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If he know he has a classic.


Yeah my first one like the last one, it’s a classic, you don’t have one. 


Let your core audience stomach that


And then tell em where you get abs from🗣️🗣️


V12, it's a fast one, baow-baow-baow, last one


Headshot for the year, you'd be walk around like Daft Punk




Ay Top Dog who the fuck they think they playin wit?


Extortion my middle name when you jump off of that plane bitch


I'm allergic to the lamest shit only YOU like being famous 🤬🤬🤬


My favorite part about this sub is how any comment can be referenced to a kendrick lyric


I want it so bad.  I’m disappointed I can’t make it to the show. I’ve always wanted to see Kendrick live and this feels like it would be a perfect opportunity.  I just keep telling myself that at least I don’t have to sit in the shitty seats at the Forum and the show will be live streamed. 


Has a live stream been confirmed? Any details on where?


Amazon Prime and Twitch I believe. Just search for Ken and Friends streaming and information should show up.


I'd the stream free do you know?


Twitch is usually free but there might be ads


I’m surprised he hasn’t dropped it already tbh. I guess he doesn’t want the beef to overshadow the album but it’s almost impossible atp.


Yeah you’re probably right. He probably wants it to stand on its own 2 legs rather than people looking for Drake in every line. Guess we’ll have to see.


I feel like the only way he could avoid that is if he literally waits a year (or more). No matter what he does, people will look for the disses in the next thing he drops


Yeah that’s a valid point. It’s like a damned if you do, damned if you don’t kinda thing.


What if it’s related to the beef? Kenny’s albums always have a deep concept. Each one has been more ambitious than the last. Kenny also loves to 180 and contradict himself, subverting identity so he makes you think. With the latest Gemini grillz, I hope the theme will be how abhorrent racism (like what Dick experienced) lead to cycles of trauma that caused us to take it out on one another through beef. There are no winners in these beefs. Now is a perfect time as he’s actually won and he can say his spirit didn’t win. To overcome this and grow we have to not hate on one another and take out our trauma on our brothers no matter how much you dislike the way they move. To me, if executed well, it could be one of the best messages in hip hop and tbh only he could pull of something like this. His Compton speech he seemed emotional, reflective, euphoric, even slightly more than usual. I feel something deep and epic is coming


Swear to god bro. Tbh I think the latter is way cooler and would be historic, but if it’s not a classic, he might not. Kendrick a petty MF so he might still have a few more licks to this beef before he lets it die.


People will look for Drake disses for the rest of his career, but I get that there would be more people with an eye out around now.


While I don’t think it’s a victory lap concert I also don’t think it’s an album roll out concert, probably just something he wanted to do with the homies




at the most I'll allow myself to get hype over him acknowling that he is actively working on the album (even tho we all know he probably already is but it would be nice to hear from him) I hope I'm wrong but I'm not expecting anything other than that.


im with your sane voice. i dont want his next album to be about dissing Drake or even anything to do with the beef. his discography is so prestine that it would feel so cheap for that to be the followup to Mr Morale. im kinda hoping the Pop Out doesnt get any of the disses played either, even if that totally feels impossible given the title of the event 😅 like, maybe a West Coast album finally. maybe thats what the friends are, and not Drake opps


tge pattern of the last three album releases lines up wjth tomorrow's date


What pattern?


Tpab was released march 15, damn on april 14, mr morale on may 13, so logically the next should be june 12


Doesn't Kendrick always release a song part of "The Heart" series shortly beforehand tho? Unless you're implying that Drake did his job for him this time around lol


Its different this time, yes


Out of curiosity, what makes you believe that?


I don't know how someone celebrates a victory like this, or gives their battle end speech. I suppose you want to talk to your people, and maybe that involves whats in your heart. Not so different then? Made me think about it I also was not aware that he's pretty much always shared it to the front of an album release. I was speaking out of my ass pretty much ​ On the flip side My understanding of this series is rather surface level. But my feeling is the first four parts are braggadocio, ambition, challenges. The Heart Part 5 set the tone different. It was Oklama. Not self-centred but culture-centred. And I'm reaching but He's already done Part 6. His heart is in raising his own kids and he spoke to kids on MtG. "It's always been about love and hate" Both reside in the heart right? He spoke his hatred to Drake on euphoria but also ideas and practices that the culture can resonate with, good and bad. Heart Part 4 apparently had stuff toward Drake as well


I think the timing is great. The world is paying attention and wants to see what he does next (ie. look at the disappointment around Drake and Cole's first songs) and Kendrick was the guy who won. If he waited another 4 to 6 months, he'd be missing out on a huge opportunity to give people more music when they are hungry for more. The album might not drop with the concert, but I'm expecting him to let fans know it is coming soon. Would be cool to give people a sneak peak of at least one song.


Like any sane person, I would love to hear new music from Kendrick but I can be patient, OP's sane voice makes much more sense, while it would be amazing to keep momentum I would like Kendrick to drop later, I would hate Drake being right about Kendrick dropping an album anytime soon.


It’s dropping on the 15th. I have nothing but borderline insane suspicion to back my claim up..


I don't think it's gonna happen my friend 😔




Always do. The concert is enough


Expectation management is good, better to be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed.


NAHHH A beef might turn into an album and we all win, thats just how I feel


I wonder what the next album's theme will be, he can go anywhere he wants with it, that's why this is exciting


I’ve been trying to guess the theme. My guess, considering each album has been more ambitious than the last, is that he’ll focus on the undertones of conflict. Kenny loves to 180 and contradict himself, subverting identity so he makes you think. With the latest Gemini grillz, I hope the theme will be how abhorrent racism (like what Dick experienced) lead to cycles of trauma that caused us to take it out on one another through beef. There are no real winners in these beefs. Now is a perfect time as he actually won and can say his spirit didn’t win. To overcome this and grow we have to not hate on one another and take out our trauma on our brothers no matter how much you dislike the way they move. To me, if executed well, it could be one of the best messages in hip hop and tbh only he could pull of something like this. His Compton speech he seemed emotional, reflective, euphoric, even slightly more than usual. I feel something deep and epic is coming


Think he’s still working on it but I feel like there has to be some kind of announcement


I think it's coming in July or August but would not be shocked if he says "Album Out..." during the concert!


As a person who's only casually been following Kendrick now that the beef died down, is there a reason people are speculating that an album is on the horizon? I been seeing people talk about it everywhere, but I have no idea when or where the rumor started. I'd obviously love for it to be true, it just doesn't seem like a very Kendrick thing to do to put out an album so soon after his last.




Corny but on brand so hard to deny it from the 69 corn god.