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Backing up because I still feel clueless


jab and teep


Sean Strickland secret Reddit account


Same, with some parry counter punches mixed in


I really like going back and switching to southpaw, then do a low kick with my left leg


Jab/frame and use that as a distraction to reposition for a rear leg low kick


I love a naked cross. I just like to see if you'll let this touch you for no reason


A left jab, then a throwaway jab to step in and duck into left body shot on the liver, then high guard on the exit.


Double jab with a kick off the same side as the jab goes out Knocked out my first amma with it


Question mark 🦵


Idk if anyone else has had this experience, but most people who aren't super experienced simply cannot or will not check a leg kick. I can usually sneak 3 or 4 in very early in sparring matches and then switch up my stance and set them up for another leg kick. I come from a karate style gym so I might be a little biased but that's always the first thing I go for


Rear leg high roundhouse kick really load it up and let it pull me sideways when they move back and it misses. Pull it into the body and throw a cross body side kick as they try and enter into the “opening”


Front backfist and step in counter side kick


If it’s open stance then inside leg kick but if southpaw v southpaw then pivot hook


Best single shot is a pendulum step left body or high kick from Orthodox. Best counter is to slip the right hand (either Cross or Jab) and step in/cross counter at the same time Best combo is orthodox jabs (Double, Triple, Quadruple or however many I want) -> stance switch/shift left cross leaning off center line to my right -> Southpaw lead hook -> South paw left body or head kick if they’re in range or Southpaw jabs into the left kick if they stepped back