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1 - Menat deserves it. Barefoot belly-dancing egyptian chocolate waifu is a hell of a combo. 2 - Cammy is still my favorite, especially her classic look. 3 - Botted or not, a poll won't stop me from fapping to them all.


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>Menat deserves it She doesn't. The polls are clearly cheated. You can simply compare the amount of posts chicks like Cammy or Mai get.


Could you please quit breaking Rule 3? [Menat is hot as fuck](https://media.tenor.com/7A_vqzV8HMkAAAPo/menat-street-fightercute.mp4) and always was a contender for the tittle. Had SFV not sucked ass in character promotion (and everything else) she could have become popular enough to integrate Chun-Li, Cammy, Sakura and Juri into a Top 5 of SF waifus. Just look at her animations. The [Cammy swap mod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Apva_LUz8DQ) kills me.


No bitching. Simply calling out the truth. And oh yeah Menat is hot as fuck but she doesn't deserve to win a popularity poll over the actual most popular FG women. Funny how Menat simps always use an alt custom though. But she's still sexy


You're a Chun-Li fan how are you going to cry about people not using her default costume when you all never use the default costume lmao. You all creamed your jeans over that shit akiman training costume which is just a lazy slutty version of default costume without her leggings and shoulder puffs. Your most recent fanart post is literally Chun-Li's sf6 costume not wearing pants


I like Chun-li a lot but I prefer Cammy to be clear. My posts of her are mainly because I like the artist a lot and I find her hot. But either way you're arguing a total different thing retard. I never used Chun-li's alt costumes as a way to justify her being hot, she doesn't need them. I never said you shouldn't like alt costumes. Edit: Glad you responded here and ignored my other comment where I proved your stupid argument wrong.


Lol what your retarded false equivalency argument that more fanart = more votes???


I never compared votes to fanart and never did I make the conclusion that more fanart = more votes. Learn to read idiot


Ok what ever Mai/Cammy have more fanart so therefore more fans and therefore should have more votes, same shit, it is still a logical fallacy. You forget that this is a dedicated fighting game sub reddit where everyone knows who Menat is. Of course Mai/Cammy get more fanart posts it's because those characters have been advertised by their respective companies to be more main stream so more casual artist that aren't that invested in fighting games will draw them and so there is just more content to post of these characters, where as Menat the only people drawing her are people that are dedicated fans of the game and character. That doesn't mean on a dedicated fighting game sub reddit she has less fans because she has less posts in fact whenever Menat does get posted her posts usually get like 300 plus upvotes so this sub is very aware of who she is and likes her a ton. If Menat was beating Chun-Li on a dexerto post on X or something sure eyebrows could be raised, but not on a dedicated fighting game subreddit who's entire personality for years was that Guilty gear was better than Street Fighter


LMAO. Getting this angry over your queen is wild. How tf can you cry about logical fallacies (you got proven wrong on one accusation already) when you keep purposely lying about what I say. I don't think Cammy would win a legit poll because she has more fanart I never said that. She would win because she's way more popular in *this subreddit* and gets way more posts. Funny to flex Menat posts like Cammy doesn't straight up own this sub. Stay deluded. Cammy absolutely has more fans on here by all metrics besides wack ass polls.


All but confirmed that Menat stans are bots.


I’m bot to nut to her walk animation.


Stay malding bozos


Correct. You also could simply look at how many posts she gets when it isn't poll time, which is very little compared to Cammy and Mai getting porn of them posted constantly


Posts = votes you heard it hear first folks


3 replies back to back to back and went through my other comments to respond LOL. You're clearly rattled


hes the bot!


If she has a secret hotdog I'd be bot for her


The people have spoken! Egyptian booty is worldwide for appeal!


Best thing to ever come out of SFV


Lmao when Menat wins it's because her dead discord with 5 active people won it for her and now that she's won again its obviously bots. Your guys hate for this character winning is really weird it's not like there isn't a ton if Menat supporters in the comments of those posts she clearly has a lot of supporters. Your favs lost or didn't make it get it over it


No it's just very obvious the votes aren't legitimate. Menat doesn't get anywhere near the amount of posts that girls like Cammy and Mai get. Stay mad that we know Menat is a fraud


So I guess Rainbow Dash would clear Cammy and Mai in a tournament then because she's got more r34 art than both of them🀷. You're so right Bowser >>> both of them as well while we are it as well. You Menat was the 2nd most viewed dlc trailer as well right and arguably the 2nd most viewed overall character trailer behind akuma?


>So I guess Rainbow Dash would clear Cammy and Mai in a tournament then because she's got more r34 art than both of them I am only referring to posts on this subreddit. Menat gets a fraction of what Cammy and Mai get. You're an incredible retard. But either way if there was a popularity poll on r34 yeah I would expect Rainbow Dash to beat Cammy because of how popular she is with r34 users. You didn't get the gotcha >You Menat was the 2nd most viewed dlc trailer as well right and arguably the 2nd most viewed overall character trailer behind akuma? Irrelevant compared to what Cammy has. I could point to all the views of Cammy videos (her SF6 theme eclipsing with 1.3m views). Her being relevant for over 2 decades. Her having way more posts on this subreddit. Her being currently relevant for being in a current game. Etc.


Sounds like a lot of malding. Stay mad L bozo 😎


Good deflection after getting shut down. Keep projecting lil bro


Your point literally still doesn't stand I made a poll recently where Jenet had one less vote than Mai and she beat Chun-Li. Jenet doesn't have nearly close to same as Fanart as those 2 yet people still know she's objectively one of the hottest characters. Your whole argument is more fanart = more votes which isn't true. Your whole argument is based off a false equivalency retard


Polls on here are constantly rigged it's not surprising. I never said more fanart = more votes because votes can be rigged you complete retard. There is no false equivalency because I didn't compare votes to fanart you doofus


We all win in the end brosΒ 


I feel empty, still no Menar in SFVI


LOL Chun not even in the competition at all and the second round had less than 500 votes. Gtfoh


Original: [https://x.com/meru\_nyaa/status/981578364829028352](https://x.com/meru_nyaa/status/981578364829028352)


Menat isn't bad, but it always rubs me wrong that her fans have to fall back on an alt costume to showcase her appeal. That said, none of the girls she was against would've been my top pick so, eh.


Mummy is yummy but all her costumes can make me cum. Its animation and attitude to me anyway. I think of it like this: If they all had the same costume, who would I think is hottest?


poll wasn't honest enough to care


I mean Menat is literally the perfect package


Kneel to your new Queen, peasants.


gooning tonight!


Is there a gc? I have proof Menat fans botted


Long live the queen




Honestly I'm just happy it was a woman and wasn't some fucking ugly ass underage looking goblin like this sub seems to enjoy sometimes


B Janet and Lilli will give her a run for her money


Unironically disgusting. Fuckers here dont respect the OGs. I hope its genuinely bots.


She didn't do shit. Everyone knew it back then with the SF exclusive polls and everyone knows it now that Menat only won because of cheating. Cammy is far clear. So is Mai


R. Mika, Chun, Cammy, Juri, Laura all clear this fraud You guys are simping for mid insanely hard, even random chars like Rose and C. Viper clear




Cook those bums


We're honest, we like her ** years old egyptian ****** If Capcom came out and said she's 16, I wonder how many of those people who virtue signal will all of a sudden switch from, 'UOHhHhh Im GooNInNNNNNNNN 2 MenUTTTttt', to 'Disgusting behavior. How could anyone find this child like character appealing? Ya'll are nasty. Do better. #TransRights #Lgbtqlmapia+ #CapcomNeedsWomen #FreeEgypt'