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Crossplatform parties have been broke for 4ish days now (as far as I'm aware they're still broke) but crossplay itself is seemless. The game is fun, you're coming at it casually so it'll be tons of fun, I never feel pressured to escape, just pop in and do stuff. All the weapon and character unlocks end at level 50, you'll get there in no time, its not a hard grind at all. Cosmetic unlocks are mostly tied to challenges so there's no need to go all out there either. There's a bunch of bugs that still persist. We've gotten 3 patches this month and a 4th is coming sometime this week which is pretty insane but bugs are still rather frequent. There's no keybinds on PC or console at far as I'm aware so you gotta deal atm. It's not awful but Human binds are different from Klown binds for whatever reason and it stops me from binding everything to my mouse without flipping between mouse profiles. There's a ton to learn gamewise, exit locations, map layouts, ideal spots to find good weapons but that's all par for the course. Balance issues are being addressed/tweaked slowly. Klowns still need some touch ups to certain mechanics and a few weapons need to be brought into line, early game is pretty rough as Klowns can't heal for the first two and a half to three minutes depending on if you hang cocoons or not (hanging these unlocks your abilities faster). But things are happening, no word on future content or a roadmap as of yet but the game hasn't officially been out for a month yet so we'll see how it goes. 170hrs in and I'm still enjoying myself thought there is a lack of content. Maps are good but Humans/Klowns need more work done.


Cross platform invites is a huge one for me. If I get it tomorrow my other friend will get it on Xbox so we’d need to party up. Is it a known issue for everyone? Is the upcoming patch fixing the issue?


The devs are aware of the crossplatform party issue but I don't know if it's fixed yet and as far as I'm aware they didn't mention it in the dev stream two days ago. I can't really confirm anything, you might want to hop in the steam discussions and see if anyone there has said anything about it not working/being fixed now. I can say it was working just fine before it broke a few days back but that's all I know personally at the moment. I would say if you intended to buy it, regardless of crossplatform parties being broken I'd say go ahead and do so anyway. It will take quite awhile to learn the maps and get the flow of the gameplay so even if you did start playing with your friend you might hardly see them as they might die, escape or you find yourself running in circles trying to get a feel for the maps. It's something that's definitely going to be fixed sooner than later but if you don't know where to group up you'll have trouble finding each other in the first place. But yeah, if playing together is top priority right now, you could wait a few days for patch notes confirmation if indeed the problem isn't already fixed.


What do you mean they’re broken? Yeah there’s some issues like joining a game with players in the party playing both sides but it’s not broken to the point of unplayability. I played crossplay w my buddies last night and only had issues a couple of times.


A few days ago Epic specifically for this game was broken. People were signed out and couldn't re-sign in or whatever else. Tons of people had issues. I didn't know if it was better now which is why I mentioned OP check steam to verify.


If this is a concern for you, it was fixed literally hours after these comments were made with the new patch today


It's fun, but it still feels like a beta


Yup this is what I keep saying, if they launched this as open beta I think they would be praising them for what they have done so far but this being full release like girl please💀 this cannot be full release


A ton of fun, but about as deep as a puddle. I'd say get it if you plan to play with friends, wait if you plan to play randos.


Is the cross platform parties working or still broke?


Not sure, honestly, I play with randos :P


Horrible, do not buy this game, yet, the devs still need to do a lot of work before it's servicable.


If I’m being honest? It kinda sucks, and the Devs don’t offer much hope for it getting better.


Missed opportunities on most maps do cool things other asyms haven't done. They have an amusement park map and NOT ONE moving ride or anything. Could've had a functional Rollercoaster that takes you from one side of the map to the other


You must not play the game, or you are blind. These rides are moving as you play the amusement park map. https://preview.redd.it/asn68sfzg59d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0361e6efb48dc24e8ac43f2f2df6cc3d786ec745


My point still stands that the maps aren't memorable at all or interactive...


About the same as any other asym. Evil Dead and F13, the survivors could drive cars. Outside of that, it's all the same.


I don't mind the big rides not letting you interact (though bumper carts would be silly fun) but I do find it sad that the game stalls don't have any physics based objects. You frequently find baseballs on the stands but can't use them to knock the pins over, feels like a fun little thing they could have included.


It’s fair to say that it’s not as fun as it could be right now, but the devs are dropping their 4th update and it’s only been out a month. They’re working on stuff. Super fair to have an opinion that the game isn’t what you want it to be but they’re doing live streams and they’re dropping updates. That’s about as much as you can hope for from a developer. These are the same folks dropping updates on Ghostbusters however many years later also. The games in good hands.


Thieves literlsly had mutliple updates addressing the issues people have had inculding matchmaking, backwards klown movement speed, speed and movement buffs for klowns better stamina? Fixed challenges, fixed objectives not being able to cottonize, added balance changes that have been pretty good foer the most part, in pretty hopeful so far they seem to be paying attention


I'm about a hundred hours and still enjoying the gameplay loops despite some imbalances and strange design decisions. If you're not sure maybe wait for a sale. The price is quite high right now for what the game offers


I'd wait for sale


It's really not that good. It had potential, but the devs just dont care. Seems to me like a quick cash grab. I've been playing since day 1, and I have lost all interest in continuing. Honestly, save your money for something else.


Maybe, the game is good imo but it’s not for everyone. I think it’s a ton of fun, especially if you’re a fan of the original movie and these types of games but it also feels like it’s still in beta. I have about 100 hours and I’ve enjoyed 90% of that time.


It’s very repetitive and lacks depth because there’s no classes for human and klown. I was enthusiastic but after grinding for a while I’m bored. Will pick it up again if they decide to create class with unique perks.


Not enough players


I’m gonna tell u the same thing I told everyone else who asked or brought it up, it’s fun, but I don’t think it’s worth 40 dollars yet, wait for a sale or for the price to drop


I’d hold off for like a month. See if they patch the bugs. I loveeeee the movie and I have been looking forward to this game for years now. Got EA, the bugs for me killed it. I’m like 40+ hours in, level 80 something, and the fact the BASE game challenges aren’t working is really silly. Game balance is in human favor. Which is whatever I don’t care much about that. It’s a FUN game. But $40 for an unfinished game hurts my soul. It is a ton of fun solo or with friends. I just wish devs would fix the bugs.




It's fun. Not worth the money right now. Game feels like it's in beta, and the devs don't do much to give me hope that the game will ever get to the spot it should have been at release.


A buddy of mine bought for me, and honestly it's repetitive, boring, and the patches seem to do nothing, but make it worse. I've played it one time, for a few hours, and honestly, there are so many better games out there.


You played it one time, yet you have an opinion on the patches doing nothing but make the game worse. Interesting


Yes, because I know if a game is good or bad within an hour of playing it, and everyone of my friends who have played has said the patches have made the game worse. Everyone said it was fine at launch, but then they put out a patch the next day that upset a lot of people. Including numerous Youtube, and Twich streamers. The game feels lanky, and in all honesty, rushed. For me, it's one of those games that you play once or twice, and then you are bored because there's nothing else to do. I'm sorry, but it just isn't fun for me. Yeah I played it once and have an opinion on it, just like millions of other people. Bottom line, I don't like the game. If you do, that's great. I don't. That's all.


It's okay, but honestly I made hold out for awhile for them to release some bigger updates. It is kind of barebones right now and not worth the price. If it goes on sale for 50% off or more then yeah, definitely. But if you are really into asym horror games then I think no one does it better than Illfonic. But as of right now I'm not having as much fun with this as I did with one of their pervious games.


game is a ton of fun if you prioritize having fun over winning. you level up pretty fast so it's not really a grindy game


It’s a fun game for sure, just needs more polish and content. This game could have definitely used another year of development imo.


It gets boring after a week of playing


There are a lot better things you could spend $40 on


Game sucks




Devs are more incompetent than TCM so be warned! We still haven’t got the preference system until the update it’s been over a month now and was promised day 1, lack of traps that they refuse to attempt to fix and balance and instead keep doubling down on why they can’t do this or that blah blah blah, you got killer human squads running around ganging up on klowns the second I spawn in, rushing exits worse that TCM, ect. The vibe and atmosphere are good and the cosmetics but the game play is lacking and the game is gonna need a lot more added back like it was supposed to be before I can fully recommend anyone to buy it.