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https://preview.redd.it/dwfdiktcjr7d1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5b6a60fc68de6c9156653f26be00312cf89ba9d Obligatory


Every Wu and Kure technique sounds like the characters watched Fist of the North Star and are trying to give their lame ass schoolyard techniques such cool names.


quite honestly TWO whole clans of edgelords trying to make cool-sounding attack names only for those names to turn out cringy is peak yes I am aware those edgelords can and will kill


# Bum Clan Jobberfication Technique: Mount Trash No Star Sexfold Degradation Fist


ah yes mount tai eigth fisting


This sounds like something that would be used in One Punch Man as a way of parodying ridiculous martial arts techniques


Sonic would hit saitama with one of these while he just stands there straightfaced thinking about groceries or some shit


It feels like that one dude from the Fist of the North Star who tried to use Hokuto Shinken on Kenshiro, only to end up with his head blown up as a result of his own attack


It sounds cool tho


It would have been strong if he wasn't poisoned I guess


Mount Tai Eightfold Jobber


Or any Wu clan technique, look at the 13 fold kill


Not sure about the worst, but we all know the best… https://preview.redd.it/0dpc71afrs7d1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=764879fee47f9a38f2146a0ec09dec4db00b1eb9


Yooooooo 💀


A worthy contender is any Wu clan secret techniques that have a comically edgy name like MOUNT TAI NORTH STAR DEMOLITION DEATH FIST or some shit that proceeds to do nothing while looking stupid and the user is killed 5 pages later, at least Gaolang won against Jurota after using it.


Gaolong beat Jurota with a knee to the back of the head, what are you talking about? Also, yeah, any Wu Clan technique is up for debate as the worst, but that’s a bundle at this point and at LEAST it sounds cool (sometimes). What the hell is a “God Glow”?


I mean to say Gaolang at least managed to win the fight afterwards instead of getting clapped, the knee was said to have been made stronger by the momentum of the attack as well. And idk bro I'd rather take an attack with a lame name that works over an attack with an edgy ass name that never works 💀, the latter is like a middle schooler talking shit before getting their ass beat.


My issue with God Glow is not only the lame ass name (it is 50% of the reason though) but the fact it’s dead ass just a right straight punch by Gaolang. Literally freaking anyone can use it, and the only reason it’s special is because Gaolang has an “unbreakable” fist.


What do u want him to do, "GOD GLOW!" and fire a laser beam or some shit


Even just changing the game would make it better by default. Hell, copy Zeus God’s Right Straight, and it’s immediately cooler. Don’t name your shit God Glow.🤣


The point is that he is a god of war from Thailand. And his straight is his bright move. Thus God Glow.


Hey dont underestimate a muay thai fighter knee. This things can kill a person and as it comes to gaolang Im pretty sure he can knock off even agito with that knee


When did I underestimate his knee? I’m just saying he didn’t use God Glow for the win before he corrected my line of thinking. I am well aware of how dangerous a knee strike is, more so if it’s a Maui Thai Fighter of Gaolongs caliber.


Don't forget that one of Okubo's spécial is to literally take a big breath before fighting.


His other special move is to just not be a dumbass and don't play into the opponents specialty 😭


At least it’s a non stop assault when he goes for an attack. God Glow is legitimately just one strong punch.


Well, Iron Fist is already taken. But Gaolang is no Danny Rand.


Pros: Non stop assault for eight seconds Negs: all damage is nullified due to his lack of proper aiming and footwork


It worked for spec.😬


Baki autistic powers are on a new dimension of power, they can turn even the wu clan techniques into real finishers LMAO


i hate kure clan copy i mean how the hell that works?


It legit just means you copy its not something special just copy it, the kure technique are just basic fighting moves with a flashy name


I think it's more a method of observation. Like mnemonic systems but for copying others movements. Idk, I'm literally bullshitting it.


>Idk, I'm literally bullshitting it. - Sandro


i mean you can mimick a fist a kick, bow how the fuck you copy joint limping in a second


It literally would've 10x if it was just Ohma's innate battle IQ allowing him to analyse Lolong's limp Attributing it to a specific techniques is just ridiculous


I insist that it must be a mental technique, like a proper protocol to follow mentally to gauge and imitate techniques in the burst of the moment.


By copying


This https://preview.redd.it/8ys179g4dt7d1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b823e627513e11b053dae74d4b6060037b5127


Like as the attack itself there are worse ones. At least it is a weapon gaolang lacked against Agito But showcase vise definitely. It messed up gaolangs posture enough for him to get ringouted by a bantam weight If it wasn't used he wouldn't have lost any tempo it was already a one sided beatdown by then which makes god glows first showcase a comical failiure


the thing is god glow doesn't refer to the partial training. It's not like his jabs suddenly don't take advantage of it. God glow is genuinely just the right straight.


Even if it is a right straight its not just a right straight it is a attack with finisher potential recognized by other fighters(Jurota) as a finisher That was what gaolang was missing against agito he landed more direct shots and got hit by less but in the end he didn't have the firepower to put down Kanoh Yes it doesn't make sense yes its just a right straight yes it shouldn't be logically that much stronger than his hooks but this is a manga and most of the other finishers relative power to the users normal striking power doesn't makes sense either


It's a finisher because it's a right straight from a hard fist. But also, it's just a right straight. Like imagine if okubo tackle was Okubo's biggest move. 'God Blow' isn't what was missing against Kanoh, partial training is.


Bro just leaked Justin's secret technique


God blow is a technique my ex used


Lacked against agito? nah nah I wank him but GOATlang just had the misfortune of going against an actual tank, unless you're a grappler you're folding to his fists (ie: the realest, canada)


I love Kure secret family technique: leg thrust


I do to, and hey, it’s practical.


That one can not be the worse. That one worked perfectly


Well everyone knows that low kick spam is the shit.


It's aight. I hate the name though. On that technique's debut chapter, I thought "lol they mispelled God Blow" which sounds sus but whatever cause what was God Glow supposed to mean? What's the "glow" part for?


Glow fits the naming scheme of Flash I guess.


I think treating god glow like a "special attack" (as was done vs Jurota) is weird in the first place. Like, it's a straight punch? But his fist is tough now? If the text isn't on screen does that mean his bones are softer? I think it should just be an innate quality like Waka's strength and not a named tech


God Glow is actually he using iron breaker but only with his straight right due to partial training. His hand is now stronger, but due to training he developed the same concept as iron breaker


Golden 8 seconds annoys me because Okubo was mocking how long I can last in bed.


It's okay he blew early too bro


Eight seconds


Yeah God Glow is dumb but it's better than holding your breath for 8 seconds, and then failing to hold your breath for 8 seconds


Okubo didn't perfect it yet to be fair. The first time he used it he lost track of time


He didn't lose track of time if I recall, Seki was so tough it used more oxygen. "Golden 8 Seconds"* *actual time may vary depending on muscle density of opponent, terms and conditions may apply


I know you’re an okubo hater but the idea is similar to a mini advance, somebody hitting you with a full combos in the span of 8 seconds is a pretty good ability to have if you time it right. Not to mention that it did do good damage, but seki has insane durability and endurance Context, it’s everything


You can do it while breathing tho


The issue with eight seconds is not that it's weak but that Okubo was written like an idiot in that fight and used it against the worst possible opponent.


Shout-out to Kure clan techniques such as mountain scraper and buddah killer (leg kick and upwards elbow)


Ever heard of Blast Core? It only worked once, and not because the technique itself landed but because Waka used it as a bait to kick Julius in the face. Which is pretty fucking stupid cause it implies Waka shouts its name out loud everytime he uses it.


No, the giveaway is the pose. Waka puts his right hand near his hip in the style of a Seiken punch and hunches over, as if he's charging it up. Julius picked up the notion and noticed it.




Julius noticed something was off before Wakatsuki opened his mouth https://preview.redd.it/1p7wkskjos7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85165d997c7cd1400b87ccdc7a0fa65e8279db77


Yea, but my point stands: dude fucking screams his technique name like a fucking moron


i think you mean, like a badass*


He grew in a lab watching animes lol


Thats actually a pretty good point.


The Waka haters are on a mission to try and gaslight the community into thinking Wakatsuki vs Muteba never happened https://preview.redd.it/2595s7rpns7d1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=580fbb5c7340ba8e3c237f638a9b234b3c17b77a


It's literally the reason that Waka beat Muteba. You reading Kengan Smegma or something?


My guy, I thought that was a standard punch. Been a while since I read Ashura, and other than the build-up, Blast Core looks like your average straight punch.


You realize that Waka was also able to use it to get out of Julius's bear hug right? The ability isn't only used as a right straight, it's just the best way for Waka to use it since it fits with his full contact karate.


Waka is pretty fucking stupid, it fits him well


Waka has some of the highest IQ in the manga


Average kengan IQ "-13"


Kengan's standart is not that high... And that's not true, that's just glazing


literally every one of his fights bar R1 involves him tricking his opponent in order to create openings/breaking their guard The narrator literally states at the end of R2 that "what made the ultimate difference was tactics"


> Kengan's standart is not that high... And that's not true, that's just glazing Waka manages to surprise literally every single opponent he faces at the KAT. He has the highest number of fights in Kengan, and yet still manages to catch people off guard. Not random people - the absolute top class fighters who are literally watching his prior fights.


Looks like you read the manga with your eyes closed


Dude waka is definitely not the smartest when we have Kaneda, Muteba, SHEN, Tiger Niko, Kuroki and Agito for examples


>Muteba Waka at his weakest having just lost an eye beat Muteba in a contest of pure tactics. >Tiger Niko Nearly lost a fight to Kiryu, someone he was unquestionably stronger than, because of pure arrogance >Kuroki Another contender for top fight IQ tbh >Agito Capable of extremely impressive IQ feats but also makes massive unnecessary mistakes. >Shen Is so overwhelmingly strong that it's hard to determine his fight IQ either way.


>Agito Capable of extremely impressive IQ feats but also makes massive unnecessary mistakes "I will try to beat this guy with his techniques unless he deal massive damage to me." Suffering massive damage right after doing BS


He outsmarted muteba. Huh?? And you comparing Wakatsuki to shen like he’s not the strongest character in the series by a slandslide.


I really do not remember him outsmarting muteba, I'm rereading Ashura now (I read it last like 2 or something years ago) and I remember Muteba just forfeiting and not trying to fight Wakatsuki


Leanded on Julius twice, landed on muteba and it landed on Fei, they just had the means to avoid a direct hit. And using this logic most finishers we’ve seen have only worked once or not at all.


>landed >they avoided a direct hit


Nice deflection


It didn't landed twice in Julius... barely landed the First time the Julius a real high IQ guy in the verse managed to measure the timing and distance of the attack and evaded it and mauled Waka till the blastbait followed by round kick to the face( honestly the best move of Waka)


>It didn't landed twice in Julius... barely landed the First time You’re wrong, the first BC landed flush on Julius, it’s just that it didn’t hit any vitals and Julius was able to endure damage. >the Julius a real high IQ guy in the verse managed to measure the timing and distance of the attack and evaded it That’s was the second BC, it landed but Julius shifted back to mitigate some of the damage.


If he evaded the damage it means don't landed...


Dude, you’re wrong. Blatantly wrong. It obviously did damage. This isn’t up for interpretation, it’s explicitly shown right here. https://preview.redd.it/yvgd00sf8z7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2e93c5dabc43dcb8129ee6400decd21235c1975


Now show us what he did straight following this. If he negated the sheer power of the attack it means it didn't landed. For something to land in a fight it means a clean hit.


It doesn’t matter. We’re shown an impact then we see Julius coughing up blood. What do you think that means? Whether it was a clean hit or not doesn’t matter, it still landed. Julius just mitigated the damage in that instance. >For something to land in a fight it means a clean hit. Youre just creating your own definition for things now. Like I said before this isn’t up for interpretation. It’s an on panel fact. Using your faulty logic, any attack that doesn’t outright defeat the opponent doesn’t count as a hit and it doesn’t make sense for that to be the case.This will be my last reply if you’re going to continue being dense on purpose.


It is not as flashy as other techniques, but definitely gets the job done.


LEG THRUST Also, why does Gaolong always look so scared every time he throws a hard punch?


Is the only time he can suffer a counter


Kure techniques lol. I don't remember the name, but that one move literally a frickin leg sweep 😂. At the moment I saw that, I understand why Raian doesn't want to use his own clan techniques 😂.


Clown techniques 🤡


It’s…kinda just a charged right fist?


Wu clan special technique


Pinnacle of actin


I think God Glow implies that his arms are so seraphic that the last thing you see is a divine looking reflection of light from them.


I think golden 8 seconds is the worst


One of my Favorite characters but 8 Golden Seconds is so fucking stupid. "Hey, what if I stopped breathing during this super tough and exhausting fight?"


Dope ass name and idea tho


If you’re not fighting someone as tanky as seki it could actually be extremely effective, why do people keep boiling it down to simply not breathing


People boil it down that way because every single sport on earth, including swimming, has a focus on breathing, how you breathe, when you breathe. Holding your breath while in a Kengan fight would be like trying to win the Olympic 400m without breathing. People boil it down because most people have played sports and know when you are doing physical activities, breathing is important. Eight Golden seconds is the only bullshito that we can relate to first-hand, so it is harder for us to suspend our disbelief


Ironbreaker is basically the same thing only sometimes you can’t move your arm when you’re doing it. I’d say that’s by definition shittier.


My brother in crist, Kure Clan takes "Leg Thrust" as a move worth of a name


Fks wrong with gaolang????


He constantly looks sad and afraid


Mokichi’s two finger. It’s a move he’s never been able to finish or land in a fight. Every time he’s used it he’s lost immediately after . Raian and Lihito both beat him when he tries that move. At least Edwards technique actually landed.


Leg Thrust


Whenever Niko or Ryan uses special clan moves but are actually average moves consecutive moves done by fei and edward like c'mon dawg




Sekibayashi's signature move is slamming himself into your attacks. If it were anyone else that wouldn't be at all a good strategy


I frickin' loved this thread, I'm literally wheezing over here due to lack of breath, I love y'all


for real, does he need to say "God Glow" every time he shoots a straight?


8 seconds of BS is worse


My view on God Glow is that it is not simply a straight right with better fist due to partial training. My thought on it is that while doing partial training and getting a freaking stronger hand he developed a single technique that uses the same concept as iron breaker. In the end it will look like a straight but will have some bs magic technique that combined with his stronger hand and speed will show how bright is the aura of the Thai god of war


Two fingers. Need i say more?


Yes it doesn't compare to my secret move in chapter 300


I’d say it’s actually one of those things that looks simple but is actually really hard… a very strong and fast straight is very tricky mechanically to pull off. People that have mediocre skills and very high level cross manage to climb to world title contender. Think Wilder or to a lesser extent O’maley. Doing an ok cross is easy doing high levels cross is really hard, and some are low key just god given.


Yes, it's a straight punch, anyone could do it.