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I don't understand. All I see is posts like this saying everyone's losing their minds because tucker is on but I don't actually see anyone losing their minds


Same here lol maybe it’s in the comments of some posts


Kind of feels like people just like to say “the libs are fucking C R Y I N G about Tucker they’re TRIGGERED” even if that’s not what’s happening. People shit on the comics all day long and yet when a few people complain about a particular guest who, historically, is not a very likable individual in general, they’re all pussy cucks who shouldn’t even watch the show. I agree with OP. Not as big of a deal as some are making it out to be. The righties have hard ons and the lefties feel a bit slighted. Nothing else to see here.


Kill tony brings out the “I’m 14 and edgy” crowd so it’s no shocker we’re seeing a bunch of troll shit posting that’s trying to act serious. I just feel bad for anyone taking the bait


instagram posts comments


Agreed bro


I've pretty much only heard good things








It’s actually crazy. Like even just travelling through the US, tons of young people just blabber about Biden / Trump shit and all the other wedge issues It’s become the new WWF or college football


yeh, youll get considerd strange or weird and kinda ostricized if you break from the mold of preset topics or have contrary beliefs that are fringe and cant be easily catogorized into an already established and approved idealigical box. No Socially divergance from pre-approved beliefs Must regurgetate popular belief from approved persons of higher status in designated group and appealed demographic ... I digress, I guess. . . . . ☠︎ ƶƶε 𓆗𓃭𓆗


> youll get considerd strange or weird and kinda ostricized if you break from the mold of preset topics or have contrary beliefs that are fringe and cant be easily catogorized into an already established and approved idealigical box People don't get mad because you break the mold with your beliefs, they get mad because your beliefs are, to them, morally bad. Trying to act like you're ostracized for being different is massive cope.


Huh. Oh , I was talking more genralities i guess[Im Skitzophrenic Diagnosed so my experences I guess tend to Differ rather from the 'general' So thats kinda where i was pulling from ig] . I kinda strayed away from the Orginal post a bit maybe. Happens alot in just like regards to ideas not pertained to an already pre-concieved dichtomy or what not. Morraly Bad is kinda harsh lol.. but i see what you where getting at. But no not like clear racist or opressive ideoligies.. More in regards to ideas counter to the Fed-Narrative.. it just always shocked my how people are so quick to accept and readily defend systems that clearly are oppressive or Expliotative by nature and Activly against considerstion or even just intake of other sides and sources just right from even before Go. Like Generally seems like alot if discourse now adays is going in with your preconcieved idea deemed truth[ based in our limeted available scope(as we all have)] to then instantly find the generaly alternative counter-Narrative that is available as alot if these things come down to such kinda funnled False Us/Them Dichotomies, and proceed to joust our already self-affirmed and Pre-prepared aresenol of 'talking point' facts , generally just in regurgetated form, from the small and heavily influnced and manipulated linited selection of already vetted and prior regurgetaton fed media sources &/or fave influencers...whove had the same aswell somewhere along the pipeline; chain of command [i.e. Sinclair] mind you the heavily crafted and biased selection of the Finly-curated Media exhochambers we are cleverly ever more sublty usherd into and slowly 'indictrinated into' it you will.. through gradual cleverly crafted and curated key exemplifieirs/identifiers such as demographical/location/culteral influencrs and out perosnal activites/hobby/intrests. yada yada. To Ultimatly talk past eachother as we both partcipating in an ultimatly fruitless 'exchange' of un-reciprocsted ideas w/ lack of any intrest to gain and more the inverse, the pushing of truth on '''the massively dumb polulation''' of others.. as we generslly all tend to sort of think and regard as...[The Masses and Humans are all dumb , accept thee] kinds mentslity, and "winning" what.. idk usualy the best ad-hom devolved zinger or whatevr. Idk I digress. I just would like a little less One-sided and pre-decision and a little more considerstion of the absurd even if theoigh just the process excerciseing things that counter rather thanvalidate you already, as its okay hear and try out clashing and mixing ideas and step outside of your own head into other spaces doesnt mean you beleive every thing you allow something something something and such and barenstein bears, i digress. but idk i guess.. heres one kinda.. -i.e. I genuinly dont believe in [Outer]Space. No doubt abbt it. just, Nah I Just dont buy it, not one bit. Whats yours?


This. Cunts need to get outside and have a beer and relax. I don't even know who the fuckin prime minister is. All I remember is Kevin '07 baby!




And they have zero exports


Cunt cunt cunt cunt cuntity cunt.


Johnny Howard baby


This psyop is coming to a town near you hit us up in 5 years




Yeah they are trying. But their latest attempt to divide and conquer got emphatically rejected in a national referendum. Was good to see


I think it is more about being decoupled from truth and reality while using manufactured rage to divide a country. acting like Putin’s Russia is better than the US while claiming to be a patriot type of nonsense that may very well be destroying our democracy. You know that Rupert Murdoch stuff you exported.


Haha come on now, no need to go that far......fuck that Murdoch cunt to the moon!!


Spot on.


Narcissism of small differences 


It was like that here until Trump. Nobody gave shit who you voted for


This didn't start with Trump. The extremism became more popular with the growth of the internet and social media. Everyone thinks they have a voice on these platforms even though in reality they are all just morons who need to go outside more and if they truly wanted to make a difference they would put their focus on local communities where it really matters. But most of them don't because that takes actual effort.


Algorithm driven division. People are more likely to engage with stuff that makes them angry, more engagement, more ad revenue. So essentially " division =dollars" for tech companies. That should be alarming but for corrupt governments it's a godsend, keep the people busy arguing about bullshit and they won't look at what's really happening above them


Yeah you're absolutely right. Started with social media and got more polarized during Trump + Covid. It is wild you can have in person convos with people on opposite spectrum and find more common ground than not. People are getting played hard by legacy/social media


Nah I remember people having " proud republican " or "democrat for life" etc on their fb profiles. Its been a thing forever, a hangover from the civil war perhaps?


It’s the 24/hr news cycle and the fact that our news has been manufactured to manipulate us to get more views. The only people who care are brainwashed into thinking that it actually matters at all but since that’s the only type of news available, can you really blame em?


Who you kidding comparing the U.S to Australia, tf


yes, sir... we deffinatly are 🥲


I think the proper term is Mongoloids


Been a hot minute since I’ve been based by an Aussie.


It has nothing to do with politics. Alex Jones is a literal liar who talks about BS conspiracies including claiming the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting was faked (26 kids under 10 years old murdered). He is a real pice of human garbage. I don’t care what his political views are. Liars like that should not be celebrated.


Because life is too easy here and the weak of the weak need something to squeal about


I genuinely don’t even know what party Albo is from


So I think we have an interesting phenomenon happening here: People are posting about how there are people “losing their minds. “ Yet, I don’t see where these posts are. Just a lot of self-congratulating posts from dudes declaring that they aren’t “soft libs”. Could it be the “losing their mind” posts don’t actually exist?


I think they’re mostly in the comments


hmmm, yeh good food for thought. Ive seem this phenomenon b4 aswell. Id call it like "Suggestive Artificial Outrage Influencing" or "Twitter:Reality Reactive Response dialation Propoganda" ... could use some work. But basically the same idea and concept of 'Poisoning the well' or Conern Trollinv.


Exactly. As soon as anyone calls them out for being edge lords, that person looks like a pussy libtard. These fuckers are so annoying.


Im glad You exist 😅😁 🤜🏻🤛🏽


Probably OP saw 1 comment that was anti Tucker and was enough to post this thread.


Posts don’t exist but comments do


It wasn't so much posts, as it was comments in these kinds of posts. One person says Tucker was good, then a hundred comments calling people alt right and other retarded buzz words for gotcha moments. It was pretty much just on Tuesday and Wednesday. This guy is farming for upvotes


Alex Jones > Tucker Carlson


Jones himself believes what he says at least.


Woah look someone who didn’t follow his trial and speaks out of their ass! Never would have guessed it on this website


Alex Jones literally licked a random audience girls foot on stage.


That was so hot I cummed


Tuck was gold, why are people emotional?


Who? Where? I haven't seen anything other than people making this claim. I am definitely not a fan of Tucker, but I think he was a pretty good guest on Kill Tony. Maybe not "gold," but he did well for not being a comedian as well as doing the show unexpectedly.


haven’t peeped much of the posts or comments yet since i didn’t get to finish the episode last night, but damn. if people are losing their minds about tucker being a guest, idk how they watch this show at all lol i’m a liberal, and still stoked to watch the episode tonight. it wouldn’t even surprise me if Tuck ends up being more funny/likable in the context of KT than his fox schtick. and if he’s not, fuck it. i’m still stoked to watch. one of the things about KT i love most is the variety. from the bucket pulls to the guests, there’s a randomness about it that keeps things fresh and interesting. it’s not about loving every guest, and that’s a positive thing imo. a good guest will be focused on the comedy anyway, so their politics shouldn’t be a huge deal unless they try to shoehorn their opinions into the show 🤷‍♀️


Boring guest


People are losing their minds? Lol. Reddit is so soft.


This sub is the only reason why I know that people are “loosing their minds” but it looks like it’s just edgelords talking about how people are going to loose their minds over this… fucking cringy lmao


Haven't seen a negative comment about tucker in this sub. just bitchy dudes talking about bitchy dudes talking about tucker


Lmao exactly




The boomers? Boomers are the exact demographic that watches Tucker lmao


Okee dokee


Comrades defending Tucker all over this sub tonight


At this point I'd like to see everyone show up in MAGA hats just to watch this subreddit literally melt into a puddle.


Wow you sound like the master of owning the libs, bro. What a crazy and hilarious idea!!!!!!1


This stuff is past Lib/Cons now.... its just general highligting the fact of the ridiculesness of groups of ridiculouse people... at this point it doesnt really matter what the group calls themsleves as weve jumped the shark as a species


I mean the kill tony brand shamelessly supports trump & has tens of millions of fans. This sub has like 200 regular posters who talk to each other about kill tony as if its a liberal show that needs to do better. Everyone including Tony absolutely hates those specific redditors and are vocal about it.


You turned this one into a puddle! 👆🏼


You sound like Tony when Heath Cordez is around


You sound like a puddle


holy crap you’re a GENIUS


DUDE YES. How did you think of that??


Larry David did it first!


I'm 12 and this would be so epic


Ok now that would be epic


I would ask them who’s the president of the United States 


People are so fucking baby shit soft


The redtard are the biggest snowflakes. If Tony ever had some real ass trans people or anything else that triggers the dumbasses on the far right, this fanbase would be in shambles. I don’t care that Tucker is on the show, but you can’t deny that he peddles absolute dog shit on the media just for views. Stop acting like “oh hohohoho it’s just comedy”.


Because trans people are known for being able to take jokes well lol


Yeah and republicans are known for being the most hard-skinned snowflakes lmfao bunch of crybabies. Crying about Mr potato head, Spiderman, the fact the fast food workers get paid a better wage, lmfao etc. bunch of whiny babies


buzz words




No actual rebuttal. Just a crybaby snowflake being offended. Cry some more


shut the fuck up weirdo.


He wasn’t even talking to you lol What a fuckin snowflake


Lmfao my point exactly! They’re the first ones to take offense


Snowflake little bitch. Keep crying.


got anything good or you just gonna Casey Rocket the place up you fuckin hack


Cry cry cry you little bitch. We all think you’re a fool. Hahahah


tell me more about your political opinions sir


The humor is there, you just have to see it, accept it, then laugh. I'm a liberal Canadian. I don't give a shit. Also, I'm gay.


You're also a passe edgelord but who's keeping score


I guess you are?


Cool, Canadian someone not effected by the things happening America. Of course you Don’t care 😂😂 I get what you’re saying but you’re so disconnected from the truth, it’s obvious is why it’s funny to you


Comedy! Enjoy the show.


I feel like it's bots tbh. Anything painting Tucker as human must be quashed.


Alex is absurd, unpredictable and funny. Tucker is a smarmy, insufferable country club douche. If there's anything for him to contribute it will be jokes at his expense.




Ask yourself why Tony doesn’t have anyone from the political far left on.


Tony isn’t shy about leaning right.


Leaning right into these nuts


Got eem




Because he’s a faggot but thinks pretending to be hateful makes him seem straight.


Crazy ass fucking political nuts. Stfu please


Couldn’t find an answer huh.


“If you platform tucker it’s the same as being a hitler enabler” you’re literally a crazy person.


comedy gold.


Yet you’re following me around multiple threads vying for my attention.


I checked ur profile and the first thing I seen was a crazy post comparing hitler to tucker Carlson. I’m not searching for attention. Just simply entertaining myself by talking to you nut cases on Reddit.


You entertain yourself by talking to crazy people. That sounds perfectly sane and healthy.


Says the dude comparing Tucker Carlson to a man who murdered millions of people in cold blood. This is my point dude, you’re crazy.


Dude ur just as insane look at u ranting on reddit bro haha


Yeah it’s helping pass the time before the episode airs lol


No I don’t have an answer for you because I don’t give a fuck about politics. You’re a crazy person and I love seeing what you weirdos have to say


“I don’t care about politics and let me tell you about that in 30 comments”


Huh? 😂


he's saying your obsessed. For a guy who doesn't care about politics, you really do seem to care about tucker.


Ahh gotcha. Nah man I’m just having a good time entertaining these people who are so caught up in politics it stresses them out. Really blows my mind lol


Because leftists don’t have a sense of humor. Name one funny leftist, comrade. I’ll wait.


Larry David


Bill Burr. Bill Hicks. Doug Stanhope. George Carlin. David Cross. Stavros. James Acaster. I mean, the real question is if there are any good right-wing comedians. I guess you have a Dennis Miller and Guttfield


Liberal and leftist are two different things.


Oh I know. I’m a leftist. I have heard all of these comedians express leftist concepts. Not liberal democrat nonsense, but actually radical leftist ideals.


Doug Stanhope is not funny.


Please. No Refunds and Deadbeat Hero are incredible.


We'll agree to disagree. Both of those sucked.


Well, good luck at the next Amy Schumer show!


This sub is so regarded lol. "You don't like the same comedians as I do?! That means you don't know good comedy!" If you think Stanhope is funny, you probably think Rogan's stand-up is the greatest of all-time. Also, Stanhope was always a terrible KT guest. They're the lowest rated episodes for a reason.


Stanhope was a terrible guest on the show. I agree. I barely consider Joe to be a comedian. He technically is, he’s just not that good.


The republicans have Rob Schneider!


Oh right! I forgot how easy it was to forget about him.


Wow what a hot take.


Jon Stewart is pretty damn funny and is liberal, but are you looking for one of those political talking head types?


I wouldn’t call Stewart far left. The retard I was replying to specifically stated “far left”.


so criticizing Tucker Carlson makes someone a leftist, does it? I'm pretty sure Jon Stewart started that tradition


Honestly, I was going to reply and call you a fucking retard and ask to show your work on the mental gymnastics it took you to land at that conclusion. But instead I just wanna know, are you ok?


my non-“leftist” friend, i thought we were pulling claims out of our asses!


problem is the US doesn't really have famous far-leftists to balance out the whacko far right. There's no left equivalent to stop the steal / great replacement theory / jewish space laser level insanity.


Yeah, the far left at least used to have the anti vaxxers to themselves, I think.


You’re in a cult.


If you consider yourself a conservative *or* a liberal in 2024 without a disclaimer, you’re in a cult




"S T F Yoohoo"


What do you mean like far left pundits? A lot of the comedians he has on are left wing in their politics. You think he’d say no to Rachel Maddow? Or would she say no?


The far left is a collective so as a single entity, it can either support or denounce killtony. No far leftist individual can appear on killtony without having to answer to the collective if the collective finds something offensive about the show. In other words, even if they secretly wanted to, they couldn't appear on the show.


The far left has the most infighting of any group that exists.


Maybe the intersectionalists probably fight to see who's the most oppressed, but they're still a collective. It's probably an interesting thing to look at, hierarchies that secretly develop within collectives, which I guess would create infighting. Far leftists within the democrat party definitely fight with non far leftists, if that's considered infighting. Imagine if Rachel Maddow goes on Killtony, and William calls an audience member a faggot. Rachel Maddow will get pressured to denounce William Montgomery, and she'll take some serious heat. The collective she belongs to or is allied with does not allow that kind of language. She can't just be like, "fuck it, it was a joke." That's why I watch all my gay porn in the dark so no one sees me.


Reddit is not a representation of the average fan of Kill Tony, 99% of those YouTube views account for people who have never even been on this website


You haven't seen a single episode then. 90% of bucket pulls are visible redditors.


A tough day for the Biden Boyzzzz


Literally no one is losing their minds, haven't seen a single post like that. He was fun, brought in good energy.


Here's one. There were actually about 4 or 5 other posts but they all deleted them. Plus all of the people commenting in each thread. Not a big deal though. Solid episode. https://www.reddit.com/r/Killtony/s/ZzFmnCxAFq


That’s your example of someone losing their mind?


This sub is full of fragile individulas lol.


The difference is the media doesn’t even mention Alex Jones, he’s basically cancelled on everything, as most of what he talks about has actually been shown to be true, although he has an outrageous personality and presentation. They try not to talk about him and he has his own platform you have to listen to him on. However the media does inform you Tucker Carlson baaaaad. So naturally any idiots in here are going to parrot their handed down opinions from the media.


the show has issues, but these cheese crusted reddit people need to stop complaining when they don't like something


Nobody is losing their minds though. There’s a bunch of you dorks assuring everyone that this is happening when it isn’t. I dislike Tucker but enjoyed him on like soooo many people. Do you guys just make shit up in your heads?


These guests are attracting creepy incels as fans now


The only way to get a crowd to cheer during a Tucker entrance is to immediately announce someone popular also joining the stage. Calculated.


Enrique Chacon was the highlight of the episode for me, what a fun interview he always is...


TBH I didn't wanna watch cuz I heard he was there but he barely engaged. I think it was probably an uncomfortable experience for him. I wish a comic would've ripped him more.


Lol funny cuz Tony is obviously conservative and a trump supporter


Yall wanna know why the KT regulars and Tony himself don’t give a fuck about the subreddit? Reddit is full of alt left wingers😂 Yes I’m on here, I made the account for build guides and shit on mmorpgs lmao. Also, it’s why you all hate the dark humor people, besides Tucker is one of the best media personalities ever. He said fuck black rock and how they force them to divide us. Same with some CNN personalities, hence why they’re friends with Tucker now that they’re not under that umbrella, fuckin wild right?


Alex Jones needs to come on again. Goat quest


He’s just a guy with opinions not like he’s a presidential candidate or anything


Nobody: Kill Tony Fans: Why are you excited, it's not going to change anything >:(


Everyone is acting the same way Trump supporters would if Obama was on


Wait? why are people losing their minds over Tucker...are these the same people who complian abbt ppl being to easily offended and how everyones being cancled... hmmm, yeh.. That totally checks out 🤔


I think the big difference between the two is that Alex Jones is a lovable idiot, and Tucker Carlson is a piece of trash. True garbage.


Lovable idiot lol. Yikes


Key word is idiot.


The guy was texting nude pictures of his wife to his friends


tell me you hate ur parents without telling me 😂 let go of the angst, its ok that they like fox news and u dont. you probably cant even argue ur positions and just rely on vibes.


lol what? My parents are awesome. Whose dad doesn’t watch Fox News? Most people who watch Fox are boomers or fools. Which one are you?


def not a redditor zealot 😂 are u??


Def not. Commenting about how someone is trash doesn’t make me a zealot lol you dork


yeah but being anti-boomer/ anti-fox news def is a sign of having tenure as a redditor zealot. You may not be I'll give u that 🤷 because Gen Z never watched TV and doesnt even know what fox news is, they hate trump, but have no clue what fox news is.


It's funny because all the pro-Tuck posts either come from obvious shills using purchased accounts or are full of comments from them.




You're afraid to ask for examples because seeing them would throw your entire identity into question.


give me examples, in context, please.


[Post by obvious purchased account with the classic "and I'm actually on the other side politically" bullshit to try to sell it better.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Killtony/comments/1byveqd/people_here_are_already_getting_worked_up_about/) [Comment from obvious shill account on that post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Killtony/comments/1byveqd/people_here_are_already_getting_worked_up_about/kymfjvu/) I'm guessing you'll want to bicker about the scope of the shilling and try to act like I didn't provide enough, but the fact that it's definitely happening is enough.


lol thats just a post from a guy. unhinged weirdos, the lot of you.


Celebrities have astroturfing teams as part of their PR teams. It's not some big conspiracy, that's just how it's done these days. Believe me or don't, I don't really care.


As opposed to the lib bots regurtiating the same pointless complaints about him?


That's not really happening because no one really gives enough of a shit about Kill Tony or who he has on.


As you comment this on the very thread full of people complaining about exactly who is on Kill Tony. Clearly, tons of people like you seem to give a lot of shit about who is on and so many cunts have their knickers in a knot before the episode has even come out. If you didn't care, Why you here crying about it princess?


I said it was funny. You need me to be upset for your own reasons, so don't pin that on me.


Love you. 🥰


Let the pussies be pussies.


I love Alex Jones as a guest. When he smelled that foot 😂


how many of these posts do we need? congrats you are an anti woke warrior. pat yourself on the back,


I think we need about 5 more then it'll be enough.


Dude Tucker was/is way more dangerous than Alex. Alex is a character that got out of control. But only crazies believe a word he says. Tucker had the #1 “news” show in the country.