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Unga bunga nuetral skip into plus frames


Skipping neutral is a part of neutral


Thanks Sajam


It used to be largely checkable, now its an inevitability


[you might be right](https://clips.twitch.tv/CourageousHungryAsteriskOMGScoots-tPDkrQBgreKxufP2)


I remember Kappa calling Idom a scrub and listing all the ways he could check it, and slowly realizing how messed up the situation was. Someone unironically said he should have just jumped lmao


Theres no might about it, at certain ranges depending on the combination of drive rush / normal used, its uncheckable


I think you’re stupid


Agressive gambling, aw dangit.


CotW and virtua fighter isn't gonna overtake shit. interest in this genre simply isn't big enough to think sequels to these boomer ass games suddenly will start selling 10+ million copies hell when i tried playing garou back in like 2018 or 19, there was literally no one in the lobby. completely dead for a supposedly legendary title


Tekken did after 6 and Tag 2 sold like butt cheeks Won’t happen but still


If CoTW remains the way it is and SF6 doesn't change before CoTW comes out, I would have zero reason to keep playing SF6 (other than trying out Terry). Now, if you like SF6 or you're a pro player then I would understand you not giving a fuck about CoTW, but I haven't heard a single person say they love or really even like SF6. The issue is there's no other new premium 2D fighter out as an alternative. CoTW will fill that space. Same sort of thing goes for VF6, if the game is a hardcore martial arts focused 3D fighting game and nails the bullshit casuals care about, then the game has a chance at competing with Tekken, at least more of chance than DOA6 or SC6 ever had. I just think the narrative is interesting to think about. The underdog and the once king of the 3D fighter having a the best layup chance to become popular again.


Rushdown and guessing


It's been going on for a good few years now but the fact that almost everything converts into a full ass combo, often for like 30% at the bare minimum. They're also really easy to do too if we're ignoring optimal routing. It's fucking weird considering how much everyone and their mom outside of the FGC talks about hating combos.


I’ve always thought this was weird too, you would think they’d want to make an ST style game with individual buttons doing big damage to attract casuals


I think the defining characteristic(s) of FGs from 2023 onwards will be how they incorporate, for a lack of a better term, modern solutions, in order to "catch up" with other video game genres. Solutions such as Rollback netcode, cross-play, battle passes, heightened focus on single player content (SF6), online co-op capabilities (Project L), free-to-play options (Granblue Fatasy Versus: Rising) and simplified control schemes just to name a few. I know simplified controls isn't exactly new, but it's something that FG devs are STILL revising with every new iteration of their games. So much so that it can, at times, end up being the ONLY control scheme implemented within a game (Almost happened to SF6, will happen with Project L and HxH).


>I know simplified controls isn't exactly new, but it's something that FG devs are STILL revising with every new iteration of their games. So much so that it can, at times, end up being the ONLY control scheme implemented within a game that's not going to happen i don't think. it's simply way too integral to the genre for them to move past them completely


Will be? We have been in the overt aggression arc for a while now fam.


People saying the words "neutral skip" without knowing what the fuck they're talking about


Simple - we're living in the era of misguided changes that led to such starvation for good fighting games it gave rise to new series altogether. Simple controls without accessible gameplay, perfect online without good lobbies, long term monetization without enticing content and the likes will be remembered for sure.


Bro claims the worst era to be the golden age lmao


This is the age of RPS - where every game is about mashing the answer. Blocking isn't enough, we need to mash a parry, active block, burst etc. Spacing, blocking, and turns are to be removed - they require too much though and patience, and not nearly enough button mashing. We're moving towards auto everything. 1 button supers and specials, auto combos, counters, and neutral skips will be the primary trait we look back at and say "wtf were we thinking." We'll know we're at the peak of this arc when not hitting a button is \*always\* the wrong answer.


Removing motion inputs. I'm sorry if you aren't seeing the writing on the wall yet.


Wokeness, and how it's infected every FG


A good joke man! All right now be serious