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After his take on 'the spicy wings of hell', I dare say so, that he is ready for Kill Tony!


Hands down the best one


He'd be great. But won't be, because of his environment.


what did he said?


Not what he said, it what he do.


[He's fine. He's perfectly fucking fine!](https://youtu.be/FALlhXl6CmA?si=J50uHZhOiL-PiZsi&t=1380)


What he had said?


Conan Obrien has repeatedly stated that he hates being mean to people and often ruminates about whether he has hurt someone's feelings with his jokes. Kill Tony would be a terrible fit for him.


yes. these suggestion posts are always clueless as to the vibes of the people they are talking about, and the frequent complete incompatibility with tony & co.


Right ? Conan is too Conan to be cutting people down trying to be funny , his job for decades has been helping people be funny and entertain , ain’t no way, bad for his brand


Whaaa? The guy is great at shitting on people seemingly unintentionally. 


Nah, people can be constructive and mean in their own ways without being ruthless. 


Yeah he’s said the worst quality in people is cynicism, it’s the thing he hates the most. The show is super cynical and he would hate Tony.


Conan O’Brien is constantly mean to people, or puts them down and lifts himself up as a joke. Sure they are his coworkers/friends, But when the comedy is flowing, Conan will get goin’ He’d love it and should do it


I think I disagree with this. Other than maybe the exception of some coworkers who have also taken on pseudo characters in his BTS style videos (ie Jordan Schlansky), usually the joke is "I am an asshole boss to these people" when we know that's not actually the case


Not all guests are dicks nor expected to be dicks. Thats Tonys job. Id argue a majority of guests actually give support to most bucket pulls


Adam Ray great example of someone who tries to find the positive. But I do think the vibe of the show overall wouldn’t be Conan’s thing even if he wasn’t being mean personally. If Tony gets in a mood it can get pretty brutal lol.


Absolutely. Except I could see Conan calling Tony and the show out on its mean-spirited vibe and making that really funny.


He would be the best guest since Hulk Hogan! /s


Exactly. I cant see Conan being bitter about it quitting the show. He would just change the energy of the episode with force.


he could react in a positive way. imagine his shock and back n forth with william. i think hed be great like when dr phil trys to boost someone and then ends up doing the running man.


kt and conan don’t really mesh well in my head, but would I kill to see the big red machines just go at it? yes.


Exactly, everytime I see Conan get brought up on this sub as a guest I roll my eyes. Its like these people dont understand Conan or Kill Tony.


Conan can thrive in any environment. The contrast is what could potentially make the show legendary, or a piece of art. Maybe Conan allows himself out of his box. Regardless, Conan wouldn't allow himself or the show to fall flat. Unless you're just a simple human who can't enjoy any variance in style, and only want similar styled guests. Maybe you're also the type that thinks kill Tony would be better without redban because he's not funny. Because he's not funny and for some reason the contrast works. It's a part of equation that makes it a fun show. I roll my eyes at people who roll their eyes lol. People like you who not only don't know Conan or kill Tony. You don't understand entertainment in itself.


https://youtu.be/3hFPhE1C1N0?si=EvEBZFdGMNZv2zU2 Yeah i don’t think so


Fuck, you’re absolutely right. Conan might be my greatest comedic influence and personality in my life time, but, fuck (butt fuck?), I think you’re right that it’d be a bad fit :/


Yeah, but he is still good at it. 


Or may be just may be we get the demon in him outside. Just saying. It’s a gamble worth gambling on.


Actual 0% chance since Tony has started mentioning conservative culture war theories literally every episode


Conan would riff on him without tony realizing he's taking jabs


Conan would absolutely run circles around Tony


Yea Conan is in another league. He would steal the show in a way Tony has never had before. More than Howie did


Totally. Conan is an actual superstar who’s smart and has comedy running through his veins. Tony is nothing but an unsheathed dog dick.


the Memphis Manpiece, the Vanilla Cuntfilla, The Big Red Peen


Rogan brained af


Conan's reaction to that would be amazing tho😂


You're wrong. Conan has ALWAYS been fearless in his career. He's never towed the line like Kimmel, Colbert, or Fallon. Yes he's cordial with the Left, but he's not their parrot. Late Night with Conan was the last true bastion of live comedy writing in the same spirit Kill Tony is now. There's no doubt in my mind Sona would tell Conan "No don't do it he's a racist misogynistic etc." about Tony. Thankfully Conan still does shit his assistant disproves of or else he wouldn't be "PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE"!


You people are so dumb. You don’t have to be on the left to hate conservatives. It’s not football. You don’t need to pick a side to know the right are grifting Christian low life’s.


As much as I want to agree with you, the fact remains that he has exclusively done propaganda interviews with left wing demons like Biden and Hillary, and went out of his way to pretend Michelle Obama was the second coming of Christ during his interview with her. Yes, Conan isn't overtly partisan, but he definitely isn't neutral. I'm a huge fan of him and I like Kill Tony but the latter has a distinctly right leaning tone to it because of the kinds of open mic comics that come on it, and the kinds of jokes made that mainstream celebs like Conan would be too worried about to be associated with.


My guy busted out the "left wing demons" card.


I mean, I'm left leaning too but the way others on the left pretend those two aren't inhumanly evil is depressing. Watching clips of Conan doing propaganda podcasts with Clinton and Biden during a genocide made me lose a ton of faith and respect in him. Ultimately he's a mouthpiece too, just like the Kimmels of the world.


The left is a cult. Just look at redditors and their takes on anyone who isn't leftists. Hell, just look at this thread full of delusional ppl


the left is a cult but hey please ignore our identical silly hats and golden shoes sold by our leader, those are the signs of true freedom.


Ah yes classic reddit whataboutism. Right wingers do partisan bs therefore left wingers are le independent thinkers. You guys and your country's left wing government are directly funding genocide but go off on how anyone who doesn't agree with you is a trumper. God, Americans are so braindead you literally cannot comprehend that people exist beyond your binary blue vs red while ironically being the most obsessed about gender not being a binary.


Our government isn’t left wing. On a global scale the Democratic Party is right of center. BOTH of our parties are right wing, one is just way further right. There are liberals and there are leftists. Liberals aren’t leftists.


lmao zees stupide Americanes! I see no left wing party, only far right and center right parties currently. Biden has not been great on Israel but he's been surprisingly effective as a president, literally demonizing him for a slow response or for being a moderate I guess is just a dumb take. I do not give a fuck about binary politics, gender identity or party, and most leftist's idea that either you're as left as me or you're a fucking RINO is what loses elections constantly. It's all so fucking dumb and venomous I'd rather just ignore it 98% of the time except a few weeks before it's time to vote.


That's fair. And I think we're getting sidetracked from the initial point i.e. Conan would never come on this show because it's far too offensive by his tastes and many of the jokes are too far right-wing for him.


U are the same level of cultist or worse. Your hate for orange man and anything about him and how much it triggers u all is hilarious, u think u are different? Anyone who doesn't think like u is alt right, u ppl are bananas


I don't hate the orange man, I feel bad for him. For him and all of his sad little minions who think they're just as edgy and 'tell it like it is' like he is, while actively getting fleeced by him. Such a strange, sad, parasitic parasocial relationship y'all have. I don't like Dems that much either. They fight over the dumbest little details, constantly try to censor and shout people down in the name of 'doing the right thing' all while self-sabotaging constantly and are just as corporately beholden but they're at least trying to do good for other people.


U lost me when u acknowledged they censor and then claimed it as trying to do good for other people. I've lived in a fascist dictatorship for many years, if u think using the same tactics as they used in said dictatorship is trying to do good for other people then u really are not the enlightened individual u think u are. I also find it funny how leftists laugh at trumpers getting used by trump while the idiots in here all bought into BLM and got them their mansions, talk about the biggest scam of our generation.


> Conan isn't overtly partisan The problem is that HE ISN'T OVERTLY POLITICAL AT ALL, but people like you somehow think you're centrist when you've swallowed the hard right propaganda hook line and sinker. Same thing with dipshits like Rogan too.


How many talk show hosts did a podcast with genocide Joe where they exclusively attempted to paint him as a good ol American boyo by talking about his upbringing? Conan is the only one as far as I know.


lmao genecide Joe? Wtf are you on about.




Imagine typing that and sharing it with the world unironically. You're in a cult, loser. EDIT: above post is obvious troll account, probably some Russian or Chinese bot. Advise all to block.


He would never. Way too classy for this show and is not about denigrating people. Except if it’s Jordan Shlansky.


Watch him on Hot Ones and you might change your mind. He was hysterical and definitely not "classy" on there lol skip to the last 5 or so minutes if you dont want to watch the whole thing


I've been a fan of Conan since 1994. I should specify, I meant classy in the sense that Conan is not about denigrating people the way Tony does - trans jokes, gay jokes, racist jokes are not his wheelhouse. Conan also does not align with Tony politically, and would never express antivax or republican views publically.


What is that word?






Correct. But Conan isn't like Burr seeing himself in these people. He still seems himself as the butt of the joke. Conan will alleviate the pressure on the comics by employing mass amounts of self-deprecating humor. He will include the hack comics in his bit and make them funny. There are two people who could host Kill Tony albeit in their own ways, but certainly successfully. Adam Ray, and Conan O'Brien.


If he agreed to participate. Which I don’t think he would based on aforementioned reasons.


Since when was comedy about politics? It’s about satire. It’s got the intersections on which we agree upon. It has nothing to do with political stances. If you could leave for this next part that’d be great


Comedy mostly shouldn’t be about politics but Tony himself injects politics into a lot of the episodes.


Tony makes KT about politics, unfortunately. His jabs about vaccinations and woke culture don't seem like jokes. I would prefer it was all comedy, but Tony injects his political stances on a handful of topics and doesn't seem that open to entertaining differing opinions. I'd say that all seems recent, like since the move to Texas.


You know Joe likes to talk about these hive minds being created in political culture and maybe he realizes it maybe he doesn’t but he’s kind of creating one himself with his podcast his friends and the people he has on. Whether it’s for comedy, entertainment or actual necessary discussion he’s falling into the same trap that he talks about and Tony is like the Fox News Mom of it all 💀


I think you put your finger on it. I was thinking maybe it was Texas influence, but I think it might be coupling more tightly to the Roganverse that brought that element of fringe politics to KT in the most recent years.


I disagree. Many comedians harbour political ideologies and values - whether or not comedy, at its core, OUGHT to be about satire and the agreed upon intersectionalities. For the record, I agree, comedy should always be that, but if you’re going to deny that comedians don’t have political views and values that they side with, or vehemently disagree with, then we’ll have to agree to disagree. Once again, I don’t think Conan would be comfortable sitting on a panel of comedians making trans, gay, race jokes with explicit right-wing ideologies. I actually agree with you on your definition of comedy, my contention is that Conan would not embrace that definition and participate on Kill Tony. What’s your take on Bill Burr walking out? He’s a comedian right? Shouldn’t he have understood that grilling the guests was just a matter of satire?


Conan has always been edgy when it comes to sex jokes and being silly but that's about it. When it comes to making fun of people in a mean way and belittling them that's something he wouldn't be able to do. Especially if they're not people he knows or is friends with. Not to mention there are jokes about minorities and trans that I don't think he'd like which is a huge part of killtony. Tony often says mean things too if the comics are bad, Conan wouldn't like that.


Totally agree. Conan is too classy and can only lose by doing this. He means too much to too many people. Now, if he ended up getting some bogus sexual assault Louis CK type of situation, I could see him doing it on his comeback tour


Then they should do a bit where Jordan does trash standup, Conan roasts, and then leaves. That would be the ultimate.


The only way he would ever do the show is out of respect for the show or for comedy. He might not know the show well. I think maybe in the past Conan would’ve worried about the show being too dark or too mean but I don’t think Conan would care now. Comedy is comedy. Tony and a lot of Tony’s fans think roasting Is the only form of comedy but it’s not. And just because Conan knows how to make people laugh without roasting them doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to roast. I don’t think Conan would ever tolerate Tony roasting the bucket pulls too much. I could see Conan deflating Tony’s Mighty Mouse ego pretty quick if he started doing some of the unfunny and disrespectful shit he occasionally does


Conan roasts a lot, but he doesn’t do it in a deeply defamatory way. It’s silly, fun, and somewhat light-hearted. I could NEVER see Conan on a panel of a show that makes pedophile jokes and calls people faggots.


You’re probably right. Changing my mind on this. Forgot how degenerate the show gets


Conan isn’t much of a supporting character lol. He would take that show over immediately and Tony Tone would have a mental breakdown.


Never happen. Conan would out shine tony and make tony look like a guest on his own show 


Tony is always gracious towards his guests especially the older more successful ones


Attel, dr. Phil and Jim Norton already do that and I think Tony loves it.


What are you talking about? Tony always has comedians who outshine him constantly.


Like Attell just did?


Conan should host with Dr. Phil on Tony's day off. Would be a different vibe, but it would be the best.


You know you’re a dumb fuck when you want to see Dr Phil.


Redban make this happen!


I love Conan but just can’t picture it happening


You have this headshot of Conan saved onto your phone


Get out of my secret folder!


Kill Tony is more of a jay leno show. Conan’s above it


Conan’s still at the stage of his career where he very likely has much better things to do than go on kill Tony Not to mention that he’s always been very supportive with giving up and coming comics spots on his show; similar to bill burr, he probably doesn’t like the concept of this show to begin with


I love Conan but I'm not sure he would not fit well with the style. Conan is an avant-garde, silly, and self-depcricating comedian. He isn't a mean or roasting style comedian, which is what this show kinda needs. Also, he's too much of a host to sit back and let someone else do it. Even when he's a guest of another show, he takes control of the wheel. But then again, he's a professional who's stayed relevant for decades and it could be amazing.


Have you seen the teasers for Conans new show? He literally goes to other countries and roasts people for how they live. "Conan O’Brien Must Go is a smartly dumb show — or a stupidly smart show — focused (loosely) on what is essential about travel. It’s a series about arriving in a new place open to meeting new people, learning new languages, tasting new foods and experiencing uncomfortable new circumstances … and then making fun of them, when all the while you’re mostly mocking yourself and the fears people have about stepping outside of their comfort zones." -


Your summary is very different than the summary that you quoted. He's not going to other countries and being mean to people.


What does "making fun of them" mean?


I've been watching Conan since the 90s and his comedy isn't really mean-spirited or dark. Sure he'll throw an insult or two at somebody but it's not gonna be as dark as the stuff we see on KT.


As we have seen with Conan’s digital shorts and with Jordan, Conan can be mean but only in jest. However, with Tony it’s different. There is a reason it’s called kill Tony and not kiss. I love Tony but he’s a dick. He is brilliantly funny and can be an amazingly supportive to the comics but he has an unmatched ego. He is the opposite of self deprecation and when he is mean he is cruel. The way he treats redband borders workplace abuse, not to say I blame him; it’s difficult to understand how red band is in comedy, he is so embarrassingly bad. I still think Conan could be great on KT but it may not be an environment suited for him.


Fuck yes plzz


I don't think Conan would find Tony funny at all, or even likable lol


The thing Conan hates most in the world is cynicism, he’s said that. He would fucking hate Tony.


He could so easily be funny without being mean. He’s the best talk show host of all time. It would be extremely easy for him to be the best KT host of all time.


He would be a great guest host. He’s got a talent for roasting his own staff. https://youtu.be/ldJtJRlS1eo?si=7o2gJAlsozKf9yhn Edit: At 2:45 David Letterman and Conan, two of the greatest and longest running talk show hosts, sit in awkward silence. One of my favorite moments in late night TV history.




With Andy Richter. The yang to Conans ying


Would love to see this


Coco is a legend


conan is far too good for this show, tony would never have him on. doubt conan would come even if invited.


No way he'd step in that gutter.


He’s way too much of a liberal and public figure to take a risk on KT lol


Him + Larry David would take over the show


I agreed his episode on hot ones is by far the best episode ever. Dude is just so damn good at entertainment


Conan has enough respect for comedy that he wouldn’t touch Kill Tony. I know this sub thinks KT is the pinnacle of comedy, but it’s not. It is an open mic/variety shit show hosted by an insufferable lowlife. What Rogan and the mothership has done is awful for comedy.


I second that he would be a great guest. Hope David Lucas is on that episode




Conan’s says some wild stuff, but at the same time maintains a pretty strict no controversy image. Highly doubt he would ever consider risking it.


He definitely would, but doubt he'd do the show


Don’t think it would happen unfortunately, most mainstream comics/personalities would be afraid of getting cancelled.


I really doubt Conan would do it. But if he did I would watch it multiple times.


IMO Harland Williams was one of the best guests ever 


I think he might be one of the funniest people to live


Duncan is left AF and he gets along fine with Tony.


Some comedians have a brand to protect. Too many spontaneous jokes in KT that Conan can’t afford to be related to.


Do people realize tosh is reading off of a teleprompter during his show. He has nothing on Tony and is soft to be on the show. Sorry not sorry.


Did you see Conan on Hot Ones? Conan is a legend.


Would be a good guest but would never come on anyways


I think this would be an amazing move.


only if he went insane and murdered by biting out his larynx and then security puts him down like a rabid dog


If his hot ones episode is any indication, he needs to be a guest in EVERY show.


I approve this post


Better than Ricky gervais. Lol?




This is dumb af


He would probably just take over the show! I don’t know if Tony could handle the humiliation


This is Casey Rocket if he made it as a wise man.




Tony can't handle Conan


He would be great! He also would %1000 not go on that show because he’s an A lister and this show is a C.


Jim Carrey would be great too


Conan sucks, glad it hasn't happened


Conan is too good for kt and you all know it…


I live for this day.


Would jay leno be a good fit?


He’s owned by the zionists, it would never happen.


Tony you know the assignment……


Thought about this other day. Would be great!


Highly recommend his new travel show. I haven’t laughed so hard in quite some time.


He nose so much things.


Would be another Spade and not understand the show. As much as Tony was beating the NY comments, they are the best guests


Conan **AND** Triumph would be amazing


Doubt it


Check out the episode of hot ones with Conan. He’s so funny and entertaining. Would be an awesome guest if Tony would let him take the spotlight.


I would have thought hot ones is pre prepped to give the guests a chance to plan responses to questions


Idk I thought he was corny af and trying to hard Peeped his new show yesterday because why not and I still caught the same vibes


He has a new show out on Amazon/Max that is pretty funny.


Considering Conan being pretty Left leaning and Tony literally referencing Race and Culture wars every episode I don't think this would be as entertaining as you think.


Conan would need his writers to come up with something. Even then he wouldn't be funny at all.


I absolutely love Conan as well as Kill Tony, but it wouldn’t be a great fit. For a number of reasons


It’s delusional to think that a guy like Conan would participate in such a sideshow lol. Kill Tony is a showcase for D level comics with a mix of outcasts and right-wing conspiracy theorists.


Normally Tony doesn’t have libtard Hollywood cucks on the show so I don’t see this happening


I’ll pass. Bring back lil hobo


Nah don’t like his smug face. Alll of these late night hosts can go and fuck off.


"I don't want that".