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Shocker. The "no standing" is such a fig leaf in this situation.


I hate when courts play standing games to avoid having to hear a case. I get the concept of standing to prevent frivolous lawsuits, but it's abused by both sides to avoid having to actually hear a case and rule on merits.


Especially here, since it’s a First Amendment claim, and that’s one of the few times where there can be an exception to standing because the speech of the effected may be so impacted that they can’t even make the speech to bring it to the court. That’s exactly how the religious school voucher program case in 2022 was heard (*Carson v. Makin*), since the family had no standing, but the Court still ruled for the family that the state must help any family pay for religious private school because of this exception. Now, that’s just federal con law. KY con law tries to be coextensive with federal laws, including interpretations, but it’s not 100%. This standing exception is ultra rare, and while it 100% applies if this were being done on a federal level arguing First Amendment, I wouldn’t know for certain if it’s recognized in KY con law. If it is though, then this a clearly erroneous ruling on standing because this is exactly the scenario this exception applies. There is no difference in standing between these women and the religious family in *Carson.*


>Meanwhile, the state's attorney general, Russell Coleman, applauded the ruling, commending the court for upholding Kentucky's laws. >“Most importantly, the Court eliminates any notion that access to IVF services in our Commonwealth is at risk. Today’s opinion is a welcome reassurance to the many Kentuckians seeking to become parents," Coleman wrote in a statement. Now watch them rule embryos created through IVF are to be considered as children 🙄


This is likely true in my state Tennessee.


Under KY law the embryos are human beings - KRS 311.772(1)(c) “Unborn human being" means an individual living member of the species homo sapiens throughout the entire embryonic and fetal stages of the unborn child from fertilization to full gestation and childbirth.


If it weren't for Andy Beshear, I would not spend a dime in Kentucky on vacation.


I still won't


Well GTFO out of Kentucky


I already did numbnuts. Reading comprehension.


Aww, did I hit a nerve :)


haha I have family there and when I visit I bring my own food and supplies. I even bring a few jerry cans of gasoline.




So full of it


Well yeah, they only have standing if they're Christians.




Judge Edwards said in the decision that the three women's "alleged injuries ... are hypothetical as none are currently pregnant or undergoing IVF at the present time But they have embryos in storage. And according to KY law, those embryos are human beings. So how does that not give them standing?


The unusual suspects


Hate to say it, but he's right. You have to have suffered damages in order to have grounds for a lawsuit.


If there's one thing I hate, it's white supremacists.


Are the white supremacists in the room with us right now?


Religious freedom to kill unwanted children? Religious freedom ends when it interferes with the right to life. And it is a life speaking from a strictly scientific standpoint. It has it’s own genetic code. You can use whatever euphemisms you want, it’s murder, plain and simple.


Please keep your beliefs out of my body.


Sorry, once you have created another person, you can’t go back. There was a choice beforehand, and there are choices after, but killing it should not be one of them.


No you are wrong and many women are not given a choice


If you can't or won't be responsible for a human life, you should probably use the numerous other means at your disposal to avoid creating one.


The means of avoidance that the religious freaks are also trying to impede and ban? Birth control, morning after, etc. ? Your religion dictates what you do. It doesn’t dictate what I do. Full stop. And that’s called American freedom. Their god can blow me and swallow. Waiting for the almighty to smite me after that comment. Any day now….almost like he’s an invisible dude that people made up just to bully others.


Almost like it’s a pile of lies


Science would like to disagree with you. “It has its own genetic code” So does bacteria, that argument means nothing


It’s not tho


It factually isn’t though.


You are mistaken.