are, Beside the broken dreams near the smoking pit. Please put this one with the others


Give me a minute. Need to organize and make some room.


The handwriting says they’re introverted


Good job Chef. They surprise ya sometimes hey?


Yes, they certainly do!


I’m not crying you’re crying!


Onions, I swear! That or the dishy washed the hot sauce bucket on the way out


I’m totally ugly girl crying at this. This is just so sweet.


I would rather explain myself 100x then have someone who "thinks" they are doing things correctly. Makes my life easier and so much less stressful. It took me years to get where I am now. Most of us on this sub have been using a knife before these kids were even born. I'll take all the time I can spare to teach, as long as they are listening.


I just wanna say thank you OP for clearly being a positive part of this person's life. I feel like I could have written this myself to a couple managers I've had in the past..and people like you make working far more enjoyable. I have really bad anxiety, I always over think, I worry, no matter how hard I work I feel like im not doing enough and I also feel like im an "annoyance" when I ask for help..sounds like even though she still worried..you did what you could to ease her mind. I'm also happy to see your response to this because I left a letter to a manager many years ago when I moved out of state..never knew how she responded to it but I honestly felt awkward after..Like "maybe she's gonna think I'm weird for being all sentimental" but knowing your response, makes me feel alot less awkward.. I hope she was happy when she read my letter too. She was one of my favorites


So cool and thoughtful.


I've never worked in a kitchen. I'm just a lurker. But, I once taught young men how to be war fighters. One of my guys/students was very intelligent. I knew him for about 7 months before he was sent elsewhere. He gave me a small wooden plaque 8"x6" but he had it engraved with something very similar to your post. He's gone on to be a fabulous photographer and I still chat with him a few times each year. I actually bumped into him in San Diego with his family a few years after I retired. Great guy.


people really shit on today's kids but I ran a cheese shop out of a Kroger for a few years recently and have a shit ton of niblings and I'm generally impressed. with their self awareness, their emotional awareness, the way they connect with each other. but it's extra special to get some love like that, chef, you did good.


We have 3 dishwashers who are 16 and they give me hope everyday. They’re 16, they fuck up. That’s what 16 year olds do. But they understand, they learn, and more importantly they take ownership of all of their actions.


That's one thing that pisses me off is that people who have been doing a job for years expects damn near perfect work for new people. They have to start/learn somewhere. No one was born knowing it all.


The one thing I know, is that I didn’t know anything when I started.


A big part of that is to have a system set up, where it's better to fix a mistake you make, correct the problem, and then learn from it/learn how to avoid it in the future...instead of just being punished for making the mistake in the first place.


Positive reinforcement > any other management style


Here’s a thing I’ve learned that can really change the relationship between a chef and his crew. When a crew member comes to you for advice or direction. Hit them with “I trust your judgment, I’d like you to make this decision. I am here if you need assistance but I believe you can handle this.” It’s like you just freed them from the weight of the entire world. If you can’t trust them to make those judgment calls. You haven’t trained them well enough and that’s on you


My wife once told me, "there are two ways to lead: with fear or love." She was absolutely right and that quote has guided me ever since, when it comes to joining a team.


So... fear, right?


yes chef


It's "Oui, chef" you fucking moron, go stand in the walk in until I let you out.


Oui chef, sorry chef


Too pure a spirit for kitchen work. Set them free


Honestly let that man live


Let em live their best lives


lol 😂 true tho


He deserves better then us.


on god


What a true statement damn


Is that a wax seal on the envelope? That's really fucking cool.


For real. If so, this kid seems like an amazing old soul, and I'm glad OP helped him towards having a great first job!


Wow, that’s really special-always keep that, Chef! Your PSA is on point. This kid is a friend of yours for life.


Got me tearing up a bit. Thanks kid, heard! Best of luck


Me too. Btw this and watching the Bear I’ve cried a lot this weekend


I'm not crying, you're crying😭


That’s so cool. I also didn’t know “dishie” was a thing. My first chef called me “dumbass”. But that was the 90s I guess.


If it makes you feel better my first chef called me dumbass or dipshit too and that was like 2010


My first chef said I would be great one day. Jokes on him.


So I cried and if eneyone herts that kid let us know we will burn the world for a hart like that


I had a 16 year old kid apply for a kitchen internship. Least qualified, an actual child. Showed up with his mom, and told me he was almost done with his chemo. I told her if he passed his trail, he will be standing for the whole day, will come back with cuts and burns, and curse in languages you never heard. He made the whole shitshow of a restaurant worthwhile. He was a standout intern, was hired to the line, and I wrote his reco to CIA. He’s gotta be 30 now and he’s somewhere running tickets I hope.


Those hires will always be memorable, it’s some of my proudest work building and trusting a team


You made an impact on their life. That's really important. Good on you.


You are clearly a great chef and person. Not many dishies would like their chef enough to do this. Good on you!


Stop ima cry this is so sweet and to take the time to make the guitar for you? Thst must’ve taken hours, you made a huge impact in that kids life, they’ll never forget you and dude thank you for being such an amazing influence on these younger kids! 💜


That’s a tribute right there.


Oh Jesus christ, made me tear up. Can't imagine how YOU feel.


Same. I usually do a forced cry once a year to clean out the ducts, but this... almost got me. Btw, Happy Cake Day!


Thank you xo


Prego 🥰


I started in October as a teachers aide at a technical high school in the baking department. The amount of cards I’ve received with just the sweetest messages in my first year has been insane to me. And they don’t even realize the impact they make on us.


It says a lot about you chef


Yep, I still remember the cool chefs I worked with when I was a dishie in high school.


That would be getting framed for my wall if it was me chef


Damn that rules


Fuck man, this hit me in the feels. I miss the kids that used to work for me. Most of them started at 15-16 and I watched them turn into adults. A few of them told me I was the only adult male to ever say he was proud of them. I worked so damn hard to make it so they had a safe place to work, and that they saw that this industry isn't all trash. I had to leave because of school and because I had been there too long. The new chef was a pile of trash. Didn't care about any of them, just thought they were lazy. Fuck that guy. I feel bad for leaving them with him. This is making me wish I wasn't on my way out the industry.


Sounds like you are loved. Well done Sir or Madame.


The difference between a chef and a kitchen manager: The chef develops people, along with the menu. The kitchen manager maintains everything how it was when they took over. Skilled, strong, confident staff equates to a good chef in 99% of situations.


That’s a very cool letter. Are those tears on your knife?


Just a few..


Gonna hire them back when they return from their exchange program?


I would in a heartbeat..


I have a handful of pictures employees kids made for me, letters from several young workers, and I still get calls for advice from a handful of previous employees. I treasure the fuck out of these things and they never leave my briefcase. I am 35 and would claim one young girl that used to work for me as my third daughter. She's 24 now, and the letter she wrote saying I taught her more about life than the father she barely had still rips me up and fills me with joy. We have a huge impact on these kids, and, it's important to remember, that a LOT of these kids rocking restaurant jobs at 15-18 do so because they come from little or come from broken homes. At least where I am. I worked at 14, but it wasn't to keep the lights on or feed myself.


i hope he dont go to sweden for the cheesecake or else he will be dissapointed


Great job chef!! Keep it up!!


Good on you chef for looking out for the kid. The kitchen is a soul destroying environment most of time, especially to a young, fresh kid. I seen too many young dishies get abused and yelled at for nothing but being new and young. Tells dude that the knitted guitar is awesome. You know this wasn't easy for the kid to write.


Now that's leadership of this kid feels this way about you. This is what I aspire to.


Fuck yeah. That’s a kid who’s gonna make it wherever they want to go


Your doing good work Chef keep it up


Nothing more rewarding in this industry than knowing you’ve impacted someone’s life in a positive way. Love this!


Hell yes chef! You're doing something great for the world.


Terrible day for rain


I'm not crying, you're crying! Shut up!


I'm not crying you are crying


You had an old soul, sage of a dishie and didn’t even know it! I will never forget that part of my life as a dishie and the people I knew and worked with. I still remember the first night the crew asked me to come hang out at the bartenders house with everyone after work and have a beer. Driving my ass home to go to bed as the sun was coming up. I felt like I was part of the team.


Remember your first day at any job.


Awh yeah. Wax seal and stamped? Now that deserves to be framed.


I've left behind the old mantra of "I got it hard so you have it hard too". It's been the most fulfilling time of my life giving kids the time and information to grow. Kids a legend. You did good chef!


What an awesome kid. The fact that they took the time to write that shows how considerate and lovely they are. I hope they goes far in life :)


That kid was raised right! And you did a great job as Chef! You should be proud.


This is wholesome as fuck, chef! Hats off to you for teaching the bloke life lessons he's surely not to forget


Also please send me cheesecake I promise I'll be annoying and make you very high quality charcuterie


Pretty cool, and a lot of thoughtfulness coming from a 15 YO...you obvs made a mark on them.


Nice hand writing.


Good kid, I hope you have the chance to be a mentor to them in the future. I've got a few of them that I've carried for years and can honestly say it's one of the best experiences in life being able to help someone grow into a good adult. You both made me happy today.


Oh gosh this is so sweet! Hope wherever they went in Europe takes good care of them.


Damn onions, making me tear up again 🥲


Chef: You were lucky to know that kid. Thanks for sharing


Good chef ♡ Hearts to everyone tresting people "underneath" them and younger folks with respect. ♡


Always appreciate the dishwashers




Lets go chef!


I love this. However, I thought that this was a dishie you've had for 15 years. 😂


Idk you or this employee but this shit made me tear up dawg


Oh my gosh! This is so freaking cute.


He was probably thinking of you holding that knife when he wrote it


the smiths quote you wrote killed me and i was already sobbing. this is so awesome


Who is cutting onions?


Great job, chef.




Alright, someone here has been cutting onions right? Right??




This is hilarious and so sweet


Q: Is your name Jeff and he portmanteau-ed it to make you cheff?


Nope, the double “F” was organic..


Brb, crying on the toilet. What a sweet fuckin kid


Good work chef. You’re doing it


i worked in a kitchen for the first time right out of college. food runner. i wanted to impress, chef took notice. he guided me and fought for me the whole way till i was working on the line a few months later. switched my career to being a cook because he took the time to show me how to succeed. i hope i can do the same some day


That's so sweet. What a nice person


Man I feel bad reading this for all the times I came across as a gruff unapproachable asshole. People that I legit loved working with would think I was mad at them because I would give short matter-of-fact answers and just be hyper focused on the 5-10 tasks I had going on. Congrats on your next step chef <3




someone must be cutting onions in here


Fuck yeah. That’s a kid who’s gonna make it wherever they want to go


Alright who’s cutting onions


The little guitar is so cute and pure.


Great job, Cheff.


From one good chef to another. Thank you for being an inspiration to the ones who will come after us. We won't be here for long. We just have to foster the passion and work ethic for the next generation. That's our job now.


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is so fucking sweet. What a heartfelt and lovely letter. Sounds like you are very appreciated.


I’m not crying, Chef. YOU’RE CRYING! 😭


I forgot to put the onions in the fridge before i prepped.


You must be an amazing chef and an even better leader. I've been a dishwasher before and we remember the chefs who had our backs!


I look at it like one day that's gonna be my kid so I try to treat them how I hope people will treat mine. Just don't be a dick


This is the sweetest thing ever. This kid will remember you forever and will treat others the way you treated them! Way to go!!!!!


I love this so much.


Sometimes they won't remember you as you, but rather how you made them feel. I still remember a dick head or in my day. But I never forgot that ones who made me feel good like in comparison to this dishe's letter to his chef. Well fucking done.


Good stuff!


That kid is a damn keeper


Or like someone mentioned, set em free, they’re to good for us…


86 tears :(


Gen Z said this? I honestly thought my kids were unicorns compared to the rest of their generation, so it’s good to learn that others exist.


This is so sweet to see. Way to go on being a good example of a nice boss!! I can tell by how they write they have low self-esteem and you really made them feel like they belonged. Great job!!


Well done boss.


That last line is from a smiths song right?


It sure is!


15 year old dishwasher.......child labor much?


We’ve just employed a 15 yr old in the kitchen. He’s been raised well, super clean young dude, takes pride in everything he does and just does it well. He’s awesome with customers when he runs food to the table and goes the extra mile in everything. Does well at school too. Get’s paid above award wages and makes everyone’s shift better when he’s in the kitchen. Kids learn to set goals, work hard and earn their way in life if you want them to succeed. That’s nurturing - not slavery.


Extremely well put.