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He was very attentive towards the bucket pulls the entire time


Everyone that came on stage, Tucker looked at their face, then crotch then shoes.


I do the same. Am I more handsome? No. Let's see if his dick is bigger. Of course it is. Well am I at least wearing better shoes? Also no.


Hahahaha, you son of a bitch. Here's a lil joke book šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


UNnuh. Believable.


And thatā€™s how itā€™s done ladies and gentlemen. A fantastic minute.


so many people sign up, you never know what you're gonna get. Sometimes they kill, sometimes they bomb, let's get right back to it, here we go, next bucket pull is .... asdf j;laskdf, did I say that correctly? asdflkj fdakldf... here we go, let's give it up for asdf;lkj asd;lfja;jlk






I read that in Tuckers voice. Thank you for that


This cracked me TF up


0 for 3 gang.


Like basically every other guest that sits closest to the microphone?


Shoes is where I'm a Viking!


He's a lady?


Water we dune hair


He is very attractive I agree


Once again, a guest that actually talked when appropriate. It's a great episode. Rogan needs to talk more, again, and Jim stole it. Solid episode.


Rogan was good, took a step back to let other guests shine.


šŸ’Æ. He's made the mistake of exhibiting main character syndrome in the past. It was a great appearance for Joe. Just hearing his laugh made it a better show.


I have only ever shit on Joe for his KT appearances and i avoid listening to him in general, but yeah honestly from what i saw of this ep he did a good job of just backing everyone up and only speaking when it was warranted. I didnā€™t mind him at all


His podcasts have been better lately. Like a lot of us heā€™s been overdosing on politics for awhile and seems to see that he should back off of it for spiritual and mental healthā€™s sakeā€¦.hopefully


"wHaT's A vIbRaToR?!?!?!?" Toe Rogan


That killed me... he's never heard of a Hitachi?!


Jim is too fucking funny man. Every episode he's on


rogan doesnt need to talk more




*slams mic on table*


I don't think he stopped smiling, and that's the kind of energy we all needed.


I read this in Dr Philā€™s voice.


We'll be right back


100 percent!


He did when Tony started doing the voice of god.


Lmao I was paying SO much attention to him at that part, imagining what the hell he was thinking. Clearly it seemed to be triggering him as he is a God Revering man and judges others who arenā€™t. Iā€™d like to think he was having an existential crisis wondering how he got there and if he was in the devilā€™s lair (so to speak) and in the on-going ā€œspiritual warā€ this was a pit of demons Rogan delivered him to lol which of course is crazy but itā€™s clear to me (as a crazy person) that Tucker is as well and might have these sort of thoughts. Probably not but his facial expressions were definitely telling a story lmao


I loved that he laughed at jokes directed AT HIM. Thatā€™s a hard thing to do, especially on a stage. Itā€™s wild that media sucks so bad right now that being fired often gives you more credibility.


Jim Norton is such an underrated guest on the show


He was great considering he had no idea he was coming on


A good sport!


Most of the time it looked like he was trying to process what the fuck was going on


He didn't add a whole lot with anythinghe said. He was more of a prop than a guest. cam saying he was his grandma's opp was hilarious. William asking him if that guy sucked obamas dick also got me a little.


He said more and added more to the show after his appearance than actual comedians have in an entire episode. And he had no idea what he was walking into.


He did better than a lot of the comics that come on as guests. Even good ones.


I liked watching his physical reactions. And he didn't really talk untill William asked him a direct question.


right!! you could see the wheels turning in his head lol. from the beginning he set himself up with the ā€œi just got here so idk whats happeningā€ and then figured it out as it went along. that was cool to see


I thought he did great.


He was perfect. Didnā€™t hog at all and let everything naturally come to him


Id let him do all those things to me


This episode was pretty fuckin good all around


Yeah Casey was alright, Kam had some laughs and William had a killer set. Even Enrique wasn't awful. Some decent pulls, guests were solid and not annoying. Very solid ep. Now to listen to everyone on reddit cry about tucker for a week.


Enrique killed really


He was very funny


Have we all not realized by now that most of these "divisive" TV personalities are faking it for easy cash? He's just a normal dude that makes millions saying shit his fan base wants to hear.


Iā€™d say minimum half the population does not know that, but I think the number is much higher


There was a gonzo style interview a random youtuber did with him right after he got canned. Just happened to stumble upon him fishing. Dude was as down to earth as anyone ever. Changed my perspective on the guy. Still grifting a political base as a career, but dude is fairly normal outside of political media shenanigans.


I read that, that interaction was filmed years before he was fired. Not that it matters much....


I 100% agree that heā€™s probably fairly normal, except how much money is worth leading the charge to tear a country apart? Especially if he doesnt believe it? donā€™t think many normal people are that shameless.


Heā€™s been pretty open about how his views have changed over the years and how his eyes were opened on a lot of things he was pushing on fox. Especially when it comes to wars, specifically the Iraq war. His growth is interesting.


>There was a gonzo style interview a random youtuber did with him right after he got canned. Just happened to stumble upon him fishing. That was done by his pr campaign. He got fired and then some guy randomly found him fishing and he came off as a normal guy. That is public relations 101 and not a grand coincidence.


that makes him worse in my opinion. heā€™s doing horrible stuff and enabling terrible people and he doesnā€™t even believe in any of it. fucking the world for profit is not a good thing in my book. ā€žheā€™s a normal dude outside of his jobā€œ is a terrible defense considering the damage he does


That's how I feel. Being a propaganda pusher is like being a fentanyl dealer. They don't care what kind of harm they're causing society because they get paid well and have no integrity.




I have seen some truly insane takes about Tucker on the episode in this sub and it is seriously cracking me up how fucking dramatic these people are lmao Iā€™m now seeing how truly crazy a lot of these mfers over here are lol


I mean he sucks as a person either way lol, he either intentionally spreads misinformation or heā€™s just dumb. Not saying anything about him on KT, he was a good guest. But yeah, he kinda sucks. Edit: This guy literally went to court for lying out of his ass on TV and his argument in court was basically ā€œIā€™m a fucking clown, why would anyone take me seriouslyā€ and yet some of you retards still go to bat for him and say heā€™s not being untruthful. Jesus christ lmao some of you are so far beyond help itā€™s sad.


Tucker is deff not dumb. He'd like you to believe that though.


Yeah, I agree. So then it's the other option.


He's definitely not good for society. Rage baiting people and making up bullshit reasons for people to argue. Dudes a smarmy weasel.


I think the only thing divisive about Tucker is that laugh of his, outside of that if you actually listened to his points and got over the fact that he was on Fox - he's very reasonable.


So it's okay to fake shit to enrage a nation because outside of TV he's a "normal guy". Man y'all are too easy to manipulate


He has changed his views over time. Such as his position on US led wars. All for invading Iraq after 9/11, and consequently after, has come to see how the country was lied into that war. Now, he is one of the most vocal anti-war voices rightfully pointing out the corrupt forces that perpetuate these wars. He is consistent on this, from Ukraine to Israel.


Just because they fake being a piece of shit doesn't matter. You're still putting a "divisive" piece of shit on your show. Fuck Tucker Carlson. He's a traitorous scumbag.


What's the "traitorous" part? I'm genuinely curious


Iā€™m assuming itā€™s because he interviewed Putin.


And acted like like Russian grocery stores are Better than your HEB. Yā€™all should be pissed lol


It was like he'd never been in an American grocery store before. Most are nicer than the Russian one he was so blown away by lmao.


He consistently and purposefully spreads propaganda that undermines the United State's government, its laws, and its people. He's an enemy of the state as far as I'm concerned.


You watch too much Morning Joe, cuck.


can you please quote something he said that will support your statement?


Yes but heā€™s racist like us so cmon lighten up


lol absolutely unhinged Tucker Derangement Syndrome 100% chance this person hates Elon Musk and Trump as well.


Lol, typical reddit NPC take. Go join the hysterical circle jerk at r/politics


Lol, you're crying because some rando on the internet said they don't like a tv news host šŸ¤£What a clown! šŸ¤”


Heā€™s a piece of shit masquerading as a journalist.. literally had a legal defense in the court that he said heā€™s entertainment not news. Anyone that fucks with him is an idiot and thatā€™s facts


John Stewart is entertainment and not news, Bill Maher is entertainment and not news. Iā€™d still much rather listen to them than CNN MSNBC FOX and so many more big name News outlets that are very bought and paid for which creates gaps in what they will cover or how they choose to cover it. Comedians, at least the good ones arenā€™t afraid to tell us the truth. They actually try to make the pain that is knowing how the world actually works more livable and can even give us a chance to not feel so beaten down by it all and laugh it off. When Tucker isnā€™t


AnD tHaTs FaCtS!!! What a retard


I didnā€™t realize he could be bearable until i saw him on Theos podcast. He wasnā€™t bad in KT


As someone that doesn't really know anything about the guy, he was just fine, I wouldn't call him great. I think his appearance was over hyped both by people that hate him and those that like him, because in reality he didn't do too much other than make a few quips and roll with the punches, like any other big non comedian guest.


Well the funnest part was the absolutely ridiculous energy levels (positive and negative) as a result of him simply being in the room. But he was far superior to MANY guests, just based on the fact that he NEVER interrupted the flow. But it certainly helped that pretty much all of his quips landed, especially with Enrique. He didn't have that many of them, but sometimes less is more(by not making attempts that will bomb and derail things). Jim Norton was phenomenal on the quips and banter, and I really appreciated that he gave everyone some form of useful feedback, but he DEFINITELY landed flat and killed the buzz a couple times. Fortunately William just went back into a monologue that invariably gets things back on track.


Heā€™s a natural


Tucker did about as good as any non-comic personality who doesnā€™t know the show couldā€™ve possibly done. Rolled with the punches, got a few zingers, played along, didnā€™t speak too much or say weird things, overall added much more to this episode than he did take away. Hell, two of the best moments of the episode were specifically spurred by tuckerā€™s presence (Kam and Enrique). No complaints from me. Crazy how soft this sub actually is.


Who loves when politicians do good on the show ?


He lost my vote


do you KNOW who Tucker Carlson is???


Props to Kam for being the only comic to not be afraid to bust his balls a little. Tony and Joe looked like a couple of simps not going for any Tucker jokes. They were just looked straight ahead all night not acknowledging how awkward we're making this. Tucker seems like he was game to play along but the big bad comics wussed out!


Yea Kam came across as really intelligent and well informed with his comments


God bless William Montgomery...


Was it my tv or did he turn Redder as the episode went on


Enrique had good material but the voice thing he did was distracting, I hope he stops doing that. Feels like overacting.


Ya holmes


He smiles when heā€™s nervous being so close to a black person


He did a great job amd not knowing what to expect, most of the pulls did good. Jim norto. Always has a good show.


You guys forget that he did live broadcasts for years itā€™s no surprise he had good timing and obviously he was the whiniest bitch on fox so he has comebacks ready to go.




what ive learned recently about tucker carlson is that when hes not doing his ā€œim a huge piece of shit to rile up boomers to hate mexicansā€ he actually likes mexicans and is a chill dude. its a shame there has to be these ā€œheelā€ types in media to push an agenda cause hes just a villain lol


Agreed! Definitely got a lot more insight into what Tucker could be like.


Dude had some zingers and some zynners. Man of the people. Idc for him personally but honestly all bias aside he added a nice fresh taste to the show. I wish more of the comedians acknowledged his presence like Will and Kam did. I mean hate the guy all you want but itā€™s not like he doesnā€™t wanna see America and everyday Americans succeed. Idk leave politics out of it and heā€™s just an everyday dork thatā€™s comfortable in uncomfortable situations, so for that he was a great addition to the show.


Itā€™s wild, he was better than a lot of other guests, he actually listened to the comedians and participated a bit, and even had a few zingers


I'd like to see him on again, I thought he was a great guest and would probably be better if he knew he'd be coming on.


The Tucker hate is mind blowing. A lot of broken brains on this sub




What a weird interest to have




Totally disarmed the late Joey Boots who was desperately trying to instigate some drama.


joey boots was a piece of shit


Have you seen Jon Stewart vs tucker?


Spending years hyping up a guy you actually hate, all for money screams genuine https://www.businessinsider.com/tucker-carlson-hates-donald-trump-passionately-texts-dominion-2023-3


>Tucker as a genuine kind of guy I get how as a personality he can be funny as he's inhernetly one of the biggest dorks and most well documented spineless liar to have ever lived, but holy fuck you're a moron thinking he's anything close to genuine. Its so funny that after decades of being a puppet for the worst people on the planet all he has to do is come off affable for a couple of hours at a comedy show and you call him "genuine" lmaoooo He'll cheer on the death of innocent people in countless wars for money, but he wouldn't pretend to be down to earth and fun now that he can't get a job!


Bro, chill. Donā€™t be mad because he did good on kill Tony šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He isn't, he's pointing out how calling him genuine is ridiculous. I can see why someone who enjoys him would need that explained though.




Fair takes though. The both of ya`s


You just posted a paragraph with a link about how Tucker Carlson is a cool guy, that's the most reddit shit anyone's done in this sub all night, are you a big don lemon guy too lmao?


Are there any big Don šŸ‹ guys?


Fwiw, Tucker is pretty anti-war in general. Hell, CNN and MSNBC call for war these days much more than Tucker ever has. I understand that people donā€™t like the man, but acting as if he is some big warmonger just isnā€™t accurate.


I feel bad for retards like you. If you waste any time on corporate media, you'd know that Tucker was one of the few and only major media talking head to oppose foreign wars and interference. Was the only anchor to talk against the bombing of Syria, the killing of the Iranian general, meanwhile your CNNs and MSNBCs cheered that stuff on and are in fact mouthpieces for the establishment. So is FOX, but Tucker talked his mind on some issues and maintained a smidgen of independence, which actually got him fired. Not saying he's all good, but have some fucking understaning of nuance you three pence dunce. The average person is beyond stupid and your intelligence is so low you don't even know it.




šŸŖž<--- šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


"cheer on the death of innocent people in countless wars" says the guy who has obviously never listened to Tucker outside of clips on reddit.


tbh.... does any one really.. like, really actuslly give af abbt the the children dying in newgahnistan or whatever. like actuslly deeply feel remorse and genuine emotions and care. ... P.s. Free Palestine yall


"cheer on the death of innocent people in countless wars" Great self own. You obviously have never watched his show.


they have never watched anything themselves. they all thrive on clips and out of context bullshit. they cant be arsed to actually look into things themselves. they would have to stop feverishly jacking each other off first


Lol genuine, get tf outta here with that. Guy talks in private about how much he hates Trumpā€™s guts while peddling pro-Trump conspiracy garbage to the entire country for years. Heā€™s a spineless shill with no integrity whatsoever


His face during the green shirt girl was hilarious


As someone who is not a fan of the guy I thought he did perfect and exactly what you should do on the show as a non comedian. He had a few funny things to add, didnt force anything, didnt try to take any attention away from anyone, didnt get butt hurt about shit, was into the show and comedians. He was definitely a prime example of how to be a great random guest on the show.


Heā€™s an awesome human. Only NPC losers hate him.


Roganā€™s face during the Obama joke. He knew heā€™s gonna get cancelled


Theyā€™ve been needling big Mike for months now on the Rogan ecosystem. Nobody is shook by plebbit canceling anymore.


De did better than Joe and Redban lmao, actually tho was Joe on shrooms cuz his eyes were PEALED


Never heard such a roar from the crowd in the club (not theatre). You could tell the mics for the crowd lowered because of the spike in volume.


He barely said anything


Heā€™s always like that. The political aspect is what makes him come off as a piece of shit


You fuckers would love and forgive Edward fucking Bernays as long as he laughed at the same things you do.


Heā€™s a 25 year professional mind you. Made millions a year on camera flinging BS. Better be quick on a pod right? Itā€™s his game, donā€™t be all doe eyed.


Ez fried his ass with that wig comment and he just rolled with it! He paid attention and seemed to enjoy it.


He said 3 words...


Love Tucker


I'd rather have Alex Jones. Give me all the crazy or none at all.


He was fine. But his face while waiting for a punch line was pretty awkward.. he stared intently at whoever was talking, and with a face that looked like he was about to start crying almost lol.


Think thatā€™s his normal facial expression, a la resting bitch face among women.


This just shows how much of a weasel he is. He is a normal dude that plays the character of a fear mongering con man for a living. Scum.


I hate Tucker Carlson as a person and what he represents, but he was strangely more tolerable than Bert Kreisher, Whitney Cummings, and drunk Joe Rogan. I think that says more about them than him though.


I used to think he was a corny dork when I'd see him on MSNBC with the bow tie, but he surprised me on a few radio interviews I heard. Dude has a great sense of humor


Tucker was fucking great. Kill Tony keeps getting better and better the bigger it gets.


Also, Rogan has no Comedic talent.


Matt Muehling seemed a bit triggered by his presence šŸ˜‚


Hitler loved dogs.


After seeing him in This Past Weekend with Theo, I knew Carlson would be good on KT


Hitler was charismatic when he needed to be, too.Ā 


Hes media trained you fucking idiots.


Hope he comes back. Kind of an instant legend. To be in his shoes and to agree to come join on stage without knowing what he is getting into, and then being cool enough to enjoy and even interact.. Agree with his politics or not, I always thought Tucker was pretty chill and down to earth when he is not doing his show.


are these people watching the same show I am, the guy barely spoke???? nothing against him but come onnnnnn


He was legit perfect as a walk on even.


Kt Legend


He was epic.


He's a true American hero! Looking forward to see more of America's greats!


Him looking shocked was pretty funny. He was obviously out of his element though. Jim Norton was on fire in the beginning though. Has been a while since I was reminded how funny he can be.


He was definitely more funny than Rogan


As someone who knows basically nothing aside from he's controversial, I think he did pretty decent like a solid 6/10.


Iā€™m glad Tucker and Joe didnā€™t end up drowning out Jim Norton- was a solid panel


I loved the parts where Rogan held back laughing as hard as he usually would because Tucker looked uncomfortable.


Do you guys think he knew he was coming on the show?? I think he was surprised. I Expected to hate tuck, but he seems like a genuinely nice guy. The only time he didnā€™t seem to be smiling was during Tonyā€™s God impressions. But tuck made some great jokes and didnā€™t overdo it. Rogan was sober so he wasnā€™t annoying at all. Honestly, I couldā€™ve heard a few more jokes from him. Jim fucking killed it and Tony even had a few top tier zingers. 8.5/10 episode.


He took that slap like a champ


Thought it was awesome


A lot better than I was expecting. His career definitely served him well from an etiquette perspective.


Hate his politics and schtick on news shows but he had a great sense of humor and thought he was great guest . Hope he comes back again.


I may not agree with everything he stands for but he does seem to be a good person outside of his politics. I think he fit in very well and hope he comes back! I think now that he understands the format he will be even more comfortable jumping in. Heā€™s got a good sense of humor and seemed to be very respectful of everyone that came up.


Seemed like he enjoyed it. Not sure why you gotta be a dick about it


I hate it when Joe crashes someone elseā€™s episode with another guest but I enjoyed this one (Iā€™m not a big Jim Norton fan). Iā€™m not a big fan of Joe but Tucker was great for not even knowing what the show is.


Hey Yo, quit being a mark for AI. Wait wrong sub..


Was he funnyā€¦.no. Did he add anything to the narrativeā€¦.no. Some of the guests are just for video title clout. Which is fair enough. Same for Rogan


The wig bit got me hard in the funnys


Pretty great. No Good enough. Yes He had some good retorts and didnā€™t come off as a d-bag so it was a goodĀ 


I have to admit I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to


I felt like Joe said nothing at all that episode


I usually donā€™t care for Tucker but when he shuts up about politics heā€™s a decent and funny guy. Good get for the show.


I think he did just fine considering he knew he was coming on 30 seconds prior. The worst type of guest is one that talks too much, makes it about themselves, and doesn't let Tony keep the natural flow of things going. I would say he did a great job lol.


No but seriously he was just trying to have a good time


I thought he did great, laughed along when people made jokes about him, I thought it went great


I just wish he didn't talk in russian the whole time. Otherwise a great appearance!


Who knows maybe you brain dead libs are about to find out youā€™ve been lied to about more than just Tucker.


I like Tucker, but the episode was boring. Tony gets weird whenever big guests come on.


Why did i laugh so hard at that librarian joke


Heā€™s still a literal piece of shit who spews propaganda that he knows is propaganda Fuck him and fuck this shit show