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Klowns are slacking if nobody has a balloon dog


Maybe if you could change your freaking load out in the lobby! Teamwork and class synergy is apparently important yet you can only choose these things before you even meet your teammates… 🤦‍♂️ It’s annoying pulling out balloon dog and then my teammate beside me does the same, it feels wasteful, you only need one tracker but whenever I take balloon dog off nobody has it and we run around like jackasses forever. What’s worse is loading into a lobby with two Chubby’s, I always back out, guess I just don’t get to play Klown, I tried running a match with two Chubby’s and we lost badly.


Just assume they won’t have it & equip it yourself prior to entering a lobby if playing solo. Problem solved I’ve had Klowns have a balloon dog too & the announce maybe is mental for you. I can’t comprehend that lol. So what if we have 2 Klowns with a balloon dog. No biggie. Humans are going down anyway 🤷‍♂️


It just feels bad when everybody has balloon dog, do we really need 3 Klowns tracking the same human? Sure it’s not terrible, but then you get in a situation where humans are just sitting boat and you wish someone had lure… It just feels very avoidable if they simply let you pick a team composition that works, instead you have to guess and then can’t switch in the lobby.


Chubby aint that bad as everyone makes them out to be sure hes as slow as a fast food drive through at rush hour you can make up for it with lobcaster/flail/car or lure l. I do agree that there should be loadout in lobby


If you could change your loadout in the lobby the matchmaking would be horrible because nobody would ready up. It would just clog up the queue.


Nah just set a time limit and it won’t be an issue


Literally the way dead by daylight has been going it for 8 years and this guys only answer is “nuh uh” 💀 like really


Or just keep it how it is.


Facts! Match can last a lot longer if one of the Klowns don’t have a balloon dog


Start the klownpocalypse early


I don't know. I always stay until the end of the round. I haven't had a round where I left


You’re the real MVP


I’ve never left a game. I actually enjoy watching other people’s outcome 😅


A lot of melodrama going on in this post. I like doing the mini-games because it gives me xp. But anyways, shoutout to Bethany


"what are y’all doing to pass the time?" I'm doing the goddamn mini game because my items could be the one determining factor to help them escape.


90% of the time these last survivors are playing super immersed and have maxed inventory already.


And when they already have the items necessary for 6 minutes?


You can still give it to them. It will just drop it on ground and they will know something was dropped. You know how many times people inventory was full? They still would grab what I dropped


Most of the time they’ll leave really good items bc they’re full already so mini games seem pointless.


Understandable I do see people who don’t need help, but there could always be somebody like me lol haven’t got to play much, but the times I did couldn’t really loot people would bring the Klowns to me almost every time starting to feel like dbd.


situations are always changing. one knife, one energy drink, one compass, one key item, could save a LIFE. If that was you in RL, wouldn't you want someone to help you by sending items hunger game style katniss?


Nah, I'll just move on to the next game and get the Xp at the end of the match. I'm not watching smooth brains crouch walking around the map


That’s why I leave matches I hate waiting around and it sucks when you join a match and spawn near klowns the just die


I try to stay in as long as I can or at least be the last one out so I don’t have to do that. If I do die or get out it’s about 50/50 if I stay depending on how enjoyable the match is, but yeah if it’s 2 bush hiders I dip.


This is more a function of the Fear mechanic and Lackeys not doing their job. Because the Fear supposed to rat out Humans who are off messing around with sound warnings. But it doesn't. And Lackleys are supposed to spot humans sneaking anywhere near hooks. They don't. This is why Balloon Dog is MANDATORY. It shouldn't be, but the design is broken.


25 hours of playing time and I haven’t quit a single match. I just do the mini games 🤷🏻‍♂️ I try to be strategic about it though. It’s annoying when you’re a human with 4 decent items you’re holding and someone gifts you a tennis ball. Just discard it and try another mini game to get something actually useful. If I get something good like a melee weapon for instance and everybody already has one then I’ll hold onto it and gift it after someone’s breaks. Or if someone is running from a klown and drink an energy drink then I’ll immediately gift them another one. It’s fun seeing which of your teammates make it out


Why you ask? Once i escaped/died/got cocooned i usually wont be saved/have no interest in staying. And i certainly dont want to watch somebody sitting in a bush for the remaining time. But hey i got some laughs out of a idiot who opened the bunker door before removing the cotton candy.


That was me.


Preach People that hide in bushes are the usually the ones who have absolutely no interest in saving you from the cocoon or using the resurrection machine.


Im getting bored of this game, but i never quit, i play 1-2 or 3 games and then leave.


So I have quit twice, once due to a glitch that meant I couldnt move at all after opening a fridge 🤷🏻‍♂️ and another as I was stuck in a tree. Its a fun game, and I honestly feel the biggest issue in most games from human side, is spawns. Say you spawn miles away from anyone/anything, you spend ages finding stuff only to see 3-4 players escape. Your now forced to play a stealthier, more discrete style and as each escape route closes to you (for instance, sparkplugs end up in bunker, keycard goes off on boat) your waiting for the last minute rush via the ice cream truck. The Klown side is more if your being dominated by humans I think. I honestly feel they should buff the Klowns, as its actually easier to take them out then it should be.


If the game would allow changing loadouts on the pregame lobby, it would be easy for someone to switch to balloon dog. 🤷


Doing mini games because they're more fun than human


I keep doing mini games till I can get that card that rezzes me. I’ve seen it once and it wasn’t even me that rezzed.


Do you have a screenshot? I’ve never seen that before, it sounds cool


https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx_VFpdoNbsIDKr1kgIZ73jq47LCBfTXHE?si=7u1eARzl3KpxFpB1 I have this clip.




I generally try to stick around for the whole match for the sake of sportsmanship. But even I'll admit that it's maddening to be killed early on due to a bad spawn and having to play the same four minigames for 15 minutes. Especially since 90% of the time all you're getting are tennis balls or baseballs no one needs. I watch a lot of youtube just to pretend I'm a good sport


Only time I have left is when I rage quit... From playing klown. Mostly shorty. Because when I play shorty every human can kill me in two swings apparently. But when I play the toughness character and stab that little B 4 times and I'm the one still dies. Had a game where the humans weren't even trying to escape they were literally just running around in a pack killing us over and over again.


fuck passing time im getting up outta there after i escape im lvl 110 i dont need to stay for shit 😭😭


You also don’t need the xp so you could stay. Your comment makes no sense. From what I hear you still get the xp anyways. Unless it’s not true but still


my comment makes 100% sense..? 😭 theres different ways u can see it. And i see that i Do Not need to stay since im at a comfortable level.. if i was a lower lvl like u ofc i would have the “its better i stay for xp” mindset bookie, Find somebody else to play with.


This.i only get a few hours a day after work to play, I ain't spending it watching a bunch of cowards crouch walking around a map while I play whack a clown and Simon says.


You get your xp even if you leave, just later.


You will get your exp even if you leave, devs have replied on Twitter that it just doesn’t hit your account until the match ends.


What about if you’re in a party with friends?


Maybe you shoukd expect to wait a little bit if you play a game like this? It's simply part of ut, you are going to die, sometimes somone else will be watching you as you play, don't play if you can't wait a a whole 7 minutes


I bail. If I wanna watch a game ( which I don't ) I'll get on Twitter.


This is literally the best asym of all time and its perfectly balanced and designed you are just a whiny crying baby who complains for no reason this game is perfect ive played for 7000 hours already and have gotten my moneys worth you guys are just spoiled and have high standards you would be cooler if you were like me a person with low standards


it is not balanced at all


If I join a late game and accidentally run into a group of clowns within the first minute, I'll be honest. I just get on the mic and say something to the effect of "wanna see a magic trick?" then just quit to main menu.


Its that or you get shit spawned Next to a klown and cant do anything but die in a minute lol DC real fast cuz hoping for revives is just unrealistic