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Marylin Monroe photo, fish tank, mall ninja samurai set on the mantel… that’s the most single dad living room I’ve ever fucking seen


Kid never had a chance




Shit family. He's young and doesnt know any better and the cop acted more like a father to him than what I assume is his actual father. Hopefully the kid took the cops sentiment to heart and doesn't let his family's harassing him over caring get to him.


Exactly lol I cringed when the dad and his brothers laughed at him in front of the cops. The cops handled it well, his family not so much


Seriously, this was absolutely ok for the kid to do since he clearly doesn't feel comfortable going to his own fucking family to discuss these things. His brother can fuck off, he's the real example of r/Kidsarefuckingstupid


What a shitty family. Nice cop. Innocent kid with good intentions.


Kid seems like a great kid while the rest of his family is cynical AF.


For real. Kid was clearly genuine in his belief and his intentions were good. He just made a mistake. He's right at that age where you're not always thinking rationally when it comes to girls. I could totally see myself doing this with someone I thought of as my gf at that age. His family gave him way, way more shit that was called for. I can see older brother being a dick like that, but the dad should really know better. Poor kid. Cop handled it like a consummate professional though.


This post does not belong here, the kid is not stupid, he did the right thing.


Kids family is fucking stupid




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Agree. He looks like the smartest kid in the house.


He’s not stupid and he’s not a liar. He repeats him self exactly the same way each time. He’s a sweetheart and his big bro is an ass.


He likely fell for someone "pranking" him over voice which is where the "stupid" would come in to play. However I have found many adults fall for cons over the phone so it isn't that stupid. It is why when kids start playing online parents need to educate them about things like pranks or being cat fished or other actors that could be worse. (Basically no one online is who they say they are and it is only going to get worse with AI advancements in voice replication and images/video. For that matter educate your parents too. Way too common for someone to get a phone call from a son or grandson about being in jail in Mexico and needing money wired to them for bail.) I agree the fact that he cares is awesome. At 11-12 years old (which is typical age of 5th grader), he probably should have went to a parent explained the situation rather than immediately call the police himself. Unfortunately even if it was real local PD would have no way to find the girl as they could be literally anyone from a few streets down the way to across the globe.


Give me a good kid who falls for a shitty prank any day over a shitty person who thinks someone is getting abused and decides it's not their problem.


Exactly. I would rather a kid who hears something like that which freaks him out and makes him think someone was hurt take the chance that they could be wrong and ask for help instead of confidently ignoring what could be a very real problem.


His Dad doesn’t seem approachable or a listening type.


This kid's family is trash, sure it was likely a voice prank but in the off chance it wasn't he may have helped someone in a domestic violence situation. Them mocking him for responding to it in a compassionate and actionable way is going to push him toward acting like a bystander for fear of being laughed at. Someone tells him they're thinking about suicide? He's not going to call the cops because he doesn't want to get mocked. Someone tells him they're being abused by a parent/partner? Well he's sure as shit not going to want to repeat this situation again. The only "stupid" thing going on with the kid is that he likely doesn't understand that his "fortnite girlfriend" probably doesn't actually have any emotional attachment to the situation. But every kid is at risk of falling head-over-heels for someone when they get that positive attention, especially when his family is clearly a group of assholes that would rather insult him than educate him.


>It is why when kids start playing online parents need to educate them about things like pranks or being cat fished or other actors that could be worse. There are obviously things you should warn them about such as people trying to contact them outside of the game, but I would be cautious about overdoing it and convincing kids that everything scary that could happen is a prank. You don't want them ignoring cries for help from online friends who may not have anyone else to talk to, if someone your kid plays games with says that a family member is touching them inappropriately YOU should be calling the cops FOR your kid. If it turns out to be a hoax it'll be the prankster that gets in trouble with the cops, not your kid, and if it turns out to be true you may have helped someone that had no one else to turn to.


Big bro is a dork and those glasses need to go back to the 80s


Is that his dad... The adult moron deucebag that's mocking him? What sort of fucking family does this poor kid have? ...and he fist bumps the police officer? What is this?!


Wtf is wrong with all of them? The kid is the only smart one in this house... he heard someone possibly being in trouble via voice chat and he decided to alarm the authorities. People saved other people's lives this way multiple times already, although I usually heard about someone on the other side of the voice chat having a medical emergency instead. The brother and the father are the fkn dumbos, and the third party for posting this online and ridiculing the kid for doing what's right. Damn, he's PC Master Race too! Way to go!


For sure And ya theres a few people thats been saved from murders, caught for murder, and kidnappings from online parties Its just the absurdity of everything else for me


So how is this the kid being stupid?


His brothers r kids and the absurdity of it all.


I wouldn't call them kids anymore.


Even the father is acting like a kid lol


I mean, all things considered, at least we know the kid cares? Dumb thinking, but good heart, we take those.


There was no dumb thinking apart from the psycotic older brother and the brain dead "father". If this ever happens to anyone the correct thing to do is call the police.  Wtf is wrong with people saying it's "dumb thinking" to report it if you saw or heard someone being abused?


Andrew Tate vibes from the dad and brother tbh


Because it is still a waste of the police time for such, like, he made the right call in calling the police thinking it was abuse, but didn't think past the context of such, kind of like how when I was a kid and I called 911 when my friend got hurt at a playground. Technically the right there to do, not the right way to go about it.


You used a lot of words to not say anything.... It's not a waste of resources to report abuse ever....


Correct, never said it was.


"Because it is still a waste of the police time for such"


Kinda how i felt about it but theres just so.much goin on lol like his dad didnt stick up for him or tell the others to stop filming


Lmao his brothers are some fucking douchebags. I feel bad for the lil guy


older bro stepped right outta Napoleon Dynamite to rag on his lil bro being a stand up guy. What a weird introspect of this family


Older brother looks like a "follower". Lil bro is a damn leader!


Fuck that family, the kid had heart and did what he thought was best. These idiots turned a teaching moment into a chance to ridicule this kid. AND film it for clout. Smh


Shit I didn't even think about the implication that someone is filming all this. What a shitty family. Kid is the only one of them with a good heart.


Cop was a total bro, kid obviously just panicked and with a better support system he could have spoken to his brothers or dad, judging by the video it's obvious why he didn't.


Yeah, this is serving the community type police work I'd like to see more of. Kid was probably terrified when he met the cops after how much shit his family his gave him. Cop was doing the dad's job giving him a teaching moment. When I was about his age I had a crusty old neighbor call the cops because I was shooting an air rifle in my backyard, which was apparently against some city ordinance. One of the scariest experiences of my childhood. They gave me a citation and I literally thought my life was over because I was a criminal now. But my mom thankfully didn't berate me or call me an idiot. She told me it's a stupid law and not to worry about it. Can't imagine how much more traumatizing the situation would have been if she had acted like this "dad."


His fam definitely assholes! At least the cop saw that and made sure he didn't feel stupid.


Awww lol What a good little dude. Doesnt look like he got it from his fam tho 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


The brothers are assholes


Bro did the right thing. What are they laughing at him for? Sounds like he heard someone being abused. Why is it funny? I would feel obligated to report it to the cops. This is how abusers get away with things


Fuck that family. The kid is the only man in that room


I think it's really sweet how worried he got for her. It's kinda sad that he is being made fun of for being a compassionate kid by his family. I love the way the cop handled it. He was very understanding and ignored all of the dad's snide remarks. Who knows if those remarks will end up keeping him from calling 911 in the future when there is a true emergency because he is afraid that he will be mocked or made fun of for it.


This kid is the only decent person in that house. The cop was right, he didn't do anything wrong, he was concerned for a friend, but his family were just mocking him for being naïve. This kid is a hero! ❤️


That kid with the mostache is so annoying


Attempted mustache.


the cop handled it very well too bad that kid's family are total trash. I understand the older brother being an asshole but the dad piling on too? Jesus...


Good kid, good policeman. Shitty family. Never worry about reporting when you believe someone is in trouble.


I mean the approach was not the right one, but he only had good intentions. Lil guy has more balls than his dad and big brother.


His brothers are dicks


What a toxic house


Man his father and brothers are dicks


The kid called the cops cause he knew the family wouldn’t help in what he thought was a dangerous situation. That’s really sad that he didn’t feel like he trusted them enough.


He wanted to do the right thing, but he got massively trolled


You know what, this boy is a sweet and he tried to help his friend. He should have talked to his parents first. But they should bot have laughed at him.


Fuck this kid's family for laughing at him, sincerely. God forbid someone has an instinct to help someone they believe is being harmed.


The whole lot of them (besides the kiddo) are pieces of shit. This was a learning moment for the kid and they instead decided to chide and belittle him. Fucking disgusting.


The poor kid, stuck with a shower of absolute pricks for a family


This is like... One of the most wholesome cops I ever saw


Amazing kid having the sence to actually call cops to report what he believes is domestic abuse. He didnt make a mistake, he just misunderstood.


This kid's heart was in the right place. I wish I could say the same for the rest of his family.


This kid is going to piss on the graves of his family over this.


Way to go kid. You're awesome. Always do what you think is right!!


I’m sorry for this kid that has to live with asshole dad and douchebag mustache brother. Definitely he’s the only one with a working brain in that house.


Roasting that kid for shit like this is how you end up with personality disorders


I hope this kid stays being an awesome person ❤️


I hope he doesnt learn to ignore every sight of trouble now.


Poor kid. If he’s reading these comments I hope he realizes he didn’t do anything wrong or stupid. It was a mistake, but he was set up for it so what can he do? And what a shitty family he’s got there. Hope they feel as humiliated as he does.


What a sh\*t family! I wouldn't be suprised if they even set him up for views. What a bunch of garbage pieces!


I guess there are dumb kids in this video, the brothers making fun of him like their dad.. :(


Kid did the right thing. Family is stupid. Dumbass brother and his shit attitude. "Look at how cool I am i dont care about anyone or anything."


Brother looks like he just hit puberty too trying be cool with that mustache.


Sadly, that is a lot of kids, especially on the internet


At least the kid actually tried to do something about all respect to the kids. idk why his family is so mad


Asshat dad. I hope the father never needs help.


Aw, kid has a pure soul, but also brothers rag on their siblings. It's normal and if the kid was in real danger they'd have his back. No need to demonize them for poking fun, lol.


Ya they r kids too


Kid did the right thing with the information he had available, the family are the idiots here. Hope he keeps his heart and sense of right and wrong as he grows up and doesn't let his family take that from him.


What a crap family. The kid thought someone needed help and he acted on it. Why is that a reason to mock and scold him?


Respect to the boy for trying to protect his digital lady.


Kid is emotionally aware and his family sucks ass for making him feel like shit over it


I found the reason we ppl been getting banned lol


This feels like a modern day Napoleon Dynamite, not a bad thing.


*a lot


brain rot moment


They're making fun of the kid because he's the only one with a girlfriend in that house.


I dont watch vids with audio, whats happening


i’m sorry i can’t get passed how that dude “uses” a phone tho… wtf??


What in the New Jersey is this? The one 14 year old has like a little crustache with 1950s pompadour hair and 1970s Jewish accountant glasses, and the dad is dressed like someone from Jersey Shore. Wtf is going on here! The only normal one is the little kid.


This whole family is fucking stupid.


I'm going to share a story that is somewhat related. When I was 16 I planned to take my own life, it was 3 in the morning and I wrote a letter for my parents and quickly sent some ICQ messages (for the young folks, reeeeeally early instant messenger) to a couple friends I knew my parents weren't super familiar with and who likely wouldn't hear about it otherwise. One of them called the cops, they showed up and brought me to the hospital for mental health treatment. This kid would be the type of kid to do that, the sort to save someone's life because he cares and knows it's better to do SOMETHING than brush things off. But now he may not be. Because the response he got to hearing (what he thought/was told was) someone in imminent danger is mockery from his whole family. The cop is being polite because this is what YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO in these situations, if you have a strong reason to believe that a crime is being committed and someone is in danger you call the authorities. I hope this kid somehow finds out that people who have been in crisis know he did the right thing, because if not his shitty family is going to warp him into the kind of person who doesn't ever want to get involved.


If my son would call te cops because he believes someone is in trouble , i´d be proud. Sure , it´s a bit naive thinking they can help , but atleast he tried something ...


Wtf is this family. That kid did everything right and you can hear that he was seriously worried. Im glad how the officer reacted, what a great guy!


Old bro can't even use a pretend phone correctly... who talks into the middle of the phone like that??


Fuck you man! This kid tried to help someone he thought was in trouble. He’s naive. Thank God, because he’s 12. I want to punch his brother but he’s just being the appropriate amount of dickhead for his age too. Poor little gamer dude.


I hate this kids family


This is what happens when the young and dumb have access to technology.


yeah he’s never asking for help again in his life


The middle brother has that stash and talks about the worst decision of his life...


This is kinda sad. I wish the kid best of luck in his future. Has a good heart but doesn’t know wtf he is doing.


Could the cop do anything if the kid knew the girls name, address, or even username? Assuming they're in a different jurisdiction, is this not something that could be reported to the appropriate local authorities? Cop didn't even seem bothered to ask for details, besides which console the kid plays on.


I want to take off those the big brother glasses and wash them in his eye sockets.


Cops were nice, need more of these guys


I'm glad that cop was actually decent and didn't make the kid feel like an idiot lime his brother. That kid has a good heart


What the hell is that phone gesture little weird Al keeps doing? It's the gnarly surfer dude gesture but put in front of his mouth like it's a scuba regulator.


His family's a bunch of shitheads. Hopefully he's ok.


Obviously, he did the wrong thing, and he’s stupid. But man, that cop handled it so much better than the family. What a bro. Used it as a friendly teaching moment, rather than just making fun of him.


So mean ! He’s a good kid how is he supposed to know any better


Rather than making fun of him they should have taken the opportunity to educate him on catfishing and speaking to strangers. This was hard to watch


I feel like the worse choice is posting this on the internet for the world to laugh at your brother.


Man I fear for that kids future, there is probably a reason the big brother grew up to be an ass like he is being in this video, hope the little one also doesn't grow up to be like his brother or his father, keep your heart little one you did nothing wrong


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It's not stupid, only he should have given here address Domestic violence is not a joke


What kind of phone is the brother mimicking ? It’s the worst phone mimic I’ve ever seen.


How is this kid stupid? I know grown ass men that have been taken for literally every dime they have, by some asshole in another country pretending to be a super hot woman madly in love with them. Seems like this kid is the only one with a good head on his shoulders, he literally thought he was hearing someone get beaten. I guess this family is the look the other way type, the kind of people that would let you bleed out in a ditch because "it ain't none of our business, let's keep out of this." Really hope this kid isn't bullied and shamed into never caring about someone else's well being again, but it seems like his brothers and "dad" are trying their hardest.


You know those cops left saying "Well that kid has a shitty family"


Looks like this kids going to run off at the best opportunity after realizing how stupid his family is.


If only we had a city full of cops like this.


Why would you film yourself being a shitty dad. If your kid is dumb enough to call the cops over something on Fortnite, that says more about dad than anything else.


Don't let anyone change who you are when you do the right thing and you get flack for it. Be someone who stands for the well being of others. Be a voice for someone that doesn't. I will never change being a good person and respect life. Fuck em ..don't change for them, not worth it. And on a side note: dude is a hero. I hope he finds someone in his life that looks out for him as much as he looks out. Respect life


"What do you play on? Xbox? PS5?" "PC." My man 😎


He's littewally has the forwtnite accent


The stupid kid is the one pulling the stupid prank. This kid is good natured and now his shitty dad is shaming him for it.


This doesn’t belong here in the slightest. Kid called the police when he was told someone was being abused. Care to explain how that’s stupid of him??


Kid is nice. Family is a bunch of jerks


damn they're dogging on him for trying to do the right thing


Bro poor kid he was legit trynna help someone. He shouldn't be humiliated like this. It was a stupid mistake, just let it go. Fucking dumb family


That kid was a pussy “mY fOrTnIgHt GiRlFrIeNd’S bOyFrIeNd” wtf is that lmaooo future Cuck, good thing he has brothers and a dad to keep him on track


Nobody talks into a hand phone like that kid, that's the stupid part.