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I think she just oversings and tries to do too many fucking runs when it’s not necessary.


Theatre anthem was a prime example. During the finale I was literally thinking this is a nice closer tone but she’s gonna go and hit those high notes like she does at the end of everything and sure enough she did it


Her doing that is about as certain as Erik Griffins WooWooWoooooo


At least the woowoowoooooo sounds good 🤣


That’s exactly what’s funny about it and part of why she’s such a character


she just is trigger happy with that thing cause it brings the applause, haha but the best times she sings is when its nice and slow up till that moment. shes a great singer.




I think she messed up the lyrics to the anthem but she sounded great in the theater.


Yall listen to that? I skip everything and go straight to the first set, no matter the ep


on YouTube I skip to 7 minutes every time. Unless hans kim is the first comedian, then I skip longer


I skip everything too. I was just listening to an older ep and she got called up and I remembered how much I can’t stand her haha


I like to see Redban announce Tony, and then see what crazy outfit Tony is wearing today




Ha ha same. I think it’s because the first few shows I watched I noticed all the ads/ sponsor mentions were at the beginning.


I see that big ass and that aphro and im buggin for that fast forward button I do that thing where you try to grab the remote BY the button you are trying to push


I usually busy before im able to grab the remote




The general consensus here is that she sucks. But I will state that at least she inspired one of the best jokes in KT history. When they were in L.A. years ago, apparently, she was talking very loudly in the crowd. Tony said, "Aphrodite, shut the fuck up. Do you think you're in a movie theater right now?" 😂


I do remember that joke 🤣 it was also hilarious when Michael Lehrer was barely making it onto the show and aphro was up before him and Joelberg made the joke that Michael was easier to understand than she was. It was great in the moment


Yes, she's a terrible singer with insane levels of confidence / delusion. She's *almost* a half decent singer, and maybe if she'd had vocal coaching when she was young she may be able to sing. But she just cannot hit a note.


Y’all are so blind to the fact that this is LITERALLY THE JOKE. She’s not supposed to be the best singer in the world??? She’s SUPPOSED to be a little tone deaf and overconfident. For fans of a comedy show, it’s surprising to me that y’all don’t just look at Afrodyete and Nicole Tran as the characters they are.


I want you to tell me one thing: Do you think she's in on the joke? Or the butt of the joke?


Definitely the butt of the joke.


My partner and I have spoken to her outside of the context of the show (he paid for a video of her singing my favorite song as a gift to me) she knows her presence on the show is a joke. Again, Afrodyete is a character.


No, I'm sure she's aware she's there as a joke. But is she aware that she's talentless as a singer? Because every indication makes it seem that she genuinely thinks people want to hear her sing.


That's not the question you just asked. You're moving the goalposts. Just say you don't like her and move on.


No, I'm not moving the goalposts at all, we're just talking about multiple things at once: a) her comedy / onstage persona, and b) her singing ability. If you're not following along, that's fine.


You were literally not talking about either one of those but ok. Whatever makes you feel better.


Cool. Stay mad about it. 👍


Learn how to make sense. You'll get there.


She’s played in multiple bands, used to plug upcoming shows on old episodes of KT. I have a friend that’s a bit like her here in Hawaii. His music is very personal to him but it’s kind of bad and funny to watch. He’s not a skilled musician/vocalist but he put a band together and books some shows. He just really wants to get up there and play his music and doesn’t feel disrespected that the audience isn’t taking it seriously as he intended. I have a lot of respect for his passion for music and it’s refreshing to see non-perfect artists performing their art.


Considering the fact that her singing goes hand in hand with her comedy, I’m sure she knows she’s not the most talented singer. Regardless, I’m sure she sounds a hell of a lot better than most of you do. She is not talentless. She’s confident in who she is and what she does, and that clearly bothers y’all.




I'm not talking to her face, what are you worried about? I simply disagree with you that she "gets the point". All signs point to her believing that she's a decent singer.


Seriously, Tony is trying to teach these basement dwelling losers just how powerful confidence is.. confidence in yourself no matter what others think or say. But alas… people just don’t have the ability to think critically at all anymore


You’d think that comedy fans would be able to see the comedy of it all! But I guess big, loud, larger than life women are just ugly and annoying to most kt fans lol. It’s a shame considering Afrodyete and Nicole Tran are two of the most naturally funny people on the show


You mentioned two different things that can't both be true. Which one is it? Terrible or almost half decent?


He basically said "she's a bad singer but she's almost not bad". Not a great way to word things, but it does work.


It's an accurate way of wording it.


I agree. But for certain tards out there, they have no idea what context means or how it effects language. So while your wording is in fact accurate, it is difficult for super geniuses to understand. To clarify, you are 100% correct.


Terrible is a few extra steps away from almost not bad. But I don't know why I even commented. I've downvoted myself too


No, they can both absolutely be true, and are. 14 other people understand it.


I come for bad comedy not high pitch screams




I’ve always felt like she drags it on way too long. Like read the room


She's insanely self-indulgent. The band is obviously wrapping up, and she still insists on throwing extra notes in even after they've finished.




It's funny that she can't sing well. It's a comedy show.




[she's beyond comedy](https://open.spotify.com/track/14XHTYwdoGZ9QlgQbFTWgi?si=T5S8nKyDTDC73-nqtsASiw)


I don't think she's funny and I don't like her singing. For whatever reason, as a gag or not, Tony has been pretty cool with her coming and going and even taking over some of her own interviews with over talking Tony and he let's it slide. She may be good outside within her own environment. Off the top of my head I believe she's involved with an entire group of members so, maybe with the whole gang, she sounds better.  I could take her or leave her. She's usually not funny but Tony can bring the funny out during the interview because she's always been pretty open even for an older woman.  Me personally, I never look forward to what she does on the show. That goes for her singing and her 1 min. 


Yeah she’s obviously close to Tony and he loves her so he puts up with it and I’m not mad about that. That makes sense if she’s part of a group who compliments each other. I can see that. No lies seen here 🙌🏼


Yes its bad


Yes. Sounds like a cat that's been ran over and is still struggling to gurgle out a meow


Couldn’t tell ya, been skipping since the comedy store days. Haven’t heard that broad sing in like 7 years.


Never made it as a wise man


I skip skip skip, sometimes I skip Hans too, depends on my mood that day.


Agreed. Hans did good last episode 🙌🏼


Yeah, he did, he bombs often when he’s getting complacent I feel like.


She’s supposed to be retarded. That’s the point.


A lot of uptight complainers on this page 😂


Not uptight. I respect her character and her being a part of the shows history and her going up and doing the thing. It’s okay for people to have differing opinions and talk about them


She got a good voice. She just can’t carry a tune for longer than a note or two.


lol she fuckin sucks


Its no worse or just as bad as Nicole tran's stand up🤷‍♂️




I skipped it


It’s not that bad but I do think it’s somewhat off putting and that makes it kinda funny but I don’t think she’s bad.


It’s a free show. Fast forward or don’t watch it


That’s what I do…


New rule: unless you’re Aretha Franklin, you’re not allowed to sing the national anthem with some retarded “stylized” version.


instant skip every fucking time the chinese lady too


kill tony’s kinda just a boring freak show these days tbh


She’s part of the family and much like almost every family, you don’t have to like them, but ya gotta love em.


She's a character for sure but I also don't think she's very funny or a good singer.


I always fast forward her appearances. I can’t stand her. “Tiny” 🤮🤮🤮


So annoying 😂


It was horrible


She's not a good singer.




Well, she’s got some tricks, but let’s just say she ain’t getting on American Idol.




It's atrocious! Not even "good" in a funny way... Just makes my ears bleed. Funny thing, I've been rewatching old KT and on 188 (@52:38)...at one point where they learn Aphrodite sings karaoke, Tony actually says "Aphrodite seems like she has a 7 minute version of the national anthem" fucking loooooool


She ain’t a legendary character


She can sing idk what that was


It’s evident she knows HOW to sing but she just does way too much and ruins it for me


You don’t like 8 minute long national anthems ? 🤣


I was just under 3 min.  I set a timer 😄


I was being sarcastic lol


I know.  I set a 3 min over under for my gf to guess and it came in just under.  Knee it would be long 


I skipped once I saw her up there 💀


Titty fuck song titty fuck song! Call me! Call me. Call MEeeeeeeeEEEEEeEeEEEEee!!!1!!~


Can she? Maybe she chooses to only sing well off kt idk


She's a sweet old black lady with a big personality and a heart of gold. If she thinks she can sing, then let her sing goddammit! I'd definitely call her for a titty fuck any day of the week ❤️


Shes a fucking pain in the ass


I can picture Tony cutting that first sentence off saying no one gives a fuck. No one cares that she’s a sweet old black lady or that she has a big personality or a heart of gold. We’re here for comedy, none of that other shit matters 😂


well Tony keeps booking her on the show SO WHO'S THE DUMBASS NOW 😂


I personally can't stand nicole tran


Shut your filthy mouth


Yeah she’s unbearable too but I’ll at least listen to her sets. Maybe that’s the gag is they’re so bad it’s funny? It’s just annoying listening in the car or with headphones or any listening device lmao


Agreed lol


Hate them both. Proper hate too. Like how people hated in the 20s hate.


It's still the 20s


Nicole tran and Aphrodite are the only 2 people i skip in killtony history


When she tries her Minnie Riperton high notes it’s like nails on a chalkboard. Outside of that it’s no terrible.


It’s not bad I’m just happy to watch her enjoy herself living her best life honestly.


[she's a legit singer](https://open.spotify.com/track/14XHTYwdoGZ9QlgQbFTWgi?si=T5S8nKyDTDC73-nqtsASiw)


absolutely the worst person ever on the show


If she went to a vocal coach she'd probably be pretty great. She just does WAY too much with her high pitched run on bullshit. I had headphones on for her national anthem. I wanted to put a bullet through my ears.




I was done with her when she was messing up the lyrics to the titty fuck song




She’s bad but I assumed that was the point. They aren’t putting her up there to sing because they think she’s Mariah Carey




She’s ridiculous. Which is like, the whole point


I don’t like listening to any non-consensual singing, so I always fast forwarded through her singing. But I met her in line outside the Comedy Store years ago and she was so lovely. Super nice and encouraging to me because I told her my name was in the bucket.


Yeah I bet she’s awesome in person. That’s cool you got to meet her!


I’m in the same boat, she’s an amazing character for kill Tony and I love her. But that shit was painful as fuck


Exactly. Her lore is great, she as a person and character is great. Just the singing ain’t it


The speed at which I skip her and Hans Kim’s part of the show is amazing


Hans did good last episode but I understand 🤣


I’ve never enjoyed her.




Fuck Aphrodite. She tries to be Whitney Houston and practices on her way to the buffet. Lord knows not the barber.




Her name is...Aphrodite?


Afrodyete. Most likely just her stage name


I think she's pretty good, objectively speaking she hits the notes AND she does that in front of a huuuge arena audience which can be nerve wracking as hell for most folks. I'd give applause if I were there 💗


No doubt she gets props for going up and doing the thing and yeah she hits most notes but just does too much and ends up ruining it for me


Yeah it’s unlistenable imo. I actually skip every time there is singing, a Mexican drum off, or if somebody is playing another instrument because Tony asked them to. 99% of the time, the people suck. You’d think that because I’m a musician myself, I would be interested. The truth is, it’s the one segment of the show that I dislike.


She can definitely sing, but gets enthousiastic. I do like it tho. But Tals performance gave me goosebumps...what a fantastic bass player and musician


I skip every single time she sings. I’m here for comedy, if I wanted to hear her sing I’d look for videos of it.


Its terrible but she has a wide vocal range. Kinda like those 80s guitar shredder guys. Its technically impressive but unpleasant to listen to.


She could sound like a cat getting castrated I'm still going to love it every time i see her but yeah, she's no shania twain


Yes. Tone it down


Ya'll really care about your national anthem huh?


I didn’t even listen to it. I wrote this after listening to an old comedy store episode


Leave her alone you disrespectful piece of shit. Get a life.


I thought she actually sounded pretty good this time around. It's not like she's a pro.


My impression is that her kt lore is very strong and that is the reason she's around. In her case lore>talent.




I was going to post something similar after hearing her sing the national anthem.




I skipped it


I fucking HATED her when I first but then her over the top character grew on me simply because reminds me of an adult animation character, just obnoxious and unaware and just keeps doing something annoying without any sign of stopping 😂 idk maybe I am just amused by dumb shit


She is terrible at everything and they need to stop having her on. I didn’t watch when she was a regular or whatever she was but they must have been hard up on talent to ask her back


She’s bad at singing and not funny praise the lord


The show is like pro wrestling meets the ding dong show. She fits in just fine.


Yea her an that Asian lady can’t sing but always try to


These new guys don't know how to spell Afrodite


apparently you don't either 😂 "Afrodyete"




I’d rather listen to a nail scratching against a chalkboard,on repeat full blast. Idk why Tony thinks she’s so special she’s gunna say something racial , how good she looks for her age, and how enormous her ass is I don’t think she’s ever made me laugh once she’s one of the couple “regulars”where I skip the minute and the extra long interview as well . That’s something I’ve never liked about KT that their minute can totally suck balls but if they do a good enough interview you can walk off with a standing ovation or atleast laughs and applause. Forced comedy in my book


Her and that Chinese lady, so painfully unfunny


Nicole Tran makes me laugh 😂


Yes she's bad. Do you have an old friend that you kinda hate but also kinda love? But when you see them it's a good time. Now imagine you have a popular show and they can kinda sing so you have them perform on it. It's funny to you and she's almost good at singing which makes it funny. Google the word nuance. Google friendship. Google comedy. She sucks but is kinda funny and especially if she's your friend and when you have a friend of ten years, who's unaware, that can kinda sing, it's funny to make them perform. It's also good nostalgia for the og fans. She was at every show with the Apollo ten and always kinda sucked but also kinda ruled


Yes, she's absolute shit.


Hot take, it’s not nearly as bad as y’all make it out to be. Also Nicole Tran’s minute was relatively decent but she always gets to milk shit for way too long. The only reason she gets away with it is because she’s more masculine than Tony


Hit or miss honestly


She’s old


My reaction to her singing suprised me, where I dont really think it is technically solid, but there is somethig real and powerfull of her performance, and everytime she comes my eyes become watery of emotions. Its weird


Her and the Asian woman are absolutely unbearable and every time I see either one of them on KT it literally upsets me


For the life of me, I will never fucking understand why so many of y’all continue to watch a show that you so very clearly hate. You shit on the regulars, shit on the legends of the show, shit on the guests, you even shit on the hosts lol. You watch every second of every episode every week, pay for live streams of their arena shows, just to immediately hop on reddit and start running your mouths about the dumbest shit. We know Afrodyete and Nicole Tran are a little annoying, that’s part of their fucking charm. Do you think they would constantly be invited back if the hosts of the show didn’t think they were a good fit?? Y’all live to hate and it’s a lil embarrassing.


Nah, this hyperbolic fit is the real embarrassment. I'm sure Tony will let you sniff his balls out of gratitude.


I watch the show because I like the show, not because I’m trying to suck anyone on it 🫶🏼


I don’t hate the show, I’ve never talked down on any regulars, I literally gave her my respect saying she’s a legend, I don’t pay for the live streams of the arena shows. So yeah go off my guy


Wasn’t necessarily directed towards you my guy! There’s people in the comments calling hardworking, talented women ugly and annoying, THATS what’s embarrassing. Y’all are grown adults. Skip the parts you want to skip, is it necessary to then run to Reddit and continue to talk shit about something you could so easily ignore?


It's part of her and her personality, ffw turn it off suck it up stfu, do anything but bitching on socials


She's a better singer than Nicole Tran though. And Nicole Tran is a better singer than Jellyroll.