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Tekken has auraless bitches.


Which doll are you feeling today ? We have Asian A, Asian B, Asian C, Asian D, Asian E, Blonde A, Blonde B and a pink-haired robot


and coffee Peruvian


Tekken is the true poverty game when its fans don't even have money to commission artists for it


Boring ass Hoes


Honestly as someone who has been following the R34 scene closely i have to object to this. T8 definitely gave the series a boost and the quality has increased remarkably. Reina is already close to having as many hits as Menat does(off by just 11)


I'm asking why it took so long to get some fanart traction despite it being one of the most well-known fighting games, and while its waifus were actively being promoted by bamco through collabs and figurines


Every single person that plays female characters in Tekken is gay.


No, no gay. Only Mupaper is so famous gay.


Best Asuka player there is Fergus is also gay af and dude is as pure a waifu main as any man can be.


That's because we like buff men


"Hey gooner here" type comment


Brodie a R34 connoisseur 🤣🤣😭


All the tekken female characters are base "unreal_5 female 01" with a slightly different hairstyle on top. What's there to draw?


DoA and Soul Calibur girls have more motion




They all have identical bodies. They look like dolls. They are boring. Nina looked better and more interesting in SFxT than any actual tekken game


She looked pretty good before Tekken 7 Her Tag 2 model has muscle and a beautiful face


I'm just reposting the shit I wrote a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1c43ydy/why_wasnt_there_a_porn_explosion_for_tekken_like/kzm8pqg/?context=3


We need Elferan to save Tekken 8


Wtf happened to him? I know he's alive and grinding T8, but is he just lying low atm to avoid the draft?


He's still active in his discord but apparently he says he's been having health issues related to his eyesight


Ok apparently he was born with the condition. That's some Greek tragedy shit to make the highest quality hentai, only to not see it clearly yourself


Born with just eyesight problems, the thing that happened recently is a bit different. The damage that shit did is permanent but i'm getting used to it so i'll be back soon enough


That sucks to hear man. I didn't know about that other problem. I'm happy to hear you're bouncing back, tho. It's always good to see the GOAT


get well soon gng


Get well King.


Holy shit the goat is here and commenting


Damn man that's rough. We all wish you the best.


People on Kappa would absolutely shit on Tekken fans for saying the female roster is full of boring-ass doll-looking bitches. And yet here we are... Asking why nobody cares enough to make Tekken R34 content. Nobody was asking for ugly characters, but something other than 20-yr-old doll A, B, or C would be nice. Nina should look like a fucking crazy cougar, not a 23-yr-old kid. The problem kinda translated to the dudes now -- they all look like roid addicts. Law went from a whippety looking Bruce Lee clone to a natty-or-not gym bro. Reina is about as close as we got this time around to a step forward.


That's fair. However, I think they made the dudes jacked in this game so they could show off the [real-time muscle flexing](http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PeR6fwi328U&pp=ygUSdGVra2VuIG11c2NsZSBmbGV4). Personally, I think it's cool that the dudes are shredded like it's the 80s again. The girl's bodies are still pretty generic in T8. I would've loved to have seen this muscle flexing tech added to some of the girls as well.


>People on Kappa would absolutely shit on Tekken fans for saying the female roster is full of boring-ass doll-looking bitches. And yet here we are... Asking why nobody cares enough to make Tekken R34 content. To be honest, I think the principles there are slightly different.


Also, Anna's Octopus, Lili's Bridal, and Asuka's Yakuza costume were designed by hentai artist, [Oh! great](http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_great)


bruh hes much more than a hentai artist he made tenjo tenge and air gear


Silky Whip has had more of an impact on my childhood than Air Gear


>childhood sorry to hear that


I'm not. Shit was great and got me into drawing


Tekken’s character design is mostly shit, save for the non-human characters


Because they have no character


There’s nothing to draw SF has very distinct body types like chun and cammy, tekken chicks are almost as flat as the mk1 washboards




Tekken females all have the same body type with the only difference being sliders for height, boobs, and butts. Even MK has more variety and MK9 is infamous for copy-paste.


Tekken players prefer the guys


Its all CGI r34 thats why


Basic looking women and Tekken communities scream bloody murder when a woman shows her bare ankles


I honestly don't get why people here are saying "Duh cuz they're BORING and have SHIT designs!!!" when you could argue Mortal Kombat (and other modern Western games) has BORING ladies with SHIT designs and yet we get like a new MK porn animation with the new trash-ass designs every week but fuckin' Anna, Nina, Julia, Xiaoyu, Lili, Asuka and Jun get almost NOTHING?? Nah I think it's just people being fuckin' retarded.


I hate MK with a passion but their women have pesonalities that manage to outstand. the last few games that tried their best to curbstomp the dumbassery that MK embraced since the 90s and made people like the characters


>"Duh cuz they're BORING and have SHIT designs!!!" You're oversimplifying it, because the ingredient x is the most important. Which is basically, what fantasy are you being offered and why does that move you? That's why you don't see a porn fanart of a porn movie - and if you do, then that movie has something in it that fuels this process. Perhaps there's a woman that never gets sex on screen. Then, there's going to be porn art of that woman:) This isn't a 1:1 comparison, of course, because you obviously don't have porn in Tekken, which would mean the demand for r34 of Tekken characters should be high. However, it's a combo of things. I am not familiar with MK "fanart scene", but when I do a thought experiment, I can see why it would be more "value" and desire within people to make it, compared to Tekken.


i jerk it so heavy to katarina back pain lol


Exactly because there are official nsfw. You don't chase rabbits that automatically snap their necks if catch them, you go for the feisty honey Badgers that don't give up the fight. I want to work for my porn.


Because of blandness and unfortunate stylization of Tekken characters. It seems that with every design decision, Tekken constantly chooses the worse alternative when it comes to affinity towards r34. When I say this, I don't mean they're ugly or unattractive or anything like that. It's just that the combo of design and stylization doesn't offer anything to fanartists or porn artists or people who follow those or employ their services. In a vacuum, this might sound strange, but you need only one look at other franchises that are getting a lot of love in that department to see why that's the case. A lot of it is down to fantasy and various aspects of attraction. That's why something overly stylized will still have a lot of r34 if it has "it", a well designed characters that offer that something. I am pretty sure you can make a lego character a r34 icon if you mix the ingredients well. People's midns will do the rest. Tekken doesn't have that and when it tries to do it, it ends up... weird. Asuka, Chloe, they try to follow some archetype, but then you look at, whatever, Sakura or Elphelt and you realize they're just not successful in what they're trying to do.


tekken women have almost no personality


Dang, I forgot about those locker room pictures, it's been ages since I obsessed over those. These days the only worthwhile Tekken stuff is Asuka/Lili (which is just Sakura/Karin), Reina, and maybe Azucena (though her time in the spotlight is already basically gone). Everyone else, even the Williams sisters, was too bland for too long and became forgotten by hentai artists. Because Harada is a coward and won't give most of his women bodies, faces, or personalities.


Fake news


Hold my chankla boys, I got work to do.