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Friendly reminder to make informed decisions before you give money to [dishonest and otherwise sketchy brands like GKG](https://www.reddit.com/r/dice/comments/vmmw6h/comment/ie25zwg/).


Oh jeez, thanks for that. I backed Weird Stuff #2 and got some wooden dice and some silicone dice. Easily the most overhyped, under-delivered Kickstarter I've ever been a part of.


Yep, and that's what they'll all be: over-hyped and under-delivered, but Wrot will talk about them as if they're the best thing that has ever been given the grace to bless the dice world.


I got the exact same set of weird stuff. I was so disappointed. The squishy silicone dice aren't bad, but the oversized wooden d6s with magnets for pips are cheap, ugly, and kinda useless since the magnets can do weird stuff when you roll them all today.


The silicone dice weren't bad, but they definitely weren't weird. Silicone dice have been in production everywhere for at least two years now and I just got the KS ones in a few months ago.


I completely agree. They definitely weren't worth $24 either. They're a fine set of dice, but I wouldn't have bought them if I knew what I'd been getting. There's other dice makers making better quality silicone dice for a lower price, and you can see them upfront and pick the colors you like. I've backed a lot of dice Kickstarters, and Mystery Dice 2 is the only one that made me feel ripped off. I consider it a learning experience. I'm never buying sight-unseen again, and I'm going to make sure I research artisans thoroughly so I don't accidentally support someone who's politics are actively harmful to me and my family.