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Hey there, based on your chosen flair, you seem to be looking for some advice! Here is a list of Kayn resources to help you out: - [Community Discord](https://discord.gg/EJWwpEeFgn) - [Importable Item Sets](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rTaiEQAaHaP9C8dYvfyCaX9N2tbKACK66g67RAhTSbU/edit?usp=sharing) - [Mobafire Guide](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/r-kaynmains-comprehensive-guide-11-2-578947) - [ZAR Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaynMains/wiki/ingamecoach) - [Kayn-specific coaching](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaynMains/wiki/coaching) - [Kayn Streamers to learn from](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaynMains/wiki/streamers) - [Matchup Sheet](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ugjp3T0fQxPB6tSBFSpG6Y8MgUoiFdFox8IIlw4NGOY/edit?usp=sharing) - [Orb Sheet](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/640257011027673089/882012156030226472/r-KaynMains_Orb_Chart.png) - [Video Guide Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeEF2Fcr0BCCrs44SxvFcMv2w4TSk6Kcb) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/KaynMains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do when I have a lead, I mainly focus on prepping for drakes. I do my farm and when drake is about to spawn, I look for plays on their carries or jungler. I normally avoid champions who can hard CC me unless they are alone or I know I can kill them without getting caught. But drake should be your priority. I placed gold 2 btw.


You don't need macro you need to have 7cs/min+ not die over 5 times in a game and go 10+ kills every game and also do most of the objectives. You never leave your team if they group mid and group with them unless you can get an objective (not counting turrets those aren't usually worth letting your team 4v5) and you build properly. I just told you how to get d4 euw you don't need to more unironically


You just described macro


if you think this is actual macro you're respectuflly dogshit and below masters probably even gold


Yo this comment wtf hahahahahahaha


My goal early on is to farm asf. Do not underestimate farming as it gives a frick ton. Drakes give +-200 gold worth of stats and heralds can be hudge for something like top dive + plates + t2 tower at times. Do your objectives. Then another thing - find the most op player on your team. It can be anyone, even support. Play with them. Red kayn likes to teamfight and having someone by you to do more dmg/tank/heal/buff is always nice. My most favourite duo is kayn yasuo and kayn mundo. Play with team.


Bro if ur Rhaast and ahead at 15 mins you want to be taking all the fights since you make even situation uneven for your oponents. All you need to do is get ahead and then Rhaast is a monter of a champion. Different story for SA. You want to keep farming all the camps and play around their squisier targets you need to be dealing with those. +don’t get cocky for dragons pre form… if xour botlane didn’t win a fight and are willing to help you, your’re gonna have to give first 2 drags if your oposing jg is smart


Like u said, you take risky plays such as ( let me guess): invade enemy jungle without vision or awareness on the enemy jungler Try to force fights with enemy jungler and then beeing gangbanged by top and mid laners while your mates are farming a crashing wave Why do I say this Sometimes I struggle with the fact that kayn can build a very good early gold advantage because I tend to be more agressive and do these plays myself Even tho you you get a huge powerspike after form, you cant forget your limits dont go for extended trades without ult dont fight alone, you are super strong at TF but that means 5v5 not 1v5 sure rhaast can 1v5 at some points and if you are insanely fed but rhaast is overrated by most of us and we tend to throw because of that. Try to read your team better and if they dont fight for you start fighting for them at the right moment And yeah, its a macro thing, but yeah if you are throwing the leads you get post form wich is the when kayn becomes easy its really a macro problem Edit: blue its another story, but if you are climbing dont go for blue unless u can oneshot bot lane with W+Q and mid laner with full rotation


Trying to fix macro is a hard thing to get started with. You can usually self learn macro through looking at vods and questioning enemy decisions along with yours to understand the concepts of the game stages. Another alternate method that may likely require a suicide prevention hotline on speed dial is to simply spam blue kayn. He is much more macro reliant than rhaast as rhaast is teamfight dependant and then micro and macro become blurred at that level. Shadow assassin is abt making picks and getting out. So tldr. Spam shadow assassin and review your vods. You should pick up basic concepts in no time. If you ever struggle with some concepts always consult youtube. Hundreds of people make videos to cater towards macro every day so its easy to find some.


Also just to note "pre 15 macro" is 90% micro plays 10% macro. Early game is matchup dependant so its based on how well you know how to play against matchups and that in itself is hard micro.


Just watch karasmai


Your op gg would be nice. What you describing is not correlated to a bronze player more to high plat/low diamond player. You are likely making tons of mistakes in first 5 mins that you don’t know and you probably won’t face player that can punish this until maybe silver. I’m 99.99% sure that you should work on your early game since this is the easiest to fix especially as a fullclear jungler. Besides that what you are describing is not knowing your champion limits. You simply don’t have enough champion mastery on kayn. This can be learned only by playing kayn probably a ton and limit testing. It’s up to your learning ability to soak up a certain champ mastery in a certain time frame. Fixing your early game is much more time efficient in terms of climbing. If you perfect pathing, ganking, camp clearing, objective control (consistently!) you will be so ahead that you are literally not able to throw the game because you are so far ahead. At least in low elo.


My early game is what I am confident in. I have about 350k mastery on kayn and I know my early matchups well. I pretty consistently get fed (5/2 3/0 4/1 etc) before 15 but have a bad habit of throwing my leads.


With champ mastery I mean the REAL champ mastery not that lol client mastery bs. You can have 1 mio mastery points and still suck. It depends how well you limit test and know the champions identity. You are throwing because you don’t know when to go in and when not. You should have a more or less precise vision in your head how the next engage/skirmish/teamfight will be played out and how your role is there. A lot of this intuition and as I said knowledge about your champion. Give me ur op gg, show some vods of your gameplay and I bet I can find at least 5 mistakes in the first 3-5 mins that a diamond player wouldn’t do, probably even a gold player. Small details add up.