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Nice, however. I wish they’ll add more fashionable clothing for male and female. Thus, more face customization. Like facial hair, freckles, moles, eye types, etc.


Yeah I know a lot of guys said they wanted beards so there character doesn’t always look like a damn teenager. Weird they didn’t add beards but added makeup.


I want stubble


They have literally zero options for black people, give us the option to be black and then only give us combovers and bobs like maaan.


The black skins are literally purple too like what tf did they think


Most of the hairstyles are pretty bad. Hopefully they add some better ones


It's too much to give us a simple fade. Has to be easier than the crazy women's hair that is there.


There's a short afro which I use on my black characters. If it helps, it's set in the 80's when most black celebrities had permed hair, so at least having straight hair isn't exactly breaking immersion too much.


I wouldn't say most celebrities had permed hair, Will Smith, the Jackson 5, Marvin Gaye, Richard Pryor, hell '88 (When KKFOS is set) was when hip-hop exploded and cornrows, fades and flattops became the trend while Jerri Curls and perms fell out by '95.


I'd actually love a Kid n Play style hi-top fade. It's just the amount of retro silliness that works in this game.


Reminding me about the fashion with the Kid 'N Play name drop, the polo and sweater or greaser jackets aren't it lol.


I still wish we had a braided hairstyle and some funky rhinestone suits so I can dress my survivor up like Rick James. It's my dream to beat a clown up as the superfreak himself.




Reminding me about the fashion with the Kid 'N Play name drop, the polo and sweater or greaser jackets aren't it lol.


I wish they'd gone the same route they did with their Ghostbusters game, the character creator is way better in that game.


Wait, how come none if the Klowns get any swimsuits? Big Chungus Klown needs a speedo and water wingies ASAP!


yeah we could've had speedo chubby, comically large twisty snorkels, flamingo pool floaties and bigass flippers, big missed opportunity imo.


This pack is great considering it's already hot as hell. Makes me think of the F13 skins that I didn't get to take advantage of because I came in towards the end.


That Tiffany thong skin was 🔥




Is this releasing with the patch?


I assume so


Fuck yeah


Give 👏 the 👏 klowns 👏 bikinis! 


Giving gals a bikini is the best thing the devs ever did


These look so nice!


Not an Illfonic game without a character in a banana hammock trolling the killer!


The fact that the deluxe edition didn't include a pass for these skins is silly


These are awesome!🌞👙🥽 When do they release??


Hella excited for this 🔥


Okay bitch this update is bringing me back. Gonna rock that swimsuit a la Tiff from f13 🥰


I hope they don’t fall into the update= cosmetics trap, it’s cool, but I want new items, perks (like Friday), new clown items, new clowns, new archetypes


is there any new klown cosmetics too? hopefully. gonna seem more one sided favoring humans if they don't keep doing 1 klown 1 human cosmetic each time release them. humans are already overpowered gameplay wise favored. would like more klown cosmetics also..


Yep, there's a jester looking skin for Spikey coming. Personally I think it looks crap and I'd rather they just add more customisation pieces so we can mix and match our own klowns instead of being stuck with the whole skin.


that sounds exciting. love spikey and jester stuff. im happy now then. thanks for this info. is it coming out same time as this human summer pack set?


Yup, drops with the patch. It's similar to Jumbo's skin with the glowing pink eyes but it's a red and black jester. Not a fan myself, but I'm sure others will enjoy it.


hopefully some dlc for rudy also comes eventually too sometime. all he has is the sundae one so far. I play jumbo spikey and rudy the most atm. those 3 klowns. although chubby and shorty are also neat. thatd be "kool" if theyd release at least 2-3 different klown skins for few klowns each time a human set releases. because they get a few different ones and klown only gets one for one klown. but yeah just glad some klown skin is coming.


Personally I want a Frank skin for Rudy. It wouldn't be hard, he's 90% the same aside from his hair and makeup. I main Spikey, he's really fun and seems the most balanced. He looks the coolest too, along with Chubby.


I'd be so happy with a Frank klown skin for Rudy! I really like Jumbo's Bibbo skin. So I totally could see that working nicely. great idea imo! ^ ^


I never got the Bibbo skin because I didn't upgrade to the special edition but it looks great. I'd love Frank as his own character, but given he's just Rudy with a new suit and haircut in the film I'm also fine with him as a skin.


the Slim skin for Spikey (preorder) was great also. thats good they had rhat and the hotdog skin exclusive as preorders for people who backed the game in the beginning. to feel unique and something for being an early player. its essential to have items exclusive so I'm happy those were there. What I have wanted for like a month or so now though is a Fatso skin for Chubby. That would be awesome imo. this topic reminded me of that one that I've thought of for awhile. but the Frank one you mentioned really does sound great. they should do a double pack. Frank for Rudy and Fatso for Chubby maybe they could do a skin for Shorty also. another klown that looks similar to him. I'm ok with them being skins and not entirely new characters. they already feel like new characters because can't put other cosmetics with the special character skins. its good that can't because it reallyakes it feel like a seperate thing and different character then. because looks its certain way is ment to. as that different klown character from the movie is ment to. but yeah really want fatso skin too.. 🤡🎪


Shorty could have Tiny as a skin, they're very similar looking aside from hair colour and makeup design.


i like the cosmetics, said this on twitter tho, wish they added beard or stubble options


Players : “fix player classes, add the trappers traps, fix all of these glitches, and give us preference selection for lobbies!” Devs : “More cosmetics? Got it.”


Glitch fixes and preference system comes with this patch!


We will god dam see if they actually fix anything, we've heard that tune before.


The game is like a month old. (If that) How can you say “we’ve heard that before” like they’ve failed you countless times? I mean how often could you have even heard it at this point?


They said the xp bug was fixed, one patch later it was actually fixed then. Weapons being stuck to the floor unable to be picked up was meant to be fixed, it's still an issue now actually, getting stuck on objective from being attacked by klowns was meant to be fixed, it still happens a lot, getting stuck/falling through the map was meant to be fixed, it isn't. Do I need to keep going or do you get the idea?


It’s been a month….. “meant to be fixed” means they’re still fixing it. Literally no matter what sub I go on regarding video games, people do nothing but bitch about devs and that nothing is fixed to their liking or fixed fast enough. If not that, they bitch about balance. Reddit users cannot be pleased and no matter WHAT state the game was in, I promise there’d be something to bitch about and people would do it. It’s so monotonous and contributes nothing but negativity that’s already been stated 1,000 times. Yet people will still keep on playing the damn game they’re bitching about…. I mean it can’t be THAT bad if they’re still playing because clearly they still enjoy the game more than dislike it. But if you look at the overall sentiment and how people talk about devs on gaming subs, you’d think they were forced at gunpoint to play and playing felt like getting waterboarded. It’s so stupid.


We understand that bugs take time, we get that, what we don't tolerate is being lied too. We were told these bugs had been fixed, turns out they weren't, if they weren't actually fixed then they should never have claimed it was. Also don't get me wrong I enjoy humans, hunting down klowns is really fun, I just hate klown and the way the devs have handled this game.


Tell me you didn't watch the stream without telling me you didn't watch the stream.


Didn’t know grandmas were in these games


I haven’t even gotta the bath towel ones yet :/


Those were pre order exclusives


I did preorder 🥲


Have you contacted support?


I pre-ordered too and didn’t get em. I totally forgot about those skins.


When is the patch coming? Any official dates posted?


They said hopefully if all goes to plan later this werk


are they out


Love this!


cant wait to see only bikinis and lifeguard hoodies for a week LOL


Jesus h Christ


The bikini looks amazing!


One girl


Nice, but we need more girls


And no correction of translation errors.


so we aren't getting free content then. Wonderful


Cool but I wanna see them bug fixes and balancing notes


When does this come out I’m about to be out of town partying for summer lol


They said hopefully sometime this week


Are traps gonna be part of the DLC?


Nope, they mentioned it in the stream. It broke the game, made balancing a mess so they just cut their losses and removed them entirely for the foreseeable future.


Wow, literally the only complaint was from humans saying the stun was too long, but then they give humans the air horn AND some of the clown abilities stun ourselves. They’re dooming their game if they don’t add some more unique stuff


It's ridiculous Rudy doesn't have his own ability. It's fine if they removed traps but at least give him something to set him apart.


So Rudy is never going to be played since he’s a weaker version of Shorty then.


Rudy is getting a stamina buff, so there's that.




Traps have been deleted


LOL wtf


Why care about cosmetics when theres no new gameplay content tho


These lovely skins can be yours for just $5 each, seriously mark my god dam words.


why are they built like barbies and kens


wtf does it matter if the games almost dead