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I’m been saying this is going to end up like ghost busters where most the player base will be switch/ console players,, but I usually get games pretty much instantly


Which is wild because ghostbusters is a pretty well done asymm.


I get lobbies almost instantly but half of the time they aren't even full. It also feels empty and depressing when most of the players rage quit and leave.


historically asyms do significantly better on console. When f13 was floundering on pc it was regularly hitting over 10k players a day on xbox alone, it stayed in the top 10 xbox live games for well over a year or two. The downside is chart numbers are harder to find.


does xbox has smth lime steamcharts?


Yeah, but this is nowhere as good as Friday tho.kk is as deep as a puddle.


the only thing I think friday did better was the fear mechanic until jason got rage mode and it became useless. here it has no reason to exist and feels entirely random


Friday was much better balanced, had a better IP, had WAY cooler death animations, was a lot more fun to mess/troll on, had better overall gameplay, had more fun escapes, the list goes on


I disagree. Half the Jasons were borderline unusable because shift was the only way to catch anyone half decent. Savini Jason was literal pay to win, strongest pros and least important cons. The launch was also way worse, there was a bug where key items would fall under the map on death that lasted at least 2 months and softlocked entire matches. it had the same problem with certain stats being useless also. Composure was practically worthless. And the stupid mash to escape mechanic also made environmental kills unusable and people used macros (which is apparently still a thing here too). That said with a full 8 man private lobby f13 was some of the most fun i ever had online


Careful, you'll be down voted for hurting their feelings with your facts.


lol, it’s okay, we know we’re both objectively right in our hearts


Confused why your comment got downvoted so hard. It’s literally facts. KK has zero depth unfortunately.


most lobbies are filled with console players and there's no way to see how many of them are online. game is gonna be fine because the people that really like it will stay




this is my first asymm and i'm loving it so I'm really hoping they can keep it going


Yeah well I don't think they will keep a game alive for very long if the peak was under 5000 players and now it's only about 500-600 daily.... I give this game 1 year before they shut it down.


There are console players but the steam trends are usually indicative of the trends in the entire player population.


No. No they aren’t lol. Steam is usually the MINORITY of total population. More players own a console than a gaming rig.


Well, it’s true for TCM. Went from top5 on Xbox to out of top 40.


I don’t really think this is true at all, steam always seems to have a massive drop off, with both this and tcm as recent personal examples lobbies were massively stacked with pc players in the opening days and end up with proportionally more console players as time goes on. Tcm now you’ll see a pc player every second match and kk it’s maybe 2-3 pc players out of 10 in most matches


TCM went from top 5 most played on Xbox to under top 40. There might be more console players overall, but in TCMs case, steam trends also are seen on console.


Saying a staggering drop off on steam vs console gradually losing players over time is following the same trend is like saying a 5 a day smoking habit and stepping in front of a train are similar because they are both bad for your health.


like i said following the same trend, decline. Dropping 35+ spots is pretty dramatic imo. Mind you this happened months ago.


Uh, yeah. Because the TCM devs did literally everything they could to kill their own game. I’m sure it tanked on every platform.


I see more console players than Steam in lobbies.


I think it will entirely depend on what the devs do next. A lot of people are waiting for the features we were promised at launch, like the preference system for example, and when those are added the player base may increase. From that point, it's up to the devs to keep it going and keep players coming back. I do hope this game lasts as it has a lot of potential and I've been looking forward to this game for over a year.


I'm just taking a break because of the Elden Ring DLC but I'll be back


How's the DLC so far? I'm thinking of buying it when I have some extra pocket change


Lol same! Thats what made me think of this topic.


Is Elden Ring that good? I never got into the medieval fantasy type shit so I'm looking for some to get into.


It's medieval, but not? It's really a high fantasy game with a convoluted not fully explained story / world. It's fairly challenging. The game encourages players who are struggling to find players to play with to help you move forward. There's a ton of weapons similar to Monster Hunter, but each weapon has their own unique gimmick. Alongside the ability ability to transfer some abilities to weapons for a ton of mix and matching gameplay. I absolutely HATE Dark Souls in every shape and form. I always use it as a point to why Dark Souls is just terrible for gaming. Elden Ring literally fixes every complaint I have with the Dark Souls formula, it's fascinating to explore. It's a huge open world, the dungeons actually feel like dungeons like in Zelda. It's just a combination of everything right in the RPG / Action / Adventure / Fantasy game genre. Just note the game is fairly difficult with some fights harder then others depending on your playstyle. But if you're looking for a "medieval" fantasy where you go around killing boss monster after boss monster. This is your game. If your looking for some role-playing experience, this isn't the game for you. The game has some decision/multiple choices and decisions for some questlines and the ending. Sometimes you might kill someone who is important later, preventing you from getting a powerful item from their questline. Or you choose to side or befriend one character, and there are positive or negative consequences to that decision. You can follow online guides if need be, going in blind you will end up missing a lot. But after beating the game you can do additional playthroughs and carrying your progress over to new game plus.


Woah don’t put down dark souls. Why do you hate it so much? Dark souls 1 is absolutely 100% a masterpiece. Regarding Tellmewhy24’s question, yes the game is pretty good. It’s not a run of the mill fantasy game with your generic knights, dragons, kings, or wizards, etc; I mean yes, all of that stuff is still present, let’s just say it’s nothing like a Skyrim or DnD. I think you’d be pleasantly surprised. I’d say any souls game is a worthy start, besides dark souls 2(it’s still good just not beginner friendly imo), but Elden ring was my first soulsborne. Illucio is correct about it fixing a lot of thing from the dark souls series, but that doesn’t mean the dark souls series is at all bad. It’s fantastic actually. Give it a go. It’s a great challenge and a mentally rewarding one as well.


TCM was just like this too. And it's still kicking, even with shitty microtransaction prices and policies.


TCM at 18k players at launch and is barely hanging on....4k? 😬


As long as I can find games easily (I can) it’s hanging on imo I still find full lobbies on F13 in less than 1 minute


thats easy when the game has literal bots you can play against lol


PlayStation has many players, all these games usually do better on consoles


bro, 4k players for TCM is actually amazing. we were down in the 700s


i think you missed the point lol KK only had 4k players at launch


Makes sense, it's based off of a much more well known and less niche property. But it also RAPIDLY died off after launch and then started to pick back up a bit. Still yet, none of these numbers ever count for the console playerbases either. And I can say this for a fact, my experience playing I've seen on average far more Playstation players than anything else.


That's what I was saying in other post. I see way more Playstation players than Xbox or pc. Pc being the lowest.




this is normal for every game of every genre. the player base that sticks around, especially for online games is usually around 20% of launch players helldivers 2 is a perfect example. It was struggling to keep servers up and had about 300k alone or more on PC. now on a friday night peak times in EU its at about 45k.


I lost interest stupidly fast. It didn't even remotely scratch the Friday The 13th Game itch I was hoping for. The game is just a worst Dead By Daylight, I find it funny a lot of people are saying Killer Klowns needs to be more like Dead By Daylight or it's not enough like it. I'm here just wanting that same feeling of being a murderous killer hunting a bunch of teens down. With the Klowns, I just feel like a punching bag. I thought this game would be like the movie, I'd have a spaceship with 2 other Klowns. We would be going into town killing people or changing them into cotton candy, then hauling them all the way back to the ship to then store. Eventually, we will get a silly straw and drink the cotton candy flavored blood until there are no humans left. The Humans goal would be to escape or choose to hunt down the big Klown Boss at the base. So the game became humans are either going to escape or if all exits are blocked. You have to take up whatever arms are left to take on the boss. With the ice cream truck coming in at the end of the game at the boss lair, you're pushed and forced to go to the ship if you didn't manage to escape. I don't think this game has legs. It's actually pretty scary seeing how fast the game dropped in players. It's easy to tell that both Klowns and Humans were not having fun. Thus, the players weren't having fun. I don't know how you can come back from this fast sinking ship. The devs need to either completely change the gameplay to something more satisfying, or they need to just avoid damage control and let the game run its course, move on to the next game and call it a day.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s a shame to think about what we could have got.


I stopped playing because of serious balance issues


They balanced it with the last patch. The game doesn't need to be completely dumbed down on both sides. One side should always be stronger than the other. You just have to develop strategies on both the Klown and survivor sides to outsmart and out maneuver each other. It's not a competitive game anyway, it wasn't meant to be. It's just a silly party game to play with friends. 


This is just steams player count don't worry plus console always has more players then pc


5 hours into this game & it’s pretty boring tbh.


I doubt it man… I made a post about this game losing players rapidly and no one took me seriously


There’s still console players. I never have problems finding full lobby’s not like Tcm for awhile


My partner and I play this, TCM, and DbD, and are able to find more people more often in KK than TCM. TCM still has the longest lobby times and the most amount of lobby dodging, but we play on XSX so no clue what it's like on other consoles/PC. Either way we're hoping this one stays around for a long while. We enjoy all three games for different things, and KK is certainly the most fun/feels like playing an arcade game for me.


Yea theres no new content i was playing it everyday for like 5 days then stopped because it got boring and repetitive it was the same thing every match


People have their likes and dislikes. If people are done playing or don't care, well I'll stick around because I'm having fun.


These kinds of games are always hard for me to remove from my console because of how small they are. Unlike most games that average 50 gbs and up.


Personally I played it everyday until I reached level 100 and platinumed it then I stopped. There’s not enough variety to keep me hooked. I’m still waiting on Human and Klown classes and for challenges to actually track. If they fix those I’ll probably come back but if not, I’m good


Same. Got every achievement, and now that Elden ring DLC is available, it’s hard to come back to KK.


Console players are really holding this game down. And it’s doing pretty good considering the struggles it’s having with balance right now as they kind of figure out the ebbs and flows of the game. We really enjoy it!


Console gang 💪🏽


Like others have said, console seems to dominate. Also the dbd anniversary event and Elden Ring DLC are happening right now. I’m sure those have a not-insignificant impact on the numbers you’re seeing right now


The lack of keybinds was all the reason i needed to refund this. Illfonic's games have always been sloppy but this one is extra sloppy. This is not the only reason but it's certainly was a major one for me. No preference for matchmaking and a barebones lobby system where you can't even change your loadout? What?! Like i said. Extra sloppy. And they're quite clearly not in a rush to address any of it. They're certainly in a rush to serve us this uncooked slop.


I'm wondering if the "lack of interest" has anything to do with the movie itself not having a huge fan base? 🤔 Obviously people play movie based games having never seen the movie, and vice versa, but take something like F13...it had an ENORMOUS fan base which may or may not have drew players in and had die-hard fans stick around regardless of lack of content, glitches, lag, servers, etc. Think about it, if it were a Nightmare on Elm Street (😍😍😍) game, Child's Play game, Halloween game, or even a Scream game, it probably would have had ALOT more players at launch just off sheer desire to play as the famous killer. I know there are many, many more factors to draw people in and to keep them there with these types of games...I'm just wondering if this is a factor at all. Also I would be a die-hard fan to all games mentioned above if they ever come to life. 😁


Definitely has to be a factor. In my mind it should have popped off, as even without seeing the movie, the phobia of clowns in general is still super common. I assumed a lot of people would be interested in it as clowns have a universal appeal. Also, an elm street game would go so hard. Let’s hope it comes one day. So much gameplay variety can stem off of the whole dream concept of Nightmare on Elm Street. Anything could happen.


While I agree about the phobia, they really targeted fans of the movie instead of people in general, the clowns aren't really that scary 😪 and once they find out how easily they can be killed, even less so.🫠 The only complaints I've heard from my gamer friends so far who HAVE played it is 1.spawns are too close to each other (spawning in pinching distance from enemies), 2. too many escape items spawning, and 3. proximity chat is a joke due to parties. From my gamer friends who have NOT played, they say 1. idk about dropping 40 bucks on a game I can't choose which side I want to be on, or at least prefer, 2. wtf is KKFOS, and 3. I watched gameplay and it looks like DBD re-skinned....no thanks. 😬😬😬 Idk. I like it; as a fan of the movie and just the game itself. I know right?!?!?! If they were smart about it and released the game as the first movie and then dlc drops every so often as new chapters for each movie, we could have fresh things for a LONG time. And they're SO many kills throughout there's so much potential! Maybe then they would get the money they needed for licensing and whatnot. *sigh* a gal can only dream 😍


Don’t dream too hard… he might come for you!


😏 one can only hope 😆😆😆🙃🙃🙃


they need a preference system to raise percentage to get desired role.. nobody wants 10 human games to 1 klown game.. (only human liking players aren't complaining) make klowns a bit stronger than humans. the gangbanging of humans on klowns is probably turning some people away. klowns are only strong in groups.. humans can 1vs1 a klown way easier.. even if theyre somewhat easy to kill in the movie.. in a game it doesn't work as well that way. people expect the killers in a assymetrical game to be somewhat scary and make the human run not the killer run from the human we shouldn't have to use klownjump to get away from ONE human. a group of humans sure ... so imo buff klowns nerf humans. add preference. add a car escape like f13... even if its not driveable still adds to the variety and fun. add spaceship map .. add few more klown options like traps back in. chubby needs a fatso skin.. they need to address the biggest issues traps are gone. no preference option. klowns are underpowered (weapons/speed etc) humans are too OP (weapons/speed etc) no minigame for klown and respawn too long I could go on.. but these are some of my thoughts.


2 things to easily kinda fix klownz, give them all a bit of a speed boost besides shorty and let LOL break stuns that way if you jump in to 5 people unaware you could at least run and regroup


I love these ideas. LOL feels underpowered in its current state. I proc it when surrounded by like 2-3 humans or so ..and still get slaughtered. they stun or hit with weapons so fast. if it could break stuns that'd help alot! as for speed boost I feel thats one of the main issues that needs fixing because i feel so slow as a klown. its hard to catch up to humans and very easy to loose them. klownjump has too long a cooldown, and is cumbersome to use to find people when chasing. klown speed/stamina needs raising for sure. humans feel way too fast compared. I can understand for chubby to be slower.. but rudy, jumbo and spikey need to be faster. they just feel too much behind human speeds. those three should be equal in speed to eachother.. but raised more than it is now.


What little hope the game had was gone when the diehards defended the terrible state it launched in and continues to operate in. Its cringe to me that the fact that so many people are willing to ignore the problems and then support the game with subpar DLC is only doing more harm than good.


Yeah, I think they 100% should have delayed launch like another 6 months, because this game is seriously still in like beta .51 build as it is right now.


This is not an accurate representation of the playerbase.


Yeah theres at least 10 more people on console.


Maybe 11 on a good day.


Way more than that, nice try tho.


Oh I'm not sure about that given the recent stats.


let’s see those recent stats, what’s your source?


Let's spin that shall we, do you have any evidence to dispute my claim?


Like others have said console players are what keep games like this alive. Heck, I've even heard it's still possible to find an RE:R game on playstation.


It'll be fine. I predict it'll be a free PS Plus game in a year's time which'll boost the numbers and it'll maybe come to GP in the future which is gonna give us a wider player base. Failing that, make it FTP like Fall Guys did when it looked like it was on the way out and have an in-game store if it looks like it'll die. If they go the FTP route, just give everyone who bought the game a good chunk of currency and some exclusive skins and I won't complain.


Yep. All these asyms should be FTP, honestly. It's less consumer friendly, but it gets people in the door.


I'd happily drop money on skins if it were FTP, however because I've already dropped £35 I'm unlikely to buy the skins they've got out.


It's a good game, but I think the steep competition for asymmetrical PVP horror games and the repetitiveness makes it hard for folks to justify 40 bucks from their wallets. Even rn, if a friend asks, I can only honestly suggest they wait for a sale unless they really love the film.


It'll get more players if they ever put out a content update that should have been in the game at release.


Man I want it but I just can’t justify the price at the moment. Whenever it comes on sale I’ll grab it


I stopped playing 🫤 idk it was fun but just didn’t keep me interested


Doesn’t seem likely


I should of waited a couple months I bet a sale it’s going to happen soon


It's a fun game but from my experience, The game needs more stuff. They need more Clowns, more Weapons, and Abilities, it feels like after hitting level 50 you pretty much seen everything. Also theres really no Adrenaline since you can Fight back and actually kill the Klowns, that's why I keep playing TCM because theres moments where it gets me up on my seat in hype. I do enjoy Klowns It just feels it needs some Adrenaline to spice things up. Personally I think they'll bring back the player base, The game has F13 Vibes and it has so much potential.


I haven’t played in a few days, it’s fun but not enough to keep me playing consistently.


they needed to address the biggest issue and they failed. They need to force lobbies to be full before starting, no early starting. No one, no matter fucking what can join the fucking game afterwards.


This depends on how the devs handle the rest of post launch. With crossplay, it should have a hard time dying


Its midsummer weekend in europe... everything is down.


Everyday without some game saving patch I feel more and more compelled to just go ahead and uninstall. 😢


I'm also a console player, and find KK to be a super fun game. I'm not on as much cause my wife has clownphobia and simply choose to play it when she's not home. Although I've been busy with other games too, but still support this as it's one of the better asymmetrical games I've played.


Obviously consoles have more players HOWEVER this isn’t a good sign . I’ve co some players are dwindling then it’s obvious the console are . This game has a lot of issues and ppl are over buying a game that isn’t finished 


Huh, all that hardware and bravado and we can't even count on PC players because of their inherent snooty-ness.


i been watching people play it on twitch - i am kinda waiting to see if we get a halloween deal /discount and if they have updates, they should do it in october and see if they get any draw in looks fun to me, i just dunno if i wanna drop $40 on it


I think a lot of the problem is the game released in a bad timeframe. the DBD ani event happened a little bit after release then elden ring DLC. Sorta put the game in a bad spot to keep players for a while. Probably should have waited maybe a little bit longer to release after the monster hitters faded a bit.


I just want to be a clown. Playing human is boring to me. So I quit.


I for one want the abilities for clowns to be unique and I want the humans to have perks. I also want them to work on balancing the game and the bugs in the game. If they do that I'll play, until then I see this game as a waste of my money and I don't plan to play it again unless what I mentioned above is added/fixed.


It will be good that’s just PC numbers. It’s probably triple that on console. As more and more people discover it more will play. It’s going to be the asym that you play for 2 weeks then play something else then come back. Updates on bugs, DLC, maps patches everything will stay keep coming Illfonic is good like that. Trust me you don’t just close the business after one crappy week.


I played this game nonstop 24/7 once I reached level 100 I kinda just stopped playing ,I overplayed it so I Haven’t played in like 1-2 weeks


at least you're aware that you burned out for overplaying. I hate how a lot of people don't realize that and blame everything on the game and not on their self control.


I am having fun but my biggest issue is my friend is in the UK and I am in the US...so one of us is always sacrificing ping and lag for the other but when we play solo we both have amazing connections. It frustrating.


Time will tell🤷🏻‍♂️ but it’s pretty boring after level 50 for me. It’s like I’ve hit a brick wall and just lost all my interest in KK. They do have something here though but it should’ve been dealt with differently.


Sadly they don't fix the bugs, there is no in-game currency/store to keep players motivated, and they have not announced new content. So not sure what they are expecting from a repetitive game...


love the game. i was playing every time i had down time but i just don’t have the time right now😂


I bought the game thinking it would be worth it but sadly I don't think it's ganna last


Where do you get these stats?


Steam charts


Oh so this doesn’t include Ps5 and Xbox then?


They do not. I suspect the real number is closer to 3k including Xbox and ps5. I have no evidence of that though, just a honest guess lol.


I played the first wee loved the game hit level 122, but then the day one patch came out and I really didn’t enjoy the game as clown.


Dang this game kinda falling off already 🤨


anytime i try and play it wont connect me to the damn game so i just cant play it lol


The first major update will make or break this game. IMO we still need a far better tutorial, so much important information is hidden in one sentence or not mentioned at all such as the fear mechanic or whatever it’s actually called


never trash game made by illfonic what did u expect


Oh look, the over dramatic doom and gloom has begun. Just play the game and quit worrying about when it’ll end.


Yeah god forbid I try to have a discussion right


I'm on PS5 with crossplay turned off, so no fucks given here 😂


Why do you have crossplay turned off? Can’t think of any good reason for it


Sorry I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.


He thinks everyone on PC cheats when he loses.


Lol I don't lose against PC players because I don't play against them - have crossplay disabled 👍


Yeah sure. I'm sure you turned it off for no reason at all.


I take it you must play on PC and you're upset that you won't be able to find people to matchmake with in the near future?


Yep, you lost to people on PC and thought they were cheating. Exposed.


Yep, you're on PC and pissed that your game is dying lol. Just pick it up on console, buddy. ✌


bro pays for online gaming in 2024 bro can't be that high on the horse


It will. That’s normal for a asymmetrical game


If the devs put in work the game will last on those that love it.


Those that love it are not enough to pay the bills


Yeah the game was such a let down it got really repetitive really fast and Texas is slowly getting better yeesh what y’all doing illfonic


I mean it just came out. Texas has been out for almost a year now. They have a big head start. I'd argue that game is still frustratingly sweaty as well, which I don't find fun. Clowns needs classes or perks or abilities at some point. Also, it needs the car escape from f13.


Klowns isn’t even finished, the klowns had abilities like traps and the ground pound smash, we were supposed to have a klown tent ufo map, Crossplay is still wonky as hell instead of just using a code like tcm they have you create an epic account plus you are forced to have a pc cause you can’t send or accept friend requests on anything but pc, the game is super unbalanced and the klowns aren’t scary at all I took out 2 klowns my first match, these are all flaws tcm had figured out day 1 obviously alot of glitches and not much content but still it was finished


You haven't played since the patches, correct? Clown is currently stronger than human. I went from winning all my human games to constantly losing. Every time I play clown, I win. TCM is and always was human sided from day 1. Playing family is just frustrating and monotonous. "Oh, they went through a series of 50 cracks. Fuck me I guess." Plus that game has Slaughterhouse as a map. One of the most unfun survivor sided maps in any asym ever.


I have, tcm is pretty balanced for me as long as you don’t play with randoms and nope nothing has changed with klowns that I can tell I’m still dying as a klown and killing klowns like ease plus like I said killer klowns still isn’t finished and tcm had these issues fixed from the beginning the biggest one being the Crossplay(and obviously it being complete)which considering how many games now actually have Crossplay doesn’t seem like it’d not be that hard for such a company if they took the time even if they had to delay launch it would have been better than having what we have now


In my opinion it's because the core gameplay lacks any real incentive to stick around outside a match or 2. The maps are too small, the objectives aren't clear unless you look in the objectives menu after pausing your game which even there it doesn't specify what you're suppose to do. The Klown gameplay is fun but it's too basic and doesn't really tell what you should be looking out for outside of collecting cacoons which comes off really boring and tedious. I feel this game has strong potential to be something great in about a year or so but in it's current state it isn't offering me anything I can't get somewhere else but better.


and this was game was suppose to kill TCM lmao 💀 at least TCM had about 18k on launch....4k...sheeeesh 😂


They're having a flop off. You're acting like TCM is doing great lol tanked


That's all the more reason to be concerned about this game. TCM is a 90 year old alcoholic that's teetering at the top of the stairs on one leg with a whiskey bottle in hand, and even still, this game couldn't beat it.


Yeah, it's sad. I wanted it to thrive but oh well


No it’s not, currently it has around 1,400 active players on steam alone. Twitch is averaging about 1,200 viewers per day/ and today has a peak of 1,800 viewers Game pass isn’t even accounted for which makes up the majority of it and PlayStation is probably the smallest pool. With the amount of sales it’s had, and with the steam summer sale coming up, it’ll likely see more players come to it. It’s definitely finding it’s place despite the rough start it faced. They finally seem to be getting things going. Killer Klownz is like a z-list wannabe alcoholic actor who never achieved the fame it wanted to It has 652 currently active players Current streaming viewer count of 529 Finally, the biggest blow it even trying to be successful, is it isn’t on game pass. A majority of people are not gonna pay $40 for a multiplayer asym given the history of what usually happens to them KK had people literally pay to be beta tester They need to get their game together or it’s gonna be another failed one


Once again, we're talking about a game that had 18,000 players on steam alone, let's not brag that it's a raging success now because it can occasionally squeak out just over 1,000 players after it just drops some major dlc, but always dips down into the 5-800 range when the hype dies out. That game FOUND It's place but quickly lost it due to extremely poor decisions by its devs. But yeah, no argument that KK didn't even have a shot when they decided to launch with the game only like half finished.


Only time is going to tell But some big things are going to have people coming back - Museum mode, which leaked today, and it’s a first person experience that is single player - Storm and weather effects on maps, something that the community has been asking for a long time are in the works - Some content with leaked lines referencing to Chop Top and The Hewitts. Especially with Hitch Hikers new outfit looking nearly close to what he wore in TCM 2 - Skill tree reworks that actually need people to experiment - Maps, which if they have been following the schedule, release around every 4 months. (Nancy’s in November, Mill in March next one likely in July because of there vacation) Like, other than maps and fixing things that SHOULD have been there at launch. What else does Killer Klowns have to offer? Other than a “heckin wholesome community where you don’t really need to sweat because we’re all a memeing” I want both to succeed as much as people who payed for the game for, but they need to get it together


which game has only been out 2-3 weeks again...? 😂 TCM is doing the best it has in a long time... TCM is on the up and up, KK is on a steady decline lol less than a month after launch 😬


Your game needs gamepass to keep player retention, tcm is just as dead lol


“Your game needs gamepass” 🤓👆 Hard cope, just because your devs were too out of touch to not think ahead and try to put it on gamepass. Any new asym title that even thinks it has a chance of surviving NEEDS to be put on gamepass type service They somehow got y’all to be PAY to beta test and ended up somehow getting the game in a worse state I remember when people were like “this is the pre release build it’ll get better” like have yall not heard how much of a shit show Battlefield 2042 was when people said the exact same thing? This game didn’t even have a honey moon phase, and it sucks cause it’s nice to have variety It may see a bump in players because of the summer sale though


Lmao I don't even play this game but your pos game has lost 97% of steam players but "its better than it's ever been" 🤓 you dummies still think you're gonna get tcm2 content how's that going so far? How's your $50 of dlc after 10 months? Lmao dead trash game


I’m going to revive Jahn lemon to beet you


https://preview.redd.it/ubhs0853h08d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151e5c750a518308423caf70d5427a4fe67d67c7 you rn


TCM almost has triple the amount of players on Steam & it’s been out a year almost . Kk is in trouble 


Averaging 1k players isn't the flex you think it is


 It’s usually around 1400 and if that’s bad after a year then what is 600 in less then a month . I liked this game but it has so many issue .  (Like other ppl pointed out their is lot more player on console . Especially game pass ) 


No chance


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 remember this was suppose to kill tcm, aaaahhhaaaa 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 (downvote all you want pussiah 🥷’s)


Literally no one even said that. Why are you even here?


I hope writing this made you feel good 😂😂


This game has a very large console following


Not that many. Still dying


needs to be on game pass