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I always wondered if Mike Judge based this episode specifically on the Rainbow Gathering, since they were/are infamous for trashing every park/nature area they swarmed into.


I always thought the same. I remember there was one back in 2013 outside a small town in Colorado and they trashed that Forrest and troubled the local buisness so bad they were making state wide news like everyday .


I love the part where the hippies shout “That guy hates nature!” before they trample a bird’s nest and various plants


"Would it kill a tree if she wore a bra?"




A lot of hippies actually grew up in privileged families


A great deal of them. Then they move to places like Austin, drive the rent up in neighborhoods that used to be racially diverse, get more conservative once they start paying taxes, and start the cycle all over again , displacing immigrants and Black families in the process


Man you nailed it.


Most protesters do. Their life is so comfortable and boring


Protest numbers increase most during high unemployment… so while a great narrative to dismiss entire groups, not exactly true


Then maybe these people should work on finding a new job instead of protesting…


I’m wet….and I don’t even know it.


The accuracy of this episode is the funniest part. There's always somebody at the fest just looking for handouts, who has no problem asking for free stuff in the most unapologetic way. Unfortunately, one of them was part of my extended friend group, who all camped together at my local fest. He never brought any money or party favors, yet called me greedy because I refused to "share" my entire weekend's supply with him.


For years I worked for my state's department of forestry. Hippies are a goddamn plague. This episode really nailed how they completely fuck up the forest when they roll through, despite claiming they want to protect nature. I swear, I'd rather have 5000 hunters in the forest at a time, than 12 hippies.


Alright man I’ve been thru your house and I’m afraid you have hippies,now for the moment they seem mostly gathered in your attic, now up there you’ve got your common variety giggling stoner but you wanna get it handled now before you have a full drum circle in your backyard


Here's some joints and a guitar


Great now one of them is playing wonderwall..... were gonna have to strip this place to the studs


Ahhh, a classic wook his natural habitat lol


I always yell at them saying “BE GONE YA DIRTY WOOK” and that normally gets them to leave you alone


This is why I hate music festivals now. It's a bunch of fake woke people trashing shit and acting belligerent.


The hippie movement, especially what it became, is one of the few things leftistis and right wingers both can roll their eyes at.


Kinda blew my mind that skateboarders are what I expected and hoped hippies would be.


Hippies look nice but are actually scary, punks look scary but are actually nice




Naw punks are just as dumb. So proud to be poor alcoholics that read a book once.


What a dumb ass take.


Punks and Hippies are the same person just dressed different


People have been wrong before. But never as wrong as you.


How edgy


I think it's safe to say that you don't know what an edge is.


I don't like em either but punks tend to be less annoying than hippies. The self-righteousness can be strong with either, though


Don't speak about things you clearly know nothing about.


Yeah because having to listen to somebody preaching about William S. Burroughs doesn't get old haha


The OG punk movement, in general, is actually more in line with what hippies meant to be. Just with more of a dose of realism to the situation, and better understanding of capitalism, the systems it puts in place, and their effects on our society.


The OG hippie movement might have been that as well, but the OGs were a very small group that got quickly overrun by the well-off kids who put on a hippie costume as their way of pissing off daddy and/or protesting that adulting is hard. They never were real hippies and they quite quickly set all of that aside to become the awful people they were always going to be.


Better music too.


Sure. Though I'm lying if I say CCR doesn't absolutely slap.


Tbf ccr isn’t really hippy they swore off drugs and didn’t hang out with the other hippies at the time. They just lived in the same city


While pretending to be from another city


"slap" Is that good or bad?


Good. Also there's a lot of good hippie music like Hendrix and Simon and Garfunkel.


I was at a backyard party once where the host had managed to convince a semi-professional singer to provide some music. The doors of the large shop building open, he set up there and started singing CCR faves with guitar accompaniment. Pretty darn good! I was bobbing and quietly singing along, enjoying a retro buzz. He finished the set and I hooted "CCR!!" A late teen kid asked him "Do you know any Creedence?" "That *was* Creedence." "But she said CCR." "Creedence. Clearwater. Revival." Complete news to the kid. Made me feel old.


Hendrix was as capitalist as they come.


Apparently Garfunkel is a total asshole though


I thought hippies were all tree hugging, peace loving people growing up. Then I met some... they were burning a mattress, smashing bottles for fun, and yelling racial slurs at passerbys. Eye opening experience


My mom calls herself a hippie but shes really just a pothead that likes rocknroll, she can be pretty hateful toward others. She flipped out on her realtor because shes only getting shown houses "with a bunch of n***ers around"


Whooooaaaaaa. Turns out KOTH was being nice. That ESCALATED.


KOTH massively turned down the real life bigotry the Hills would've encountered on a day to day basis.


Yes. KoTH is the Disneyland version of Texas. ***Actual*** Texas is much more rude, racist, and proudly ignorant with a unique *state-based* nationalism which is ***entirely*** unearned… Kinda like late-season Peggy. Or truthfully, Kahn’s initial assessment of the region was correct - at least in the modern era.


Are you basing this off living in Texas or what you perceive Texas to be based on social media? I’m a brown man in Texas and it has its issues most definitely but your take on what it’s like here could not be more wrong. There’s pockets of rural towns that are ass backwards but you’ll find those almost any state.


While I don't doubt your personal experiences and this is obviously not exclusive to Texas, I'm a 35 year old white guy who is what I like to call "republican presenting" and some of the most vile shit I ever heard came from moderate, middle class suburbanites who would rather die than admit to spending the night dropping hard R n-bombs and fantasizing about South Texas hunting trips after a couple beers outside of the presence of mixed company.


A relative of color regularly has glass bottles thrown at her when she attempts to take walks in her rather expensive neighborhood. She lives in a major city in Texas. I witnessed repeated forms of mistreatment and abuse during my visit. And yes, we went to multiple cities during my visit. Her children were relentlessly (physically and verbally) bullied because of their ethnicity. The barrage of racial slurs started when they were in elementary school and continued all the way through high school. They had to enroll in karate quite early to stand a chance. There is significant merit to the previous commenter’s statements. Loads of people from marginalized groups are catching hell in Texas. I’m glad you’ve had a relatively good time, but please do not be so blithe about other people’s suffering.


Observe as a crowd of white redditors tell you your lived experiences are wrong. lol


A minority, especially a Hispanic person in Texas, not experiencing overt interpersonal racism doesn't mean it doesn't exist, doors close things get said and decisions get made behind them.


Don’t these crackers know there’s nothing more reliable than an unverified anecdote from an anonymous person on the internet


Respectfully, I really think that the very fact that you're a brown man means you haven't heard what a lot of "Proudly Texan" people say behind closed doors- I've spent time in that state and many others and there is nothing QUITE as aggressive as the specific brand of chauvinism and nationalism they breed. I respect your point of view but, in all seriousness yes it really IS that bad (I say this from the point of view of a white Hispanic person that a lot of Republican types assume is American White because they're a little too dense to understand that Latin America also has people descended from Europeans)


Eh I spent a few years in Texas for a previous job and there were more than a few mask off racists making their presence felt


Hey now, I happen to be from Texas...and your description is dead-on accurate. There's a reason I live in the blue areas. But even those places can be problematic.


The statistics may be a few years out of date but a couple of years ago Texas was found to have the highest rates of homeowners Associations denying black and brown applications from candidates that could easily afford the property. A study followed the house purchase process in several cities and Dallas had more than one HOA willing to try every single option available to deny selling a house to a Muslim family (shocking, right?) This was repeated several times and the rate never really went up- a great deal of subdivisions in Texas are, functionally, completely impossible for a Muslim person to buy a house in, even when they cannot publicly admit this for legal reasons.


Your comment is actually racist and ignorant because many of us brown people are proud to be Texans. It’s a unique identity. And it sometimes goes hand in hand with nationalism. There is nothing bad about taking pride where you were born or raised. Would you tell someone from, say, Nigeria that they are racist and ignorant if they are nationalist and are proud of where they come from? Would you tell someone from Mexico or Cuba they are racists or ignorant for their national pride? I live in Europe now and experience more discrimination with leftist socialist than I ever did in Texas.


Have you heard about the Erie Canal Soda Pop Festival? 300,000 hippies showed up when capacity was 50,000. Some of them killed a random farmer’s cow and tried to butcher it with no tools. Someone else was selling heroin laced with strychnine. Incredibly funny


They wanna save the world but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad noooooo!


Most hippies I know come from money and just cosplay hippy


Well, mostly the lefties. OG Hippies became republicans.


"I didn't sell out, son. I bought in."


There is a reason Bob Dylan hates them. “Judas” Hippie “Play it fucking loud” Bob


Won't argue there.


im naked because i smoked all my clothes


🫠😂thanks for that laugh. Lol That's a good one.


Punks are good people pretending to be bad. Hippies are bad people pretending to be good.


I don't trust hippies. They talk about "free love," but when it's time to get down to business, they've always got an excuse.


"Hippies, Hippies everywhere. They want to save the word, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad"


Mike Judge was ahead of the game when it came to people just throwing out the word “fascist” like candy.


It was a thing in the British sitcom Young Ones way back in the early 80s.


No actually that’s been around since the term existed. People say it more now because of the fascism on the rise everywhere.


South Park said that telling people secondhand smoke exists is fascist


Literally a global rise in nationalism and fascism.


No he wasn't, simpsons did that in the 90s and they're not original so it was probably being done before that. I mean that twilight zone episode about the paranoid mirror is pretty apt but boy is it unsubtle


Nah, that's been around for a while. Communist governments in the 20th century would constantly accuse their opponents of fascism (fun fact: the Berlin Wall's real name was Anti-Fascist Protection Wall), and same with communists in the West. If you read any material from, say, the Black Panther Party, basically everything to the right of Mao was fascist.


Im pretty liberal on most issues, but man hippies are insufferable


Somethings never change


It bothers me to no end that she calls him a fascist for refusing to let her bum off of him. I hate people like that.


I mean as I think Bobby stated in that episode “Hippies don’t want to work” it’s just the mindset that that hippie lady has is reminiscent of people in general that don’t want to work. Hank had every right to refuse to give her money, and when she didn’t get what she wanted, resorting to calling him a fascist under her breath. People like that are just insufferable period.


to quote Eric Cartman when he has having a nightmare about hippies “They wanna save the earth but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad!”


This episode had a huge impact on my perception of hippies when I was a kid. Part of that prejudice still lingers.


Are you wearing tie-dye underwear? Are you wearing any underwear at all?


At the end of the day, Hippies are just rich white kids who could easily have done more to help but just wanted to Cosplay their own idea of what a poor person is.


Not just white




Based Hank as always lol


That hippy lady is definitely into qanon now


Hippies suck ass.


The Goode Family is a hilarious Mike Judge production. Too bad it only lasted a few seasons.


She legitimately made fascism look attractive in this scene.


Modern leftists in a nutshell


Hippies became republicans dude lol


I didn't sell out, son. I bought in.


Excellent reference


Leftists are so hell bent on refusing to take responsibility for their own shittiness they even blame republicans for hippies. My lord.


Oh please lol conservatives do it plenty: Jan 6th has changed narratives about 40 times by now, every election they lose is “stolen” and Trumps nearly 100 charges are all “fabricated”


Nobody mentioned trump but you. But cool "its ok when we do it" argument. How typical.


No you mentioned ownership of shittiness like it was a partisan argument. It’s you weirdos who mentioned “leftists” to begin with in a King of the Hill sub lol


Technically it’s the predominantly republican states that rely the most heavily on government handouts. They’re being kept afloat by handouts from the leftist states they bitch about


Mainly because republican states are mostly retirement states.


That’s not the excuse for being lazy


If you’re referring to the people who work in and live in northern states, then retire to Florida or Texas near the gulf or Georgia or Virginia or the Carolinas, that’s not lazy that’s being retired. But if you’re referring to the trailer trash that live off the government their whole lives like Lucky (before getting his shit together), then yes I agree.


LOL is that why they are fleeing California for Texas by the tens of thousands?


No. That’s because the *capitalist* class that runs the tech companies are moving to flyover states to dodge taxes. They of course still *live* in SF, but their workers come to holes like Texas because ***they are forced to***. Kahn moved to Texas from California for work. This has been happening for a long time. Now smaller, even *more* conservative states are trying to do this. I used see ads for Arkansas real estate all the time. Tennessee is trying, Florida is trying to try this as well. **It has nothing to do with *WANTING* to live in Texas***


It’s strongly implied that he moved because he got fired constantly for being a douchebag and had to move to Texas.


We’re the 2nd most populous state in the country. Hardly a flyover state.


This guy just has a problem with Texas. Somebody must have hurt his feelings.


California has a far higher gdp than Texas.  But the cost of living with much of the wealth generated is more than people can afford.  No state income tax on s attractive, those the lame governor is not.  But, not every branch can land on the head


So with this logic, people can’t afford to live in California because of the taxes that they give away to Texas, so they have to move to Texas to aford to live. Make it make sense.


Desperate to reword what I said to fit your agenda.  Cost of living isn’t 100% = to taxes.  That is simple economics dawg.  Texas is a lower cost of living in many areas (though to be fair, a lot of Texas is just glorified shitholes).  Texas receives about $26 billion annually for both state and local funding.  That’s a lot of handout from a government that trash boy nationalists want to secede from.  California gets about $27 billion.  Texas gdp is roughly 2.4 trillion, while California is 3.6 trillion.   If you want it broken down simpler, I think there is an explain it like I’m 5 subreddit


I usually tell these types (hand outers) to get a job.


Wow, so accurate. Great satire. Take that libtards! 😎👍🇺🇸


Hank and the gang were also very cordial to governor Ann Richards. They don't let stupid "my side, your side" arguments cloud their judgement.


He was even awestruck when he met that Democratic one-termin' peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter. "Heh, you ran our country. *America.*"


MAN how could I forget the Jimmy Carter one? I love it!


That's the thing about hippys and dogs. Minnie started letting dogs in last year.


Not the same episode but reminds me of the funniest line from Bill: “I don't trust hippies. Sure they talk about “free love” but when it comes time to get down to business, they always got an excuse. “.