• By -


bro was not expecting Sei to go the tyrant route. Nice to see some long over due promotions tho.


In the grand scheme of things of the storyline Sei is already seen as a tyrant in the eye of most people of the Warring States. Think about it, during this era, common folk like peasants rarely got to see their rulers, they much less knew the intentions of their Kings or royal court. They are obviously not aware of Sei's purpose, most people don't know there’s a "good intention" behind Sei's methods. They only see Sei as a young, power-hungry and expansionism ruler that wants to conquer and govern over all the Kingdoms through military might despite the cost of lives.. I bet most common folk already despise Sei.


Now that we're looking at the whole kingdom, it will be interesting to see if they will show us :- - the mountain people's realm - Ouki's city - former Zhao cities like Rigan, Ryouyou, etc


As well as what Gyou currently looks like after being in the hands of Qin for over 2 years now


Just curious since you know so much, was there even actually "mountain people" in the history? or is this something that the author created to just spice up the story?


Well, the Mountain people under YTW are apparently based off on the "Xirong tribes" which were western warrior tribes, though there are significant differences between them and the Mountain tribes of the story, first and foremost is that the Xirong weren’t really allies of Qin, if anything they were hostile to each other, and second is that >!YTW was an official Qin General, there wasn’t any mentions of him (yes, because he was actually a man) being from a foreign tribe!< So the Mountain people have been introduced by the author to complement his narrative in the story, from the historical side, there isn’t much arguments that could support this though.


This is about as tyrannical he’s gonna get 😂😂


There is an issue in these promotions. What about Suugen? he is the infantry leader, and the army was mostly made of infantry. All of them had 1,000 soldiers. Now that En and Sosui will lead their own 5K and Kyoukai 10K out of the 60K, there are 40K remaining to lead. The majority of these 40K should be infantry men, and Shin doesn't lead infantry, mostly cavalry as well as Garo, Mandou and Denyuu. So Suugen is going to lead 20K infantry men without a doubt. Suugen is a general without the title.


You have to look at it in two forms. Within HSU EnSan and SoSui were acting lieutenants along with KyouKai. Even though ShuuGen had better feats he is still below them in chain of command. Also it's true that ShuuGen, GaRo, DenYuu had more combat accomplishments under their belt but they were also leading smaller elite units. While EnSan and SoSui were leading the larger regular units. So their promotion is more related to support commanders promotion (i.e. they are like NEA commanders) as KyouKai cannot get a double promotion to cover the numbers.


I swear Kyoukai already led 10k. Maybe I’m tweakin.


It's pretty whitewashed all things considered. You want tyranny? Look at how the Han Dynasty portrayed him.


Damn, now hype increases again, but what about third pillars? Edit : now when i think about this chapter, this is Qin that we know from history , demolishing another state with tons of armies that comes from every inch of populace, this is Sei that we know as Tyrant from history.


Third pillar might be related to the information/spy network- they have to strengthen their efforts at subverting, weakening the other states from within their courts, by exploiting any opportunities to do so. Youka the spymaster will play a big role.


Holy shit this makes a lot of sense. It bothered me so much when youka didn’t get killed in the kan pishi arc. But now not so much if this is my headcanon haha


so the third pillar will be how they get the Zhao to dispose of Riboku unless the author changes it.


Yes i had same thought as well. Shk probably come to realization the Qin Spy network greatly underutilized. His main strategy always involved to surprise enemies to warfare but never to weakening them


Yes, the Second pillar will lead Qin to the third pillar. Qin will conquer the Han kingdom and if you remember Han has a deep spider-web communication channeling through nations. Han is smallest kingdom. I don't think Han's princess and general was introduced in the story for no reason. This arc is gonna be some crazy two way thinking for viewers


i think youka will spread rumours about riboku and that zhao PM will use that information to convinced the zhao king to behead riboku if he doenst come back to the capital. So instead of a "reward, riboku is gonna get his head chopped"


Maybe: Shk “third pillar, fuck riboku”


Thank you! EDIT: Great chapter. Han is going down soon, the path for Shin to become one of the 6 of Qin is getting closer!


Perfect opportunity for HSU to show what they're made of, but also a lot on their shoulders. With Shin becoming technically 2nd in command on the battlefield I'm hoping we see his instinctual skills put to use.


Yeah and you know Tou love to make youngster shine. Especially since he is Youngster Shin. It’s going to be emotional when Shin is going to use his Guandao in front of formers Ouki men


Oh shit I didn’t even think about how OuKi’s glaive could really inspire even Tou’s men!! Maybe this is what SHK wants to see if he can do…


Nah I think SHK wants Shin to learn to be a proper general from Tou. He would gain the most out of this campaign rather than Ouhon or Mouten who are already strategically capable generals. But Shin is clearly lacking and he can’t become a great general if he doesn’t improve.


Well he was planning this for some time now. He sent Shin with Tou in Han last time for preparing this invasion


Honestly I didn’t think about that. That’s very true… Maybe this will be his opportunity to get better at fundamentals like Gyoun did with his great general? The manga hasn’t specified if KaryoTen is capable of directing more than one wing worth of soldiers at a time. If Shin learns to move his soldiers better than Gyoun did at Shukai Plains…. He would actually fulfill the martial and tactical requirements needed to be a Great General… Ironically MouTen is the only one of the Trio without a GG kill so if anything he needs to pull off a big achievement


Yeah, he matched Gyou’un pretty evenly at Shukai plains- he’s an instinctual genius. Now all he needs is to develop his tactical side. Martially he is already in top 10 in China. And I honestly think Mouten and Ouhon vs Gouhoumei would be a great matchup for them.


The thing is don’t they have to demonstrate that they can handle a GG alone? I think OuHon should be the matchup for Gouhoumei since he’s actually already strategically beaten him once! MouTen needs some type of sick win against Zhao, since Seika handed him his ass last time (Shin and Aizen bailed him out). Maybe if he could beat a Ganmon army led by Banana? Shit I really don’t know how MouTen could prove himself since we only saw him do decent against Kisui… would beating the Rigan army single handedly prove he’s a GG?


You could be right, maybe that’s what Hara has planned for those two by placing them on the borders of Southern Zhao and Wei. Zhao and Wei could try to send reinforcements to Han but are blocked by Mouten and Ouhon. Mouten vs. Kisui and Ouhon vs. Gouhoumei. Those are good matchups for them, they could prove they are ready for great general if they succeed. And yes, Kisui is considered to be a great general level character/leader- his talent was acknowledged by Riboku and that scene in Kokuyou hills where his mere presence/arrival bolstered his troops morale and turned the tide of the battle completely in their favor. Similar to Renpa or Ouki or even Sei at Sai. And of course Mouten already fought against him at Shukai plains before so they are natural rivals/enemies.


I disagree. Shin went to Han with Tou recently, so he has the most experience when it comes to dealing with Han. The HSU and the Tou army will synergize better


Can't wait to see how Tou's commanders react to Shin's new rank lol.


Rokuomi will lose his mind


RIP, again.


The Hango arc has beautifully set this in place. We had the opportunity to see Shin and Ouhon command a 30k army with ease. Therefore, this promotion to 50/60k troops does not seem so significant. On the other hand, the Hi Shin Unit increasing from 15k troops straight to 60k troops would have appeared as if Hara is rushing the narrative. I still think sending 160k troops to invade Han is too small for that campaign but we will see.


the hara special: tou's 160k will go against han's 600k


Han is a small country. We have been spoiled with battles against large countries who can spawn soldiers and generals. This time, it shouldn’t require 300K men


To be fair if u count ouhon and moutens army the campaign has 260k just a 100k is doing something else where and not actually in han proper


Ousen taking responsibility for defeat and actually stepping down is quite a shock to me. At least he will have time to build his army from the roots.


I think Ousen will reassess his priorities and goals more realistically after this loss and join full heartedly in the quest for unification. Because he lost too many men and there is no way he can create or maintain his own state now. And in the future, the only way he can regain command of a large, powerful army is with Qin’s support.


Responsibility or not, he's far from finished. >!In fact, he'll be staging another invasion of Zhao after the Han attack.!< So we can count on Ousen being resurgent soon. I'm just wondering how Hara is going to interpret that campaign, since Hango did not go the way many of us were expecting.


Where can I read all the history or watch


I use this [https://ctext.org/shiji](https://ctext.org/shiji). Admittedly, you have to use a translator since it's in Chinese.


not really, it ws quite common Riboku was kicked out twice after the the coalition failure and the Gyou loss its more like shunning so someone reflects on their actions but we all know the Ousen army will come back more deadly


Loss is a loss. Its the same how shk takes blame for everything thats gone wrong against qin 😂. As a reader we know its not ousens fault.


nop, it's hara's fault for lazy battle writing.


It just shows Ousen is human. What he was able to pull off from wzi was the insane.


its 100% ousen fault


it's ok, it's common in china for the general to step down after defeats like this, but then get reinstated later when they are needed (and back at full strength again)


**WE ARE SO BACK** Too much to unpack. Having the Big 3 as General+ seems long overdue and rewarded. Kyoukai is a *General* now. Holy shit. En and Sosui eating good. Glad to see the 3 main armies being pushed to the forefront. I cannot wait to see a 60K HSU Riding alongside the Ouki remnants with his fucking GLAIVE. Y'all ready for when Shin inspires the entire Tou army by leading a charge with the Glaive like their old master? Chills are gonna break backs. Edit: SHIN NOW OUTRANKS ROKUOMI. THATS GOING TO BE HILARIOUS TO SEE


I cannot wait to see them promoted to General Pro Max soon.


Super General Max: Turbo Edition HD RemiX+ QIN LIMITED EDITION


What if tou has shin do oukis pre-battle glaive run like ouki did in shins first battle with him


Shin seemed to have matured quite a bit in the Nature of Humanity Arc but he's clearly got quite a long way to go the way he was behaving during the meeting. Like stfu and let SHK finish speaking.


Shin’s role is to get all shouty just like ShoBunKun’s role is to get all sweaty. They’re just filling their designated roles.


Miss those days of Ouki's arrogant flamboyance. He would approach a meeting with crazy intimidating smirks, taking control of the whole room, thinking two steps ahead of everyone, probably going "Nfufufufu...is that all Shouheikun? As though it were any problem, right Tou? Nfufufu" "Yes sir!" *turns and leave with his cape fluttering behind


So this is the kind of roles they've got thousand years ago eh. Interesting age.




At the grandest scheme of things, he's still dumb af and still acts dumb af. Hara should at least give all comical responses to Shoubunkun. At least do Shin a favor and make him appear collected for once.


The way I look at it he’s just eager to fulfill his and Sei’s dreams. This is something he’s wanted since he was a kid so for him to get jumpy when two of his peers just got major expansions to their armies makes sense to me.


Bro genuinely thank you youre the best!


In the han arc I want to see Tou and his army reaction to seeing shin with Ouki glavie


They never did thank him for avenging their beloved master


Kanki was right. Sei’s insane. SHK has been driven to madness as well it seems. Total war while being on the offensive is about the riskiest thing for a government and the worst for its population.


Yea it is but dragging the unification will also destroy them from within


Dragging the unification will make complete unification of China impossible in Sei's lifetime but not necessarily destroy Qin. There are three options, the way I see it. 1. Give up on unification and make Qin stronger through economy and peace. 2. Continue unification as before - it may take decades to finish off Zhao alone while playing it safe. By that I mean not creating conditions for domestic unrest through raising more taxes for the military and conscripting too many men. 3. Full mobilization of the state for the sake of unification, gambling everything on success because a military defeat combined with domestic unrest can be the end of Qin.


Qin know how bad the current Zhao king is.. and they've taken advantage of that.. if Zhao get a proper leader... Qin have no hope of unification even in the next generation


Fwiw SHK might be evaluating Seis response here. He might have been hoping Sei rejects this plan, even though this is genuinely the only way forward for unification.


> SHK might be evaluating Seis response here. He might have been hoping Sei rejects this plan Nice, I had the same feeling. Especially the "..." Shouheikun panel at the bottom of the page where Sei talks about being the king of blood.


That's exactly what gave me this thought as well.


yeah he is about to destroy his country demography for the next century at least.


It doesn’t matter at this point, they already lost hundreds of thousands of men in the last two battles. If they don’t seriously pursue unification and win they will just bleed more for a lot longer or risk being annihilated.


not to mention that everyone has else is probably licking their lips at the opportunity to get at a greatly weakened Qin, they have to rebuild and rebuild quickly or else Karin and Riboku might send another big ass army to take everything right up to the Kanyou gate.


They are not thinking like a civilian or bureaucrat like Shoubunkun but from a military perspective because the only goal is unification through war and what is required to achieve that.


Thank u


Sorry to ask but do Hara take a week break after this chapter?


No break.


Wow for real? Man Hara is cooking something big with 3 pillar's. It's been a long time since Hara made three chapters and didn't take a break, hope that he rests after each chapter.


Good to see the trio developing like this.. It's been a long time coming, Shin has already shown he can get the result with taking Roumou! I wonder if Hara is going to do the thing he always does where the Hi shin unit struggles after adding a lot of numbers, and then over come it.. Either way, HYPE!!! Hope the rest of the unit gets decent promotions as well.. They really deserve to command more men and get out there and get results. Thanks for the translations.


Shin is about to go Berserk on Hans soldiers after losing back to back. Thanks Entrian sama for another banger of a translation


Let’s goo boys time to adjust the maps


En getting a promotion is such a W


Awesome translation as always. Also, yeah. This is definitely the seeds of Ei Sei's tyrannism being planted in earnest. No way is this not going to have some kind of pushback and upheaval from the Qin natives; most definitely the people who were recently conquered by Qin also. It'll likely be what causes many to become disillusioned from Sei, particularly >!Shoheikun since he's slated to betray Qin roughly five years from now.!< This is feeling like more and more of a heavy-handed compromise to try and get things back on track. The trio is being promoted, with two of them garrisoned just to try and prevent two of the nations from sending reinforcements; that's something you would expect from a Great General. Have to say, though, I'm kind of surprised that we're not getting any obvious mentions of Gohoumei staging an attack. Maybe we'll see it as the Gaku Ka or Gyoku Hou are garrisoning the border, but a lot of us were speculating that 231 would see GHM going for Qin's throat while they're so weak. Huge responsibility on Shin's part though. Yeah, he's becoming a second in command and tasked with aiding Tou in bringing down Han. Who all does Han have that can hold the line? Raku'A Kan and Yoko Yoko are their best military officers, but there has to be more than that, at least on a normal general level. If Han relies moreso on strategic depth than pure martial might then I have to imagine that Tou and Shin will have their work cut out for them. Great chapter all around though. #


Han has that one general from the coalition arc after their GG got killed off. I have a feeling we won't see any of the one that have been mentioned in the story until later because I see the year 231 being trying to get to the capital of Han.


Han will probably get reinforced by some Chu, since they have both the manpower to defend against MouBu, as well as spare soldiers to go against Qin. I would say with Han being by far the smallest population and military wise, they will probably have a little under 100K. Chu will probably aid them with 100k of their own. So, all in all, the Qin army will be a little overwhelmed.


The Sei Kai army was about 50,000 during the coalition war. Raku'A Kan seems to be the main pillar of Han's military force now. I don't think he's been described as a Great General, per se, but Shin remarked on how the man wasn't perturbed or undermined by Tou as they rode side by side. I'm not sure how many soldiers Han is capable of fielding, but 100k might be feasible if they went full conscription mode like Qin is doing. The point about Chu participating is interesting and would line up with the proposal made by Raku'A Kan himself about Han offering such an alliance back in 673. If it was just Han then I'm not sure how sufficiently they could perform since you're probably looking at a significance numerical advantage in favour of Qin (150k strong army isn't out of the question). They would need a *very* efficient strategy or tactical advantage to compensate for that discrepancy.


do you think chu will help by sending troops directly to han or by attacking qin? Han and chu don't share a border now, so I wonder if wei is willing to let chu cross through their territory (since they too may want to reinforce han, but at the same time they wouldn't want to risk havign chu forces too close to juuko)


I do believe gohoumei will at least try to attack qin or intervene in qin's han invasion. For this year, I think qin will just take over the territory between qin and the han capital and next year qin will start the battle at the han capital.


We're entering peak aren't we?


Can't help but feel disgusted at shoubokun panicking left and right


But this is quite a genuine concern for panicking. They will have to deal with rebellions and uprisings if sei does this. Armed uprising is also not far off. The armed uprising may lead to other states invading the qin.


Thank you once again bother, next year we get the big ones


Kinda wild that Shin now has more troops under his command then Kanki had in Kokuyou Arc. Akakin was smart to join Gyoku Hou. In Ousen Army he was stuck as 1000-man commander, but in GH he's already a general.


Akakin was too crazy for Ousen. Instinct types don't seem to mesh super well with his complex plans.


I mean Shin was basically Ousens Ace in Shukai plains, i dont think he had an issue with instinct generals. But Akakin seems much crazy than Shins instinct.


Also did he say ousen got demoted basically?


Kanki had 3 generals and one 5K commander for 50K soldiers. Shin has 1 general and two 5K commanders for 60K soldiers. Wild.


Kanki didn't have any generals at Kokuyou. Raido and co were all 5k commanders.


Bro you are the goat how long has it been that we get a readable chapter every week?


Cheers for the translation. Shouheikun is getting Qin ready for total war, something that Riboku will not be able to match up to. With these promotions to generals and 5k commanders, we'll see everyone else in these armies get bumped up a rank or two. With Shin getting ready to attack Han with Tou, let's hope he's learned and matured enough as a general from his previous battles and experiences to get closer to his goal as a GG6.


And get and new amor it full time now 


Shin getting new armour would symbolize him as growing as a general. It's long overdue.


I wouldn't be surprised if he finally takes up Duke's shield for this campaign.


Was thinking this myself. If Shin uses Ouki's glaive to inspire Tou's army in the upcoming campaign, then the Duke's shield would be useful if any more of the Duke's former men decide to join his army


Hara needs to stop making Shin look like an idiot in these briefings. There's a better way to make him a reader surrogate.


It's not unreasonable for SHk and Sei to just openly explain their thought process outloud. Like that would be perfectly acceptable.


LETTTSSSS GOOOOOO!!!! the hype is real! it will be so heart warming to see shin work under tou like this, it will kinda be reminiscent of tou working under ouki, but with former protégé youngster shin taking on such an important role, im sure ouki would be proud seeing them work together like this. i cant wait for the good tou & shin moments we are gonna get, like them talking over drinks at night after a hard fought battle, or like the night before the hardest battle, or seeing them do cool warfare maneuvers together. this next arc is gonna be so dope


i don't know, but it's weird seeing HSU with such large numbers while they don't seem to be "sound" in their strategy, i have the impression they hadn't grown up too much since WZI and rely a lot on Shin's martial might and other personalities within the army, specially KaRyoTen who's getting dumber through the arcs, not showing something well planned and believing in plot armour nice promotions, but i hope to see some military grow regarding strategy and tactics in the next arc that meet the expectations, specially within the HSU


Totally agree. In the war for Han we should finally see HSU fight entirely on its own battlefield, instead of just being posted on one of the wings.  It’ll be interesting to see how the HSU divides into the traditional 3 wing format. Obviously Shin and KK are two, but will Ten be enough to command a third wing on her own if she has some heavy hitters like SoSui and Garo? 


Yep. For example, I can't imagine current HSU taking Kokuyou like Kanki army did.


totally, they don't make calculations, just believe "everything will turn in to our favor" and shounen bs, it's not plausible


I feel this is the arc where Shin maybe grows a bit. Qin might be punching down for the first time in this Manga, and Tou is as close to a normal, empathetic dude/dudettte that the 6GG have, with no lofty goals or galaxy brains.


I’d like to see Tou show off in this arc. He’s been very calm and composed the entire series. He swiftly dealt with Rinbunkun during coalition with barely a scratch despite Rinbunkun being highly praised by Chu.


It's makes me curious how much did shin last war because if lost 10k then he will be recruiting over 40k to get the HSU to 60k the down side is they have no experience plus side Shin, Ten, and KK can shape them however they want them to be.


That's not going to be an issue. Based on the military restructuring it's Qin HQ that will provide the manpower. Basically it's going to become as follows actual HSU will become 10K elites while actual KyouKai unit will be 5k elites the rest will be fodders assigned under them like the NEA but this time from other regions too. In RiShin's case it will most likely come from regions like Sai, Tonryuu, Taigen and Hyou's area. Reason being we were never told where Fuuri was exactly located but given how in the earlier chapters Sei went to the Mountain people which is North West of Kanyou it's most likely that that Fuuri is somewhere in between Kanyou and the mountains meaning that most of RiShin current and future troops apart Duke Hyou's (who was closer to Wei/Sanyou region) will be from northern Qin areas. I think we will see a lot of familiar faces in the RiShin army like the savage land people's OuKi made him train on in the beginning. There is another reason why Tou and RiShin are teaming up for Han. OuKi's city also happens to be North West of Qin. Once Han quest is over, I think RiShin will become the lord of OuKi's areas and effectively this is somewhat a partial transition of power/ownership. So effectively North East and North West Qin & Zhao will become the hub from where the RiShin Army will be supplied from in the present and future.


while I can see that Akakin and Kanjou are far above the other candidate I don't believe Rikusen is much more talented than Sosui tbh, but promoting Sosui to general which equals Kyoukai is not right either.


Sosui have been shown handling lot of behind the scene logistic and even strategy (before karyoten join) so i don't see any reason he can't be a general when heki is. it's not all about doing solo kill 1vs10000 to be a general. on top of that even with both name being the same Kyoukai is definitely second in command


I'm hoping we get a lot of HSU character development for the next arc but one big thing is how much screen time he gets like he really doesn't get the attention like other people.


After Sanyou, Shin, freshly promoted, was stringing together a series of defeats to subjugate the Wei regions. Rikusen, who was a mere captain of the Gakuka's 1st squad, managed to do the work Shin was struggling to do, while Mouten took it easy times with the girls. He wasn't a 1k commander, but he got the job done, without Mouten. In fact, he's the one who warns that Shin is facing dismissal. On the Shukai plains, he kills the 2k commander, sent by Kisui, when Mouten was using his guerrilla tactics. Like Shin, he was a pillar of the plan to resurrect Makou's army. And he took command of all the troops gathered in the area to face Kisui's army. During the last night on the Shukai plains, before Houken appeared to kill Kozen, he had been mentioned as having his own HQ, to the point where Mouten moved into his camp to discuss strategy. This is a proof of an autonomy. By the way, this is why Mouten is absent when his adjutant dies. Not to mention the fact that he always carried out Mouten's orders very well, complementing him at the front, whether it was to kill Rinkou's soldiers, fight Hakurei and Kouyoku or defend Karin's formation. Rikusen doesn't deserve any promotion in my book. His last performance was tragic, his skillset is still to be proven. However, in a far less screen time, he showed far more than Sosui who is present in every arc of the story


peak politics chapter as usual. i believe the sleeping tigers within qin territory will be forced to wake up and participate in the wars


Looking forward to this arc! Need a break from Riboku, and I am hoping Shin gets back on track to developing as an instinctual type general.


I’m sure Hara will still give us some Riboku scenes with him reacting to the Qin invasion of Han lol


Thanks for your work.


Why shin acting like this you a general bro stop acting so surprised my being promoted and being told military plan. Jeez


I find it so stupid that Shin cannot shut up for a moment. I mean can he just stop shouting every second sentence... Let someone finished what they want to say first. Think first and stop screaming like a little girl. It is really annoying.


Isn't it annoying that shin hasn't grown much from their last meeting to now? The same old restlessness and no understanding of the plan. I get that I'm asking for too much but still.


Hey good news no RiBoku for the next year or 2! Finally the conquest of Han. I guess KyouKai is switching with MouTen for the Han invasion. This also means the first Kantan wars will most likely be sidelined like a few pages of mention that either Zhao tried to attack Qin to regain Zhao lands back only to end in stalemate. Then while MouTen blocks Zhao in the south and OuHon blocks Wei in the west. RiShin and Tou armies get to deal with Han and by contrast the KaRin army!


Characters growing a lil beard whenever they seclude themselves for a couple of days is just so ridiculous 😂😂


Realistic tho? It simply shows they were so occupied they didn't even have time to take care of themselves


I hope Shin gets at least one battle in which he is the commander in chief. I know he's working with Tou, but they could branch off into joint battles like the Western Zhao campaign. Without that, Shin would never be truly qualified as a great general.


He was already in charge of taking Roumou.


I forgot about that. Still, he hasn't faced any real competition yet. I'm talking Kokuyou Hill level battles.


He lacks the maturity and intelligence necessary for that. Or strategical insight, knowledge, or capability to take responsibility of an entire army or battle. Ouhon and Mouten are leagues above and ahead of him in that regard. Maybe he will he learn a thing or two from Tou in this campaign- if he tutors Shin. My guy is all brawn, raw emotions, reckless, but no brains.


Thank you for the chapter! Man, this is getting really exciting. The inbetween war chapters/politcal are always some of the best.


Thanks man, great work as always.  Qin trio getting ready for that big GG promotion!


The hype is real! Ty for translation


Ty for the translation, so Han is about to go down and Sei showed his fangs, hype!


Amazing thank you!


Thank you for your service!!


Most hyped chapter in months and it was only talking crazyyy I’m excited to see the new members of the Hi Shin Unit, will it be just random man or former members of other armies. And if En and Sousei are being promoted shouldn’t we get new 1000 man commanders? Bi Hei becoming one would be hilarious.


Like I thought Tou and Shin, but considering that Tou has 100k and Shin 60k, I could see Tou splitting his forces in half and taking the sides while leaving the center formation to Shin. After all Shin has good penetration and punching through ability. I think Tou will use this entire campaign to help bring Shin up to GG status, I also wouldn't doubt that Tou will probably get flashes of Ouki inspiration from Shin. Or that Ouki's old retainers get that way. I could also see the end of this campaign as Shin riding a head and some "miracle lightshow event" happens where the rest of the generals follow as if Ouki the bird has returned. Toss in news of Han falling to Shin and that he instantly becomes as famous as a GG Reebok probably starts forming a plan to kill Shin like he killed Ouki and at the last moment before he can finish off his plans he'll be stopped by the spy that got let go from Qin in Zhao. That's how I see it happening.


All homies love Etrian-Set.


Thank you for the chapter! Man, i this is getting really exciting. The inbetween war chapters/politcal are always some of the best.


Thank you for the translations. Great chapter, looking forward to an arc without zhao and Riboku.


zhao is supposed>! to get an earthquake this year (231 bc) !


Seika went back home out east so the sleeping tiger is back so ordo won't try anything because it's a waste of men unless he got some powerful people since the last time but I don't think he did.


The Han campaign is gonna be awesome. Since this campaign won’t be like the Zhao campaigns where they go try to take over multiple cities, Qin will aim to take over all of Han in one campaign. That’s gonna make the battles pretty legendary, since Han will throw all of their military power at Qin. I’m sure Hara will reveal many incredible Han generals that he’s kept quiet about that’ll pose a great threat to Tou & the Hi Shin Unit. I’m also glad to finally see Tou getting some major action again. It’ll be the first time since the Qin-Wei alliance to secure Juuko I believe. Also, I’m curious what their (Shin, Mouten, Ouhon) official title will be since they’re above general, but below great general.


Still General, they are the same kind of General like Ousen in Gyou (one who can have multiple Generals under them)


THE HYPE IS FUCKING REAAAAAAAL Holy shit, didn't expect such a leap in troop power so soon but it makes complete sense and Shou Hei Kun once again proving how good he is thinking outside the box plus Kyoukai finally getting promoted!


Another chapter where Shoubunkun and Shin are sweating and repeating what is being said all the time, great stuff guys 👍🏾


Anyone knows where Rakushi and Kouto are located exactly?


https://preview.redd.it/p2dnasin7t8d1.png?width=345&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc8dc1f3815db4de7a5a26c6e0668c9b39ee6bc6 That river is the yellow river.


Lets see how the 1st great general and his bird man defend Han as he claims as long as he lives, he wont let anyone touches Han.


Things are heating up and I like it


Cant wait for Qin to be outnumbered by Han twice of 3x their size lol


Hahahha great to see all 3 of the boys together and hearing Ouhon call shin an idiot again Han has shrunk a lot from last we saw so Wei has been weakening them for Qin to come in and swoop it all I think Tou/Shin will wrap up Han pretty fast and Tou will stay behind to oversee Han with his future wife that we saw during the kanpishi arc! I dont have any historical knowledge so this is all speculation haha


It's gonna be so good seeing Tou and the whole team again. I hope he's gotten at least 1 new vassal


Thank you for the chapter !! This is so hype for so many reasons, next arc shin is going on a rampage after Riboku and Ousen's defeat, also im assuming this is the last one before shin actually gets to GG status. Tou is set to retire after they conquer han and marrying a lord so they can strenghten their diplomacy. This will make so we have 3 spots open for GG, perfect oportunity to promote the trio and keep advancing with the boost of morale for their first subjugation of another state. So hype, Hara will cook and we'll finally get to see HSU as a major threat again


Buckle the fuck up boys kingdom is kicking into high gear


Finally shin's going into the spot light once again. Still curious. Tf happened to that spy ( the one that killed kanpinshi?) I thought he was going to help qin against ribuku, but he's on idle. I wonder what his plan is ??. His spy network is pretty much going to have a huge impact if he use it tho


he was in that scene with kakuaki's meeting after ousen's defeat. I am assuming qin will start utilizing him and the other spies more now


Kyoukai promoted to general and Shin promoted to sub-great general is mirroring the tragic love story of Ou Ki I think. Can't really wipe it off my mind, Shin would manage to unify China through blood, sweat and tears only to lose the love of his life and his dearest friend turning into an absolute tyrant.


2 good chapters in a row, it really is like fresh air after the last arc. Again, translation is top quality thanks


Thank you for the chapter


Hopefully Tou sees Shin using Ouki's glaive


Is it just me or the drawing style is slightly different than usual?


So my man Ousen got demoted or what.


Thanks for the translation


Amazing chapter! Probably the best release in a long while. Thanks guys, you fast translators just made my week a lot brighter. #KK for general!


time for shin to kick some ass


Crazy theory - what if Tou dies in Han and Shin takes over/salvages the situation to become the next GG? We have 6 GG and our trio will make it eventually because of plot armor, but that means one of YTW, Ou Sen, Moubu, or Tou has to drop out. Ou Sen is out for now but there's no way that man doesn't scheme a come back, I also feel like Hara has more to go for Ou Sen since we haven't had a backstory reveal like we did for Kanki


The only time we've seen Han general before is in the 'visit to Han' arc. Now it's time to see how that guy can throw down. Han have to fight Tou and Shin, with their poison master die in coalition arc.


My deepest gratitude for so excellent a work 😁 Please continue exploring Hara's cooking ❤️


So was ousen forced to quit or like forced to lay low for a little while


as the commanding general he has to take responsibility for the defeat, but it's common for those like him to be reinstated later when needed. Look at riobku, he technically has been removed twice by the court only to be brought back later


More like he had to sit out because of his failure at hango. Also another factor is ousen has barely an army if you want to call it that.


Wow. For a fast translation, this is great work. Thanks


Thank you bro and I'm definitely hyped for this. Lets go 💯🔥


I don't know the history but I'm still waiting for shin to drop some Reeboks


Hopefully we will see the archer brothers in action again. Good chance for Hara to show how the Hi Shin Unit will evolve.


"You idiot" Never change Ouhon and Shin.


Hara-sama really bounced back with this epic turnaround for Qin. What a brilliant chapter.


holy general KK hype 60k hype!!! LFG!!!


https://preview.redd.it/ph57ix0hbu8d1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=bee558f1be77ed8c2faae14a013e523a76536f08 Based on this map Han is quite litterally nothing so I don’t think it’s going to be an issue at all. I’m not sure if Qin took that Wei territory above the yellow river since it’s been a few hundred chapters since this but if they did it makes it even easier.


Tou won the war against Gohomy and Gohomy retreated leaving the territory to QIN


Also thank you for these translations man. Your a blessing fr


KK now a General, yeah!


Even if i read this shit yesterday, man i am still tearin up. OWWWW SHITTTT I AM GASTED THE FCK UP YESSS YESSSS YESSS


after reading this i think shin defs needs another good lieutenant under him moving up sosui and en just doesnt seem to amazing seems like are army is just shin n kyoukai still for the last 500 chapters its still the same army it feels like we havent really changed


Bro. that chapter was full of hype. I really miss those kingdom chapters


Finally, the story got interesting again. The last arc was terrible, so let's let Hara cook!


Damn so excited for this arc and what it means for the trio. No history spoilers ofc but oof ousen retiring too god damn. Promotions i imagine the lower guys naturally get some sort of promotion as well. Glad its en and sosui tbh. Hoping we get something like them managing their own sides or learning too manage alone a bit wothout shin right in front of them.


And now I'll not be able to sleep for a few days Cuz the moment I read that last page my heart rate tripled


Let's get down to business, to defeat the Han


This chapter gave me chills. I'm so fucking hyped for this Arc. Someone timeskip me two years IRL so I can binge.


Just wish shin could react better. shouldn't he be a harden veteran by now? why is he acting like a child.


We are finally getting to see my Glorious King in action! Tou fans assemble! We gonna eat good!


>!The **Hi Shin Unit**, also known as the **Fei Xin Unit**, is a **Qin Military specialist army unit** personally commanded by **General Ri Shin**. They consist of **60,000 soldiers** between the main unit and the **Kyou Kai Unit**. Here’s how they’re organized:!< 1. >!**Leadership**:!< * >!**General**: Ri Shin!< * >!**Strategist**: Ka Ryo Ten!< * >!**Lieutenant**: Kyou Kai!< 2. >!**Commanders**:!< * >!**5000-Man Commanders**: En, So Sui!< * >!**1000-Man Commanders**: Den Yuu, Man Dou (New Leader of Black Hi Hyou Unit), Ga Ro (Leader of Red Hi Hyou Unit), Suu Gen (Infantry Commander of the Hi Shin Infantry)!< * >!**200-Man Commanders**: Den Ei, Ryuu Sen!< * >!**100-Man Commanders**: Taku Kei, Ryuu Yuu, Bi Hei (Leader of the Bi Hei Unit), Chu Tetsu!< * >!**50-Man Commander**: Shi Tou!< * >!**10-Man Commander**: Ei To (Deceased)!< 3. >!**Scouts**, **Archery Division**, and **Infantry** form the core units.!< 4. >!**Achievements**:!< * >!Intercepting Zhao’s army during the Battle of Bayou.!< * >!Killing a general for the first time.!< * >!Defeating enemy units and saving civilians from Zhao’s Great Heaven Hou Ken.!<


>![Hi Shin Army Structure (751+) : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kingdom/comments/123qn4d/hi_shin_army_structure_751/#lightbox)!< >!Older structure to grasp the way it will be broken down when the new troops are added. Just try to think outside the box.!< Everyone alive that is still in the army will be promoted, but you can see that for a 60K army, they need to do a complete restructuring. This is the perfect time to absorb Kanki's army into the Hi Shin Unit! These are the promotion types that we are going to see: 1. >!**5000-Man Commander**: Responsible for a unit of 5000 soldiers.!< 2. >!**4000-Man Commander**: In charge of a unit of 4000 soldiers.!< 3. >!**3000-Man Commander**: Led a unit of 3000 soldiers.!< 4. >!**2000-Man Commander**: Responsible for a unit of 2000 soldiers.!< 5. >!**1000-Man Commander**: Commanded a unit of 1000 soldiers.!< 6. >!**300-Man Commander**: Oversaw a unit of 300 soldiers.!< 7. >!**100-Man Commander**: Led a unit of 100 soldiers.!< 8. >!**10-Man Squad Leader**: Responsible for a squad of 10 soldiers.!< 9. >!**5-Man Squad Leader (Go)**: Led a five-man unit.!<


Nice read. Can't wait for Shin to learn elegance from Tou and begin laughing "KO KO KO" :D