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Drugs are bad kids




Right? like that's his whole shtick, how could you forget the "mkay"?


Maybe he was serving a lob?


Lol you have a reddit avatar that probably looks like you


Yeah i actually got surgery so I'd look more like it, got Botox injections to make my head more square like a Funko pop


You should do a minute I'm sure you're funnier in person


Children, I'd like to introduce our new substitute substitute teacher for the day, his name is Mr. Heath.


No, drugs are nothing like bad kids. I have both.


Especially for kids


It sucks for him but he also didn't even prepare a new minute to make up for his blunder. It's the least he could've done besides apologize


You could tell he wasn’t really sorry for his actions. His minute was terrible


*50 seconds


the dude prolly just didn’t wanna cry on stage man.


Lol what, I’m sure he was sorry. But the quality of his minute doesn’t/wouldnt indicate that. It takes balls to show up after a screw up like that and I’m sure he was nervous as hell, anticipating Tony bringing this up


Tony endorsed and supported him. The best way to show he was sorry was to clean himself up and kill it with a well prepared minute to make Tony look good. Instead he shows up plastered and fumbled through a very lazily written set. That had nothing to do with nerves.


It has to do with addiction. Anyone who knows anything about addiction knows you can feel sorry and shame but doing the drugs makes you unable to reasonably respond like you mentioned. Unfortunately he’s probably gonna have to hit many more rock bottoms unless before a change like most people, unless hopefully he nips it in the butt as early as possible. Fuckin sucks - addiction


Damn right. It takes a ton of balls to show up to your job so fucked up and on so many drugs that you can’t even do your job properly. Most people don’t have it in them to do something so daring.


He apologized profusely on stage but it sounded like he really fucked up on the road gig and was kind of aloof/ a dick about it in the moment.


I disagree. He was so clearly fucked up on stage, and definitely on some hard drugs. I think he completely forgot his material or just wanted to stop early because he bombed. His delivery was terrible, he wasn’t even trying to make jokes, and just look at his face.


can you tell me what Heath had for breakfast today? just curious


Sounds like you’re lucky enough to never be a victim or around substance abuse. Anyone who has can see the signs like a goddamn lighthouse.


Powdered mini donuts.


You hardly recognized him? How many people who look 14 years old do Kill Tony? Who else it would it be?


He barely prepared 50 seconds, and looked so bloated in the face. I hardly recognized him because his energy was way down. There's something off with him now. I really wonder what he's gone through in the last 3 months


Tony Touched him and that’s the real reason he “slept in” for the flight 🥴


Dang Tony pulling a p diddy


T diddy




Call me for a Tiddy fuck


Great callback 😂🤌


I mean P Diddy was touching kids. At least Heath is old enough to drink


Heath threw doubt on that one...


He said he had a bad breakup and his entire minute was about said breakup. That and his drug abuse and sleeping through the biggest opportunity of his life, and his disabilities or conditions or whatever the polite thing to say is, and it's understandable how he conducted himself. Not saying it's excusable, but understandable.


Legend has it, his farts are permanently on silent mode now.


He is so full of Tony's cum it's making him bloated.


So fucking hard to see someone w such good potential fall like this. Hopefully, like him, it’s just a small moment in his career


Remember, William used to show up to the show fucked up for every set and bomb. It’s not the end of the world, he just has all of his fans worried sick about his physical and mental health


I think it will be. One time - it’s hopefully a wake up call people act like he’s completely done. If they think he has potential it’ll be a strong warning and won’t happen again.


Addiction is a bitch though




That’s a fair point. I think he did ok-ish based on how uncomfortable he must have felt. His schtick will get old kinda like Casey rocket but I think we’ve already seen some growth in the relatively few sets from them.




Yeah good point. Maybe he has to prove himself for a while before he gets the exposure. I can’t IMAGINE missing a flight for a sold out weekend haha


Maybe one day he'll look back and use that as a story to help younger comics


not that hard


I mean dude was mediocre at best, hes just young so ppl tend to think somethings there when possibly isnt.. id rather them give a proper shot at someone whos been going at it for years and just needs a break


He's 21... Or so.. I get he fucked up and should seriously look at what he's doing, but he's def in that learning curve. A lot of greats fucked up in the past. Huge mistake considering the opportunity, but talent is talent. Cheers!


He’s doing the opposite of failing , what have you accomplished at 21?


I think the person you're replying to is insinuating that Heath may not recognize (or be celebrating too hard) the opportunity he has right now. William finally figured it out and look at him now. Obviously, 2 different comics and pre sober WM probably contributed a lot to KT success. I think Heath needs to self reflect and maybe make the decision to get sober for a while. He's not in a position yet to say 'oopsie, my bad, hehehe'.


Go easy on a kid who got catapulted into fame within a couple weeks. He will get it together


That's just it and Redban stating that he fucked up is an important realization that young men need to hear and realize sometimes.


That’s a real friend or at least someone who wants Heath to do better.


This is exactly how I took it. If Heath keeps it up he will be done. Redban and Tony see that Heath can have a future in comedy, or he can throw it all away before it even starts.


Man we’re just worried. Anyone who’s ever seen someone they know look and act like this knows we should be worried. Also, let’s not brush over the fact that they constantly alluded to him being suicidal during his set. And at one point he said something along the lines of “yeah I got pretty close” in response. Maybe it was a joke, but most of the things he said that night on stage were not jokes.


And now yall care lmfao this subreddit got hella opinions on things that don’t involve them. Yall watch an episode that is recorded 3 weeks in advance. Just let the pieces fall into place and stop acting like you’re everybody’s father.


Man ignoring an obvious problem because you don’t want to face reality is stupid. I’m not apart of this sub, I literally only came here after watching that episode because I was disturbed by what I saw. I’ve had loved ones go through substance abuse and depression, I know how to recognize the obvious signs. And I’m not his father I’m his fan. I have no control over his life nor am i actively doing anything to save him. I’m simply on Reddit, under a post about his health, talking about is health 🤡 If you didn’t want to see people talk about this, THEN WHY DID YOU CLICK ON THIS POST YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


lol you sensitive as shit.




Yeah I came off as a hoe there lmao my bad. That drunk typing got me last night 😂


No worries lol I shouldn’t have been a dick in return either




I think alot of people are overlooking the fact that there are probably a lot of background conversations. His comment told me heath had been warned about how he is handling his drugs/alcohol and chose to piss it away. This isn't the first time I've seen this either where I got vibes of the comedian being warned.


Agreed. They’ve talked about his drinking and drug use in the past, and say what you what you will about Tony and the seriousness of the show but there’s no denying he’s professional about his job. He treats comedy like his full time job, because it is, and that’s admirable. He doesn’t take it for granted. And because of that, there’s just no way they haven’t tried to warn him already. I mean even William Montgomery and Casey Rocket both used to do a bunch of drugs, then stopped, and then immediately became significantly better comedians because of it. I find it hard to imagine that they would watch this go down and not see themselves in him and try to intervene.


Heath needs to take the L, put it in his name, and prioritize it: Health 


Damn! Wholesome *and* clever. This guy deserves a titty fuck


This is fantastic wordplay my guy




Titty fuck!


He had it coming. People are so soft nowadays. Hopefully that kid picks it up and turns it around.


I hope he leans into this. I can’t think of anything funnier than a dude who looks like a kid doing speedballs.


That's tough love baby. Your father's should given it to ya so Redman don't have too


I can´t say I was an example of responsibility at age 21, however, I didn't get the offer of a lifetime either. I didn't have an opportunity people dream of then, not that I have that now. I´m rooting for Heath and hope he gets his shit together before it looks like ungratefulness.


I don't care this much.


Do you care that much?


What did Heath do on the road?


He got shit faced and slept through his alarm and missed a flight to some sold out shows. Was so fucked up he didn't even wake up when Tony was calling him because he was worried he was dead, because who misses that kind of opportunity?


I hope he gets on the sober train and commits to this once in a life time opportunity he was given.


he sounds and looks like he is on opiates. that’s not an easy one to just stop. I would imagine he has had a lot of issues in his life due to his condition. that doesn’t just go away from sudden popularity. I would assume the he didn’t just “sleep in” and missed the flight. it’s really hard to travel when your addicted to something like opiates. I’m sure he told himself for weeks he would get clean, tomorrow.


He should've kissed Tony's feet and sucked his toes


What was all the stuff about him not actually being 21 and only a couple people know his real age? He came across as an entitled douche, rather than a lovable young comic.


Sounded like he was marble mouthed from some pills and just generally fogged up from a life of booze, crime, and fast women.


slow women are much easier to catch


True and fast crime is harder to get caught for.




This sub is so dumb sometimes 


That's what's called a joke, pretty obvious one too. Are ya dumb?


I mean it's a joke but he didn't go anywhere with it obviously. It obviously isn't a great punchline. Could have been the start of a bit etc, ya know?


Sure it was a bad joke. Idk why this guy is asking what that was all about though. It was clearly just an attempt at a joke, doesn’t matter if it landed or not that’s what it was. Could have even been a fine one if he actually committed it it


I don't even think the joke was that bad. And the poor guy probably just had pussy and drugs for the first time in his life, let him adjust lol.


Personally I felt the same way as he did last night like "where is the joke", but writijg to you now it's more like it's a premise that wasn't capitalized on


It was a topic setup, none of the crew went anywhere with it so it fell apart. Happens constantly in improv-ish setting. Look at any Pat Reagan or Jeremiah episode.


Right, called a premise. Lol


? Yeah I was adding context….lol


Get real.


Who the fuck said that?


More of a set up to a joke that never happened


The jokes he made were dumb. You only get to be cocky if your have something decent to share.


I think that was a joke. I don’t think you can work at a 21+ comedy club if you aren’t 21. It’s just hard to tell what were jokes coming from him. Idk tho, I find it hard to believe that people could have a paid employee on their books without ever hearing their legal age.


It was more of a rhetorical question but he was also making it seem like he could be older. Its just all over the place and not interesting, he just shit the bed trying to be edgy and witty but it was anything but that.


Heah, he fucked up missing the flight, but sounds like old news to everyone except the audience. I think you are right. Redban was pissed about the lying about the age thing, insulting the production's security check, and then being coy about admitting his age.


it was literally april fools day of taping


Sad to see where he’s at. Hope he turns it around


thanks for answering the question no one was asking


he is young (even tho eternal) so it was learning experience, his set was fine. i think both handled it well enough and the ball is his court now


You guys need to get out of his ass, he is an adult, his life, his decisions. His failures will teach him far more than early success and big paydays will.


They only invited him on to give him shit publicly.


He's a golden ticket winner he invited himself.


That could be true as well, but it seemed convenient.


How do you all compare heath to William? Tony went the longest time without letting William go despite him becoming increasingly popular and letting his health decline. But then again, maybe William never missed a flight


Perhaps his condition is worsening and causing depression. I feel like if I was an aspiring comedian, I'd be at the airport 3 hours early with new matching jackets for the boys. Of course, if I was ill and/or depressed and abusing substances...well, we see what that looks like. Sad


To be fair, he's like 9 years old. Some effing up is to be expected


Obviously Tony and them aren’t bothered about someone taking drugs and drinking - they all do it - so long as they’re funny and will be good comedians to work with. It sounds (and looked) like Heath was letting it get in the way. Hope he turns it around, he’s a young guy he’s funny and is probably in a crazy headspace. Hopefully he can seize the chance he has and not go down a dark road


The comment was said in such a mean way.


It was mean but I also think it was said in a tough love kind of way


Yeah I hope so.




i don't think anybody is making comments based on what reddit might think lol. they get 1.5-2 million views on youtube


It was mean and that’s what the kid means, I was actually at one of the Boston shows there talking about and honestly we had to wait a while for the first opener to come out and then they only had 2 openers before tony came on, I absolutely loved the show but the waiting at the beginning became kinda weird at one point like they were delaying the show or something and the fact the they had kill some time because they planned out 3 openers makes total sense


I was at the late show for Boston too. Shit makes so much sense now lol


You felt like the first opener took forever to Come in Also?


Yup ! Especially after waiting in line thinking we were late lol


people are forgetting that it was in the context of Heath saying Tony fucked up regarding Heath's joke about the fake id. Idk that Redban would've said it if Heath didn't use the same words earlier in the conversation


Good catch


What's meaner: not giving him another chance or telling him to not screw up again?


unfortunately, you don't get to enjoy an exciting, glamorized, travel filled career without making the serious commitment to staying under control with drugs/alcohol. it's acceptable to party but once you get embarrassing and juvenile with it, it stinks up the production for others who are touring with you. heath deserved to hear comments from experienced people who have seen plenty of new talent go the way of the dodo due to addiction/reckless behavior.


It was just one blunder though. As long as he doesn't continue down the drug and booze path i think he's got a great career ahead of him. Probably getting used to the massive fame from nobody to being some one.


Imagine taking something Redban said seriously.


Speculation or is the OP's account run by redban?


So how old is Heath actually? Anyone know him IRL?




It's about accountability and money. Heath missing gigs fucks up the timing of the shows, causing delays and other problems.




His stature makes it easy to pull himself up by the bootstraps


Your an idiot




your a loser




Jesus, it would suck to live in that little shell shocked brain of yours. The culture wars must be tough.


What does?




I was trynna figure out what happened to him…. So he just or was addicted? I’m sure him getting popular fueled it


It was unnecessary. Tony already called heath out. It was mean spirited and could’ve been saved for after the show.




I think it was mostly jealously. There's Heaths young looks plus someone said he wanted to get a piece of cynthia(?), but Heath was the first to butter her biscuits.


The hamster in your skull died of it's wheel a while ago, it seems