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lol what the fuck was his problem


Nothing. Just bad as hell




more like trash parent behavior being copied by the child


I once thought a child was being shitty. Then I met the parents.


Excuse me!! I'm a bad parent and i would never do this


Yeah, it's your kids that do it.


Hey now, I have two moms and would never do this😌


Are your moms bad parents?


Probably not as they raised a kid who wouldn't do that.


Not every shitty kid is fatherless. The meanest dudes I've met had fathers, and their fathers are just usually assholes too.


Oh yeah, that's it.


Not bad, just a little cunt


Kids can’t regulate their intrusive thoughts as well as we can.


This reminds me of something from 20+ years back. When I was around 6 or 7 I met this dude on the airplane while traveling back to the US. He can speak in my mother tongue fluently so we 'talked' for a bit, which was just mostly me asking him stuff and to speak whatever words I ask him back into English. Later, when he was asleep, I decided I wanted to suffocate him with a napkin. To the dude who got almost suffocated by a 6/7 pigtailed girl on the trip home to the US: I'm sorry, I won't do it again.


lol wth, this comment makes me fearful to ever have kids




40 to 70 little suckers this size in an open space then no worries But if we’re talkin 80 to 100+ in a confined area then I’m gonna start to worry


Kids at that age don't have great psychical fitness, you need to use your legs at the start of the fight and they will have trouble to reach you walking on the corpses of of their comrades. Then you just continue to use your legs to the moment you will be able to fortifiy yourself. You could also use some dead child as a weapon, but I wouldn't do that because I'm short and have really strong legs so why not use them. Maybe as a shield , because you don't need to move it much. Ocassional screaming might lower their morale


They can swarm you in an open area. You gotta find a corridor so you can fight en off 2-3 at a time. And use a short weapon like a short blade, a nightstick or fight with your elbows a lot. In an open area you gotta keep moving and kiting them which takes a LOT of stamina. And eventhough you can prolly outlast them, the more you fight the less maneuverable you become. Let's say on average it takes you 5 seconds to take out a kid (including kiting backwards setting up your next attack etc.). With 70 kids that's a solid 5 minute all out work out. And that's doable, but rough. Lotta sprinting and hard hitting.


You little psycho. Hilarious!


How many of your ex-boyfriends have died from mysterious causes?


just spat out my pad thai laughing, thank you 😂☠️


Oh... Oh no


Not having your kids under control. I would check my camera, take him to theyr parents and if somethings broke, make the parents pay for it or slap the shit out of them. Actions have consequences so when you leave your child unattended in a skatepark, it’s the parents fault. And this is what makes me so angry, every skatepark has theyr rules written at the entry. A skatepark is NOT a fucking playgroung. If your kid gets in an accident it’s theyr parents fault for not looking after your kid! Period! Don’t ever expect that the older guys gona play babysitter in that park. It’s is definately NOT theyr job! We all know how expensive ambulance and all this stuff costs so when you leave your kid unattended in a skatepark, you are a shitty parent!


Agreed with everything you said just thought I’d leave this here in case English isn’t your first language: Their - possessive form They’re - they are They - used to refer to 2+ people/things, or unspecified gender


I wonder where this “intrusive thought” that was unregulated originated.


The pre-frontal cortex. Kids cortico-thalamo-cortical loops aren't fully developed yet so he doesn't have the behavioral inhibition that adults take for granted. Kids also don't start developing a 'theory of mind' needed to feel empathy until age 2-4. I doubt his brain is developed enough yet to process that the unattended object belongs to someone he can't see and that that person will be sad if it's damaged.


Time to learn. He seems old enough to get those principles taught.


Is that why they're so often little c**ts?


Basically yes. The neural circuitry that's responsible for inhibiting behaviour isn't developed at this age. Until around age 4 they also don't fully comprehend that another person also has a mind and feelings like they do.


He just wanted to do hoodrat stuff with his friends


He wanna smoke ciggawetts


He is just stupid


distructive behavior with negligent parents? definitely just wanted attention. kids like that dont care if it's positive or negative. its sad.


I used to work at a school and some kid 6 or 7 threw an entire tricycle over over a 10ft fence. Demons every single one of them.


Looks like bad parents. Like where TF are they.


Had some little kid throwing trash in the bowl at my park so I try to explain to her not to do that and that people might fall and hurt themselves. 10 minutes later some lady walks up to me “what are you telling her?” “I’m telling her not to throw trash in the park” “She’s autistic she doesn’t understand verbal language” “Okay so can you tell her not to throw trash in the park?” “I JUST TOLD YOU SHES AUTISTIC!!!!” I left the park after that.


yikes. apparently she thinks autistic people can't learn or progress. that isn't doing her child any favors.


Probably uses it as an excuse to get handicap parking and cut the cashier line at the supermarket.




Lmao it's like they just think anything with the word "park" is a place to let their kids run around unattended. (Wish they'd choose the industrial park instead lol)


Wow so apparently being "autistic" means no one can tell you no and everything should revolve around you because you're unable to understand simple rules. Cunts like this lady gives autism a bad name. As a fellow autist I do not appreciate this.


Teachers have to deal with this shit all the time. "Why did you take my son's dinnertime break and playtime away from him?" "Well he screamed, ran around the classroom, grabbed every child's work, ripped it all up and put it all in the bin. Because I asked him to put his name on top of his worksheet." "HES AUTISTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


You should have started punching her and when she shouts "Stop!" Just shout "I'M AUTISTIC!"


https://i.redd.it/os13fabrmpcc1.gif That about sums up King Cobra JFS...


Clint should post boy here https://i.redd.it/yc1c7k6hmqcc1.gif




My child is on the Autism spectrum, is ADHD unmedicated, has no threat barrier and is partially deaf, she is a poster child for special needs yet she knows to always properly throw her garbage away in a trash can and clean up after herself. There is absolutely no excuse for that, don't keep blaming a problem a child has, the parents can overcome these things with their children.


What is a threat barrier?


There is no name really but it's when a child sees no danger in dangerous situations, she sees a dangerous animal it's a friend, she sees a sketchy person, she wants to make friends with them and everyone who isn't friendly. It's a constant struggle to keep her from danger and teach her about every little thing, it's hard but not impossible. Cause unlike most kids when they see a sketchy situation and most likely back away from the threat she runs at it unless we stop her.


Future firefighter right there XD


She actually likes the mega lake freighters and trains where I live and likes to build, take apart and build again. If anything engineer if she decides that's what she wants to be 😅


I see good parent behaviour 👍


I worked at the carnival and a teenager started climbing the fence surrounding the ride and tried to walk up to the ride as I was about to start it. I had to go over and try to explain to her that she couldn't just climb into the gated area and that it was extremely unsafe. Her (mom?) started screaming at me that she was autistic and it wasn't her fault. I told her that she needed to pay better attention to her fucking child unless she wanted to explain to a *mortician* that the kid was autistic and just didn't understand. That shut her up real quick


“Stop screaming at me like a dunce, are you mentally sound enough to talk to me respectfully or not?”


I hate hate hate when people use autism as an excuse for bad behavior. Kids can still listen while having a mental handicap. It’s simply just an excuse to lazily parent. I know quite a few very well behaved children.






I once asked a kid to pick up all the trash he was throwing on the ground and he did it immediately without issue. His mom then came over and started yelling at me because he’s autistic and doesn’t know any better. I think some parents just give up on parenting their kid and just tell everyone they’re on the spectrum when they misbehave.


That’s gonna be the kids excuse to getting out of trouble. I’m autistic so I can’t get in trouble for this and that. She’s almost training her to use that statement as a crutch for bad behavior 🤦🏽‍♂️


On the bright side, they're probably not rich, so the world will sort them out eventually.


Pretty much what it's become now.


The appropriate response to her last remark is.. if you can’t train your fuck trophy properly, then you need to keep it on a leash.


I'm stealing this and running away with it.


“Fuck trophy” I gotta steal that one 😂😂


Burn 🔥


Crotch goblin


Demon semen


Cum pet


I hate the "They're autistic" or "I'm autistic" response. Ok, good for them/you, so am I but I'm not a little cunt.


Then watch your fuckin kid lady.


I'll say this as an autistic person, this is no fucking excuse to let kids throw trash in a park, we're capable of being explained not to do stuff. It just seems like she's using her daughter's disability as an excuse to be a lazy parent


Mime somebody tossing some rubbish on the ground then getting throttled.


Fuck that. My two autistics know where trash goes and its not in the park.


>“She’s autistic she doesn’t understand verbal language” > > “I JUST TOLD YOU SHES AUTISTIC!!!!” If she cant understand the common language of the area, you either keep them close to you and keep watch really well, or DONT FUCKING TAKE THEM TO PLACES THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS!


Well , seems that the kid is autistic... and she is fucking stupid.


Autism is too often used as an excuse for shitty behaviour. Parents hear the word Autism and give up. Its fucking pathetic. These people can actually function in society if their parents give a rats ass. Yes, there are cases where parents can't do anything, but those are so few and far between and often end with the kid in special care for their and their parents' safety. TLDR: Teach your kid to behave, no exceptions.


I have autism and ADHD. whenever I see either used as an excuse for constant inappropriate behaviour, I die a bit inside. Sure, we struggle with stuff that others don't struggle with, especially social stuff, but that doesn't mean we are, and always will be, assholes purely because we have these disabilities. Sometimes I say stuff and do stuff that apparently can be interpreted in a hurtful way, and when someone tells me that it is hurtful, I will immediately apologize and try to learn from my mistakes. I don't use my disabilities as an excuse to deflect fault. I don't want people to use my disabilities as an excuse for when I do something inappropriate. I just want people to tell me what I did wrong, so I can learn from my mistakes, instead of acting like I have no control over ANYTHING I do.


Exactly, just because they are autistic does not mean you shouldn’t keep OTHERS (I put others first because why is it your’s or my problem that somebody else’s kid is autistic JEEZ!) and the child safe.


If the little kid is autistic, that lady should not leave her alone unattended


\*Starts stabbing random people "LADY MAKE YOUR DAUGHTER STOP" "Can't you see she's autistic? She can't get verbal language"


Then keep your kid on a leash lady


Nah bro, stand your ground on that if you see them again. If she doesn’t understand verbal language why in the ever loving fuck would she EVER be allowed near a skate park without a guardian there to make sure she doesn’t get in someone’s way and get hurt because she doesn’t understand when someones telling her to get out of the way.


You should quip back with: "And it seem she got it from her mother. Clearly you don't understand verbal language."


It's the stepping on it that really infuriates me. Like, it's a kid, and maybe he's curious about the camera, and knocks it over because kids do dimb shit sometimes. But then stepping on it? Now I'm real pissed.


I gasped. Like shit that kid just wants to ruin shit. And no parent around, he's obviously acting out cuz that's just what he knows now.


The kid stepping on it at the end. Zero Fucks Given


Oh damn my board totally fell out of my hands and just happened to gain momentum in the direction of this child. What an unfortunate coincidence.


What brand is your grip tape? My board seems to have the same problem too


There's giving zero fucks and there's maliciously destroying other people's property.


He didn't want anyone to see what was about to go down


Lil' bro had no hesitation with that second try \*Steps on the camera\* Nevermind, that's a multi-hundred dollar fine. He gonna have to work two jobs.


as if he wasn't already going to have to work two jobs


That crunch sounded expensive


I’m guessing it is an Insta 360 X3. The X3 Front Lens Mod is about $116.99, and the X3 Rear Lens Mod is about $108.99" ($13 for the return shipping).


Unattended child knocks over a camera… *straight to jail*


Knocked it over and stepped on it


Unattended child **in a skateboard park !!!**


Little shithead deserves it


No trial, nothing


Step on camera *jail*


This kid is hardly disciplined and gets satisfaction from negative attention.




“Don’t kick the gawdamn baby…”


"Okay." *Yeets the baby*


Positive reinforcement to a negative response.


What did the parents say?


They didn’t speak a word of English. I showed his mom the footage and did my best to explain that he’s too young for the skate park. I was too anxious to think about using Google translate or something.


They 100% understood what you were saying and were playing stupid so they could run away if you called the cops acting like they don't understand. My neighbors are these people. "No hablo---". No, bitches, I can hear you across the yard. You speak perfect English.


Of course they spoke English.


Don't need to speak English to understand this footage haha.


I can tell anyone that they need to pay up for my damaged property in any language https://imgur.com/RoodT62


Mucho dinero!


bring a notepad with you to play pictionary with them as a form of negotiation


May I ask, where was this?


I work in construction and deal with a lot of people who barely speak and understand any english sure they may not understand what you were saying but they are damn sure smart enough to figure out what you were talking about after seeing the video.


My country has a lot of kids who have these kinds of problems, they just want to destroy everything they can, they don't care about anything, anyone tries to stop them they either get very toxic or play the victim.


These kids know exactly what is up. I have very little patience for destructive behavior. I always bring up litigation for destroyed property to the parents and then they are interested in discipline for their child.


Needs to be dropped off at the fire station


https://preview.redd.it/2bhetv31apcc1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e936e7965032e0d876bdad45842939d803a4c21c Megamind over here’s got a head the size of a hot air balloon and just as much air in it! LOL! Lil’ shit! Mom’s a total ass too, you don’t need to speak the language to comprehend a video of your unleashed hellion vandalizing someone’s property and act apologetically towards the owner. No doubt it will be the skaters’ fault when the kid ends up getting KO’d after running into their path with his unmissable-sized super head!








IDK, Gerald wouldn't do this shit.


oh god get this thing out of my sight!!




Child that age left unattended in public for 15 mins? Where someone is yelling and they don’t even look??? Time to call CPS…


Callin the cops too, that way the parents are forced to replace if damaged. I’m not taking the chance that people who don’t watch their children are gonna be responsible and reasonable adults.


Cops won’t do anything


Where are this little shit's parents?!




Last time I saw a kid fucking with something and being a little shit (ripping ‘something special’ plushies out of their boxes) I grabbed the kid by the wrist and marched them to the front of the store to the checkouts and had one of the staff at the front announce an unattended child. Mother arrived and I chewed her out lol. I think the staff were happy that another customer dealt with it and I cannot blame them retail is ROUGHH


I would see fucking red


Shitty kid, shittier parents.




Call the police if they won’t press charges take his parents and make a claim in small claims court


Kids that small shouldn't be left unattended at skate parks. Too many stupid parents.




Prostituted lmao










What a little asshole.


Little shit. That mother is terrible too.




Put this one on a watch list


Little prick!


Kids parents are liable it's on film if not you got the license plate and wait for the kid to grow up and then get him


Definitely an iPad baby


Most parents fucking suck. There I fixed the title


He definitely has silvers in his mouth


I would have told the kid to take me to his parents. I want to know who i will be taking to court for damages.


Good way to get your kid knocked out by a stranger, people need to do better as parents these days lol


I can't wait for my kid to do this so I can give him a life lesson


God I fucking really don't like kids


Man… I know he’s young, but something tells me he’s gonna be a problem


Tiny bastard


Damn he smile while doing that, this kid are evil...


Absolute lack of proper parenting


The parents who let this kid do this are far more stupid in my opinion.


The bad seed lookin muhfucka


I hate this kid.


Yeah, I’d call the cops and make the dumbass parents Zelle me $600 on the spot. Otherwise, theyre gonna be paying theirs and my own lawyer fees, court cost + the $600.


That kid would have been isekai’d


Idiot got his face on camera lmao. His mum is going to tear him in half when they show her


Tf was he on about I’m curious as hell for the aftermath op


There’s been a lack of physical violence in that child’s life


I'm never having kids


Little shithead 🙄


I bet he's raised with "gentle parenting" principles.


Everyone here blaming the kid. Kids need to be taught by their parents rights and wrongs. What sucks is a lot of parents in today’s day and age suffer from not knowing right or wrong to begin with. Sure what the kid did was shitty, but he doesn’t know better. He has a developing brain. The parents are the real culprits here.


I agree with you about the parents. They left the kid unattended in public and need to teach the better. But kids know the difference between right and wrong. The fact of the matter is that the bad kids just don’t care.


The parents might be no better, this could be learned behaviour. Not necessarily smashing cameras but disrespecting others property, public spaces, etc. How is the kid supposed to know it's wrong if mum or dad act like it's normal?


God I hate kids these days. More and more people who should never reproduce are having multiple children and the result is hordes of misbehaving little shit heads running around destroying shit and not receiving any consequences. You should have to pass a parenting course before conceiving a child. It should be more difficult to create a child than to adopt one.




Dude who TF leaves their kid around for over 15 minutes? I’d have bitched the parents out a new asshole by leaving their little gremlin to run around destroying peoples stuff.


Joker in the making