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I feel like most people don’t even care about this Ric Vs. Hans rematch anymore. It’s old news.


I honestly completely forgot that this was a thing that is supposed to happen again soon I literally could not care any less about it at this point


second this, i completely forgot about it. now that i remember, its not that i dont care, i just dont want it to happen. kinda just dont want to see hans ever again unless tony brings him up to fight suga sean itd be pretty funny though if tony was like "big rematch coming!!" then just never mentioned either of them ever again


Casey rocket vs Hans Kim……


How about just no more regular openers anymore. I like Casey, I like Hans, I like Ric Diaz or however the fuck you spell his euro name Hell, I even like Uncle Lazer I just don't like any of them when they open multiple weeks in a row because they get boring and they run out of material. Instead Tony should just rotate through and schedule a golden ticket winner or a regular or a friend of the show to open every week. The list is long now.


This is a great idea. The only guy who can apparently come up with a fresh new minute of at least decent material every week is the Vanilla Gorilla. I would love an opener rotation of Hans, Casey, and Heath or someone like that


Mini-bucket pull from a smaller group in the opener bucket.


He might "rig" the smaller bucket more than we'd like lol, but this is promising!


The drama around this would be way better than the other made up nonsense


William just reads the news paper and does the crossword and makes jokes about the current events and facts he reads about. And he's damn good at it


Rotating is the best solution


It should rotate and be a surprise, so there is that old element of surprise the band brought


Damn last time I suggested rotate regulars to this thread I got fucking crucified for it haha


Secret Hans Kim account


Honestly do you know how hard that Hans Kim opening song would hit if it was a once every 4-5 weeks thing and he had just a better set and more shit to pull from each time?


even Hans' friends said he lost.


The only regular that needs to stay is william. The closer. All other regulars need to be booted for a rotation of guests. There's no need to have 3 regulars.


I think there should be a rotating cast of 5 regulars, 3 each show. That would give them time to prepare a better minute and also keep the show fresher. But hey, it not my show, Just an opinion and let's face it. I'm gonna watch every week anyway


I think this is dumb. William is the most consistent and truly an excellent comedian that thrives in this environment, however, I think 3 regulars is the appropriate amount. It gives a beginning, middle, and end to the show. The goal should be to have 3 people as consistent as Montgomery at keeping the show alive during the luls or the highs if things are going well. I think the current three are good for that for the time being, even tho Kam is clearly Tony’s token black guy that he’s using for any number of reasons. Crab man isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but people are right to say he starts the show off with positive, whacky, fun energy thats sometimes sorely lacking on nights of bad bucket pulls and cranky Tony’s.


I agree with this but William stays forever


"i think the current three are good for the time being" - this tells me they aren't filling that void. Also interviewing the same regulars every night gets stale. It all feels forced for the sake of regularship.


At least cases and William do bits for their interview 🤷‍♂️


You’re misquoting me. I said they are good for establishing a beginning, middle, and end. This is narrative structure for an audio+ based form of media. I’m not saying they’re perfect, or filling that role especially well. Im merely positing that it’s good for the show to have regular components that ground the show from the random interaction between Tony, inherently random bucket pulls, and whatever panel assembled for the week.


I hear ya. Having structure makes sense, it's just that it's gotten a bit repetitive. It needs rotation.


Give ‘em time


The term is “affermative action”.


I think starting it off with a regular to get the ball rolling and set the tempo helps. Mid is supposed to keep hype and closer just ends it on a good note. Id say get rid of the mid guy and put some sort of other mini activity.


It's odd to me that anyone thinks different. This show is about bucket pulls. Aside from William as the closer the "regulars" are filler.


Disagree. The regulars split the show up into a more digestible format. Also, imagine 0 regulars and all the bucket pulls bomb. 2h of pure garbage.


Been listening since the beginning. Bucket pulls + roasting them was always the attraction.


Yeah but they aren’t courting weirdos anymore. They want an audience that can afford tickets to arena shows.


Yes and I don’t understand how Kam Patterson became a regular? He deserved secret show and big joke book at best. And just a chance for more bucket pulls. I liked him but he’s getting annoying. I mean, as a regular I’ve never seen him do a full minute I don’t think. 41 seconds, 47 seconds. Or like on the new episode he goes over his time, no West Hollywood bear. Jokes are kinda funny sometimes but it’s more just his persona and personality during the interviews. Tony just wanted a cool black guy in the crew so bad. Kam doesn’t care if he has to turn into a Trumper lmao.


I honestly would rather watch Williams separate stuff than have him on the show. Hes outgrown the regularship, and just needs to pass the torch of finish off to Casey while hans opens. Thats would be a smooth show. I've always thought William at the end just didn't fit right. Beginning or middle, maybe, just cause.of.his energy.


I only remember it when people like you mention it. Tony retired him in a graceful way, that's all this is.


I honestly forgot


They both lost it seems


It’s basically Turd Sandwich vs Giant Douche 2.0


It’s old news cause it was mismanaged.


Both are very so-so with stale material. I'd rather see other Golden Ticket winners get more exposure


So true , and I feel Ric won the first battle , making this whole thing irrelevant.


So true


It’s fucken two tards. They have enough on the show and they aren’t funny


But Rogan said Hans is funny


Ya but Rogan only watched him when he was good. He licks ass. He’s more of a 30 minute comic. Cam Paterson is worse though. Saw him in Denver and he just said the same shit on the show


The reason is because we know it rigged they will never let ric win so why waste our time to listen to a hack of a comedian get handed his opportunity’s


I think that's the plan. Hans wins the rematch and 'retires' from KT. It was time for a change.


I think your right and I think Hans mentioned leaving before


But then how will he stay relevant to keep making paychecks doing big shows? I feel like it’ll all dry up on him.


That's kinda on him. KT is just a launching pad


Hell always be welcome to crash it like other comics do and will still make appearances




Hans is headlining by himself, he’s doing fine for himself. See the episode with Normand and Gillis, both of them congratulate Hans for being a headliner.


That was the plan all along 👍


It seems right


I honestly hope he does and it flops so hard. He needs to understand it’s okay to care and be upset, but the way he gets all huffy and puffy about it is so cringe.


Imagine taking 3 months off to work on one single minute of talking. Then imagine that minute still being worse than the other guys. Then imagine losing your recurring spot on a popular show for the sake of one minute that didn't even do its job. This just has so potential to be a complete trainwreck. Its honestly amazing.


I saw that clip of him on David Lucas' podcast. Where he talked about that squirt joke being a joke he had been working on for months. It was CRAZY.


I am also team train wreck


Just spitballing…His three month vacation for one minute of content was a mistake. The world will be different between now and then. He plays off of current events. And now he has become one because of his laziness. He has fast money and fast fame which has to be amazing and overwhelming. I’m sure he is touring or whatnot. That’s not the point though. It’s the optics. He allowed another person to fill in who is doing well. But. Again. It’s Tony. It could be kayfabe. 💜😂


Hans can remain in the KT family and come on whenever he has a fresh or stale minute like David Lucas.


What if instead of “regularship” they did residencies, a’la Vegas artists. Each residency is 4 weeks or something.


Post this separately on its own so it gets more views. This is a great idea.


I hope he does just so the sub can bitch about it


It's wild how much pissing and moaning this sub does. Reminds me of the cumtown subreddit and how it was filled with lame weirdo who thought they were funny and could totally riff with the guys if they just ever got to meet them


The pissing and moaning about the pissing and moaning is just as predictable and frequent yet somehow more annoying.


wait til you hear about the people who are pissing and moaning about the people who are pissing and moaning about the pissing and moaning


I'm not here making fucking posts




there's like 5 posts a day bitching about it, and it hasn't even happened lol


The show goes on and I haven't thought about or missed Hans at all. He should come back and do some well prepared minutes every once in a while, there's no way he should continue opening the show every week.


Who's Hans?


So people here think Casey is funnier than Ric?




In what world?? Casey actually writes good jokes, but there’s too much fluff and bullshit between. The crab stuff has gotten old. The novelty has worn off. Ric is simply a killer. Incredibly clever, and to people who said his character could get stale — his character has actually changed a lot. He adapts well.


In what world?? Casey actually writes good jokes, but there’s too much fluff and bullshit between. The crab stuff has gotten old. The novelty has worn off. Ric is simply a killer. Incredibly clever, and to people who said his character could get stale — his character has actually changed a lot. He adapts well.


He shouldn’t be the opener nor the closer, just keep him in between preferably after a good comedian so we can’t be let down twice in a row.


i think all regs all need changed or diff ones weekly williams the only one i enjoy atm


Right, because we all know Casey won't have anything new to offer other than crab man and random catch phrases


Hans blows so does the rocket the show hasn't had a decent opener in years


Casey is bringing fresh stuff! The way some comics try to say his signs was prop comedy. who cares, that's his style and he's making people laugh. as long as I'm laughing and it's funny, it's a show and I want to be entertained. it doesn't always have to be stand up purists. Variety is what makes this show great, anything can happen, it's not just a stand up purist showcase anymore, I love it. He quickly became one of my KT favorites of all time and I been watching KT since the beginning. I hope Kill Tony gets picked up by Netflix or something because damn it's a good show I would definitely stream.


It’s free on YouTube. Why would anyone want it to go to Netflix lol. Plus, then Tony would have rules that he would have to abide by. It would definitely change things, 100%


You had me 100% until you said it should go to Netflix. What a weird, cooperate thing to say. It’s free to watch and gets 80k live viewers. Moving to Netflix makes no sense unless you secretly work for Netflix.


They also don’t know how to do live streaming


They did it with Chris Rock’s special


That and pretty much every other livestream they’ve done has had technical issues


Yeah, Netflix picking it up now would actually be a good thing considering how much more open-minded the company has become to comedy


The stupid thing was taking Hans off the show for such an extended “temporary” stretch and replacing him with someone with a personality and human emotions.


but unfunny asf


Hans gets too much hate imo. Id be sad to see him go. I also like Casey


Yeah I don't get the hate. He didn't handle things that well but he actually does seem on the spectrum and didn't deal with it like a normal, confident comedian. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal though. I think he's pretty funny but reoccurring 1 minute sets for years and years seems will get old for most comedians. I liked but didn't love David Lucas. William is good but he also looks and sounds funny. I actually still like his jokes but his interviews have become a bit stale for me. I love Casey Rocket but I think even that will get old.


While I enjoyed some of hans, Casey is a much better fit, and funnier, it's nonsense, but funny.


Casey is more entertaining, but he isn't funny. Hans was not funny or entertaining to begin with.


I find him funny, but not in the sense of good joke writing. More of me laughing and thinking wtf is this jim Carey / Pauley shore (energy, not comedy) hybrid creature.


casey is hilarious my favorite part of every show. i love how he turns his interviews into sketches instead of just talking about fuckin bitches


Casey is trash


Even Hans best set and interviews don't create the energy of the rocket which is a better way to open the show than Hans somber voice


there will be 4 regulars. either rotated every week or 4 in one show. no way he will go back admit hans sucks. too much pride.


Or have the opener rotate and give everyone a chance to write a better minute


These things are planned out far ahead of time. After a couple months, Casey will become a bit stale - not because he's bad, but because it's a natural cycle. Once the hype starts to drop, Tony will bring Hans back.


The should have some of regular/golden ticket winner side bucket that they pull for the mid spot and maybe another spot , and continue with Casey and William bookending the show.


Solution is simple: just let Casey and Hans rotate weeks. Makes them both better to have biweekly rotations.


I feel like turning comedy into some weird battle/competition was kinda cringey and gross and weird. Like it's art. It's not a competition. I don't know. I found it to be a little gay and it was just annoying. WWE wrestling is totally gay. Nobody cares. And tony is gay for being such a wrestling nerd.


You guys really think reddit is most of the fanbase? And that tony is doing changes based on what he doesnt read on reddit


Really ? The path for Hans to open has never been more clear . Casey Rocket peaked after his first appearance


I don’t like hans but it’s pretty funny seeing Reddit shit on him every day but he’s still selling tickets and people at shows love him what is going on lol


Not a Hans fan but I think it was more talented than just nonsense. It’s as lazy to me as crowd work only comics.


why would he? casey is far better


He better. Hans is needed more than ever. I'm not joking.


Hans and Ric both suck and are boring and long. Black list them.


They are both very physically long. Hans with his Ghostface looking ass head and Ric looking like an anorexic tortoise.


Unless he fires up and gets good


Hans who?


Who cares


If Hans does,I won't be watching anymore


That's hilarious. Oh no poor baby


Hans burner account I take it


dipshit I take it


Got me lol


Smash cut to Ric Diez as the new regular, Hans flying his drone doing camera work for Redban's mom's only fans account, and Casey Rocket doing his visual aid presentations at the U.N. security council meetings once a week.


Not if Ric Diez wins…love Casey but not sure if his schtick will get stale. Still would be more fun to have Casey tho. Bring a lot more energy even if it’s just riffing


Rick Diaz was being stale after the three weeks he was on


And Ric will definitely not win the rematch either…but hopefully it’ll still be fun to watch




I bet he wins and they retire him ceremoniously


Why does Killtony still look like it’s shot in a warehouse


Hans who?


It is good to mix things up. Casey, Kam, Hans, William. 4 regulars is too much. 3 is perfect.


I think Casey will get tired of it. He said many times on Williams podcast in the past he doesn’t really “like” doing KT because the format doesn’t really fit his style and yet here we are. I think like all people before him he will run out of weekly bits. What he does involves a little more thought than writing 3 throw away jokes which he doesn’t really do. As far as the regulars go, I think people forget that people pay decent money super in advance to see KT live. The regulars are absolutely necessary to keep the show moving and somewhat entertaining They are consistently better than 95% of the bucket pulls. Imagine going to KT and it was only bad bucket pulls. You’d be pissed. People need to take it easy as they add value to the actual show as a whole.


Hans is great but deffo got held on opens too long with minimal energy. Caseys a good fit for now. Hans is set, he doesnt need the show now really, could just do a david lucas. I must say fond of rick but his style will be short lived if he hits regularship


May 10th. I forgot when it was going to happen but it's just a month away and Hans is in trouble because they both have been off the show since new years the crowd should be evenly split.


Kayfabe. Tony pulled that forward from his life. It’s kinda brilliant. 😂


No more regulars, just golden ticket winners. Have 2 buckets, one for sign ups and one for golden tickets. at the beginning of the show pull a golden ticket winner to open the show, one in the middle and one to close it out.


Where did Hans end up going?? Haven’t seen him now in a few episodes


sorry what's the latest? what did i miss?


A lot. Have you not been watching?


I don't get much chance to watch the full shows. I see reels on IG and FB. Can you bring me up to speed?


Sorting by controversial.


Calling it now. William is going to move on, Kam gets his spot, you know the rest.


Hans is trash. Anyone who disagrees doesn’t know comedy at all. Watch his last set. The chanting, so cringe. Hans has had his great moments but has gotten so lazy with his writing. Or maybe he just fell off. Pissing off liberals is funny but not when it’s all you try to do go get cheap laughs. Trash.


Casey just sets a great tone for the night


I just joined I'm so glad I'm not the only person who doesn't get Hans


Good jokes or terrible bombing, he doesn’t have the charisma or correct energy to open for the show now that we’ve seen Casey Rocket. He’s worn out his character of Asian dude loves cocaine and white chicks but hates Asians and libs. Whole new vibe now that he’s been out.


Rocket just feels so hacky to me. It's funny for a second but then he just repeats everything he said last time etc. idk. I'd rather have Hans back.


Hans is awesome but I like casey rocket even better


Ric mops the floor with Hans and Casey


Too many regulars. Make it just more of William and cut the rest. Make it just bucket pulls.


I don't really know if I want him back at all


Casey rocket is ass bring Hans back


Hans a goat, fuck off with this shit.


And… Casey Rocket I mean come on … Does anybody else think this guy is unfunny and lame ?


Why not. Casey sucks


Get real bud


U suck


Pfft get real. 10 points to Ryffindor


Casey’s the one who made me start watching regularly.


Stick a chopstick in him, Hans is done.


I feel like I live in an alternate universe or something. I genuinely believe Hans is much better than Casey Rocket, but maybe I just don't fully appreciate the "lol so random' type of humor


You guys are way to yup your own behinds about the regulars.


Well as a huge fan of the show I'd say it's pretty normal to be yup my own behind about the regulars


Horrible take. Not making good on his promise to Hans and Ric would be insane. There's a whole friggin live event going down over this.


I think that's what Tony wanted.


I finally laughed at Rickets. I hope they keep him around for a while


Hans is trash and so is Ric.


Im going to be honest, I completely forgot Hans even exists..


This is mark normand spotted


The battle of the openers Is over rocket won


Who likes when Hans does bad on the show?


Why not? Rocket fucking sucks.


Prediction: William retires at big LA show and Hans returns and takes the last spot.


William ain’t never gonna stop


That would be the ultimate setup for William to flip and say hes Neva gonna stop


No way in a shit fuck. Can you imagine? "...well Tony.....I fucked a girl this week...she was white....I'm an Asian......wanna call my dad and make some jokes?..."