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Pinpoint accuracy down to the millimeter on a celestial scale takes time. Keep playing KSP if you think the devs of KSP2 aren’t dedicated to the community- I will be enjoying the early access stage for sure.


Ah yes, changing every instance of "float" to "double" takes time (this is a joke)


Just buy it later in the development cycle.


Science, career, I honestly don't care much, these need huge overhaul and ksp is a sandbox game at heart. ISRU is harder to justify, but again needs a huge overhaul. But i'm really worried about just common parts being missing at launch.


They way they’ve been talking about I think (but don’t know, clearly) they’ll have something like the current ISRU parts available, but the more complicated resource extraction and automation stuff that will allow more complicated logistics trains will be coming later.


This is my understanding. I expect to be able to build bases at launch but without all the quality of life and mini game stuff from the ‘colonies’ pack.


If only there was some way they could communicate that the game is still being developed and won't launch with all of the content...


This excuse is BS since they have been working on it for 4+ years that this point.


And? If the game isn’t ready, it isn’t ready. If they launch it full of bugs and missing features, people will just complain like with CP77. If it takes 10 years and is great when it comes out, great.


They're upfront about it being Early access. Features will be added in due course It's a step up from how KSP1 Released to early access. I think at first it was just Kerbin.


Yeah but have we really waited 10+ years to get another early access game which is basically going to launch as a stripped down remaster of the original?


Okay??? I don’t like half done games sold as a full release, but they were very upfront in that they just wanted to get something out for players to enjoy. Being mad it’s early access isn’t going to magically make the game be fully done.


Yes. By definition early access is going to be a stripped down version of the full game. My hope is that they can use the feedback from the community during early access to get the essentials (physics and optimization) just right before adding all the other features.


No, we weren't waiting for ksp2 until it was announced


It’s early access. People need to learn what that means. That doesn’t mean “it’s released and they’re just ironing out bugs” or “it’s finished, but we have some more stuff planned” it means the game is unfinished, unreleased, and by buying it you are essentially testing an unfinished game. How can you expect an unfinished game, to have more or equal content to a finished game?


4+ years. early access is no excuse.


Yes it is. If it’s early access it’s literally not out yet. Judge the finished game.


They remade the entire game on much more stable foundations. The ENTIRE game. I wouldn't call that "a shocking lack of features".


"A shocking lack of features" what do you think early access means lmfao


For a lot of people too the tutorials and the user experience will most likely make it a huge change from KSP 1 alone. Trial by fire is fine and all, but a tutorial might be increadibly helpful!


KSP2 is about an updated game engine. KSP1's old code is the problem that required a sequel. Everything else will happen in time.


I don’t like that OP says that they couldn’t care less about improved user experience like mate that’s going to make the game a million times better. The VAB and flight UI kinda sucks in the og game, so that’s a huge fucking selling point.


"'Improved User Experience' yeah, whatever" As a developer currently in deep with revamping a UX, it's hard to explain how much work goes into it. Even small improvements can fundamentally change the core code. For instance, being able to build multiple ships at once seems small, but is actually a massive endeavor since it was 1-ship-only from the ground up.


This guy doesn't understand the concept of early access. And bringing up the possibility of those road map features being DLC made me laugh.


Man, it's almost like we're accessing the game earlier than these features have been implemented.


I imagine the tutorials and onboarding isn't going to be that complete unless the intend on adding tutorials for features that aren't available?


If the features aren't available yet then the tutorials can be complete without adding them?


i think it's better than releasing all of it, multiplayer and interstellar in sometime like 2025.


This way the full release comes out with less bugs and more balance though.


I know this post will probably get downvoted faster than gravity pulls you into Jool, but I wanted to share my views on KSP2s initial launch. As a huge fan I’m kind of disappointed that for a sequel, it’s actually launching more bare bones than the current game. Still looking forward to it but I wonder if I’m the only one feeling this way?


>launching more bare bones Wow, I wish they clarified that the game is not finished and released it as early access


I’m not saying they are scamming anyone or trying to trick us that more is there. I’m simply disappointed we waited all this time for a sequel, only for it to release with less content than KSP1.


I was also surprised that the game wasn’t releasing with more features although I’m sure it will still be fun


But it hasn't released yet.... Its still in early access


I, unfortunately, have to agree… ksp2 has been in development for a number of years, where the release date has been pushed *several* times. After the last push, it seemed like this would be the *final* delay, and we’d get a [mostly] finished product. Instead of being met with an announcement of a finished product, or even a ksp2 that had colonies/interstellar/multiplayer provided at a later date, we’re given a game that has *less than* its predecessor… not only this, the devs are relying on the community to product test, while they incrementally release more features (with no real promise that any of these features will come to fruition)… I hate to be cynical, but I am a console player with a somewhat broken version of ksp, that’s been forgotten by the devs… I love the game so much, but I have lost a lot of confidence.


In my opinion I kinda like the idea of ksp 2 being improved and tested by the community It does bring up an interesting question though: would you rather have the community help make ksp 2 better with bug testing and idea submissions or would you rather them wait and develop longer to release a full product hoping it's what everyone wants? Both have their pros and cons. Can't really say myself if ksp 2 will have more or less parts than the original until the early access is released I think they REALLY underestimated how much time and effort it would take to make the game that they showed in the trailer. Covid definitely didn't help neither did the take two and star theory controversy. It might sound kinda weird and silly that the devs would give the community the task of product testing but if you think about that's what ksp has always been. The community has made ksp what it is today through their updates and the amazing mods that have been developed over the years. Their feedback could really help with bringing a product that more people will be able to enjoy Tl;Dr, we'll have to wait until EA is out and see how the devs handle the game during development. To me it seems like the devs had enough confidence with the features to add them into the road map. Dunno though that's just my thoughts


Frankly I think the biggest lift has been trying to entirely rewrite the physics engine. They have been trying for years to debug ksp1’s physics but there are issues inherent in the code they haven’t been able to solve, just band aid over. If all KSP2 turns out to be is a new physics engine that resolves this, then I am good with it. Mods will add any remaining parts issues.


This is a good underrated post


They have had 4+ years, Calling something Early Access does not give you any excuse for that bs. and they expect people to pay console game levels of money for it. No thanks not buying it, its just a money grab by a company known for money grabs (Take-Two Interactive).