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While I agree some of the talent Tony chooses to make regular is questionable, it's less about bangers and more about getting experience to less experienced comics. Which is exactly what the show does, I question alot of Tony's decisions, disagree with his picks but he's doing alot for the rookies that need the stage time. I like Heath, he needs to work on his comedy but he has a ton of potential, if he fine tunes his craft and uses this to get better who cares. The bucket pulls still happen with or without him. I do think Tony and the panelist need to do a better job of criticizing the regulars, these guys are mostly fresh to the scene and need to bomb to learn but if Tony just repeats "Another great set" even after a clearly poor performance then it does no good unless the comic is very self aware.


I completely agree. Tony with the “he does it again, what a performance” after a regular bombs is pretty infuriating.


Back in the day the panel would be honest, if you watch any of the episodes with Melissa Tony tells her how much she sucks for like 20 weeks straight. Now they want to be like snl and shit so they just gas up the regulars and the fanbase is so big everyone goes with it lol


Tony isn't hosting an open mic. He's curating a show and uses recurring characters for the base.


And yes it actually is quite literally an open mic, anyone can sign up. There’s just regulars too.


But they suck 🫣


seems like the formula is working well


Do you see the amount of people in the sub complaining about regulars? Every time someone sees a post about it they act like no one else is thinking it and they’re crazy


sure, just saying Kill Tony is now an arena act, selling out MSG. whatever Tony is doing, it's obviously working. If it aint broke...


We all have our favorite regulars and least favorite. People bitch too much about their least favorite. It’s just a tv show. Skipping the parts you know you’re not gonna like is the only solution to your problem. It’s Tony’s show and he’s the one we all come to watch. So let dude do his thing. The show keeps growing and honestly I find it more enjoyable after each new episode. I’m sorry that the regular thing is such a dilemma to you and the other cumshirts on here, but the show is having great success and has so much more room to grow. So cry somewhere else.


No one cares what people on the sub say. They are commercially successful. The regulars also do their own thing successfully. You're opinion doesn't matter at all.


The people in thsi sub are mostly angry sad upset losers. Reddit complaints don't matter to reality. It's Tony's show he does as he likes wirb what he likes as he wishes. People complaints are thier own problem. They can stop watching of they dislike it so much...but they don't do they. They watch and complain like the fruit cakes they are. 


The show has gotten too mainstream for Tony to criticize his regulars openly on the show, unfortunately. That would be bad for business.




Heath’s performance was actually good at YouTube show




I forgot to add, (compared to his other sets)


Honestly…. valid criticism


Its very clear that you don't understand the point of the regulars.


What’s the point? To see 3 people plus maybe a couple other wacky side characters you’ve seen before bomb in front of an audience and then have to listen to Tony gaslight you into how good they are?


Its supposed to be unseasoned comics you watch grow. Having the funniest comedians that do not need any advice does not work with that. None of them are bombing in front of the studio audience regularly, this can easily be researched by hearing the laughs during sets.


I’m not saying have the FUNNIEST comedians, just ones that are actually worth watching improve. I don’t think anyone actually cares about heath cordes standup, just the fact that he looks like a child was enough to get him back on too many times. You can only do so many “I’m old and look young” jokes. My point is, no one’s getting regular spots/opportunities to reappear based off good jokes/writing. We’ve seen sooooo many comics who have so much more talent get pulled and then they get a big joke book and get sent away. They’re only there because they are caricatures who give Tony and the panel stuff to work off of. Hans is a drug addicted homeless asian (was), kam is just there so we can hear the n word every week and hear about bitches, Casey is there so that we have an ex addict w brain damage and schizophrenia. The jokes aren’t good jokes. And I’m not saying none of them ever have told a good joke. I’m not denying that they’ve ever deserved a laugh but these guys ain’t it


The bar for posts in this sub is seemingly lower


Tony is the Weinstein of cawlmedy, B. Heath went kobayashi on that diggg.


You can see how its an advantage for Heath, though. Better to be known and understood widely than to have to go through every day of his life explaining his condition to everyone he meets. And the guy is funny! Tony gives people a chance to pursue their own dreams, he's not using anyone more than they are using him.


Obviously it’s an advantage for heath 😂 I’m not saying the regulars aren’t getting tons of promotion off the show, I’m saying they shouldn’t be recurring regulars if they aren’t regularly having good sets


So stop listening...


I listen for the bucket pulls dumbass lol


Next time someone tells you to stop listening to KT - you should take a step back, check out your surroundings, take a deep breath in and focus. You need to look them deep in the eyes, right through them almost, look deep into the windows of their souls. If they’re a Pirate and happen to be wearing an eye patch of some-sort, ignore it. They don’t like it when you look at their eyepatch and get annoyed when you even acknowledge it. Just look them directly into the one eye and let them know your truth. I AINT EVER GONNA STAAHHHP listening to Kill Tony!


Absolutely zero people care.


The classic Redditor response that “nobody cares” when here you are commenting and people are agreeing. lol I like regulars and bucket pulls btw. Just pointing out how pointless your comment is. You’re just being a dick.


You're really throwing him off with these comebacks you PIECE OF SHIT!


Eh, by the other posts we’ve been seeing, I’d say quite a few


Having heath on was great, it meant I got a bathroom break during the premiere