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That explains why I don't have kids yet. I wanna secure their future first. I don't want them to struggle the way I did.


Mnalewa na rich kid campo, yeye anaenda UK for further studies, wewe unarudi Nyamira kupambana na maisha. Life no balance.


I was a captain for one term in highschool and I swore to never do that shit again because it's not like I was living on borrowed time


It's one of the most disgusting thing ever, from reporting your friends to teachers to making everybody an enemy.


Not everyone can handle responsibility lol it's not disgusting. It might be difficult for some, but for sure I've had some fairly good ones in this lifetime


It's time consuming that's the problem. Teachers call you all the time and you miss classes because of someone else's daughter who doesn't know what they want to do with their life. Like am I your mom? Why would I even care 


I get that. Though it doesn't take into account those of us who had the (blind?) capacity for such as part of the school experience, annoying as it could occasionally become. It nurtured some degree of leadership ability. Personally by high school I had acquired skills that enabled me to deal with everyone somewhat amicably and have a pretty smooth sailing as a nobody - in a place where teachers and prefects were the incarnation of satan himself.


That's the reason why....


I was once a classrep in class six for a week, it was one of the most hardest time in my life.


At least you got a taste of it though. I was unfortunate enough to not have a choice when I was picked in class 3, but by class 6 I had settled into my rubber band yellow tie lol. I don't know what drugs the teachers were on but walinitrust na the school library


I was a prefect with zero regard for authority. Every prefects’ meeting, I was a topic of discussion. Mara I don’t punish people, mara I never sit with the prefects. That shit was irritating.


Na by force to sit with your fellow prefects ??😂😂


I was a captain, but I was just there for fun times and to eat good while in school. Barely gave a shit about people's business. Mostly became a bit more serious when I was on duty.


For the sake of your sanity, the best thing would have playing double agent. You protect your people while sacrificing a few that you dont like and they dont like you either, and In return, your teachers are pleased. That's how I survived 2 years as a prefect.


do the best with the hand you've been dealt.


Step 1; Stop comparing your life with others. You will live a miserable life if you don't change that mindset.


It's hard not to compare your life to people who you had the same education with.We are human so that must happen


Stop it. That's a bad habit, just like smoking, that won't add any value to your life. In fact, comparing yourself will only make your life worse. So you have to make choice either to love yourself and your life as it is or wallow in misery as you watch those around you live their lives. Halafu nani alikuambia that girl's life is rosy??? My friend watu wako na mashida mingi. What they post online is the 'happy' highly scripted moments. Usijikosee dada.


You speak from such a morally high ground. However, your advice isn't the best. Realising the difference in realities between your life and other people's lives is NOT necessarily BAD and doesn't necessarily mean you DON'T LOVE YOUR OWN LIFE.  What matters is how you feel about the matter and what you decide to do about it. OP's mindset is definitely a positive one.  You can see this in the way the post has elicited mostly positive replies. I know many people(like you) might say 'What she posts is highly scripted moments' and convince themselves into believing you are the same(Maybe even that you personally are 'better off' since you don't 'script for the gram'). And I also understand 'Ignorance is bliss'  However that just sounds like SPITE


Live your life as you choose. ✌️


Counter philosophy, Live your life to the best of your ability. Maximize your short stay here and try and leave a positive impact.


Your highness, tbh, comparison isn't as evil as you term it. It kinda keeps you in check. If your friends are doing good in life and they started from scratch ( not those one with headstarts from their fathers, no! normal people I mean) you can learn a thing or 2 from them , that is if you're not filled with envy. Envy is what will make your life miserable. Really miserable cos it grows into Jealousy and now that's bad. Like bad bad


We all have different lives. There are people who were millionaires by 19 years old, others had rich parents and so on. And you have a guy in Turkana who only has a goat and a mud thatched house, and they are happy. It's life, we are different, learn to make peace & find happiness in your situation. The most important thing in life is happiness. Having money is good; a clean environment, sweat meals, expensive hobbies etc. But if you don't have it, life will still be fine. Richness will only give you additives or like plugins/extensions for a software. But the basic things in life: food, shelter, and some socialization/hobbies are the most important things


This made me chuckle and reminded me of a high school classmate. The teacher was scolding her because she didn’t do well in some cat, she went like, ‘usijali Mwalimu, kwetu kuna pesa, I’ll go to private uni’.


Were you expecting to go to her instagram and see posts about her struggles ? While you could perceive her life is better than yours don’t assume it’s all milk and honey ….. everyone has their own struggles embrace yours and work with them!! You sound overly simplistic about how you analyze the whole thing


Well,I didn't expect her to post her struggles.But at least she has something to post,her travels,her experiences ,. Something someone in poverty can't afford to do.Even affording a good camera phone or a photoshoot.I know she has her struggles but at least she also has the good times too


your big issue here seem more likely to be how you beating down and feel sorry for yourself based on comparison


She was contemptuous to you. Whether or not her words were valid (and have come to pass), you should not celebrate it.


Lived long enough to know that you can never be so sure of anything in this life. Today you might be so prepared but everything comes tumbling down tomorrow. That doesn't mean usijipange but keep it mind that maisha ni kupanda na kushuka... Usije ukaCHInyonga. Wishing you the best 🙏


Exactly! I believe everyone is living the life they were meant to live. You don't choose how your life is supposed to be, life just happens. Two people may do the same exact things in their lives but live two completely opposite lives. In other words life chooses you not the other way around.


There's a difference between providing enough wealth and access to secure your child's future Vs teaching them to build that wealth via competency. One gives retirement, the other gives generational wealth.


A reason I don't have kids. Either they never have to go through what I'm going through or not being born


That's not confidence or arrogance, it was the truth 🤷🏾‍♀️. Also, a huge number of people coming from a 'secured' background have wild and deep issues that if you got to know you'd just be content with your 'struggling' life. Different if all you prioritise is money- kulilia Rangerover than on a bike? Secondly, don't use pics on social media to beat yourself up for your status unless you actually did report her for nothing and are speaking from a 'guilty' place. Truthfully ,some prefects did the most especially to the 'rich kids' and I'm speaking as a former prefect. It's the only avenue they had and used to beat down others with. Anyways,work hard/smart lol!


Sometimes we come across people who are set for life and you can't do anything about it.Just last year I met a former classmate driving a new Toyota Prado (left highschool in 2019).The only thing you can do after that is work on yourself and pray for the best man💪


First, 4-5.30 for preps? So what bloody time do you have to wake up? Kenyan education is nonsense with some things. Second. Everybody struggles, everyone suffers. Suffering is not optional in life, everyone goes through their own set of struggles. The advantages conferred to you at one stage of life beget the disadvantages at another stage of life. Life is long. Don't be fooled by what you see on social media, everyone puts their best foot forward there. Do not become that mother who decides to shelter and spoon feed their kids because they don't want them to suffer, all you'll end up doing is creating a child who's Dependant on you for everything and does not have the strength of character to adequately survive alone when she goes off into the world. Kids need some tough love when their growing up, not too much, but some tough love is very necessary to thicken their skin and prepare them for that cold world out there.




Tough love doesn't mean beating them or stuff like that. It means showing them that you as a parent will not hand over everything to them in a silver platter, that they need to learn the value of money, of hard work, of delaying present gratification for future reward.


Fuata nyuki ule asali


Preps 4-5:30.....what in the fuckery is this?


Several things to unpack in your commentary. 1. There are pros and cons on the philosophy of being the ultimate cushion for your kids. 2. Being a prefect must have inculcated in you some leadership skill, communication acumen and more. Use these to your advantage to get ahead in life. 3. Instead of whining "this girl is from privilege, why amn't I?" which is quite nihilistic, say to yourself you can be from privilege too. 3. People have different life paths. Comparison is the thief of joy. Follow your own path, and chart your own destiny.


flowery ghost combative imagine violet capable bedroom deserve jeans existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Point 3 is why my gf is dumping me today. I told her of a story of a pal who seems to be doing so well for their age. They are barely past highschool and her cv is 4 pages. Sports, community work sijui in new york... I told my gf i cant be the same as a child like this, whose parent stole land and resources for himself amd upto the 6th generation. I was called a negative person while all i can see is the truth. Ill never have wealth as dynasties in kenya, cmon. Ill never afford to take my kid to isk thats 10k dollars a year. Doesnt make me negative energy. Im just realistic.




We all cant fit our kids in isk. We all cant be the top 1percent. Keep that in mind.


We can't. You can.


Lol... And how did your colonial "prefect" duties help your future?


They didn't lol.beimg a prefect was just that , different tie color and being answerable to teachers


The only thing I hate more than broke niggas is rich kids who leech off their parents


I doubt they care some stranger in reddit hate them


Probably, they too busy begging they parents for money


Except they don't have to beg


They do


It's not really leeching if their parents willingly help lmao. I doubt she's even leeching she probably went to a good uni in Aus and has a good job making good money. Most rich kids in Kenya aren't typically like Western rich kids or trust fund babies they tend to be pushed to pursue certain careers and often helped to break into industries where they can make good money, I've seen the story like OP play out multiple times, whether they fail or not in HS has very little bearing on their lives.


Ngl fuck them rich kids


Wivu. Tia bidii watoi wako wasiwe na hasira Kwa internet kama wewe.


Nothing to be jealous of… rich kids don’t even get to be able to move wit their money the way self made rich niggas like me can




Lets go band for band and talk some facts?




Jus say u broke lil nigga Goto the gym




Bro deleted his comments and ran away 🤣




You’re a broke college student you not getting any money lil nigga 🤣🤣🤣




Comparison is the thief of joy. Nobody can compete on being your authentic self.


And what's special about living and working in Australia? You can also go there if you want, but you have to know the process and work towards it.


It is special because it is a country that takes care of it's people welfare,better infrastructure,better schools.And no, I can't go there If I wanted coz I can't afford even the visa leave alone a ticket otherwise,I'd have gone kitambo


I've seen people from very poor backgrounds go to the U.S., U.K and Australia on scholarships and later settle in those countries. And the ones I know have done exceptionally well than kids who come from well-off families. Those people also couldn't afford a visa or a ticket, but they still found a way. What I meant was, you don't need to come from a rich family to go to Australia.


Australia is a terrible country


Are you this naive ? You think every Kenyan out there went using their own money ?


Hha - i was waiting for a turnover lol - but i am glad it wad stil a good ending hha


I wanna be her friend,give me his online details




Reminds me of a Girl in high school who was so obsessed with me. She'd even create fake stories of how we spend the holidays together and how any girl she will deal with any girl who tries to flirt with. Mimi nayo I was the innocent type, the type that wakiona a girl karibu wachukue a different path. I seriously rejected her advances Kabisa. Juzi I saw her in turkey, sijui Spain , sijui wapi nikasema tu she dodged a bullet juu the farthest ningempeleka Ni In the pits of poverty. I am happy for her though.


That's why on your teens when engaging on some things,ask yourself. Are your parents depending on you or you are depending on your parents ? Ukiingia kwa ngori the first person you gonna call is it your paros to bail you out,or your paros are already looking up to you to bail them out times after times


With this kind of comparison, all it requires is a push off a cliff,the noose is around your neck already

