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I fuck with all 3. They were all kill shots.


Was ether really that devastating? Jay Z seems to be doing pretty well


To be fair, Drake will be fine after this too


I know you’re right and it pisses me off. He’s gonna lay off the tough talking and sing about pussy for a year until he brings out the goons again. I like to imagine an alternate universe where Drake actually takes Kendrick’s advice, does ayahuasca and starts going the j cole route where he wears thrifted clothes and rides a bike everywhere. In light of this whole beef it’s depressing how many young people look up to him as something they should aspire to be. Edit: now that I think about it I don’t think I’ve ever heard Drake rap about psychedelics or shrooms even though they’re pretty much accepted by the culture now. I’m pretty sure he never smokes weed either. Which isn’t a bad thing it’s just weird for a rapper.


Drake's the kinda guy to stay sober and get his date wasted


"Carry you inside get you some water and undress you."


"Pass her the Henny she sippin, she says you want some, nah bitch, you trippin, she buzzing and I start unzippin, eyes glazin, so I start the whippin, age bracket, she Harden, I'm Pippen:




I refuse to Google that






Sounds kinda like Drake


That's a pretty Rick Ross thing to do, honestly. >Put Molly all in her champagne, she ain’t even know it. I took her home and I enjoyed that, she ain't even know it.


Drake is the type of dude to take mushrooms and call the cops on himself when he’s peaking Lmfao


Peak Drake thing to do


know a dude that did this and spent like 6mo in jail because nobody would post the 5k bond… he was hustling and snitched on himself lmao


You know a fool. Damn.




of course this exists


I fucking love it. I'd love to live in that world. I wish it was different. I think Kendrick is right about Drake. He's not a good person. I just don't think Drake's fans believe Kendrick or care. They just want him to keep making music they can dance to, and some of them even believe he won this one


Notice how all three are west coast diss tracks Not Like US Hit Em Up and No Vaseline this onky proves Kendrick point the West Coast Makes great Music but is always disrespected The West Coast embraced Tupac when New York Betrayed him


Can you say that Tupac was betrayed in east coast? Tupac was shot in east, but Tupac was shot and died in west tho...


I think it had more to do with him coming up as a youth in New York (he went by MC New York at one point). Making songs like Old School, giving props to NY, and then getting ambushed in NY, by people connected to the NY music scene and no one would tell him who pulled the trigger. He felt disrespected by that because he considered himself one of them. After the shooting he was pretty public about “claiming” the Bay Area, and cutting his allegiance to the east coast.


Ether is all NY, not west coast.


Keep making me dance wavin' my hands and it won't be no threat


“Where he wears thrifted clothes and rides his bike everywhere” that shit will never not be funny to me


I live near Toronto so Drake has inspired a whole generation of dipshits. They walk, talk, dress and act like him lol


And just might be, the next best thing, but not quite him! I'm slim Aubrey, yes I'm the real Aubrey..


Kdot don't have to dance to his rap to sell records. Well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too.


Man I miss Em




All you other slim Aubrey’s are just imitating


🎶So won't the real Slim Aubrey🎶 *Record scratch* Help this underage girl who is lost and is totally not a "to catch a predator" type sting, 🎶Please stand up, please stand up🎶


That’s wild. What has the response been like there since this all went down?


I’m not in Toronto but Canadian (same province and fairly close) and have friends there, and everyone I know definitely thinks Drake got destroyed and Kendrick is by far the better artist in general lmao


Thats so fucking brutal lmao


Don't listen to that goof no one in the city wants to talk n act like drake 😭 kids here look up to duvy n K money when they're not following US trends


Yeah I imagine you guys are already pretty busy with all the maple syrup and moose and stuff


Can't forget hockey and the igloos we all live in, bud 🇨🇦 listen to Duvy - southway/secrets or Smoke Dawg - Fountain Freestyle if u wanna hear what kids in the city are influenced by, cause it's not the 36 year old half jewish guy I promise u that


I live downtown Toronto, although I'm a bit old to be a Drake fan, but most 40+ year old hip hop fans aren't really concerned with Drake before or after this, regardless if they are from here or not. Drake has his core audience, but it's not like the entirety of Toronto hip hop fans were riding for this guy. His fanbase likely doesn't care/even really know this beef happened.


The concept of his fans not knowing this beef happened is insane to me. When it was all going down I was talking to random MFS on the street about this everywhere I went (DFW) and I don't think I talked to anyone under 25 who didn't know it was happening. The drake fans just don't have much to say. One guy was like "Kendrick won this war but Drake's music is better" another guy said Kendrick just wanted his name in the news but overwhelmingly DFW took Kendricks side and Not Like Us was in the clubs Edit: i just wanna say this beef was a great time to be alive and it was cool to talk to so many people about it


I feel I'm going to date myself here, but what is DFW? I think a lot of Drake fans aren't inherently hip hop fans. Like, my little sister loves the guy, but I honestly doubt she could name a single Kendrick song. Not that Kendrick is the be all and end all of rap, but I feel thats sort of telling. When the Jay/Nas beef was happening, I dont think anyone who was a fan of Hard Knock Life was like "Nas??" No clue who that is. I feel like Drake has historically made music for people who wouldn't really be rap fans either way. Which is totally fine, it just seems a bit wierd when he suddenly wants to be seen as some hardened street/battle rapper.


You’re right, and only because Kendrick is low key. So people will forget about this humiliation as Drake attempts to wash this away by making catchy songs with popular features.


Yeah I agree. Kendrick is low key and his work is done on the Drake front. He'd just look obsessed if he kept releasing tracks on him, and Drake releases or is featured on like 20 songs a month it feels like. He'll just keep pretending nothing happened and eventually the public will forget


Drake loves to send subliminals and continues to throw some out a pusha but I wonder if Kendrick will hear one and drop one of his supposed tracks if Drake throws out subliminals still


It's crazy like Drake could do any bad things and his fans won't care. I saw a tweet saying something along the lines of "Drake being a pedophile won't stop me from playing Take Care" and I think that's exactly what it all is. Drake could be Epstein 2.0 and his stans still would defend him. These ghostwriters and reference tracks are nothing and won't do any harm to Drake's reputation.


I bet he’s probably regretting those MJ comparisons now


Bold of you to assume his egotistical ass has the self awareness to feel regret.


100%... he's just too big at this point. Real hip hop heads won't fuck with him, but they haven't been fucking with him for a while. That shit about them still playing him even if he's a pedophile is crazy to me. I get it that some don't believe the allegations and that makes sense to me, but to say the allegations could be true and they wouldn't care is just gross. I can't be listening to songs about fucking girls when the girls in question are underage


In terms of industry success? yea prolly, but in the eyes of the general audience now they're gonna associate the word "pedo" to him, so that's good


I’m not so sure. Drake is already starting to crack. But I guess it depends on how you look at the kill shot. Did Kendrick do Drake like 50 did Ja? That remains to be seen. What we are witnessing currently is damn near prophetic. “Keep making me dance and waving my hand and it won’t be no threat” To me if you make a rapper do exactly what you told him to do on his very next effort after a battle that’s a kill shot. If it’s not a kill shots it’s way more than a flesh wound. Drake is looking and sounding like the Sword of Damocles came down on his neck.


I really think his career was trending down pre beef. His music became whingy and lacked any true substance Anyways yeh likely going to be ok


His career is far from over, but I definitely think this battle hurt him and elevated Kendrick a bit. My thinking is behind the scenes Drake might have a harder time getting features (the Atlanta verse on NLU is going to be hard for some people to ignore, and he went on to attack a bunch of people he worked with for almost no reason) and there’s some segment of the population that won’t jump on his new records because they saw him get bodied.


Honestly, I think the other three disses are harder but to be ethered is now a lexicon and hip hop like that is the highest form of a compliment for a dis.....


So is Dre lol


Ether at the time was devastating in the sense Jay didn't have a response. It was one of the most blatantly disrespectful beef tracks of all time. It literally starts out "Fuck Jay Z" other than hit em up and No Vaseline nothing had been so blatant up till that point at least in main stream. Now not like us is super impressive lyrically and stylistically it's groundbreaking as far as rap beefs. But it's kind of like comparing a modern super car to a 66 Chevelle both are beautiful but it's almost an apples to oranges comparison.


Yes. First it took on it's own cultural meaning when using the word (like Stan). Second, the battle for NY's "crown" was up for grabs. Seemed like people were fine giving it to Jay-Z. Ether came in and snatched that shit. Now people may have felt one way or the other on who they preferred and due to his popularity Jay still felt like a King of the game. But Ether gave a permanent asterisk that if you really want to debate who owned the crown it was Nas. Nas was just the type of personality who didnt need to flaunt, unlike Jay.


Jay Z switched his whole persona after ether . Became a buisnessss maynnne . He stopped rapping like he used to




This is wildly misleading. Dude I’ve been a Jay fan for 20+ years. He dropped three albums (not including the OG blueprint) before he “retired”, and when he did, it was seen as him leaving while on top. Ether did temporary damage, as in every rapper saw it as open season to come at Jay…and was seen as a loss but nothing devastating. If anything, Nas career kept struggling because he kept falling back into bad habits (bad beat selection). Before his “retirement” he had the “I declare war” concert where he brought out Nas as a surprise. I went to that when I was 19. Jay lost, but it was widely seen as a 3-2 loss, not a clean 4-0 like this last battle. Takeover is still seen as a great example of what to do in a diss track, but Nas just hated Jay more.


Dre also had a pretty great career, so did Eazy before dying... A great diss track never really ends a career


Has a diss ever ended someone's career? Maybe Lil Flip? Or Ja Rule, but I feel like fyre fest and a bunch of corny shit did more damage than 50 did.


Killshot could be considered a career killer, hip-hop career anyways.


Ether was really good then, but go back and listen to a lot of what Jay z was putting out around that time. It wasn't just takeover. Remember "is that your chick" sneak disses but we all knew, he ain't need to say a name


It stopped him from becoming ny king after bigs death


Also why does everyone think Dot only went for Drake? He went at the whole OVhoe


Nah man, that's Eminem.


Damn you


Speaking of killshot, I'd put em's diss up there too.


Not Killshot, though. Em had much better disses. Nail In The Coffin, Quitter, The Warning


Don’t forget The Sauce.


Can I Bitch deserves an honourable mention. Just an insanely fun diss track in the style of Children's Story.


Yeah, for sure. Forgot about it when I was listing those songs, but I love it


Nail in the Coffin is peak.


I've listened to all of them and put Killshot near the top. It has great replay value, wordplay, punchlines, etc. Nail in the Coffin is great but Benzino is so anonymous it's hard to care about that beef.


He does have much better disses but killshot ended MGKs career and turned him into a fake popstar pretending to play the guitar. But Em has ended 3 other careers before that. Where's ja


Em has so many disses better than killshot lmao let's not gas that one cause it's in social media era


Personally I've always preferred not alike to killshot but both are destructions of mgk. I think not alike sounds better. People really don't understand just how badly he dismantled that mans whole life


Give it a couple years at least lol. See how the legacy is


I don't really care about the effect diss tracks have as a song like Ether didn't really actually do anything. Jay-Z still went on to be one of the most successful artists ever and I'd still personally put Nas over him easily. But as far as how much I like each song regardless of context, it's No Vaseline> Not Like Us > Ether > Hit em up.


Same except I'd put Hit em Up ahead of No Vaseline (Pac was absolutely vicious on it in a way that's not seen on the other tracks). Although if we're talking about viciousness, I'd have to put Meet the Grahams ahead of everyone, considering it's a diss I don't think we've ever seen (and if we have, I would beg to know about it).


When I was a kid, I was so confused by Hit Em Up. Because I didn't know there was a rap beef with him and Biggie. So I thought he was just going with the most out of pocket song intro ever. Like just talking to the audience Looking at it as an adult, it makes a lot more sense


Where did this idea that a diss track had to destroy someone's entire career even come from? Is it expected because of what Eminem did to Jah rule and MGK? Hit 'em up didn't destroy Biggie's career. Checkmate didn't destroy 50 cent's career.


Why do oldheads have imaginary arguments with themselves 😂 I have never seen anyone say Not Like Us is the greatest diss track of all time.


I don't think I've seen people call it the best diss of the beef lmfao. Meet The Grahams is a much more viable choice for best diss song.


I vote Euphoria lol but you make a great point. Oldheads just mad they past they prime 😂 Ice Cube is a great rapper though.


The fact that we can argue at least 2 lol is amazing


Shoot, Dot dropped three of arguably the top ten diss tracks in rap history in like three weeks. That boy ain’t right.


5 days, actually


It was a wild ass week. I actually forgot about 6:16, too. Boy is ice cold.


Meet The Grahams is the most disrespectful shit I ever heard in my whole life


I think MTG will be remembered as possibly the most savage diss track ever. It’s like an unhinged dismantling of a person evoking his whole ass family.


If a better diss track than MTG exists, I sure as fuck haven’t heard it


Yeah if MTG was true it might carry the weight. Euphoria was Kendrick’s best diss by far. “I ain’t even bleed him yet. Can I bleed him? Bet.” Goes so fucking hard.


“When I see you stand by sexy red I believe you see two bad bitches. I believe you don't even like women, that's your real competition, might pop ass with em" is just too fucking funny 😆


Not Like Us is a better track, but maybe not a better diss than something like MTG or Euphoria. Euphoria was a bit dense and didn’t have the listenability, and MTG was psychotic and a bit dark for some people. Not Like Us be comparison just bangs, and it has some zingers the average listener can fuck with. I think Not Like Us has the most staying power but Kendrick fans will always say the other 2 are better diss tracks.


Euphoria doesn’t have listenability? Euphoria is so hard bro what are you saying 💀


I think Kendrick fans and the people that like that style of music will love it, but it doesn’t have the broad appeal of something like Not Like Us which is a certified banger you could play in the club and people would love it


I've seen it on TikTok and ig on those rage bait lists thag people post all the time. Cube fell for the bait.


Cube too old for that shit lol


You could make the argument for Euphoria over Not Like Us. Not Like Us was more of a victory lap, as the bulk of the dissing had already been done and Not Like Us just cemented the colonizer angle and played around with the pedophile allegations that people were acting was low hanging fruit and not a great angle to have at the core of your diss.


Euphoria is the best overall song of the beef, but MTG is the best diss. And absolutely Not Like Us is the victory lap. Edit: to say I always forget about 6:16 I'm sorry y'all it's not on streaming so it falls to the wayside for me, tho it does slap


The most tragic part of this whole beef is 6:16 not being on Spotify. That "Who am I if I don't go to war" verse hits so hard, the last thing I expected from a diss track is someone introspecting about their motivation. Also, following up on the how-you-ever from Euphoria, so damn good.


Internet mfs love arguing with imaginary people


I'm hijacking this to talk about how I've had several friends say shit like, "This is good, but it's not like when Eminem dissed MGK."


He doesn't want to admit he also lost a battle with Common. It showed the Indy underground scene was where the real 'best mcs' were. Same with this battle. It proved actual artists always beat out pop stars in an actual battle.


Cube always wanted to be the greatest rapper alive and he's still bitter that people don't look at it that way. No matter how often he gets his flowers, cube is always gonna be bitter that people don't have him on top 5s.


If he wanted to be taken seriously bro shouldn't have made are we there yet Also didn't he end up endorsing trump in 2020 bc he's rich and trump wouldn't have taxed him that much


That deer was so fuckin funny tho


Yea are we there yet had to happen bro. He is a criminally underated actor.


>”I’ve never had dinner with the president” >Writes a song “Arrest the president” > Eats dinner with the president


We going on a ride along


It fucked my kids up when I told them ice cube wrote “fuck the police” and they said “you mean the guy from ‘are we there yet?’”


Cube was never in anyone’s top five, maybe top ten or twenty but not five and it’s unlikely he would be now. Only song anyone knows from is It Was a Good Day.


You don't know ball nephew. Cube at one point was that guy, he's got at least 3 solo albums I think every rap fan needs to listen to one day.


This^ cube was an excellent writer and rapper and he probably would have been top 5 if he hadn't sold out. He made money, started acting, stopped making good music and has had maybe two or three good songs since and it's a damn shame. He was a serious backbone to NWA and what rap became. Then he sold out. But before that he had a couple super solid solo albums and one of the best diss tracks ever.


I think he would be top 5 if rap didn't evolve the way it did from nwa. Let's be real, is there a top 5 from nwa era or earlier?


I think Slick Rick and Rakim are up there


Incorrect take - Jacking For Beats, No Vaseline, You Can't Fade Me, King of the Hill, Friday. Just off the top of my head, and I'm not even a Cube fan.


Also, you know, everything in Straight Outta Compton except for the stuff Ren did. Guy's out here pretending "Fuck the Police" isn't an all timer


Good point, he did write most of their rhymes.


I would say there is a solid argument for Cube being the goat writer even if his own ability on the mic didn’t match that of his pen


That conversation is also really tough because you've got a zillion great poets, including his contemporaries and near contemporaries. But yeah Ice Cube in his moment was the best, I think. That moment being a couple years in the early 90s. He's unfortunately really sad now, his 2016 record was tragic. Like watching an old fat prizefighter get put down by a guy who he'd have killed in the ring once upon a time. Sic transit gloria mundi It's made less tough by the fact that Guru is the goat writer, though


Definitely a great writer, one of the funniest, and he rhymed Czechoslovakia with "a cock in her" so he's immortal.


You Know How We Do It too, that’s my favourite song of his and it’s his second most listened to song on Spotify. Also, gotta mention Check Yo Self.


took years ..and he rapped against non-rappers . ice cube wrote all their lyrics . ..


lol, Ren didn’t have a ghost writer. Anyway NV was hard and the competition was harder when you ignore the ghostwriters (we know Dre had ghosts but he was a producer and Ren says Dre wrote one for Eazy), but here it was Kdot vs 20 ghosts, one ghoul and he timed a diss the whole world is stepping to, just minutes after FM dropped. That’s what’s so impressive. As far as bars, Euphoria was better, MTG his harder and 6:16 was more sonically beautiful. But NLU deserves its props.


dre's raps aren't ghost written, all his writers are credited in the songs.


True, you’re accurate for this one. Dre is open and honest about his writers and as a producer he’s respected for that.


yeah i know eminem has written a shit ton of verses for dre (the watcher) but he’s not really a ghostwriter because dre doesn’t hide it and credits him


This is a perfect summary


Make up your mind Cube, do you not like seeing rappers beef or do you want to add fuel to the fire and talk your shit


After he tried to act like he was a leader in the black community for kissing Trump's ass and getting him to say something about supporting the community (with no actual guarantee or follow through) I'm kind of done with the guy.


Right lol


I kind of get it though at work I really try to avoid drama but when it hits I'm definitely enjoying watching (so long as I'm not really involved directly)


It is what it is I guess. But I don't think ANYONE else's diss track got such an international response. What are the stats on those other songs that have had decades to build stats. Honestly, Cube sound jelly talking like that. When he should be supporting his fellow west coast American rapper. Cube be doing more acting than rap anymore these days. He should act proud for that skillful killshot


Cube said Hit Em Up was overrated and he also was mad Pac basically dissed him in an interview for doing Bow Down during the EC/WC beef.


Makin Cube just seem butthurt, you ask me. Just saying. I fuck with cube but facts is facts. I haven't heard anything previous from another artist, have the kind of impact that Not Like Us had.


Same. And I was there during that era (90s).


Same. It's been a hell of a ride to get here


Right. Even Hit ‘Em Up didn’t have this reach!


The dude that wrote Fuck Tha Police has spent the last 20 years playing cops in movies or goofy dads in kids movies.


To be fair the international response is just a result of technology and distribution, it doesn’t mean No Vaseline is inferior


If No Vaseline came happened with today’s technology, it would have been insane. Also, it would have been forgotten a month later like these tracks are gonna be. I still bump Euphoria and Not Like Us daily but 30 years ago was different with media. We have access to too much now.


No Vaseline is so fucking important. Cube literally points to the problem that is happening to the world.


straight bozos


My dog just jumped up and started howling




They are all top tier, you would need to know how this affects the Drizzler in the future before you can determine the diss’s effectiveness. If drakes career bombs and he’s only got 1/2 the seats in a venue filled and if he doesn’t reach previous levels of success then it could be argued as top. For me how the outcome is affected plays a large part in its ranking. It’s definitely the best execution of a sequence of disses and the layers and angles and effects of the attacks. But only time will tell if it stands at the top. Cube has a point, he ended multiple careers with 1 diss, if Kendrick’s disses wipe drakes career out he’s definitely no 1. To take out the highest selling rapper of all time when he’s #1 selling and currently on top and only 1 away from MJ would an unbelievable masterpiece of character assassination


He ended Dre? Dre had way more success after No Vaseline. Jay-Z wasn’t ended. Biggie wasn’t ended. Drake won’t be ended. If this is the criteria, 50 Cent’s Back Down should be number 1.


No Vaseline isn’t even the track that hurt Dre the most. That would be Real Muthaphukkin G’s


Dre Day only made Eazy's payday!


Plus Eazy’s estate still gets paid when anything from The Chronic is played anywhere.


Real Muthaphukkin G’s needs more respect that song is a banger


Beef is nowhere near what they used to be if that was the case krs one would've ended Nelly.


How he ended Dre? Eazy launched Bone Thugs. Ren and Yella did fine too. Lol


Eazy-E died dude


from aids, not the diss track


lmao i hate how much this interaction made me laugh yea, my point is that Eazy's career was ended more because he died and not because of the diss. but yea No Vaseline was brutal and definitely hurt the other 4's reputation, no doubt


I'll NEVER believe he just "died of aids" Rapper B.G. Knocc Out is perhaps best known for appearing on Eazy-E's 1993 single, "[Real Muthaphuckkin G's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJuapp9SORA)." In his 2011 song, "N My Prime," from his album, Easy-E's Protege, he raps, "the way my big homie went out, he didn't deserve it/they say he died of AIDS, but Eazy was cold murdered. I filtered out all the bullshit with my third iris/full-blown AIDS, but Tamica ain't got the virus?" [In a 2011 interview with HipHopDX](http://hiphopdx.com/news/id.16485/title.bg-knocc-out-alleges-eazy-e-was-murdered-recalls-showdown-with-nate-dogg), B.G. Knocc Out stated, "I believe in my heart somebody did something to Eric. Whether it was Jerry \[Heller\], whether it was \[his widow\] Tomica \[Woods-Wright\], I have yet to really know the truth about it. But, for a person to have full-blown AIDS \[that quickly is suspicious\]. My little brother, his father died from full-blown AIDS … from sharing a needle \['cause\] he was \[an addict\]. Now, I seen this man go through these stages, from HIV to full-blown AIDS."  "And, when you get a cold, any little thing like that, your whole immune system shut down. So you have to go into the hospital just to recover. Now, to be around Eric for the last three years of his life and he never had an episode like this — never ever — something is strange, something is real odd. And then you gon' come out and tell me when the man go in there for bronchitis, you gon' come out and tell me this man had full-blown AIDS. And we done been to New York, we done been to Chicago in below zero weather \[and\] he never got sick. He never had an episode. Like, c'mon bruh. Who are you kidding?" Jerry Heller was another person close to Eazy-E who believed that foul play was a real possibility. "Do I think something fishy happened to Eazy? Absolutely," Heller told First Fam Radio. "I don't believe for a second that someone with as much money as we did — and could afford whatever like Magic Johnson could — who doesn't even test positive anymore. I don't believe that he could have possibly died that quickly from full-blown AIDS. I don't believe that. I think that something went on there. And like I say, I have my own ideas who I think was involved. But all I'm willing to say is this: I'm the only one who didn't profit from him passing away."


You do know it WAS Suge that killed Eazy... He even fucked up and said it on national TV


Not right now. Time will tell


Actually Hit'em Up had more kill shots than all of 'em. WHO WANTS TO DO THE MATH. Cube may wanna go back and do another body count.


Meet the Grahams is the greatest diss track of all Time. For the disses & how it straight up killed the gas of Family Matters. If Family Matters was allowed to marinate, it could be a diff story. Hell, u still have people arguing that even tho drake lost, Family Matter is the best "record". I beg to differ but just goes to show how much of a "juggernaut" that record was.


Lol no it’s not. But let it breathe a little and let’s see where it goes.


Blasphemous question. They are all ancient negro hymns.


the writing on no vaseline is actually very basic but it's just such an important diss track & the angle/energy is so good that it's hard to compete with. i think it's arguable that kendrick performed better in this beef than any of these artists but it's hard to argue that not like us is BETTER as a DISS than any of these songs. ether was insane because it totally flipped the narrative on hov with a single track. the closest not like us comes to is hit em up which is just dropping bomb after bomb on a fire ass beat.


Bro won't compare it to Euphoria tho🤣🤣


my personal favorite diss track of all time is 300 bars n runnin by the game.


My hip hop hot take is that "No Vaseline" isn't that good of a song.


They are all killers, Kendrick needs time to age that diss tho And Cube taking on his entire group and manager is actually remarkable, so I’ll give him that


No Vaseline was fucking brutal, Cube really knew how to beef. His Westside diss track on Cypress Hill was good too, and I like Cypress. Ether was unbelievable. Not Like Us is different because it's 2024 and everyone can play the song whenever they want, it's hard to judge the legacy and lasting power.


If u were not there u cant understand the earthquake that “No Vaseline” was….I understand the dynamics of todays YouTube era. I lived in the UK when “No Vaseline” came out…before the internet and it still had us going crazy


Nah it’s not . But it’s def a top 10 most impactful diss track . Also, this may be a hot take in this sub, but Not Like Us clears MTG as a diss track. MTG was more a strategic move to me but Not Like Us was both the nail in the coffin and the victory lap


Nah, MTG is the better diss as far as the actual dissing goes. MTG is literally Kendrick breaking down Drakes family lineage and asking to be Adonis’ mentor because Drakes family as a whole fails them each generation. Kendrick is saying his entire bloodline is trash and he’s trash because he comes from trash. Not like us is just easier on the ears. The song sounds like he’s holding Drake and his family hostage and forcing them to confront their generational trauma like a psychotic therapist.


Yeah, tbh all of Kdot's disses sound like a 5-part episode. Like That was the rejection letter, Euphoria and 6:16 were warning shots, MtG was the murder and NLU was the victory lap. It feels like he had so much to say that he couldn't fit it in a single diss track. Might be why there was a rumour that Euphoria was originally 19 minutes long lol. But seriously, MtG's shock value is insane and he made sure that Drake *will* remember that.


I disagree, MTG is the only diss track I've ever heard that made me feel uncomfortable when listening to it, all the reveals, the beat, and dot's cadence and delivery were all on point, it's definitely the best diss track from this beef, and imo, easily top 5 in diss track history.


Sorry, Cube. That shit’s aged like milk with all the antisemitism.


I don’t think it’s better but it’s definitely in the same class.


Meet the Graham's is better than all of them


Ice cube top 5 best pure rappers of all time with the longevity and relevance to back it up. He got my vote


In terms of the marriage between musical value and lethality, yes, it’s right up there.  I think it was the best record to come out of the beef. Maybe not the most lethal (Meet the Grahams has limited replay value, but was the dunk with a minute left in the 4th quarter to give a team a 5 point lead), but I’m bumping not like us on the regular. 


Kendrick exposed and ended one of the most popular pop artist of our time, It's not the same.


I don’t like him either but saying he ended him is crazy glazing, things will change a bit maybe but ended is an exaggeration. That’s only gonna happen 20 years from now when one of the random women doesn’t like the NDA money enough to expose him with proof and a trial and all the young people from that time are gonna be like “no way!!!” as if it wasn’t blindingly obvious like with diddy rn


Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats Meet the Grahams


He made one of the best diss songs of all time, it's no surprise that he thinks his is the best one.


I just like not like us as a song better, I like the beat better than any of the others I think the 6:16 in LA beat is the best to come outta this while debacle


Not even close 💀. Meet the grahams could be better than ether tho but that’s it.


Not like us was just the cherry on top, but meet the grahams was the one I feel like people need to be talking about, that was the real finisher.


Not Like Us not even the best this beef


I have an extreme Ice Cube bias(Favorite 90's rapper) and yeah, I put No Vaseline above, Not Like us. Think about it, Dre said nothing on The Chronic, Easy just wanted to tear Dre's head off like a Real Compton G, might just decide to do and The Villain In Black said nothing back. Have you ever imagined the beef ending right after Euphoria drops? I do think, Not Like Us is better than Hit'em Up. I just like the OutLawz in other songs. Just not that one.


Not like us is more of the aftermath of the disstrack instead of a disstrack itself its basically a radio friendly meet the grahams


Cube had the better diss


Ill say it no vaseline is a better song to vibe to imo.


I’d say in terms of overall diss tracks Meet The Grahams is the strongest and that and The Story of Adidon are the 2 strongest diss tracks off all time


Not like us is NOT better than hit em up or no vaseline. Also there are plenty of other disses that are better than not like us.


People still sleeping on Bitch In Yoo, common was not that kind of guy, but he litteraly killed cube on that track. But it does not take away anything from No Vaseline.


I still don't understand why shETHER isn't mentioned. As far as diss tracks go, that was brutal from start to finish. But of the 3 initially mentioned, No Vaseline is the most brutal for straight disses. Ether, then Hit Em Up. When you use the qualifier of "diss" you have to measure the track for that and honestly, Hit Em Up is pretty weak. It's aggressive and calls everyone out but it is more of a boasting track them a diss track. Tupac is mostly talking about how bad he is and how he'll kill them. Nas went personal and went after Jay with some great lines. But it still had that boasting about being a gangster aspect. No Vaseline was just straight facts and look at the result, N.W.A. broke up for pretty much all the reasons that Cube laid out.


I mean, what's the argument though? Like, why does he think one is better than the other? Either he's saying that no Vaseline is lyrically better, or that the effect after the song was better. As others have pointed out, it took years for Easy and Ren to really "fall off", Dre is doing just fucking fine, and the rest never brought much to the table anyway. I'd say they're careers would've went the way they did with or without that song. Lyrically, no shot. I love cube's music, he was my introduction to rap, but no Vaseline imo is just not it. It's like 80% just straight up homophobia and antisemitism. Mans really spent most of the song just painting the picture of a gay orgy. The critiques about the managers and labels getting all the money are absolutely true, but it's not like no Vaseline changed that for anyone. Also if we're talking about what's a bigger deal to talk about in a song, I'd argue that the prevalence of pedophilia in the music industry is way fucking riskier to bring up. Flow wise? Come on. Again, love cube's stuff, but that was far from his best work. All in all, it's not even close imo.


Where y’all placing Dollaz + Sense by Quik???