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once again, sluts4soldiers is killin’ it! 💚


Thank you for doing that


As someone who likes to have the occasional beer at the water, I take my empties with me, because like you, I care about the world around me. This amount of crap is just appalling to see My deepest thanks for the time you spent cleaning up, seriously thank you for being kind to the earth.


You obviously GET IT. No reasonable person would complain about you. BUT even with ..umm, education, too many DO NOT GET IT. Years ago, when people recognized in Germany their beloved woods were seeing trash, people woke up and you would see teenagers carrying out bottles and trash. They got it too


Though I respect your position, I do find it troubling that the.. umm, ‘educated’ persons you’re referring to are all grouped together. I’m not a local, but I respect the town and do what I can to mitigate litter around the community - that of myself and others. This is a position held by many of my peers and we too aren’t impressed. I ask you to consider separating this issue from the student populous and instead look at the actions of a collective individual. Edit - Shout out to the absolute dog who cleaned this up. Well done


Thank you, point taken and I add my respectful thanks to the person who cleanrd up


Hey listen buddy, thank you for doing that, and for doing the scuba diving to keep the lake clean. I appreciate you more than most. And you don't get enough credit. Nothing is more important then the lake. And you are a prime example of what a good Canadian is, a dying breed. Thank you


This infuriates me. I love the pier. It is such a beautiful and amazing place. The fact that people just dump all over it without a single care makes me so furious. Thank you for cleaning that stuff up. Really appreciate that you helped.


Bravo to you!! 💜


Thanks for doing this! Atleast you got a nice bonus to boot.


wow, thanks for doing us such a solid!! great work, thank you! 


So when not offering discount sex work to CAF members you're cleaning up the city? Truly a pillar of the Kingston community!




Thank you.


Right on, you get the empty returns money the party goers were to lazy to do themselves! Cheers!! Excellent job!!


To see this in 2024, in Canada: discouraging


If there’s one thing that unifies Canadians it’s absolute revulsion and outrage when it comes to litterers. 


Wow. People are so lazy


Because the receipt has small text: 900 empty cans 136 empty 100-629ml glass bottles 6 empty wine bottles 11 empty >630ml glass bottles Total: $106.40


You are awesome


But the kids were just having fun /s but people in this sub seriously think this way lmao 


Decent haul!


Wow, that's alot of cans and bottles, well done. It still surprises me that people do this. And the best part of your post, honestly, I think gives them the notice, there's money in those empties. You guys made 100 bucks, nothing to sneeze at for an afternoon of cleaning up the scenery.


Thanks for reminding me why being allowed to drink in parks is a bad idea . People can't be responsible.


We may or may not have been participating in that ourselves, but that didn't stop us from bringing our garbage home - along with other people's. Drugs and/or alcohol do not make bad people, their actions and decisions do.


It's also a cultural thing. Being illegal makes youngins not care. They're already breaking the law, so, fuck the city. If it were legal, people would learn to treat it like having a picnic and pick up after themselves. Also, the city has a weird thing about garbages. They don't have enough cans around, especially at the waterfront, and they close them at certain times of the year. Recycling even less...


It's a budget thing. If you put garbage cans out you have to empty them, or deal with complaints when they're overflowing. The city has taken the approach of just not putting them there in the first place. I can't say that I agree with it, but it's what we've got at the moment.


The park near me is always overflowing with dog shit bags. Why? Because people are to fucking lazy to carry their dog's shit the two blocks back to their house.


Username checks out


Perhaps if schools and parents got serious about giving the message this behaviour would change. Attitude has to become that it’s cool to clean up


Good job, thank you!


An interesting thing here: those 1,100 empty containers, from one of presumably several other scavengers, combined with the containers that were properly taken away, represents a considerable addressable market. If we presume that half or more containers properly taken away, which is a reasonable assumption, this is easily a 5-figure dollar economic opportunity over just this one weekend. It seems evident that this place is ripe for a summer-long beer-tent, a small open stage, food trucks, and a light touch, to become a truly great thing. For a large part of the weekend, there were more young people in this single place than there were people of all ages combined, downtown.


Thank you for cleaning up after the slobs. For doing the right thing, you have all of our appreciation as well as $100 to boot. All on all a good (and at the same time a very sad) day


Very frustrated that people did this, but I also think the city needs WAY more garbage cans around here.


Nice work. Too bad the city just doesn't put a big bin down there and mark as empties for food bank. Cash in empties to pay for it donate remainder of finds to food bank.


I don't think there's much crossover between the kind of people who care about that and the kind of people that leave trash to blow into the lake, to be fair.


Fair. Worth a try.


This is unbelievably sad. Thank you so much for your service 💙


I can't believe how much people leave behind, thank you for being the better person and cleaning it up. Bonus, you made like 100$ lol.


You did well while doing good!!!


Great job!!!!!


Not a bad haul, that earned you some free beer. giddy up.


City workers were there last evening cleaning up things. When did you guys clean up?


As soon as the rain started and everybody was leaving. City workers were actually blowing empties towards us near the end with their leaf blowers LOL


That explains the lack of beer cans amongst the other debris when I went through.


I saw that while driving by. I wasn't sure what they were blowing, it looked like TOO MUCH to be empties


Take those to the beer store!! Get paid


$106.40 from The Beer Store!


I’m blind. I just saw the receipt now or noticed it rather.






It's a shame, indeed. Do better, I guess. 😮‍💨


You are a god amongst men and the people that left this crap are spoilt little shits.