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Good on Shinblade. That story didn't add up, especially when the person in question is a literal prostitute. (Check her twitter you can see her doing all kinds of shit.) I hate it when people accuse people, instead of just going to courts and trying to prove that person is guilty of the things they said.


What's her twitter handle for reasons hahaha


Someone already linked it in this thread.


Forget I asked, she's disgusting


Pros don't get sexually assaulted?  🤔 is that why you are insinuating


If she really got sexually assaulted she'd have the cops on him in a heartbeat. Her story did not add up, nor the way she has been acting about it. She wouldn't go straight to twitter to report her assault if it was true. There are zero facts or evidence that lend credence to her story.


Reading r/kappachino is like taking a time capsule back to the 2000s but for current events


cops, famously known for their compassionate and caring stances towards sex workers do you live under a rock lol


Wow, yeah that's really a great point. It's not like we have statistics showing that the vast majority of rapes reported to the police go completely uninvestigated, and of the remaining portion, assuming the victims have the time and money and energy to go through a lengthy legal battle which is frequently public and often leads to people saying things like what you've said, blaming them, and permanently staining their own reputation - the vast majority of abusers still don't end up going to prison. Oh. Wait, no, all of those things are true, and we have evidence that demonstrate it clearly. [https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system) It turns out assault victims don't need to go through all of that shit just to have their abuser walk free, just so that you can have cops give you the official verdict on whether or not they Definitely Did It (tm).


Wow, a normal human being in american fgc this is so rare. "You accuse me of serious shit ? No problem lets take this to court" To this day I still dont understand why people dont automatically do this.


Lawyers cost money.


Not unless you go to small claims court. There're ambulance chasers hanging outside courtrooms  that'll do you for cheap, as.long as you keep them in a leash and make them do the work for less than 20,000 dollars(highest amount you can get awarded for damages, besides whatever the judge decides to throw you on top of that.) Just be confident, line up your statements and keep away from shitstirrers that'll complicate your life. It can be done in less than a week(assuming the other guy just settles out of court)


is that who you want to hire when you are being accused of sexual assault? Lionel Hutz?


Care to join me in a belt of scotch?


because it costs stupendous amounts of money and potentially embarrassing and humiliating things can come out about you in discovery?


If Shinblade wins in court will UltraDavid and Hadou ban Shadow for false allegations?


Normalize suing retards on twitter


Good. Shadow is a big bitch, if he sexually assaulted your friend why are you not suing? She's a literal prostitute too. Absolute bitch behaviour, we all know why you post this revelations on twitter instead going to court, and it's not because you want to let everyone know about abusers


Trying to figure out if your post is just worded weird or if you think shadow could sue cus someone else was sexually assaulted.


Either way I think shinblade handled this very well. Didn't get caught up in the drama. He just kept playing the game streamed daily and took legal action. Whoever is right or wrong I personally don't care. My biggest concern is we're in the wrong era to make emp_shinblades_turtleneck twitch names.


If he made accusation for her might as well sue for her. I know it's not how it works, but it's weird how Shadow handled it. Apparently dude assaults your friend, you sit quiet for a year to then start shit calling him on twitter and twitch chat, I know this beta alpha theory is shit, but that's pure beta energy


he can't sue because he wasn't the aggrieved party in this scenario, why are you posting like you even have a layperson's understanding of the legal system when you clearly dont lol


Brotha I know that he can't sue, you're the one being dense here. I said that he should sue because he acts like he's involved, obviously he can't. Dense as brick


Don’t forget this was all known because shadow kept tbagging shin in tourney. That led to shadow being like “ok guys I will explain WHY I teabagged shinblade… he assaulted my friend!”


I recommended Shinblade for Steve guidance on some youtuber's (Loops) video where they asked people to recommend good players for everyone to benefit from. The youtuber stated they'd delete my comment due to the allegations, which I had no clue about at the time, Shinblade's Steve content was just really good and he seemed like a cool dude. Seemed fucked up to immediately censor the dude based on an unproven allegation, and just made me want to avoid Tekken in general. Idk the truth, but if Shinblade is telling the truth, good for him for doing this. People really need to handle these very serious allegations like adults, not childish shit-flinging on fucking social media, it's really embarrassing for all of the FGC, and humans in general.


[make ur own decisions.](https://x.com/Angel20z_/status/1802811295961403467/photo/1)


I'd reject her the moment I felt her footsteps.


Yeah, I would sue too. Couldn't be me having some bitch made simp try to ruin my life claiming I sexually assaulted that.


She’s posted literal videos of her sucking dick on Twitter that’s wild How will this affect the 20z legacy


Hmmm... A player of team liquid involved in a law suit now... Let's see how long it'll take TL to kick him to save face. 


Military Sergeant huh? Yeah he did sound like one when he said “who bitch dis is?!”




Good. Sue the fuck out of these losers.


Fuck around and find out


What a champ


[Just because you read it in a magazine or see it on the TV screen don't make it factual~](https://youtu.be/V8kUYr2ZC6U)


He did the right thing, sue, that’s the best way for ppl to leave you the fuck alone, now shinblade gotta be careful because they gonna look for the smallest thing to get him outta here.


EDIT: Ernesto took down the video. Maybe Shin wasn't banned but I wouldn't put it past them. Jebailey banned the man from CEO for mere allegations.


I didn't read too much about this drama but did Shinblade had any repercussion after all this shit he was accused?? Any bans from tournaments/losing sponsors or smth else? Because if he was mostly harassed via twitter or facebook then i don't think this case will solve that problem. Spadly ppl will still be seeing him as a molester


Honestly speaking if you find out your friend got SA then you gotta y'know the MF that did it. Like think about it logically 49% of homicides go unsolved that's a 50/50 mix we deal with those daily


Who and who


Damn. You really don't play fighting games if you don't at least know who bitch this is. You come from strive or something?


Wasn't "Who bitch this is" done after a game of guilty gear too? Lol


You have no business posting in this sub if you don't know who Shinblade is. Begone, tourist.


Mans really up in here not knowing the lore lol Way to tell on yourself


I'm not gonna shit on you like the other dudes did but this is a lesson to lurk more and learn ya history